HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-03 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes/Notes for the meeting of June 3, 2020, 6:OOPM Via Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford, Chair Tim Van Leeuwen Deb Kalogris Pinder DaSilva Councillor Jones Also Present: June Gallagher, Deputy Clerk George Acorn, Director of Community Services Lee -Ann Reck, Client Services Manager Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator Regrets: Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Vice -Chair Marina Ross Sarah Taylor Absent: Sarah McConaghy Catherine McConaghy The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM. It was noted that, athough we did not have quorum present, the meeting would proceed in the form of notes instead of minutes. 2. Guest Presentation and Q&A 2.1. George Acorn, Director of Community Services, Lee -Ann Reck, Client Services Manager, Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator, regarding Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee and Diversity Initiatives George Acorn provided an update on Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee and diversity Initiatives. He explained that, over the past couple of months, the two Council representatives on the Diversity and Accessibility Committees, regarding a possible integration or partnership between the two Committees. Erica Mittag explained that her portfolio is diversity and inclusion. She noted that she has a short PowerPoint presentation regarding the history and background on Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee. Page 1 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Notes June 3, 2020 Ms. Mittag noted the following accomplishments to date: Recommendation on use of Land Acknowledgement Statement Community survey Development of Committee's workplan She provided details of the Committee's current work. Ms. Mittag added that the Municipality of Clarington recently became an Employer Partner of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). TO DO: Erica & June to provide Diversity survey results to the Accessibility Advisory Committee members. 2.2. Snow Clearing — South Courtice Arena — George to provide update George Acorn explained that it is not common practice to place the removed snow on the accessible parking spaces and that the had reminded staff of same. 3. Minutes The Committee agreed that the minutes of the March 4, 2020 Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting should be approved at the next full meeting of the Committee. 4. Business Arising out of Previous Minutes 4.1. Update on hiring process of Temporary Accessibility Coordinator June, Erica and George explained to the Committee that Erica will be taking over some of the Accessibility Coordinator duties during Jeannette's leave, including support of the Accessibility Committee, site plan review, accessibility training, and gathering of information for the Annual Report. They also explained that the Accessibility Coordinator will become part of the Community Services Department in January 2021 as part of the reorganization review recommendations. 4.2. Newcastle Arena Board — Replacing the Automatic Door Opener — Now installed 4.3. Wheelchair Accessible Parking Signs at Recreation Facilities — Now installed George Acorn noted that by having accessibility and Building Services in the same department it would improve communications between the Advisory Committee and the Hall Boards. 4.4. Think Ahead Program — Now Accessibility Website Updated with Information Page 2 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Notes June 3, 2020 5. Other Business 5.1. Request from Newcastle Resident for Additional Accessible Parking in Downtown Newcastle Although there was not quorum at this meeting, the Committee strongly recommends and supports the idea of one or more additional parking spots in downtown Newcastle. 5.2. Serving the Community — COVID-19 & Accessibility The question was asked of the Committee whether the Accessibility community is being well served by the Municipality of Clarington during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. There was a general discussion within the Committee members. TO DO: Pinder will share the national Disability Survey with the Members of Committee. In addition, June/Erica will ensure that the survey is distributed on social media. Tim raised the concern that persons with disabilities do not know where to go to get tested, in a safe and accessibile environment. He suggested that it would be good if this information was on Clarington's website (perhaps in a fully accessible facility or in a drive -by location), on social media, and as well through media/radio stories. George explained that he is exploring the possibility of having Garnet B. Rickard used as a testing facility in Clarington. TO DO: George will provide information to the Committee as more becomes available. Councillor Jones explained that anyone can get a test, even if they don't have symptoms. She explained that there is an online assessment form as a starting point to get an appointment, within hours, for the Oshawa or Ajax testing sites, which are fully accessible. 5.3. Consideration of Different Meeting Time for the AAC meetings June asked whether there was a possibility, even during these COVID-19 times, to move the start time of the meetings earlier. In general, the Committee members were amenable to an earlier time such as 5:00 PM. Page 3 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Notes June 3, 2020 5.4. Accessibility of Air Travel This item was presented for information and consideration of possible advocacy for increased accessibility of air travel. TO DO: Erica will bring this matter to the attention of the Durham Region Accessibility Coordinators to determine whether there is a consensus on a position with the Region. 5.5. Livestreaming and Video Archiving of Council and Committee Meetings, including Closed Captioning Available June Gallagher noted that livestreaming and video archiving of Council and Committee (General Government Committee and Planning and Development Committee) meetings is now available, which is helpful during the current COVID-19 emergency. 5.6. Volunteer for a Committee Member to take Minutes for Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings The question was asked on whether any Committee Member would be interested in being the secretary for the Committee and take minutes during the meeting. The members will consider this and Erica will reach out to the Members before the next meeting. 6. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM. Next meeting: TBD Page 4 of 4