HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-010-11~~1"Z[tQ11 REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: MAY 9, 2011 Resolution#: Q ~' 3loy'~! By-law#: Report: FND-010-11 File#: Subject: FINANCIAL UPDATE AS AT MARCH 31, 2011 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respecttully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-010-11 be received for information. ~ ~ >L Guti-~~1-~. p~ ~ Submitted by: r' Reviewed by: `'u w N ncy T lor, B A, .A Franklin Wu, Director of Finance/ Chief Administrative Officer Treasurer NT/CC/hjl CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 REPORT NO.: FND-010-11 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.0 The Financial Update report has been designed to focus on overall budget variance reporting. The format and layout of this report is consistent with report FND-020-1 0, presented previously to Council. FIRST QUARTER OF 2011 RESULTS 2.0 Attachment "A", the Summary of Operating Expenditures and Revenue statement compares the Municipality's budget to actual posted expenditures as of March 31, 2011. The statement reflects the Municipality's operating budget only and excludes year to date expenditures for the consolidated hall/arena boards. Net expenditures to March 31, 2011 total $16,993,834 which represents 97.40% of the net operating budget of the first quarter. This includes annual grants and debentures that occur at the beginning of the year. If this was measured against the total net operating budget for 2011 the percent of the operating budget expended to March 31st is 39.64%. 2.1 Attachment "A" is intended to provide an indication of the status of the Municipality's operating accounts compared to the approved budget as at March 31, 2011. However, many departments are affected by high levels of activity during specific times of the year. For example, some activities are seasonal in nature, such as ice rentals and winter control which result in a fluctuation of the timing of recognition of revenue and expenses. The budget is allocated monthly based on the 2010 actual monthly distribution. In cases where there is no prior year history, the monthly budget allocation is divided equally over the 12 months. The Legal department allocation has been evenly distributed over the 12 months due to the lack of prior year history. While this is best method available to be reflective of seasonal trends, there may be some variations from year to year. Due to these timing differences, this statement cannot be used in isolation. 2.2 The budget software has been expanded to the salary budget plan. The salary budget software is date driven and is based on the actual pay periods - Sunday to Saturday. However, the payroll is processed on the Thursday in the second week of the payroll. Therefore there is a variance in the March payroll as pay period 7 covers the period March 20 to April 2, 2011. The payroll was processed on March 31st. Therefore some of the increase over budget in all departments may be attributed to the timing difference of the payroll between the budget software and the actual year to date figures. 2.3 In general, the operating budget is overall on target. Some of the variances can be attributed to the timing differences in revenue and expenditures between 2010 and 2011. As this is the first quarter analysis it may be premature to extrapolate the figures and percentages to future quarters. REPORT NO.: FND-010-11 PAGE 3 2.4 As noted above the Legal Department does not have a full year of historical reference for the 2011 budget dispersion. Therefore the equal monthly allocation does not reflect the actual allocation. Revenues/recoveries of legal fees should improve over the year and the second quarter analysis may be more relevant 2.5 The Non-Departmental revenues are higher that the quarterly budget. This is mainly due to the timing of the investment maturities. The 2010 maturities and interest earned do not necessarily match the 2011 maturities and this is more apparent in the first quarter analysis. 2.6 The Finance revenues are higher than the quarterly budget. This is due to the higher than budget amount of the fines and penalties on taxes. However, the first quarter of 2011 ($418,859) is comparable to the 2010 first quarter interest and penalties ($398,845). 2.7 The Emergency Services revenue is lower than the quarterly budget. There has been a decrease in burning permits compared to last year as of March. Also, last year in 2010 there was some joint training with OPG. 2.8 The Operations department revenue is lower than the first quarter budget. There has been a decrease in entrance culvert fees and in the seniors' snow clearing fee. 2.9 The Planning department revenues and expenditures vary from the first quarter budget. However the timing of the Planning activities are not necessarily seasonal and cannot always be predicted by the previous year's timing. The Planning department activities may be better represented in the second quarter analysis. 2.10 Attachment "B", Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the three months ending March 31, 2011 provides the status of the taxes billed and collected by the Municipality of Clarington during the first quarter of 2011. A total of $30,655,363 in interim tax bills were issued to property owners in the Municipality during this period. At the end of March, a total of $8,948,700 remains unpaid. However, currently on hand are prepaid taxes through the pre-authorized payment system and prepaid taxes for the April 2011 installment of $4,280,487. The net balance of $4,573,788 is slightly lower than the prior year at this time. The changes in collection processes and procedures implemented during 2009 and continued in 2010 have been successful in holding the line on the balance of taxes outstanding over 2009. The 2011 first quarter results reflect the continued success in 2011. 2.11 Attachment "C", Investments Outstanding as of March 31, 2011 provides the status of the Municipality's general, capital and reserve fund investment holdings at the end of the year. The Municipality at March 31, 2011 holds $0 in general fund investments, $0 in capital fund investments and $36,305,385.40 in reserve fund investments to fund future commitments. General fund investments are short term REPORT NO.: FND-010-11 PAGE 4 in nature and timed to mature when funds will be required. Investments held in the Municipality's portfolio are reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure they meet the requirements of Section 418 on the Ontario Municipal Act and the Municipality's investment policy. Currently, general fund investments are held in the Municipality's general bank account as the interest rate on the account is more favourable than money market instruments. 2.12 Attachment "D", Debenture Repayment Schedule as of January 1, 2011 provides the status of the Municipality's long-term obligations. The Municipality has $29,504,357.59 in outstanding debt as of January 1, 2011 and debt repayment obligations of $$6,785,135.16 for 2011 as reflected in the 2011 budget. The annual principal and interest payments required to service these liabilities are well within the annual debt repayment limits prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 2.13 Attachment "E", Municipal Development Charges as of March 31, 2011 provides the total Municipal development charges collected of $1 ,055,537.35. In 2010 Development Charges Background Study, it was forecasted that the municipality would be collecting approximately 699 residential units total for 2011 or approximately 58 units per month. 2.14 Comparing the number of units issued in 2011 to 2010 in the first quarter, shows that in 2011 there was a decrease of 37% in the number of units issued compared to 2010. In comparing the total dollars collected in 2011 to 2010, there was a . decrease of over 34% in development charges collected. As per the 2010 DC Background Study, there are 699 units forecasted for 2011. CONCLUSION 3.0 The report is provided as information to Council. Ongoing reports will be provided quarterly. Attachments: Attachment "A": Summary of Operating and Expenditure and Revenue Attachment "B": Continuity of Taxes Receivable Attachment "C": Investments Outstanding Attachment "D": Debenture Repayment Schedule Attachment "E": Municipal Development Charges THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON I ATTACHMENT "A" I I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES & REVENUES FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING MARCH 31, 2011 I 2011 2011 % of Quarterty 2011 % of Annual n_m_mm..__.____.__ _._~..~.~.~~.~_~.Yf~L_~~als ~!?____~~~~~.~,,~.P.~.~~ _. __- Annu~.u_~.~~.~..~.P:.~.~ 1 st Quarter' 1 st Quarter 05 NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS Expenditures Revenues/Recoveries (excluding tal ,-..__...._..._._~_._.__._._..~--"-_._"_.~_._._."_._.~-','-','-"', Netf\lon:~epartmen!.al 10 MAYOR & COUNCIL ,..............,......,.,... - ...,..........,,'.,...........-.-..-. --'~ '-'--"-'-' '-'-'-'-'.'-'..'-"'-'-','->,',--'-'.'--' .---..-,., ___f\let.office.ofthefv1"yl)r~~oUl1cil 13 ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE ......,.,..,.,."..",....".".-,."."""--,,....,,-....'.'-'-. Net Office of the CAO 14 LEGAL ADMIN ._.'_'._'.'_ _.._......_...__._.._...__.,..._...._..._...."..."...,..,.".,......,..,....... ________m__ Revenues/Recoveries --------.- _~endllu~es . .. m..m.m____ _~a1~dl11ini~trati()I1--- _ --.,-----.------ 16 CORPORATE SERVICES Revenues/Recoveries 19 CLERK'S Revenue/Recoveries - -- ---------- -. .' Expendllures...______.__~___ Net Clerks 21 FINANCE & UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN Revenue/Recoveries Unclassified Admin & Board of Trad _]E~~~~~~-~-.g.~.P~:ri~~~~~~~~___~__ _ T olal FiflallceExPEln_ditllres Net Finance 28 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE Revenue/Recoveries Net 32 ENGINEERING SERVICES Revenue/Recoveries - -~.-----~.--~'--"-- - - ----.--.-."---- mE':)(penditur,,~__ .... .m______ ... m.t'l~ Eng~Il"ElrilllJServicEls_mm_ .___ 36 OPERATIONS Revenue/Recoveries . ...C>!'El':"ti.lllJ._E-"P."llditur"s . f'leet ~~Elbenture~1lYl11ents !llta' OPElr.flli<lIl-"Exp"nditlJrEl~_ ...__ m_f'J"t_Oper!lti<lI1-"_[)ep1l~l11ent_______ 42 COMMUNITY SERVICES 175,5001 --.----~--_..