HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-019-11REPORT Leading the Way ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday May 9, 2011 Report #: EGD -019-11 File #:6M -366.1) By-law #: oZ//- 06-7 Subject: CLARINGTON LEASH FREE PARK RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the Port Darlington Boat Launch site be approved as the location for the Leash Free Park; 2. THAT the Rules of Use as set out in Attachment 2 to Report EGD -019-11 be approved; and 3. THAT the by-law amending By-law 2006-227 (Attachment 3 to Report EGD -019-11) be approved. i Submitted by: Reviewed b T. of.F-Jigiaeerinq Services Submitted by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND Over the past years the Municipality has received many requests from residents to establish designated areas where dogs can roam off -leash. In November 2009 Clarington's Animal Advisory Committee also recommended the development of one or more'dog parks. Many jurisdictions across North America are providing public dog parks either within existing parks or as standalone facilities. The Municipality's existing By-law 2006-227 regarding Animals at Large includes a provision to allow dogs off -leash in designated areas only. Currently there are no public areas designated to allow dogs off leash. In 2006 the Newcastle Lions Club made a presentation to Council recommending two projects, a Memorial Forest and a Leash Free dog park. The Newcastle Memorial Forest is nearing completion at the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area and the Lions remain interested in a dog park in Newcastle but no location, budget, or schedule has been established. At the January 10, 2011 GPA meeting Sharon Barclay appeared as a delegation and presented a petition to Council with approx. 2,100 signatures requesting that the Municipality construct a Leash Free Dog park located in Bowmanville. At the January 17 meeting of Council the following resolution was approved: "THAT the delegation of Sharon Barclay, regarding a request for an off -leash dog park, be forwarded to the Director of Engineering Services." Since that time Council approved funds in the 2011 Capital Budget to construct a Leash Free Park with the location to be determined at a later date. PAGE 3 2.0 COMMENTS Following her delegation at GPA, staff from Engineering, Operations and Municipal Clerks Departments met with Sharon Barclay and Dave Boyd, the two main proponents behind the petition, as well as Terry and Jean Graham of the Newcastle Lions to form a steering committee that would review possible locations, park features, and to discuss the rules of use for a Clarington Leash Free Park. The steering committee agreed that a fenced Leash Free Park was preferred rather than an unfenced municipal site designated as an off -leash zone. A fenced park will ensure that dogs are kept away from traffic, wildlife and other park users, while allowing dogs to run free and interact. In other municipalities these types of dog parks are typically 2 to 5 acres in size with a double gated entry system to prevent escape. They sometimes contain a separate fenced area for small dogs. Amenities can include water stations, benches, shade structures and bag dispensers. 2.1 Proposed Location (Attachment 1) A Leash Free Park requires at least 2 acres of land for the dog park and additional land for parking. Most of Clarington's existing Neighbourhood Parks are 4-5 acres in size and have active recreation facilities such as sports fields, playgrounds and trails. Neighbourhood Parks are also typically surrounded by houses and streets. Therefore, retrofitting a Leash Free Park into an existing Neighbourhood Park is not recommended. The steering committee agreed that the Leash Free Park should be easily accessible by car from Clarington's urban areas and also in a location that would not adversely impact neighbourhoods. The availability of parking, or the potential to construct a parking lot, was also an important consideration since most users drive to dog parks. Based on those criteria, the committee discussed and evaluated several potential sites including the south end of the Valleys 2000 site, the Newcastle Community Park site, Soper Creek Park, and the municipal land just east of the Bowmanville Rona development. REPORT NO.: EGD -019-11 PAGE 4 The committee unanimously agreed that the 3 acre site just north of the Port Darlington Boat Launch best fit the criteria for the Leash Free Park. The attributes of the site include: -easy to reach location by car -central to the urban areas of the municipality -no residential homes adjacent to the site -site is large enough to create a fenced park including a separate area for small dogs. -there is an existing parking lot with the potential to create more parking -site is less than 1 km from the Animal Services Centre on Lake Road -site is next to the Waterfront Trail -site is currently not designated for any other use 2.2 Open House An Open House was held on April 18, 2011 to obtain feedback from the public on the proposed location and also on the proposed rules of use, and the features to include in the park. The meeting was advertised in the local newspapers beginning two weeks prior to the Open House. Forty residents signed in at the Open House. Eight comment sheets were submitted at the Open House and six were submitted via e-mail, but most attendees provided their comments verbally to staff. All of the comments supported the establishment of a Leash Free Park except for one resident who didn't agree with constructing a park that not all residents would use. There were also several requests to consider future Leash Free Parks in Courtice and Newcastle. Most of the comments were related to the rules of use and the features to include in the park. Some modifications to the park design and rules of use are being recommended based on the public comments. REPORT NO.: EGD -019-11 2.3 Leash Free Area Rules PAGE 5 Clarington's Responsible Pet Owner By-law prohibits animals from being "At Large" within the Municipality (ie.not under the control of the owner while in any place other than the property of the owner ). The by-law further specifically prohibits dogs from being At Large in any park except within designated areas. This particular section of the By-law was included in the By-law in contemplation of future leash free parks. To grant permission for owners of dogs to allow their dogs to be at large in a public place is a step Animal Services staff have researched and considered very carefully. Based on the many years of experience of our Animal Services Officers and on the experiences of other municipalities who have worked with leash free areas, staff developed a set of proposed Rules of Use for the designated leash free areas. The intent, of course, for these rules was to create an environment that would allow dogs to run free and socialize with other dogs while minimizing risk to owners and their dogs. The proposed Rules of Use were considered by the Steering Committee and then presented at the