HomeMy WebLinkAbout2265A By-law to amend the terms of an agreement enacted under the provisions of By-law 2230 regarding the authorization for the execution of an agreement with Donald W. Harvey. TOWN OF B06Vb~iANVILLE BY-LA6V N0. To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix e Corporate Seal to a certain between the Corpora on of the Town of Bowmanville and D~NA~~ t~~. ,~ne~ry THr', COUNCIL OF THc, CORPORATIOAi OF THs TO~idN CF BOuJP•4ANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOvBS; 1: That the P•4ayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and affix the Corpotrate Seal to a certain dated the ~JL~ day of /uW.,a.~/ A.-., lq`3 between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and READ a First and Second time this rli~ day of A. D., 196'x. // READ a Third time and Filially passed this lo~ day of ~~ a. D., 19~ ~. i", --- , CLERK .~,~ I ~n~ M. I~.,b~s . MaYOR M E M O R A N D U M O F A G R E E M E N T 3 Made in quadruplicate this 9th day of Nov. A.D.1963 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TO?~JN OF BOWI~4ANVILLE, THE CORPORATION OF THE TO'uPP1SHIP OF DARLINGTOPI and THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE, hereinafter called the "I.1UD?ICIPALITIES'T OF THE FIRST FART: and DONALD ?d. HARVEY, of the Town of Bo~,vmanville in the County of Durham, Ambulance Operator, hereinafter called the "OPERATOR" OF THE SECOND Pt~RT: IHEREAS the municipalities are desireous of main- taining ambulance services within their boundaries, APdD 4iHEREAS the Operator has Greed to provide such services in accordance with the terms and conditions herein~aft set out. NOW THEREFORE this agreement vaitnesseth that in consideration of the permises and the terms and conditions here- inafter set out, the Municipalities for themselve~a, their succes- sors and assigns and the Operator for himself, his successors, heirs and assigns, HEREBY MUTUALLY CO'dEI1A°dT AND AGREE one tivith the other as follows: 1. The Operator will establish and maintain one ambulance with qualified drivers and attendants in the To:~rn of Bowmanville to serve the residents of the runicipalities of the Town of Bowmanville, the Township of Darlington and the Villa. e of Newcastle. 2. The Operator undertakes to answer all calls for his service• from any person resident with the boundaries of the said ~ municipalities on a 24 hrur day and seven day week basis. 3., The municipalities shall pay to the Operator the sum of X3600.00 per year payable }p300.00 monthly on the first day of each month during the term of this agreement.. 4. The Operator shall make the follovring charges to the persons served or responsible for each call: (a) ~p10.00 per call within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville. -2- (b) X10.00 per call plus 50~ per mile one way travelled for all calls outside the Town of Bowmanville. (c) If the number of pickups amount to less than forty in any one month, the party of the first part agrees to reimburse the party of the second part to the extent of j~10.00 for each pick- up short of the forty per month. 5. The Operator will insure each of his vehicles and drivers for at least 5p200,000.00 public liability and prop- erty damage inclusive, inclusive of liability to persons trans- ported in the ambulances. 6. The term of the agreement shall commence on the 9th day of November, 1963 and continue for one year until the 9th day of November, 1964, after which time this agreement shall con- stitute a month to month contract which may be terminated by eith- er of the parties giving 3 months notice in irriting. 7. The Corporation of the To:m of Bovmzanville, the Township of Darlington and the ~~illage of ewcastle hereby coven- ant and agree that the said monthly charges shall be paid by the Town of Bowmanville on the basis of equalized assessment as fo1- loons Equalized Assessment Darlington Newcastle Bowmanville ~a6, 553.591 1,o37.1z7 7,594.712 Percent 43.15 6.~4 so.ol loo.~o and that the shares of the other municipalities shall b2 paid to the Town of Bowmanville annually. IDd ~']ITNESS 6JHEREOF the Corporation have affixed their seals attested by the hands of its duly authorized officers and the 'arty of the Second Part has hereunto set his hand and seal. -3- SIGPdED , SEALED AP1D DELIVERED in the presence of The Corporation of the Town of B owr~anv i ll e ~~{ __ Lti_x~v_ M__l~e~~~~--------- The Corporation of the Township of Dar ington ~ - /', ~ 4 ~~~ ----------------------------------- The Corporation of the Village of Newcasti.e { -- - ~; r .r t~ M~EMORA.NDUM OF At1AEEMENT made in quadruplioate this day oZ A.D.19G4~. ~ BETWEENt TB8 CORPORATION OF THE T06aN OF BOWN,6NVILLE~ THE CORPOR6TION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF il&ALINOTOR and THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTL&s hereinafter called the "MUNICIPALITIES" OF THE FIRST PARTt and OORAI,D Y. H~lRY3~ of the City of Owen Sound in the Gountg o rey, llmbulanoe Operator hereinafter galled the "OPERATOR" OF THE SECOND PARTS WHEREAS the Municipalities are desirous of maintaining ambulance services within their boundaries, AND WHEREAS the Operator has agreed to provide such services in aacordanae with the terms and conditions hereinafter set vut. ltOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the premises and the terms and conditions hereinafter set out, the Municipalities for themselves, their successors and assigns and the Operator Por himself, his successors, heirs and assigns, HEREBY MUTUALbY COVENANT AND At~RSE one with the other as followso 1. The Operator will establish and malntain one ambulance with qualified drivers and attendants in the Town of Bowmanville to serve the residents of the muniaipalitiea of the Town of Bowmanville, the Township of Darlington and the Village of 1¢ewcastle. 2. The Operator undertakes to answer all calls for his services from any person resident with the boundaries of the said thfse municipalities on a 24 hour day and seven day week basis. 3. The Municipalities shall pay to the Operator the sum of X3600.00 per year payable X300.00 monthly on the First day of each month during the term of this agreement. ~+. The Operator shaf'i.l make the following charges to the persons served or responsible for each galls (a} $10.00 per call within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville. (b) X10.00 ger aa11 plus 50¢ Per mile one way travelled for all awls outside the Town of Bowmanville. (e) If the number of pickups amount to less than forty in any one month, the party of the first part agrees to reimburse the party of the seoond part to the extent of X10.00 for each pickup short of the forty per month. -2,- . , , ¢, 5• The Operator will insure each of his o~ ®Tty damage drivers for at ieaat ~200~000.00 public liability and p P inclusive' inclusive of liability to persons transported in the ambulances. 6. The term of the agreement shall commence on the 9th day of November, 1963 end continue for one year until the 9th day of November 1964: after which time this agreement shaleithertof rhea month to month contraot which may be terminated by 'parties giving 3 months notice in writing. ~, The Corporations of the Town of gowmanvills~ the Township of Darlington and the Village of Newcastle hereby c~ nant~ agree that the raid X150.00 monthly charge shall be paid by of Bowmanville on the basis of equalised assessment as followsa k'vqualized ~sse,_ sment ercen parlington $ 6.553.591 x+3.15 ~•$~ Newcastle 1,037.127 gowmanville 7 ~ 594.712 -~ "~--- 100 and that the shares of the other municipalities shall be paid to the Town of Bowmanville annually. IN WIT~iE88 HEREOF the Corporation have affixed their seals attested by the hands of its duly suthori$ed officers and the Rarty oY the gecond Part has hereunto set his hand and seal. SIONSD, 8E ANI) DELIVF.RT~ in the presence of The Corporation of the Town of gowmanville ~i sa 11 TN~~.14ria1~~~yf.wr~r •Y~~w___ a ib!r Yw~~~'~ The Corporation of the Township of F7arlington. The Corporation of the Village of Newcastle.