__.... (36,857) 1 138,6431 195,5931 97,306' (37,527)1 127,9101 90,383- 167,500' (75,089) 92,411 200,073 124,1891 _ _ J1'1,~~4) 1 92,082 . 80,7481 ..(~5?10)mm_ (~7,831)1 1,159,593( 1,002,3861 1,123,883 ( 954,5551 (93,131)(j135, 183) 1 495,117- 490,197- 401,986 ( 355,014' .... (31~,1~3) m_ 186,377 ' 459,462- 645,839' 329,656, _...(9,9~2) 2,010,124( 2,000,1721 (~~9,18~i(_ 641,242 292,0581 _ ___~1~"-2)1 2,756,848( '-' .~. ._.~.~., ----~.-.._.~..._"._"...._._..._......._,._._...._..._..., 3,437,490 ( 6,194,3381 6,158,996' (466.,211): 213,108- 514,852 727,9601 261,7491 (~,402) 1 1,877 ,427' 1,874,025' (29~,528)1 669,424- 372,896 (16,~19)1 2,888,4501 ... 3,224:606 ( 6,113,056 6,096,437 Revenue/Recoveries _ ---_.~--~_.. ..,......,....,.................-. __.--J1 ,551 i"~.1)L (1,~5114~6.)1 ()p"r1ltinl].~~lldi~ure_s ~nnlJ,,1 Grants & [)e~ElnturePaYI11"n __!llt"I~)(p_el1~IttJr:~____ __N"tc;()l11munily Services_ 50 PLANNING SERVICES 2,108,7061 3~093.628T 5,202,3341 3,650,8831 1,908,742- 3,080,286' 4,989,0281 3,437,5921 Revenue/Recoveries __....... ......_.....__._~._.._. ..._..._m _ .~xpenditlJ.~".s...__~..._..______. __f\l"t.Planninl]Servic,,'l___...._ ..... .(~_2_~~__~~:7.~~): 652,487 783,7171 528,859' 713,9891 BOARDS & AGENGIES ._~'- .......,-.--,...-.-.-.-......-.-.--.-.---.-.---.-..-.-.-.-',.'''. __~tB()ard~!llld~J<tElrn~AilElncy__ TOTAL OPERATING: Revenue/Recoveries ---~--_._... ----- ---._- ...Expenditures ___ __Net Operatinl]E:x!,ellditlJr"s __ i 2,439,811 2,430,1561 ___(~,588,965)L 20,037,1941 17,448,229' (2,67_3,361 ) 19,667,195 16,993,834 95.44% 203.73% 66.65% 102.29% 127.63% 30.20% 71.99% 89.34% 133.94% 86.44% 84.93% 145.15% 99.01% 88.32% 147.45% 114.34% 112.06% 112.72% 79.40% 34.18% 93.40% 93.69% 84.92% 104.39% 127.68% 47.02% 104.77% 93.81% 98.69% 98.98% 100.00% 90.52% 99.57% 95.90% 94.16% 56.40% 120.11% 135.01% 99.60% 103,26% 98.15% 97.40% 201,022 (9,849,768) 1 (9,648,746) 1 819,607' 442,124' _ (18~,.1.00)1 522,2641 336,1641 (102,700) 1 3,858,9891 3,756,2891 _ (~73,000) 1 2,198,140' 1,625,140' (1,467,000) 1 1,889,4441 1,952,778' 3,842,222 i 2,375,222 - (35,800) 1 ..-._.. 8,998,1731 8,962,3731 (1,309,O~0) 4,769,854' 3,460,804 i . (~2~1~_~o.) 1 12,204,317' 4,049,319' 16,253,6361 15,827,4361 i41~27,o.~0): 8,981,321 3,447,969 12,429,290 8,002,210 (4~1152 3,807,9 3,386,4 3,521,5961 (18,!98,223) 1 61,664,8661 42,866,6431 83.32% 0.76% -0.96% 24.41% 28.09% 6.09% 17.63% 24.02% 46.57% 25.98% 25.41% 23.59% 22,30% 21.85% 31.78% 11.28% 26.37% 18.95% 11.02% 9.50% 20.86% 20.91% 22.65% 14,03% 10.77% 3.90% 23,67% 79.63% 37.61% 38.52% -- 35.04% 21.25% 89.34% 40.14% 42.96% 16,54% 20.58% 21.08% 69,01% 14,22% 31.89% 39,64% ATTACHMENT "B" CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the First Quarter of the Year 2011 December 31, 2010 MARCH MARCH BEGINNING BAL. INTEREST TAXES PAYMENTSI 2011 2010 RECEIVABLE ADDED BILLED BALANCE ADJUST:** CURRENT YEAR TAXES 3,910,945 30,655,363 34,566,307 {38,941,219} {4,374,912} {4,280,487} PENALTY AND INTEREST 279,837 150,701 430,538 1406,247\ 24,291 25,010 FIRST PRIOR YEAR TAXES 3,069,833 - 3,069,833 2,127,169 5,197,002 4,918,608 PENALTY AND INTEREST 240,565 133,719 374,283 178,459 295,824 321,415 SECOND PRIOR YEAR TAXES 883,890 - 883,890 1,303,245 2,187,135 1,950,298 PENALTY AND INTEREST 93,715 47,629 141 344 49,552 190,896 271,932 THIRD & PRIOR YEARS TAXES 568,359 - 568,359 264,069 832,427 1,091,341 PENALTY AND INTEREST 271,361 82,623 353,983 1132,859 221,125 347,247 SUB-TOTAL 