HomeMy WebLinkAboutGG Report 2015-10-19 aarington General Government Committee Report to Council Re' ort to Council Meeting of November 2, 2015 Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Monday, October 19, 2015 . Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 8.1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre dated September 17, 2015 (b) 8.2 Minutes of the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board dated June 30, 2015 (c) 8.3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated September 15, 2015 (d) 8.4 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation Authority dated July 22, 2015 (e) 8.5 Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality of Durham — Successful Funding Application Under the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant , Program (f) 8':6 Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality of Durham _Pickering Airport Site Order and Site Zoning Regulations (g) 8.7 Francois Rinfret, Director, Darlington Regulatory Program, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) — Darlington NGS: CNSC Independent Environmental Monitoring Program (h) 8.8 Christopher Schueler, Project Manager, Detail Design, AECOM _ Notice of Roundabout Public E ducation Centres Highway hwa Y 401 1Holt Road Interchange iii.. (i) 9.7 Mark and Rita.Drysdale - Petition for Road Hockey (j) EGD-015-15 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for July, August, and September, 2015 Page 1 10-13 Cla General Government Committee Report:to Council (k) CLD-014-15 Graffiti Removal on Street-Hardware (1) CLD-021-15 Vehicle Definition in Refreshment Vehicle By-law 2. Delegation of Deborah Hammons,-Chief Executive Officer, Central East Local Health Integration Network, Regarding an Update on Activities within Durham Region and an Update on the Integrated Health Services Plan 2016-2019 That the delegation of Deborah Hammons, Chief Executive Officer, Central East Local Health Integration Network, Regarding an Update on Activities within Durham Region and an Update on the Integrated Health Services Plan 2016-2019, be received with thanks; That the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care endorse the capital expenditures for the improvements and expansions being considered for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital (Lakeridge Health Bowmanville); and That the Central East LHIN, area MPP's, and the Ministry of Long Term Care be copied. 3. Delegation of Gabriella Kalapos, Executive Director, Clean Air Partnership, Regarding Clean Air Partnership and the Municipal Commitment to the Declaration for 2015-2018 That the delegation of Gabriella Kalapos, Executive Director, Clean Air Partnership, regarding the Clean Air Partnership and the municipal commitment to the 2015-2018 declaration, be received with thanks; and That the matter be referred to staff. 4. John Henry; Mayor., City of Oshawa — Use of Former Knob Hill Farms Property (500 Howard Street, Oshawa) for Surface Parking for Oshawa Go Station Whereas the extension of GO Train service to Courtice and Bowmanville are key priorities for Clarington residents and businesses; and Whereas early steps for Metrolinx in providing this service are to acquire the remaining properties for the GO Train station sites including the Courtice Road site; and Page 2 10-14 (11ariongton General Government Committee Report to Council Whereas the City of Oshawa has called on Metrolinx to proceed, as an interim step at this time, with the former Knob Hills Farm property that they have acquired as a- GO Train station site to develop it as a commuter parking area and GO Bus station on an interim basis as noted in the letter of Sept 24 to Mayor Foster from Mayor Henry; Now therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington Council: J. Advise Metrolinx and the Minister of Transportation that it endorses the City of Oshawa's request of Metrolinx; i 2. Encourages Metrolinx and the Ministry of Transportation to proceed expeditiously to acquire the Courtice Road GO Train station site and on an is interim basis develop it to provide a commuter parking area and a GO bus station; 3. Request*that the City of Oshawa endorse action 2 noted here; and . That this resolution be shared with the City of Oshawa Council, the Minister of Transportation, the President and the Chair of the Board of Directors of Metrolinx, Durham Regional Council, Scugog Township Council, the Municipality of Port Hope Council,-the Town of Cobourg Council, the County of Northumberland Council, and the MPs and MPPs of these communities. 5. Kim Coates, Interim Municipal Clerk, Township of Scugog - Proposed Transport Canada Draft Protection i That the following Lakeridge Citizens for Clean Water's resolution, endorsed by the Township of Scugog, regarding Proposed Transport Canada Draft Protection, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas over the past 5 years, rural Ontario has seen several small private airfields become dumping grounds for millions of cubic metres of excess soil; and Whereas some municipalities have incurred costs and legal fees in order to defend their right to.enforce their Site -Alteration By-laws which prescribe requirements for such site alteration activities; and Whereas the importation of large quantities,of excess soil can significantly II` change the natural landscape undermining provincial laws and plans such as the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation which protects unique landforms and sensitive environmental features; and Page 3 10-15 Cla r*MI I General Government Committee Report to Council Whereas the importation of large volumes of excess soils, or ".filling activities", can impact the quality of life of nearby residences and community members as these activities are associated with significant levels of noise, dust and truck traffic; and Whereas filling activities have the potential to impact human health and the . environment if contaminated soils are imported; and Whereas contaminated soils have recently been identified at one particular historical airfield that has imported over one million cubic metres of soil since 2012 (Greenbank Airways in-the Township of Scugog); and Whereas Amendments to the Aeronautics Act received Royal Assent on December 16, 2014. (Aeronautics Act Amendments are attached for reference); Whereas the Federal Minister of Transport released draft regulations in response to the Section 4.9 Aeronautics Act Amendment proposing to amend the Canadian Aviation Regulations regarding Aerodrome Work Consultations. (The Draft Regulation Amendments are attached for reference). Whereas the proposed aMendments.do not consider or recognize the issues involving aerodromes being used as soil dumping grounds; and Whereas the proposed amendments do not acknowledge or require the need to incorporate municipal laws or environmental laws that would otherwise prohibit the location of the aerodrome and any associated filling activities; and Whereas the proposed amendments were drafted to ensure public consultation for new aerodrome works however comprehensive public consultation is not guaranteed as the municipality is not required to be consulted in all instances and notice provisions are not defined save for the requirement to post a sign; and Whereas the proposed amendments exempt smaller aerodromes from any consultation requirements which undermines the intent of the amendments particularly when the owners of smaller aerodromes decide to undertake significant landform changes requiring the importation of large volumes of fill materials; and Page 4 10-16 General Government Committee Report to Council Whereas the proposed amendments require the Minister to approve aerodrome works if the proponent submits a report stating that consultations have been undertaken and objections have been addressed. However, there is no oversight of the consultation process by the Minister, nor any requirement that the report addressing any objections needs to be to the satisfaction of the Minister; Now therefore be it resolved That the Township of Scugog request that the Minister of Transport accept this resolution as a formal submission regarding the proposed draft regulatory changes to the Canadian.Aviation Regulations (Aerodrome Work Consultations) published in the Canadian Gazette, Part 1 published on July 11, 2015;-and ffj That the Minister amend the draft regulations so as to require proponents j wishing to undertake aerodrome works involving large scale disturbance to land or the importation of large quantities of soils (fill) to consult with the host municipality and general public and to provide notice in a fulsome and prescribed manner despite the size, degree of activity or location of the proposed or existing aerodrome; and j! That the Minister oversee the consultation process and ensure that any objections raised are addressed to the satisfaction of the Minister; and That the amendments include wording that Minister shall consider and respect municipal bylaws, provincial plans and the public interest before providing notice'to the proponent as to whether or'not the proposed aerodrome works can be undertaken; and That should the Minister approve the aerodrome works and the works involve the importation of significant quantities of fill, that the Minister include requirements for the proponent to abide by municipal site-alteration by-laws (as has already been decided in the City of Burlington and the Township of 1 Scugog court decisions) and; That the Minister of Transport review and amend the existing Aeronautics Act and regulations, policies and procedures such that construction of new aerodromes or the expansion of existing aerodromes is regulated in a '' manner that_the host municipality can execute their responsibilities to protect both their citizens and the environment in their jurisdictions and specifically to incorporate a requirement to comply with al] relevant municipal environmental and zoning bylaws and provincial laws; and i Page 5 10-17 General Government. Committee Report to Council That this resolution be forwarded to Marie -Anne Dromaguet, Chief, Regulatory Affairs (AARBH), Civil Aviation, Safety and Security Group, Department of Transport, Place de Ville, Tower C, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A ONS, citing the Canadian Gazette Part 1, July 11, 2015 publication regarding Aerodrome Works Consultations; and That this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Minster of Transport, Lisa Raitt; and That this resolution be forwarded to the greater Toronto Countryside Nfayor's Alliance, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM); the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for circulation and support. 