HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-040-11Clari~~ton Leading the Way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 9, 2011 Resolution #: G' pR -3 S~$- 11 By-law #: NIA Report #: PSD-040-11 File #: S-C-2007-0007 Subject: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF DRAFT APPROVAL APPLICANT: PRESTONVALE HEIGHTS LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-040-11 be received; THAT the request to extend the lapsing date for draft approved Plan of Subdivision S-C- 2007-0007 until October 2014 be approved; 3. THAT a copy of Report PSD-040-11 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC); and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-040-11 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: ~ 1 ~ Da J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Dir or, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer TW/CP/df/ah 27 April 2011 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-040-11 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Prestonvale Heights Limited 1.2 Proposal: To extend the lapsing date for draft approved Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007 until October 2014 for a 156 unit project 1.3 Area: 6.657 ha (16.449 ac) 1.4 Location: The subject lands are located on the west side of Prestonvale Road, north of Bloor Street and west of Meadowglade Road (Attachment 1) 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On October 22, 2008 an application for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007- 0007 was issued draft approval. The draft approved plan includes 90 single detached units, a medium density block for 66 townhouse units and various blocks for road widening, site triangles and reserves (see Attachment 2). 2.2 A standard provision within the conditions of draft approval for the subject lands, including the conditions issued October 22, 2008, indicates that if final approval of the plan is not given within three years of the draft approval date, draft approval will lapse and the file shall be closed. However, reasonable extensions to draft approval may be granted by the approval authority. These provisions are authorized under Sections 51 (32) and 51 (33) of the Planning Act, where approval authorities may provide a timeframe where an approved Draft Plan of Subdivision lapses after a period of no less than three (3) years. The approval authority may extend the approval for a time period specified by the approval authority and may further extend it; but no extension is permissible if the approval lapses before the extension is given. The approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007 will lapse on October 22,2011 if an extension is not granted. 2.3 The applicant/owners of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0007 have indicated to staff that they intend to fulfill the conditions of draft approval for registration within the next year. This will be done once their project on adjacent lands is complete (Huntington Phase II). Staff is currently processing a Site Plan application for the townhouse block (SPA 2009-0014). The applicant/owners are requesting an additional three (3) year extension of draft approval. 3.0 STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 The purpose of this report is to consider whether the conditions of draft approval for S-C-2007-0007 should lapse on October 28,2011 as scheduled, or should be reasonably extended. REPORT NO.: PSD-040-11 PAGE 3 3.2 The applicant's proposal to extend the draft approval period an additional three (3) years, until October 2014, is considered to be warranted at this time, and staff provides the following rationale: . The subject development within the Provincial Growth Plan is designated greenfield area which requires 50 residents per hectare. The draft approved plan has a site area of 6.657 ha and will generate a population of approximately 441 people, or 66 residents per hectare. The application continues to be consistent with the current Regional and Provincial Policies with regards to managing growth; and . The Region of Durham Planning Department and Clarington Engineering Services offered no objections to the proposed draft approval extension. 3.3 Taxes for the subject property are paid in full. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 In consideration of the comments noted above, staff recommends approval of an extension of draft approval until October 2014. Staff Contact: Tracey Webster Attachments: Attachment 1 - Property Location Map Attachment 2 - Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Janice Robinson Nick Mensink Doug Wilson Heather Black .1 '':-. BLOCK TOWNHOUSES' BLOCK-B1 (1.481 ho - 3.66.ac,.r (66Un;\$ ~ 44uphO) " , -~~ '--'--"---~- ,~ ..--.-'-~- ..-- --'" ---~-:-~--=:~-: -:..:::;.: _<--._,__~ _, -1.. .I_.~ ~ 1--- I. '-~ ;///.//' ,/ "; 38 . .~. :.:,;; ;4i'"" [j ~1~' _..~n~ :- ===- ---- - -_::::-:- .---" ..----'-'~- - -~- ..~. - ;~~~f~.E,~'~:~G~i~~;T:'-:~'=~!;.'~~~"'~~~'~~:=::O~~~':.-~~.: =.' 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"'.K""~OwQ(t''t>IC ::=::=:'- ~~~fff~ Prestonvale Heights Umited ~ "Edward Goldstein'" "M<'IV 24-/ 07'" J.D.Bames Umited """"""'- "Scott Coorl:5~ "Uov 23/ 07- - M$M <MtHIS) (1~~) ";KI~t1<l SERNAS ASSOCIATES ~ '{~1~:a"~~~:~5:;~~ ___L~";::...l Un't41 FOOS.432.7877 ;;..#:~~~ 'Nnllttt.ON sen'la$.M ~ LlH8Y7 HUNTINGTON PHASE III Draft Plan OAA'OIIN6Yl D.H. ~Wo. ~1Jl', OJ1. 07133 (H(O:!J) 1ST 1 ~JJ.. $C.O,U;1 1 ; 1000 LJ-L~ ~~ DP-1 Attachment 2 to PSD-040- 1 - r::: CI) E "C r::: CI) E <C r::: o 'ii) 'S; :c ,Q ::s en '0 r::: .!!! a. ~ ~ C "C CI) - 'E :.::i en - .r::: C) 'a; J: Q) (ij > r::: o - en ~ a. ....... o o o I ....... o o N () en i.: Q) r::: == o S6 >lJ018 6U!uap!M pOO<i Wl'r / l1-ii 0- .Fs- 3 ~d -. - - - - - --.. '\ ;;; \ g en <Xl " to '" <l- I') I 0 N N N N N N N ~ N N I') ~ I') I I') "\<001",.3 B:l.l.~...,; I ~ ~ <l- I') to " I') I') '" to I ~ <I- ... '" I I') :e <( I ,,8lt ~ I =' 0 I " ~ 0 en <Xl " '" ... ... ... en 1 f-- '" '" to .....,.,J~li..... 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