9,318,504 414,671 30,655,363 40,388,537 135,814749\ 4,573,788 4,645,363 PREPAID TAXES (2,941 883 14,374,912\ (4,280487 TOTAL 6,376,621 414,671 30,655,363 40,388,537 135814,749\ 8,948,700 8,925 850 *** Includes refunds, write-offs, 357's, etc, NOTE 1: 2011 Interim Instalment months: February and April. NOTE 2: Current year taxes are in a negative position because they include taxes prepaid for the April instalment. CORPORATION OF MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING As at March 31, 2011 ATTACHMENT "C" IINVESTED I ISSUER OF I COST OF I INTEREST MATURITY I MATURITY WITH INVESTMENT I INVESTMENT I RATE DATE AMOUNT I I GENERAL FUND I I I 'TOTAL GENERAL FUND i i i ! , I CAPITAL FUND TOTAL clPITAL FUND I I I RE8ERVE FUND I I I I ! fRBc i STEP UP GIC - RBC 945,000.00 2.00% 10-8eo-11 963,900.00 RBC GIC - BMO 2,221,742.00 4,30% 18-Seo-11 2,742,301.29 RBC STEP UP GIG - RBC 618,000,00 2.00% 25-SeD-11 630,360.00 (A) RBC STRIP BOND - PROV PQ 776,152.23 4,35% 01-Dec-11 986,467.00 RBC STRIP BOND - PROV ONTARIO 999,999,54 4.20% 02-Dec-11 I 1,244,090.00 RBC GIG - BMO 1,708,762.00, 1.70% 07-Dec-11 1,737,810.95 RBC GIC - RBG 2000000,00 1.65% 20-Dec-11 2033000,00 9,269,655.77 I I RBC ,GIG - RBC 2,000,000,00 4.05% 16-Mar-12 2,439,161.00 RBC GIG - BNS 5,100,000.00 2,00% 01-0ct-12 5,306,040,00 RBC BA-TO 1,471,061,00 4.80% 30-0ct -12 1,859,675.00 RBC STRIP BOND - PROV ONTARIO, 699,779.86 2.50% 02-Dec-12 759557.00 9,270,840.86 I RBC BA-TD 1,503,357.00 4,80% 08-Jan-13 1,900,502.92 RBC GIG - BNS 1,546,695,00 4.50% 12-Feb-13 1,927,463.38 RBC GIC - BNS 599,161.00 4.35% 04-Mar-13 741,320.00 TD GIC - TO 1,009,028.00 4,45% 25-Mar-13 1,254,427,00 TD GIC - TO 257,495.00 4,51% 13-Mav-13 321,039,00 RBC GIC - BNS 1,371,861.00 3.00% 13-Jun-13 1,499,070.00 RBC GIC - BNS 2,060,630.00 3,10% 30-Jul-13 2,328,277.00 RBC GIC - RBC 946,770.00 4,40% 30-8eo-13 1,174,213.00 RBC GIG - RBG 574,200.00 4,30% 15-0ct-13 598,890,60 (B) RBC GIC - BNS 1,338,742,00 I 4.15% 16-Dec-13 1,640,564.30 RBC GIC - BMO 2476430.00 2,10% 20-Dec-12 2581532.17 13,684,369.00 I RBC GIG - BMO 1,000,000.00 2,75% 09-Mar-14 1,084,790,00 RBC STRIP BOND - PROV ONTARIO 999,807.771 3.35% 02-Dec-14 1,191,382.00 RBC GIC - BMO 1 000 000.00 2,60% 08-Dec-14 1 108857.05 (C) I T RBC GIG - RBG I 1 081 162.00 3.00% 09-Mar-15T 1216857.00 I 1,081,162.00 I I T I TOTAL INVESTMENTS 1 36,305,835.40 141,271,547.66 2,999,807.77 Note that interest on GICs is annual compunding with the exception of the following. (A) Interest is paid semi-annually (B) Interest is paid annually (C) Interest is semi-annual compounding o I- Z w ~ ::I: U c:( I- !;i: z o I- (9 Z a: ::5 o LL o ~ ..J <( 0.. o Z ~ ~ W I l- LL o Z o I- ~ o 0.. a: o o ro ...., o I- <1l ::;::; 00 u ~ii5 ~6- Z<( <1l ::;::; 00 ro2:- u ro :s: '- <1l.o Z:.:J <1l U ro 0. 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"0 <1l Ol c ro ..c: U .,- .,- o N W I- a Z MUNICIPALITY OF cLARINGTON ATTACHMENT "E" MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES JANUARY TO MARCH - YEAR TO DATE 2011 2010 MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL % CHANGE OF DEVELOPMENT NUMBER DEVELOPMENT CHARGES NUMBER DEV. CHARGES UNIT TYPE CHARGES PAID OF UNITS PAID OF UNITS 2011-2011 Single/Semi/Link $ 1,036,790.00 72 $ 1,323,360.00 96 Townhouse $ 168,392.00 14 Apartment $ 37,744.00 4 Commercial $ 18,747,35 1 $ 75,428.45 2 Industrial Agricultural Government I nstitutiona I Total $ 1,055,537,35 73 $ 1,604,924.45 116 -34.23%