HomeMy WebLinkAbout2273A by-law to license, regulate and govern Hawkers and Pedlars. .~ 2 - 7. Photographs 50.00 25.00 , 8. Electrical equipment and appliances 50.00 25.00 9. Christmas trees, other than those being sold by non- profit, charitable and welfare organizations 10.00 10.00 10. Clothing, n:-en's wBar and ladies' wear 50.00 25.00 11. Greeting cards and Calendars, oti;er than those being sold by non-profit charitable and welfare or!~;anizatiors 7.Ofl 5.00 12. Bagazines, books and similar goods 50.00 25.00 13. Goods not included under items 1-12 50.00 10.00 3. ~ license issued under this By-law shall be valid only from the date of its issue until December ~lst. of the year of issue. 4. ~pplica.tion for s. license under this By-law shall be made in writing to the Totimship 'treasurer or. the Porm of Application approved by the Toomship Council and the fee for license shall be paid to the Treasurer, 5. Id'o license shall be required for hawking, peddling or selling goods, wares or merchandise: (1) To wholesale or retail dealers in similar goods, wares or merchandise, or (11) if the goods, wares or merchandise are grown, produced or manufactured in Ontario and are hawked, peddled or sold by the grower, producer or manufacturer or his agent or employee having written authority to do so, in the PQunicipality in which the grower, producer or manufacturer resides, or, (111) if the goods, wares or merchandise are grown or produced by a farmer residing in Ontario who offers for sale or sells only the produce of his o~,~n farm, or, (1S) if the goods, wares or merchandise are hawked, peddled or sold by a person who pays business tax in the .iunicipality or by his employee or by his agent, or, (V) if the goods, wares or merchandise a.re i7awked, peddled or sold by an agent of the grower, _producer or manufacturer, acting on behalf of a dealer wYio pays business tax in the dunicipality in respect of premises used for the sale of such goods, wares or merchandise, or, (Ul) by persons who sell mild or cream or fluid. milk products to the consumer or to any person for re-sale. '~ - 3 - ., o. In a prosecution fir a breach of this By-law the onus of proving that he does not for any of the reasons mentioned in Paragraph 5 above require to be licensed shall be upon the person charged. 7. The Licensee shall at all times while carrying; on his business have his license faith him and shall upon demand exhibit it to any I~iunicipal or Peace Officer, and i£ ~e fails to do so, shall unless the same is accounted for satisfactorily incur a penalty of not less than a~1.00 or more than ~p5,p0 Q. If a Peace Officer demands the production of a license by any person to whom this by-law applies and the demand is not complied with, it shall be the duty of the Peace Officer, and he shall have tkie power to arrest such person without a warrant, and to take him before the nearest Justice of the Peace, there to be dealt with accordinf-; to the law. 9, any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law except as provided in Paragraph 7, shall upon conviction be liable to a ~;enalty not exceeding jy50,00 recoverable under the Sum~~ary Convictions Act. REED ~i I+'II"tST TIiI~ TIiIS 4'T DAY OF' JUNE 1964 READ .'-L S`~COiuD 'iIhi~ TiIS 41'H DAY Oi~ J'JIdE 1964 y ,J{ D rr .. "L.BLiNCIiiJ} rt ................REEVE.... ..................CLERK...... READ A 'L'IIIRD TILE :AND FIIdr,~LY PASSED 'THIS 6TH DAY OF <iUGUST 1964. ~.L.BLAIQCH.4RD" ............................ REEVE ~J ~ ~.~„- r' vb.E.RUR'DLE." ........................... Seal CLERK.