6. Kim Coates, Interim Municipal Clerk, Township of Scugog - Municipal Act Review That the following Lakeridge Citizens for Clean Water's resolution, endorsed by the Township of Scugog, regarding Municipal Act Review, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas Section 142 of the Municipal Act, 2001,-S. O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, authorizes a Municipality to pass by- laws to prohibit, regulate or require a Permit for, and impose conditions upon, the placing or dumping of Fill, removal of Topsoil or alteration of the-grade of land; and Whereas Council for the Corporation of deems it in the public interest to enact a Bylaw prohibiting or regulating the placing or dumping of Fill, the removal of Topsoil, and the Alteration of the Grade of the land in order to ensure that: a. Existing drainage patterns are maintained and erosion and sedimentation are prevented; b. Changes to drainage or grade are appropriate to protect natural heritage features and archaeological resources; c. Interference and damage to watercourses or water bodies are prevented.; d. .Groundwater and surface water quality is maintained; Page 6 10-18 Claftwn General Government Committee Report- to Council e. There is no discharge of a contaminant into the natural environment !. that causes or may cause an adverse effect and that degradation of the pre-existing soil and ground water quality at the site and on, adjacent properties is p revented; L f. Haul Routes for the transportation of Fill and Topsoil authorized for placement, dumping or removal will be designated to and/or from a site by the Director to minimize damage to the Municipality' s roads j and minimize interference and/ or disturbance to the Municipality' s residents and businesses; i g. Disturbance to landform characteristics are kept to a minimum;. h. The proponent of the Site Alteration project pays for its costs; i. Members of the public have fair opportunity to comment on large scale site -alterations, j. The precautionary principle, as defined by the Bergen Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Development (1990), is respected and applied to the issue of site alteration within the Municipality; and i Whereas Section 142(8) of the Municipal Act indicates that Municipal Site - Alteration By- law ceases to have effect in any area of the municipality if a regulation is made under section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act respecting the placing or dumping of fill, removal of topsoil or alteration of the grade of land.in respect of that area; and i Whereas importing large quantities of excess soils onto lands within the Municipality needs to be addressed in a fulsome manner as such activities have the potential to cause adverse impacts to human health and the environment; and Whereas the importation of large quantities of excess soil raises concerns regarding quality of life issues for-neighbours and communities adjacent to these operations; and Whereas Conservation Authorities have limited jurisdiction to consider all aspects of large scale fill importation activities and are limited by their !' prescribed. regulations; Page 7 10--19. Clarigton General Government Committee Report to Council Now be it resolved: That the Township of Scugog request that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing amend Section 142(8) of the Municipal Act to include the requirement for Municipal approval for site -alterations and the requirement to abide by applicable Municipal Site-Alteration Bylaws for all areas within the Municipality; and That this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and Conservation Ontario for action and support; That this resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, The Greater Toronto.Countryside Mayor's Alliance for circulation and endorsement. 7, Graham Creek Estates Subdivision, Brownsville, Plan 40M-2255 `Certificate of Acceptance' and `Assumption By-law', Final Works Including Roads and Other Related Works That Report EGD-016-15 be received; That the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which includes final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 4.OM-2255; That Council approve the.by-law attached to Report EGD-016-15, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2255 as public highways; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD-016-15 be advised of Council's decision. 8. Great West Life 2016 Renewal & Market Comparison for Benefits That Report COD-024-15 be received; That the Great West Life Benefit program renewal at 4.8% effective November 1, 2015 for the 2016 benefit year be approved; That staff be authorized undertake a market competitive process for the future renewal of the health benefit program; and That Great West Life be advised of Council's decision. Page 8 10-20