Open House for public comment. The two main issues identified by the comments received were in regards to the number of dogs an owner may bring into the leash free area and the prohibition of unaltered male dogs. Upon further review of the these two particular issues, the proposed Rules of Use have been modified to increase the limit of dogs from two to three to coincide with the number of dogs a person may keep (section 6.2 of the By-law), and to remove the prohibition of unaltered male dogs. Note, all other proposed rules, including but not limited to, age restrictions on persons permitted in the leash free area, prohibition of female dogs in heat and dogs with muzzle orders, and the requirements for licences and vaccinations remain unchanged and are detailed in Attachment 2 to this Report; being a conceptual sign which will be posted at the park. REPORT NO.: EGD -019-11 PAGE 6 To implement these proposed Rules of Use, an amendment to our Responsible Pet Owner By-law is required. Based on input from the Animal Services Officers, input from other municipalities across the country who have implemented leash free areas, and input from our residents, staff recommend that Council approve the proposed Rules of Use and adopt the necessary amending by-law, Attachment 3 to this Report, to effect these rules. 3.0 CONCLUSION The Port Darlington Boat Launch site proposed for Clarington's Leash Free Park was identified in the advertisements for the Open House and was presented in greater detail at the April 18th Open House. Most of comments received at the Open House were supportive of establishing a Leash Free Park but did not indicate any particular preference for the location of the park. Some comment sheets did suggest other locations but most did not reference the proposed location at all. Based on both the verbal and written comments it is recommended that Council approve the Port Darlington Boat Launch site for the Leash Free Park. Should Council approve the proposed location work can begin immediately to grade and seed the site. The opening date for the Leash free Park will depend on how quickly the turf becomes established at the site. The proposed amending By-law establishes rules of use for the leash free area to provide users with a park facility that protects both the dogs and their owners, and which, for the most part have been tried, tested and proven in other municipalities. It is recommended that the amending by-law (Attachment 2 to this Report) be enacted by Council. Attachments: 1. Leash Free Park Conceptual Plan 2. Conceptual Leash Free Park Sign 3. Amending By-law ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT #tll +.a t0 Q d = 'a) C U. 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L .N a) C 01 m O C N y- p _A = to r o 0 Lo "Dc,_EENEtm EN cn~ N -j w�ZC)W 04 L 0 E NO. • • • • • • _ Lo �-a Qo THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2011 -XXX Being a By-law to amend By-law 2006-227, a by-law to licence, regulate and prohibit certain animals or classes thereof within the limits of the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS Sections 9 to 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended ("Municipal Act"), confer the power to pass by-laws regulating or prohibiting animals to lower -tier municipality; AND WHEREAS the Dog Owners' Liability Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.D.16, as amended, provides for controls on pit bulls and other dog breeds as defined in the Act; RATTPAOR MINT # t AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington is committed to Responsible Pet Ownership; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED THAT By-law 2006-227 be amended as follows: 1.1 That the following definitions be added to Section 1.2: LEASH FREE AREA — shall mean an area designated by the Municipality where Dogs are not required to be on a leash but must be under verbal control of an Owner. UNDER VERBAL CONTROL — shall mean a dog in a leash free area that is adhering to the verbal commands of an owner or person that is verbally capable of controlling the dog to prevent the dog from lunging, attacking, biting or interfering with a person or another domestic animal. 1.2 That the words "except in a designated area" in section 4.1.4 (b) be deleted and replaced with the words "except in a Leash Free Area". 1.3 That the following section be added to Section 4 — ANIMALS AT LARGE: 4.1.5 Notwithstanding Section 4.1.1, an Owner of a Dog may permit the Dog to be off leash in any Leash Free Area subject to the following: (a) No Owner shall bring into any Leash Free Area: i) a Restricted Pit Bull ii) a Dog that must be muzzled or leashed in accordance with an Order to Restrain issued by the Municipality of Clarington or any other Municipality or under the Dog Owner's Liability Act (DOLA) iii) a Female Dog in heat iv) a Dog without up-to-date vaccinations v) a Dog wearing a spike, chain or pinch collar vi) Any other animal other than a Dog (b) In a Leash Free Area, every Owner of a Dog, shall i) be least 16 years of age and capable of controlling the Dog ii) ensure that their Dog is Under Verbal Control and within sight at all times iii) immediately leash and remove their Dog from the Leash Free Area if it creates a nuisance or shows aggressive behaviour towards any person or other domestic animal iv) immediately leash and remove their Dog from the Leash Free Area at the request of an Animal Services Officer, if, in the opinion of the Animal Services Officer, the Dog is showing signs of aggressive behaviour towards any person or other domestic animal or is creating a nuisance, or if the Owner fails to comply with any provision of this By-law; v) upon entering the Leash Free Area keep their Dog on leash until they are inside the double gate, to prevent escapes; vi) upon exiting the Leash Free Area keep their Dog on leash before exiting the double gate, to prevent escapes; vii) carry a suitable leash at all times for each of their Dog(s); a. limit the number of dogs they are bringing into the Leash Free Area to a maximum of three (3) b. not leave their Dog unattended 4.1.6 Children under 6 years of age are prohibited from entering any Leash Free Area. 4.1.7 Children between 6 and 12 years of age must be strictly supervised by an adult attendant while in any Leash Free Area. 4.1.8 No person shall bring in to or possess while in any Leash Free Area: i) any bottles, containers or any other articles equipment, or utensils, made of glass, china, ceramic or other breakable substance capable of causing injury to a Dog; ii) any food, including but not limited to human or canine variety. 4.1.9 No person shall conduct classes or professional training within any Leash Free Area. 4. 1.10 Every Owner or any person attending a Leash Free Area is legally responsible for their own dog(s) and any injuries or damage caused by their dog(s). Persons who choose to use any Leash Free Area do so at their own risk. BY-LAW passed in open session this X day of XXXX. Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk