HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918VM N OF BUS MANVILLL BY -LA.4 N0. /J?o�f . To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Agreement bet++een the Corporation of uhe Town of Bowamnviile ana the Corporation of the Township of Darlington. Tiii CLUNUJIi L, TH, G�Aj-- RATI�h v— TH:: TGWiN C BUtiWINViLLL 11-1 AS FOLLO,i -): 11 That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain A6reement dated the 3 ��I day of S "ri. A.D. 1964, between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and The Corporation of the Township of Darlington. R AD a First and Second time this 8 day of A. +. , 1964. AkA'O a Third time and Finally passed this 8 day of 5' . A.n., 1964. MAYOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BO MANVILLE BY -LAW NO. l21'�r A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENT4TIVE ON THE ARENA BOARD OF MANAGEMENT IN THE TOWN OF BOVJMANVILLE WHEREAS by the resignation of Mr. Irv. Neslon, a vacancy has occurred on the Bowmanville Arena Board of Management; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems it expedient and necessary to fill this vacancy; NOW THEREFORE The Council of the Town of Bowmanville enacts as follows: 1963. That Mr. Merrill Brown be and is hereby appointed a member of the Bowmanville Arena Board of Management for the unexpired term of Mr; Iry nelson, namely until December 31st, 1963. READ A Fi RST and second time this 1st, day of April le READ A THIRD time and FINALLY passed this 1st, day of April, 1963. Mayor C� "�. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO /99b A by -law to stop up and close part of Simpson Avenue and to provide for the sale thereof to William Lewis Lycett WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville is desirous of stopping up and closing all that part of Simpson Avenue as presently travelled running southerly and westerly from the original allowance for Simpson Avenue to the Base Line Road in all a distance of 650 feet more or less as more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, and to provide for the sale thereof. AND WHEREAS the Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville has published a notice of a by -law to stop up and close the said part of Simpson Avenue in The Canadian Statesman, a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Bowmanville in its issues dated the 1st, 8th, 15th. and 22nd days of May, 1963. AND WHEREAS the Town of Bowmanville is by by -law passed this same day providing for a new public road in lieu of the said part of Simpson Avenue being closed. AND WHEREAS no person will be deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his land or place of residence by the passing of this by -law. 10 AND WHEREAS no person or corporation claims that his or its lands will be prejudicially affected by the passing of this by -law. AND WHEREAS William Lewis Lycett is the owner of adjacent lands on both sides of the said part of Simpson Avenue being closed and entitled to the first opportunity to purchase the said lands. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249, Sections 459 (1) (c) and (d), and 477 (1) HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That all that part of Simpson Avenue as presently travelled running southerly from the original allowance for Stmpson Avenue to the Base Line Road as more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. - 2 - 2. That the Town of Bowmanville offer to sell the said closed part of Simpson Avenue to William Lewis Lycett the owner of adjacent lands on both sides of the said closed part of Simpson Avenue for the price of One Dollar, 3. That upon payment of the sum of One Dollar to the Town of Bowmanville by William Lewis Lycett the Town do grant and convey the said closed part of Simpson Avenue to William Lewis Lycett, and the Mayor and Clerk ane hereby authorized and directed to execute such conveyance and impress the corporate seal of the Town thereon. May, 1963. r1 Read a first and second time this 28th day of May, 1963. Read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of � a r Mayor -� -- Clerk- -- SCHEDULE "ATM ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario and being that part of Simpson Avenue situate in Lot 10 in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington now in the Town of Bowmanville more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the southern limit of said Township lot 10 distant easterly 966 feet from the south -west angle of the said lot; THENCE north 5 degrees 51 minutes west 353 feet 8 inches to a point; • THENCE north 39 degrees 07 minutes east 336 feet 2 inches to _.1 a point is the easterly limit of said Township lot 10; THENCE southerly in and along said easterly limit 39 feet 5 inches to a point; THENCE south 39 degrees 07 minutes west 301 feet to a point; THENCE south 5 degrees 51 minutes east 333 feet 4 inches more or less to a point in said southern limit of said Township lot le; THENCE westerly in and along said southern limit 33 feet 8 inches more or less to the Place of Beginning. 0 DATED May 28 A.D.1963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : BY-LAW NO 12 l� A by-law to stop up and close part of Simpson Avenue and to provide for the sale thereof to William Lewis Lycett. . . . . : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Strike & Strike, Barristers, etc. , Box 640 BOWMANVILLE, Onto THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO ) 271 A by -law to accept and establish public - highways in lieu of that part of Simpson Avenue closed by by -law No. }� 1$76 WHEREAS by deed dated the 22nd day of April, 1963, William Lewis Lycett did convey to the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville allowances for new streets, firstly in lieu of that part of Simpson Avenue closed by by -law No. 1876 of the Town of Bowmanville, and secondly as an extension southerly of Lycett Street from Registered Plan 652. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville is desirous of accepting and establishing as j public highways the lands so conveyed. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to The ftnicipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249 Section 459 (1) (a) HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That those parts of original Township lot 10 in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington, now in the Town of and one foot reserve Bowmanville as described firstly and secondly /in a deed dated April 22, 1963, from William Lewis Lycett to the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville be and the same are hereby accepted and established as public highways. 2. That the lands firstly described in said deed being the extension southerly of Lycett Street from the south limit of Registered Plan 652 to the Base Line Road bed, known as Lycett Street and that the lands secondly described in said deed being the lands deeded to the Town in lieu of that part of Simpson Avenue closed by that By -law No. be*M known as Simpson Avenue and/the one foot reserve at the south end of Lycett Street as shown on Registered Plan 652. be known as Lycett Street READ a first and second time this 28th day of May, A.D.1963. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of May, A.D.1963. - 2 - Mq rlr n U 0 TOWN OF BOYJMANVILLE By -law No. NI q . 2 A By -Law to appoint a Weed Inspector to enforce the provisions of the Weed Control Act within the boundaries of the Town of Bowmanville. WHEREAS Section 6 subsection 1 of The Weed Control Act, Chapter 427, R.S.O., 1960, provides for the appointment of an inspector to enforce the provisions of The Weed Control Act; AND WHEREAS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems it expedient to appoint an inspector in accordance with the provisions of the said act; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Mr. M. Moore be and is hereby appointed the Weed Inspector for the Town of Bowmanville, under the provisions of the Weed Control Act. 2. That the Weed Inspector be paid X75.00 per annum for the performance of his duties under the said act. READ a First and Second Time this 3 day of June A.D. 1963. READ a Third time and finally passed this 3 day of June A.D. 1963. s 4� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF Q BOgXANVILLE .1 By -Law Number 1%1�_. A By -Law to Amend Zoning By -Law 15$7. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed a Zoning By -law Number 1587 on the 2nd day of August 1955, which was duly approved by Order of The Ontario Muni- cipal Board. AND WHEREAS By -law 1587 has been amended by By -laws numbered 1612 and 1700 passed on the 3rd day of July 1956 and on the 10th day of September 1959, respectively, which amend- ing By -laws were duly approved by The Ontario Municipal Board; AND WHEREAS By -law 1587 was further amended by By -laws numbered 1825 and 1835 passed on the 2nd day of October, 1961 and on the 30th day of January, 1962, respectively, which amending By -laws were duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Boar4; AND WHEREAS it is desirable to further amend the said Zoning By -law 1857; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 296, Section 30, and amendments thereto, HEREBY ENACTS • THAT By -law No. 1587 as amended be further amended as follows: 1. By adding to Section 7 Q1 the following paragraph a paragraph (d). 't A garage or accessory building may be erected within 2 feet of the lot line provided other accessory buildings have been erected within 2 feet of the lot line in any specific municipal block prior to the passing of the By- law.__ READ a first anA econd time this =5 day of�21t5f 1963. READ a third time and finally passed t] p� n WON UP Iii :di i'qVJ,i.. IE By-Law i.o. i % %C) A By -Law to amend BY-Law No. 1843 being a Tay -law to authorize the issuance of deb - entures in they amount of 48,670.50 for the construction of 3aanitary Sewere on Libouty and Third :Atreec ts, W WAS In order to benefit from the ;provisions of an agrr exant between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and the Central Wrtgagf;e and Housing Corporation it is necessary to Amend 'town of Bowmanvillet By -Law Rao. 1843. T" v.7C llia: ttt';h ;.1' 110 i.FriU�17. ,, c��A . "F� 9::., i "U L 0 :S: That uy -Law Ile. 1843 be amended by. (a) Deletingr, in the title, the amount of 048,670.50 and substituting therefor 46,712&8% (b) Adding; after the fn,u-th Preamble clause the followin, "AND WA+cFAW under the provisions of the Agreement hereinafter mentioned Yantral Vbrtgage and Housings Corporation has .fori;:iven 1,957.62 of the amount of the debt created." (c) 90letinp the words kind figures "Forty -ea ipht: ?he sand, Six Hundred and Seventy Dollars and Afty Cents (48,670.50)" after the phrase "in the :aun of" in the second line of the fifth preamble clause and sub- stituting thare;forea the vrordn "]Forty -six Thoucand Seven Hundred and `ivielvea bollaar =a and highty- eight scents 046t712.00). 464712.0$). (1) Deleting the word3 and fi., ure^s 't'`ieven '°hou and night qundred and 'ihtrty poll «ars and Fifty Cents (7,830.50) ", following; the phrase "than surf" of" in the third line of enacting clause number 2 qnd eubsti.tuting; therefor "Five Thousand Ag;ht lumired and Yventy r`N Dollars and Nighty-eight Gents K5,872.0801 (e) Deletingr, Schedule "ti" aattached to 15y -law 1843 and substituting therefor Schedule e "A" to t is By-law as Mchedule "B" (f) 0 thAt th s i.orporrat:ion Wall ll h vef the right, at its oTtion r of red eenin Athe debenture in favour of :- ;ortga.re and CIE uaing; Jorpor€etioW" :port payment of the principal amount owing hereunder together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving ious notice of they intention of the Corporation to redeem by Pdvertis ini; once in the Ontario Gazette ettea rev- and ':antra l once in a daily newspaper of general ; rovincia l circu- las ion, published in the City of Toronto, and once in ar local newspaper, such notices to tar= advertised as aforesaid at least thirty day3 before the dote fixed for resters :ption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sont by post €t least thirty days prior to the date ant for such redemption to the Person in whose naawe the "i et enture no to be :redeemed is registered at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book ". - 2 - a first iind "JeCellad time this dl day of 1963. A"D a t iird time and ll inally 1.),qased tht day of 1963. i5t ,-I.t t� 87 r 1 . 3 f"+ '.....,.... 5 1/ o11w.i..4reil. .�`i':t'l•...Y f471fi:i1.'� .0 ': �. x�Y;'F 7•� Y. v mod*".. (. '• 'T .,...,a.:...+,.':il.. • r�f4. 11.l d. i"'". .�., 1. °,.Y£.�,3 *�y ^sp r'. •u F,• a. U.#4 ry �, �`l :f A¢ L.� ".?•A3 ' 5.� ,1'7 •;7t,: at:!Y7'dILt.T „.f i` J6 5.) A,9 +t'.13 1}' s66 5. +� R Jaru' -1: ry 10 1 fail! 62 ,. �F: •i .ir �y tig e."..•4+ • 3.: Fes• t: µei 4;mi. ry CJ( . -'V 1 • ll W Cc � rib +�, 'a:i! � . ```�� • r 1 l 'r � . r: 1� � R r 'j 14, ir'.'f' ? 1 7'r't j ;'•rr3. �u;'• °%7 r� 1r: t.,i1a) t .[ irA• A iPia3ira �� L, .4 ♦! -' 111 _Y.Z. (l.5 w�a •'r *! f� ,•'+�'� t y + J./. �4,P1L ,ry 1,, 1 s 4 66 y 4i r: Y91r• Ya� .[., }) /' ,1 ��,':4 qq A j„,,.i j•F.�r.%} {s �,+2 t,1�:�C= 7� '.k M {{S' s!`. °• fit, Eli14?3'ry° J., 1911 e'd- 7.fswJ :7 _... 24 27 w E,,alcuuiLet,. rT".,r: e ;A,(ei.3ar 2Y'==` to TELEPHONE 355 -1912 M ONTARIO THE ONT A11I0 MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST T OIiO1VTO PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. July 29th, E.6345 -d0 1963 Mr. Jack L. Reid, Clerk- Treasurer, Town of Bowmanville, P. 0-Box 1570, BOWMANVILLE Ontario. f RE: V- alidation of By -law 1880 to amend By -law 1843 Pear Sir: I am enclosing herewith duplicate original of the Boardis Validation Order Nursuantt o section 58 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefor. When debentures =ssued under authority of the above by -law are forwarded to this Board f or certification, advice will be required as to their disposition. In the event that they are t o be returned to the municipality, detailed written instructions will be required as to the method of shipment, together with a written under- takings hat the municipality assumes all risks involved in such shipment. Yours truly, B.VIC_E RS SECRETARY EN : RM Encls. 2 OHTFRIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST . TORONTO 1 TO' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWIVIANVILLE. P.F. E. 6345 -60 DATE July 30, 1963 RE: BY -LAW 1782. FEE FOR APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 58 OF THE BOARD ►S ACT. $5.00 EARLY PAYMENT OF THIS FEE V11L1- BE APPRECIATED o PLEASE QUOTE BOARD'S FILE OR IN'VOSCE NUWSFR ',,VHEN REMITTING s E. 6345-60 ;1 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 58 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, R-S-O l9b0s, a. 27 - and IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville for approval of its By -law 1880, passed on the 3rd day of June, 1963, to amend By -law 1€343, passed on the 3rd day of July, 1962 heretofore approved by order of The Ontario Municipal Board made on the 24th day of August, 1962 such by -law so amended authorizing the issue of debentures in the amount of 046,712,88 to pay for the cost of certain sanitary sewers B E F 0 REa A. H. ARRELL,Q.C. ) Vice - Chairman ) MONDAY, the 29th day - and - ) of JULY, 1963 J. V. LUDOATE, ) Member ) UPON THE APPLICATION of The Corporation of theTown of ::uwwaavills for approval of By -law 1880, being a by -law to amend By -law 1843, which latter by -law was approved by order of this Board made the 214th day of August, 1962; THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to,a ad of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the said amending By- law 1880 be and the same is hereby approved. L tlel d SECRETARY BY -LAW NO. `I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE A BY -LAIN TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEITZ AND COLLECTION OF A SPECIAL RATE IN ORDER TO DEFRAY THE Cop,PORATTON'S SRZ_RE OF THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF RN ADDITION TO THE HIGH SCHOOL �\ AT COURTICE, IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAIM, VRE 3SHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF, AND THE EXPENSES CONNECTED THEREWITH WHEREAS by Order dated ale 21st day of September, 1965, The Ontario municipal Board has approved the issuing of Debentures by the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, for the sum of $490,000.00, for the purpose of providing funds to the Durham County District High School Board for the construction of an addition to the high school at Courtice in the County of Durham, the furnishing and equipping thereof, and the expenses connected therewith. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, under By -Law N0.2029, authorized the borrowing of the said sum of $490,000.00 upon Debentures for the purposes aforesaid, said debentures to be repayable in annual instalments during the period of ten years next after the date of the issue thereof, with interest, all as in the said By -Law provided. AND WHEREAS each municipality in the said D:.,rham County High School District is required to levy and collect by a special rate on the property rateable for school purposes in the municipality a sum sufficient to pay its proportion of the prin-cipal and inter_payatte- underthe Debentures- aforesaid: ___. t: Z. AND WhER e S the amount o; tlia -ateab ? -�)roper`? 7 in the within municspall'ty according to the last revised equalized assessment roll is AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the TOWN of BOWMANVILLE is one of the municipalities comprising the said Durham County District High School Board. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the TOWN BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - of 1. Commencing in the year 1966 and thereafter in each year that a payment of principal and interest falls due under the aforesaid Debentures, the Corporation of the TOWN of BOWMANVILLE shall levy and collect by a special rate on all the property rateable for school purposes within the municipality a sum sufficient to pay such proportion of the principal and interest payable under the said Debentures and of the expenses connected therewith as the equalized assessment of the within municipality bears to the total of the equalized assessments of all the municipa ;ities comprising the Durham County High School District. 2. That such proportion of the principal and interest payable under the said Debentures for which the within municipality is liable shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, annually on or before the date in each year upon which payments in respect of the said Debentures fall due. READ a first and second time this % day of /V D (lL /"//AE,4 19`65 Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this % day of /V vE�%f�e,� 1965 Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. / y 57' / Being a by -law to authorize the sale of lands and premises to the Bank of Montreal. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville became the Owner of the southerly one hundred and five feet six inches (10516 ") of lot 39, in Block "M" at the north -west corner of King and Temperance Streets in the Town of Bowmanville,(known as the Post Office Building) by instrument number 38030 registered on the 10th day of June,1957. AND WHEREAS the said lands and premises have been held and used for Municipal purposes from the aforesaid date until the present time, but are no longer required for Municipal pur- poses. AND WHEREAS the said lands and premises were offerred for sale by Public Tender and the tender of the Grantee, being the highest tender, was accepted by the Grantor on the 1st day of March,1965. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 2491 Section 333 (1) the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville sell the southerly 105 feet 6 inches of even width throughout of Lot 39, Block "M" at the North -west corner of King and Temperance Streets, according Grant's Plan of Bowmanville, to The Bank of Montreal, at a price of $46,875.00. 2. The Mayor and Deputy -Clerk be and are HEREBY DIRECTED AND AUTHORIZED on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Bowman - ville to execute a conveyance of the said lands to the Bank of Montreal and impress the Corporate Seal of the Town thereon and deliver the said conveyance on payment of the purchase price. Read a first,second and third time and finally passed this day of November, 1965. - Deputy -Clerk DATED November mss- A .D.1965 BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to authorize the sale of lands and premises to the Bank of Montreal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRIKE & STRIKE Barristers etc ., Box 640, BOWMANVILLE, Ont. L 1 BT -LAW NO. / 9�2 9*14 BT -LAW TO APPOINT A CLERIC - CONTROLLER- TREASURER FOR THE TOWN OF BOWMAXPILLE. WHEREAS Section 215 and Section 218 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 249 authorise Councils of all municipalities to pass By -laws appointing a Clerk, Controller asst Treasurer. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, EXACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That 4>1,l odbs and he is hereby appointed//Clerk- Controller- Treasurer for the Town of Bowmanville as of c3AA1ej'1AV 2. That the said p 8 Elk e $ 14oAlshall be paid the sum of o° / 841�po per annum as Clerk - Controller- Treasurer of the said Town. 3. The Clerk - Controller- Treasurer shall perform the duties imposed upon the Clerk of the Municipality by Section 215 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 249, and the duties imposed upon the Treasurer of a Municipality by Section 218 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 249. 4. The Clerk - Controller- Treasurer shall perform such other duties that may be required of him by Council consistent with this By -law and discharge such other duties as the Council may from time to time direct. 5. All By -laws and parts of By -laws, which after the effective date of this By -law, are inconsistent with this By -law, be and the same are hereby repealed. Read a first and second time this .....';K 7... day of NRQG 1965. Read a third time and finally passed this a 9. day of dv agr143;A965. L.F. 10 Rev. May 1960. Ont. Municipal By -law for Current Expenditures. 78094 Printed in Canada. Municipality of ... 7bwn..of Bowmanyille ..................................... ............................... BY -LAW No .......... (..Y ............................................. ............................... WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it necessary to borrow -the sum of , Seven hundred and.. fifty... one . .. thousand .......................... ....J..............011ars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19.6.5.., not including revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issuance of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears *NOTE: Insert am- of taxes, is'... One... million,,... sevent ry. ... thxee...t ho .usand,....t.wo...hundred...and aunt of estimated - revenues for the current Year If this .________�____________ _ �_ o tetl if not, those seventy .. - ....- ----.d liars. o las{ Year. ............. AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for f passed lnsereve ua the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act.is..- ..::................. this year. - - ................. ... ............ .nil................................................ dollars, of which the Corporation– has already borroweda total of........................ nil ........... ............................................. ........... i.......... r............. dollars. THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the ......... . ............ 1tb ..wn...... ............ :........... of ..........B....o..w...ma.n...v... i..l...l...e .. ........................................... hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Bank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate ..... geven,..hundred and thousand ...... ........................... .......---- .- .- r- e. -. -.- .– rr- :r. —. -.- . —. -. -- dollars to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 329, and to give, on behalf of the Cor- poration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and signed by them for the moneys so borrowed with interest at a rate not exceeding ....... 0 ...............per centum per annum, which may be paid in advance or otherwise. 2. All sums borrowed from the said Bank, for any oral I of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current year and for all preceding years, as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this By -law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and any previous years, from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or received from any other source, which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed_ this .................. . CORPORATE SEAL .......,...day of...... Januar .Y .....................19.66. ¢The Head of the .Cor anon.) Clerk. hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -law No .....................of The Corpora- tion of the ................................................ of ...................................................... in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Corporation duly held, and that the said By -law is in full force and effect. Datedthis ............................ ............ .. .... ... ........ . ....... I ... .. day of ................................................ 19......... As witness the Seal of the Corporation. Clerk. CORPORATE - SEAL:. Sec. 329 of _ EXTRACTS FROM THE MUNICIPAL ACT R.S.O. 1960 Chap• 249, R.S.O. 1960 - (1)-- A - council may by by -law either before or after the passing of the by -law for imposing the rates for the Current current year authorize the head and treasurer to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note such sums as borrowings the council may deem necessary to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the corporation for the year, including the amounts required for sinking fund, principal and interest falling due within the year upon any debt of the corporation, school purposes, special rates purposes, and for any board, commission or body and other purposes for which the corporation is required by law to provide. Limit upon (2) The amount that may be borrowed in any year for the purposes mentioned in subsection 1 shall not, ho,mwings except with the approval of the Municipal Board, exceed 70 per cent of the total amount of the estimated revenues of the corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year. R.S.O. 1950, o. 243, s. 341 (1, 2). Limit at (3) The amount that may be borrowed at any one time for the purposes mentioned in subsection 1, together any one time. with the total of any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not, except with the approval of the Municipal Board, exceed 70 per cent of the uncollected balance of the estimated revenues of the corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year. Treasurer (4) At the time, after the 30th day of June in any year, that any amount is borrowed under this section, the to furnish ith t ender w reasurer shall furnish to the lender a copy of the by -law* authorizing the borrowing and a statement showing the t copy or ey -law nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the current year not yet collected or, where the estimates for the year have not been adopted, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the next preceding year, and also showing the total of any amounts borrowed under this section that have not been repaid. 1958, c. 64, s. 23 (1). Temporary (5) Until such estimates are adopted, the limitations upon borrowing prescribed by subsections 2 and 3 shall application Of estimates temporarily be calculated upon the estimated revenues of the corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the or preceding next preceding year. R.S.O. 1950, c. 243, s. 341 (3); 1958, C. 64, s. 23 (2). year (6) For the purpose of this section, estimated revenues shall not include revenues derivable or derived from Exclusion from estimated the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of debentures or from a surplus including arrears of taxes and proceeds from revenues the sale of assets. R.S.O. 1950, c. 243, s. 341 (4); 1958, c. 64, s. 23 (3). *N.B. If there is sufficient available under existing by- law(s) to provide for the fresh assistance required a new by -law is not needed. iI I `-6 f4 TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BT-LAW NO. 1954 BEING a By -law to Repeal By -law No. 1942. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed a By -law numbered 1942, being a by -law to authorise participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, on August 16, 1965; AND WHEREAS this Council deems it expedient to repeal said By -law due to improper form; NOW THEREFORE be it enacted that By -law No. 1942 entitled "A By -law to authorise participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System ", be and is hereby repealed. READ a first and second time this /7 day of January,, 1966. READ a third time and finally passed this /I &day of January, 1966. F� Mayor dlerk ME Department of Municipal A.",•airrss App ... ' - .....4. 1 S.. �0..1. Asskf.or no,,,,... n ___..... ,r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANdILLE BY -LAW NO. 1955 * BEING a By -law to authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. WHEREAS pursuant to Section 15 of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, 1961 -62, a municipality or local board may by by -law or resolution elect to participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and pay to the fund the total of the employer and employee contributions, and has all the powers necessary and incidental thereto: NOW THEREFORE be it enacted as a by -law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville (herein called the Employer) as follows: 1. The Employer hereby elects to participate in the Ontario Mun- icipal Employees Retirement System as of the first day of September 1965 (herein called the effective date) and authorizes the Clerk to submit this election in writing (by provision of a certified copy of this by -law) to the Secretary - Treasurer of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board. 2. Every employee who, before the effective date, was an employee of the Employer, is entitled to become a member of the System on a day fixed by the Employer, if he is employed on a con- tinuous full -time basis and at least 75% of the employees so employed who are under their normal retirement age become members. 3. Every person who becomes an employee of the Employer on or after the effective date if he is employed on a continuous full -time basis shall, as a condition of his employment become a member of the System, or if he is already a member resume his contributions to the System, on a day fixed by the Employer that is within twelve months after the day on which he became so employed. 4. The Clerk- Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Bowman- ville is hereby authorized to arrange for the deduction from the earnings of each employee who is a member of the System, I_10 - 2 - the contributions required to be made by the member, and to remit such contributions together with the amounts required under the Act to be paid by the Employer, to the Secretary - Treasurer of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board, and to execute all necessary documents and to do such things as are necessary to carry out the intent of this by -law. 5. The Employer hereby certifies that employees who are engaged as policemeni :or firemen are entitled to retire at age 60. READ a first and second time this /7 /'day of January, 1966. READ a third time and finally passed this 1 7day of January, 1966. Mayor Gcug6 H/ lerk f ai 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY-LAW NO. lye6 A by -law to authorize the purchase of land required by the Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville. WHEREAS the Public Utilites Commission of the Town of Bowmanville is engaged in supplying electrical power and energy to the inhabitants of the Town of Bowmanville. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems it necessary to purchase certain lands at the south west corner of the intersections of Concession Street and Scugog Road in the Town of Bowmanville, for the purpose of the said undertak- ing of the Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the Public Utilities Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 335, Section 18 (3), the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville purchase from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, parts of Lots 1 and 2 according to Raines Plan and part of original Township lot 13 in the 1st Concession in the Town of Bowmanville, containing .235 acres at the price of $3,500.00. 2. That the said lands be held by the Corporation of the Town of the said Bowmanville for /use of the /Public Utilites Commission in its undertaking of supplying electrical power and energy to the inhabitants of the Town of Bowmanville. 3. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign anyldocuments required to effect the said purchase of lands. Read a first and second time this 17/C day of January,1966. Read a third time and finally passed this /i day of January, 196+' i� Mayor Clerk. PLAN - �,HOWING PART OF LOTS i AND 21RAYNES PLAN AND PART OF LOT 13 , CONCESSION i TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE %I SCALE : 1 on. = 40 Cf. RO/%C> ALLOWANCE be +weed CONCCSS ►C:>r4 - / an �. CC:>t�1CL-=: 'Es ZE5 ION S- rFz`1 =�T ' cl. L N O Y v 7C+� /..L G 9 s � Al/ i 7 41 1 V 6Q@9u I M. as_��uyus (��,JJ J33 W "' U lu Q c 0 0 J � d n 4 d o o I J STRIKE & STRIKE BARRISTERS 8 SOLICITORS W. ROSS STRIKE, Q.C. A. ALAN M.STRIKE, B.A. EDWARD C. WILDMAN, 6,A,, IL, 6. Robert Byron, Clerk- Treasurer, Town of Bowmanville, Town Hall, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. Dear Mr. Byron: TELEPHONE 623 -5791 BOX 640 BOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO January 17th, 1966, Re: Bowmanville P.U.C, purchase from C.P.R. tion with you today, we Further following: conversa- 1. Draft by -law in duplicate, 2. Copy of survey showing the lands being purchased. Under Section 18 (3) of the Public Utilities Act the Town has authority to purchase land required by a Public Utilities Commission for its purposes, and as you are no doubt aware, the lands in question are required for a sub - station. We believe the Commission has already installed the footings. The price agreed upon between the Canadian Pacific Railways and the Commission is $3500,00 and of course these funds will be paid through the Public Utilities Commission. If possible, we would appreciate it if you would place this By -law before the Council this evening. If you require any further information no doubt Mr, Van Bridger would be happy to provide you with it. Yours faithfully, STRIKE & STRIKE AAHS:lem Encls. Per: } � 2_,�//L/ c.c. George Van Bridger,Manager, Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission, King St. W., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario, 14 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1957 A By -law to authorise the purchase of land required for the establishment of industry in the Town of Bowmanville and to provide for the borrowing of $30,000.00 upon debentures therefore. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville has, by an Agreement dated February 11, 1965 between Group Seven Holdings Limited, The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and Brookdals- Hingsway Limited, registered February 12, 1965 as instru- ment number N250121, an Option on a certain Offer to Sell, registered the 8th day of March, 1961 as Instrument Number N13571; AND WHEREAS the Option expires on February 15, 1966 on the lands being part of Lot 9 in the Broken Front Concession of the Town- ship of Darlington now in the Town of Bowmanville having an area of 20 acres more or lose and more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached to the aforesaid Agreement registered as Number N25012; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems it expedient to exercise its Option; NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, Section 379 (1) Paragraph 49, the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmanville HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to sign any documents required to effect the said purchase of lands. 2. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed from the credit of the Corporation at large the sum of $30,000.00 and debentures shall be issued therefore in the sums of not lean than $100.00 each bearing interest at the rate of 6 percentum par annum and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest, or in the alternative by the issuance of ten debentures of combined principal and interest, one due and payable as to principal in each of the years during the currency of said debentures, and interest payable in each year on each debenture at the mate of 6 percentum per annum. -z 3. The debentures shall all be dated in 19669 shall bear the sane date, and shall be issued during the year 1966 after the passing of this By -law. 4. The debenture as to both principal and interest shall be payable in Canadian currency and may be payable at any place or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 5, The principal of the debt shall be repaid in ten annual instal - lsente after the date of the issue of such debentures with interest annually upon the balances from timb to time remaining unpaid. The respective amounts of principal to be repaid and interest to be paid in each of such , -ten years shall be amounts so designated in Schedule "A" hereunto annexed and forming part of this by -law, 6. The debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the head of the Council or by some other person author- ized by by -law to sign the same and by the treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the treasurer and his signature to than may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or other- wise mechanically reproduced. The signature of the head of the Council may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechan- ically reproduced and, if such debentures are countersigned in writing by the deputy - treasurer, the signature of the depwby- treasurer thereon may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechan- ically reproduced. 7. Commencing in the year 1967, and thereafter in each, year during the currency of the said debentures or any of them there shall be levied and raised in each year in which an installment becomes due by a special rate sufficient therefor, over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the Municipality the amount of the install- ment of principal and interest payable in the year as set forth in Ah Schedule "A" hereunto annexed and forming part of this by -law, x READ a first time this 25th day of January, 1966. READ a second time this 25th day of January, 1966. READ a third tine and finally passed this P?" Day of A414 „ 2966. M M-0 ' .,: T' CLERK I! is I r Debenture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year of 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW N0. 1957 SCHEDULE "A" Principal = 2,300.00 2,400.00 2,600.00 2,700.00 2,900.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 3,400.00 3,600.00 3,900.00 30,000.00 Llw -- 6% = 19800.00 " 1,662.00 " 1,518.00 " 1,362.00 " 1,200.00 " i,026.00 " 846.00 " 654.00 " 450.00 " 234.00 i 10,752.00 Total # 4,100.00 4,062.00 4,11$.00 4,062.00 4,100.00 4,026.00 4,046.00 4,054.00 4,050.00 4,134.00 40,752.00 1 IM Form 38 -B Telephone Number 365 -1912 PLEASE QUOTE FILE NUMBER .. ONTAMO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 Queen Street West Toronto 1, Ontario Mr. Robert L. Byron, Clerk- Controller, Town of Bowmanville, P.O. Box 1570, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: February 9, 1966 F 8579 - 66 Re: Purchase of land required for the purchase of sites for the establishment of an industry I am enclosing herewith duplicate original order pursuant t9 section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefor. EN /sr Encls. 2 Yours truly, B. VICK4/) SECRETARY P.S. The Board will require a copy of Schedule "A" for consideration along with By -law 1957. �s 3n �iy� 3 � THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATT ..R OF Section 64 of - to Board Act, — and — IN THE MATTER GF an application by The Corporation of the Town Of Howmanville for approval of the acquisition of land required for the purpose of sites for the establishment of industry, and of the borrowing of the sum of $30.000. being the estimated coat thereof B S F d R E: d. A. "- NNEDY, Chairman j Friday, the 4th day - and - } of February, 1966 W. SHUSO K.C., Member F 8579 - 66 THE BOARD ORDERS$ under and in pursuance of the legis- lation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the board, that the said application be and the same is hereby granted, and that the corporation may now proceed with the said undertaking and for such purpose may pass all requisite by -laws$ including by -laws providing for the issue of debentures in a principal amount not exceeding $30#0U0 repayable over a term of not more than ten years, and may borrow money to the fSt®nt sufficient to provide an amount not exceeding $300000 therefor, provided: 10 that the said corporation may borrow the whole or any part of the said sum of $300000 as required pending receipt of subsidies and the sale of debentures, or of mon ®yc to be received from any other source, and 2. that any by -law authorizing the acquisition of the said land is passed by a three - fourths vote of all members of the Council of the said corporation, and t I F $579 - 66 3, that the corporation in exercising any of its powers approved by this order shall comply with all statu- tory and other legal requirements related thereto, l SECRETARY S r 0 `-0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1958 Being a by -law to require the closing of gasoline Service Stations during certain hours. WHEREAS more than three - quarters of the service station occupiers and operators within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville have applied to the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bow- manville praying for the passing of a by -law requiring the closing of gasoline service stations within the Municipality during certain hours. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Factory, Shop and Office Building Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 130, Sections 78 (4) and 79 (b) and (c) the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. In this by -law "gasoline service stations" shall mean any building or premises from which gasoline, oil or petroleum products are kept and offered for sale to the public. 2. This by -law shall apply to all gasoline service stations within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville. 3. During the whole of the year, all gasoline service stations, save as hereinafter expressly provide, be closed and remain closed:- (a) Between seven o'clock in the afternoon of each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively and six o'clock in the forenoon of the next following day; and (b) Between seven O'clock in the afternoon of each Saturday and six o'clock in the forenoon of the next following Monday; PROVIDED that the aforesaid times and other times hereinafter set out shall be either Eastern Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time from time to time in force in the Town of Bowmanville. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 hereof to the contrary, the Town Clerk shall issue permits authorizing those gaso- line service stations for which such permits are issued, to be and remain open during the following hours to be specified in such permit:- .v - 2 - 0 (a) Between seven and nine o'clock in the afternoon of each 14 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday; and (b) Between six o'clock in the forenoon and nine o'clock in the afternoon of each Sunday. PROVIDED that such permits shall be issued on a rotation basis to not more than 25% of the gasoline service stations within the Municipality and that such permits shall authorize and so state that the operator or occupier to whom such permit is issued may provide emergency services between the hours of nine o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the forenoon of each day in each week. 5. This by -law shall take effect on the 21st day of February 1966, and shall be subject to the provisions of the Factory, Shop and Office Building Act. 6. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by -law shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay, for the first offence a penalty not exceeding $25.00 exclusive of costs and for subsequent offences a penalty not exceeding $50.00 exclusive of costs. This By -law given its first, second and third readings and finally passed on the 7th day of February 1966. MAYOR Zi � CLERK is • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANPILLE BY -LAW NO. 1959 k A By -law to provide for the payment of an annual allowance to the Mayor and Members of Council. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed on November 13, 1939 By -law No. 1361 providing for a remuneration to the Mayor and members of Council and which By -law has been amended from time to time; AND WHEREAS some confusion has arisen; NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, Section 212 and Section 406, the Council of the Corp- oration of the Town of Bowmanville HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor be paid an annual allowance of one 'S60 thousand dollars ($1000.00). 2. That the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and remaining members of Council be paid an annual allowance of five hundred >o dollars ($500.00). 3. Such allowance shall be paid half yearly and in the event of the death of a member, or upon his ceasing to be a member for any reason before the expiration of his term of office, the amount payable to him or his personal representative shall be in proportion to the period of his service during such term. 4. One -third of such annual allowance shall be deemed to be for expenses incident to the discharge of his duties as a member of Council. 5. The provisions of this By -law to be retroactive to January 1, 1966. 6. That By -laws 1348, 1361, 1456, 1649, 1706 and all By -laws at variance with this By -law be and are hereby repealed. 2 READ a first and second time this 7th day of February, 1966. Z'Zk4' CLERK • READ a third time and finally passed this 7th day of February, 1966. 41— MAYOR CLE K THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1960 A By -law to repeal By -law No. 1958. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed By -law No. 1958, being a by -law to require the closing of gasoline service stations during certain hours. AND WHEREAS it has been made apparent that more than one -third of the operators or occupiers of gasoline service stations Isare opposed to the by -law. • 0 NOW THEREFORE be it enacted that By -law No. 1958 entitled "A by -law to require the closing of gasoline service stations during certain hours" be and is hereby repealed. This By -law given its first, second and third readings and finally passed on the 21st day of February, 1966. MAYOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1961 A By -law to provide for exemption of farm lands from taxation for certain expenditures. WHEREAS certain lands held and used as farm lands only are not benefited to as great an extent by the expenditure of monies for and on account of public improvements as other lands in the municipality. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville under the provisions of Section 37 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 23, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: • THAT the lands in the Town of Bowmanville described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, and forming part of this by -law, used as farm lands only and assessed in blocks of five acres or more, shall be exempted from taxation for the year 1966 for the expenditures of the municipality incurred for sidewalks. Read a first and second time this 21st day of February, 1966. Read a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1966. --' < MAYOR CLERK Name & Address W. D. Carruthers Scugog Street 4k. Carruthers Scugog Street Mrs. W. Werry Scugog Street Samuel Buttery Middle Road n tt John Cooper Middle Road Wm. Cooper Middle Road Rhea Lodge Conc. 2 hel Culham nc. 2 Wallace Munday Harry Bartlett Conc. 2 R. Jackman Jackman Rd. C. Oermuellen King Street W. Wm. Ridgley Const. & Riznek Const. Edward Wilson Waverley Road C. Parsons overly Road W. Fice Waverley Road R. Fice Waverley Road A. Martin Martin Road A. Brown Waverley Road W. D. Carruthers High Street I! WEST WARD Acres Land 1BAu Total Farm Roll 88z' 2190 5710 7900 23.70 759 _15 500 3120 3620 10.86 762 !API, 371 790 790 2.37 819 85 1665 4490 6155 18.47 815 14 250 250 .75 817 10 350 1690 2040 6.12 818 10 350 1735 2085 6.26 821 28 555 1885 2440 7.32 875 10 225 225 .68 874 36 875 875 2.63 873 21 280 280 .84 872 14 440 13930 14370 43.11 847 47 1620 1620 4.86 135 26 980 980 2.94 207A 100 2985 4785 7770 23.31 332 30 575 3580 4155 12.47 358 18 660 660 2.07 360 10 480 480 1.11 359 28 910 910 2.73 372 24 600 600 1.80 334 5 340 2295 2635 7.91 530 182.31 7- G i . .. NORTH WARD Farm Roll Name & Address Acres Land Buildings Total Rebate No. Robert Clarke berty St. N. 7 725 725 2.17 451 Alldread Liberty St. N. 1512 925 4605 5530 16.59 446 C. Bickle Concession St. E. 16 1000 1000 3.00 657 W. D. Carruthers High Street 13 620 620 1.86 649 Harry Saunders Liberty St. N. 512 360 360 1.08 764 Peter Zakarow Liberty St. N. 50 1950 1950 5.85 790 F. Morrill King Street E. 2112 1200 1200 3.60 132 Bowbrook Invest. " ng Street E. Oshawa 5 300 1775 - 2075 6.27 124 Wood Prod. Liberty St. N. 40 1815 1815 5.44 791 Rachel Stephens Liberty St. N. 100 2310 2310 6.93 797 Hillcrest Heights Liberty St. N. 50 1400 1400 4.20 818 B. MacDonald Liberty St. N. 5 375 375 1.13 832 Robert-Mutton Concession St. E. 9 480 480 1.44 668 K. McQuarrie Concession St. E. 9 480 480 1.44 672 Neil 'iutton Est. 0ncession St. E. 53 1695 3995 5690 17.07 681 Robert Hendry Concession St. E. 96 2650 5190 7840 23.53 703 Ira Pearce Eat. Concession St. E. 17 850 3020 3870 11.61 714 Edward Wilson Mearns Avenue 382 1360 1360 4.08 743 Arthur Baker Mearns Avenue 13 440 440 1.32 730 V. Rimes Mearns Avenue 30 865 865 2.60 732 Robert Treybal Mearns Avenue 50 850 2375 3225 9.68 733 Frank Wonnacott Darns Avenue 56 1150 1150 3.45 736 Marion Gibson Nlearns Avenue 33 685 685 2.06 738 George Bellman Mearns Avenue 13 265 265 .8o 738A W. D. Carruthers 8 , 260 260 .78 637 P. Allin,High St. 8 265 265 =ZE8 63C Name & Address hwarz Brothers ase Line 'vim. Lycett Bade Lire Bowbrook Invest. Base Line Bowbrook Invest. Duke Street W. D. Carruthers Broken Front Ross Stevens & Robert Stevens Conc. 1 Blake Short Est. 0 impson Avenue m. Smith Simpson Avenue Bowbrook Invest. Base Line Bowbrook Invest. Duke Street Bowbrook Invest. Duke Street W. G. Henderson NE • SOUTH WARD Farm Roll Acres Land Buildings Total Rebate No. 75 1540 1540 4.62 956 132 310 310 .93 965 26 630 630 1.89 973 xc/ 700 2 -5720 26420 79.26 818 .. J.n. 60 1235 1235 3.72 976 60 2070 550 2620 7.86 175 75 1600 5495 7095 19.50 649 69 2415 2415 7.25 659 35 2500 2500 7.50 B1 300 2645 ° °� 2945 8.84 814 100 1945 " 2045 6.14 816 35 1700 1700 5.10 Y U 152.61 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1962 A BY -LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF PART OF LOT 10 IN THE BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION IN THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF A SITE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CARRYING ON OF AN INDUSTRY TO HARRY LOCKE AND JACK CON LOCKE. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville did by By -Law number 1911 duly approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, authorize the purchase of certain lands in Township Lot 10, in the Broken Front Concession of the Town of Bowmanville for the purpose of a site for the establish- ment of industry in the Town of Bowmanville. AND WHEREAS by instrument number N23346 for the Is Town of Bowmanville, registered on the 12th day of August,1964 the said lands were conveyed to The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. AND WHEREAS, Harry Locke and Jack Con Locke have agreed to purchase approximately 2.45 acres of the said lands for the purpose of a site for the establishment and carrying on of industry. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, Section 379 (1) Paragraph 49, as amended by . Statutes of Ontario 1965, Chapter 77, Section 27 (2 ), the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville sell to Harry Locke and Jack Con Locke the said lands in Township Lot 10 in the Broken Front Concession of the Town of Bowmanville having 470 foot frontage on the west side of Simpson Avenue and 230 feet depth lying 116 feet 9 1/2 inches south of the north limit of said Township lot 10 and containing approximately 2.45 acres for the price of $3,675.00 for the purpose of a site for the establishment of industry. 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute all deecb and documents required to convey title in the • 0 0 - 2 - said lands being purchased and impress the Corporate seal on all documents as may be required. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this % day of A4&4 1966. Mayor Clerk. FC i b O r a- 0 .• C4 ctc cats a • w M�'F'•O w •• o m r:5 �s tz1 r o cr^E • (D (D (D r xNN 03H O O�NOmM 0OD03 . n t+ .. w N• W O �1 O m H ct ct O •• OD o l • F •• G �+ DNS- ty m R° trl �O�yy •• m O G 'O •. r co .3 O S+ N ct ct r cr m zn •• H ct Z sv � fa � (D H H O ct f$ cD z 0 0 ct H �" ;' N z O N •• ;• W ct t7l H O •i a (D (D cC00 O �j Wct • yy .. w MO y Or •• x L""*iS M O tD .� nSCwwmm X H m O z w (DJF E r • •• W ct n N N •• .. w cDwK • z O z O O .. •• fy O M 1 ',S' M O ct FC i b O r a- 0 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1963 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Planning Area consisting of the attached map and ex- planatory text is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforesaid Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Planning Area. 3. This By -law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Enacted and passed this 7th day of March , 1966. Signed: Ivan M. Hobbs MAYOR Signed: Robert L. Byron CLERK Certified that the above is a true copy of By -law No. 1963 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville on the 7th day of March, 1966. Date: CLERK a saµ' ' -• FORM OB -MR -25 REVISED 64.4168 BY -LAW NO ...... 1961x...... A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19.6b::..EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS IN THE TO vollum WN �OF . Bowmanville..... IN THE C VUWAM OF .....Durham,_..,_,.., WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by -law to provide for ex- penditures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of High- ways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Townf"ifenacts as follows: (1) The sum of $....45.,x. +.(?Q........is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdic- tion during the year 19..00.as follows: (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by -law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at .&?"Wille.. this ...... at......... day of ..... �Iaro.,..... A-D. 19 66., dry.-} - _ ................... .... � Clerk Mayor or Reeve I 8olaert L. Box. ....................... Clerk of the Corporation of thelown k of ... BowmaY.i.l1a............. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -law No. 19.64passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the .110(.q... day of ........... Narc.h ................... 19 .66.... ................... Clerk. Al I kit 4 Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ........ ..............................$ 1$,G.UQ.W ... $ 22, BRIDGES & CULVERTS ................$ . ..........$ .. .7.44..44..$ ........7.44..0.0 is ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD ....$ .....x.,1.5 010 TOTALS ..........................$ 20,D O:r44...$ .. 5.v4 .oa..$ ._45. (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by -law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at .&?"Wille.. this ...... at......... day of ..... �Iaro.,..... A-D. 19 66., dry.-} - _ ................... .... � Clerk Mayor or Reeve I 8olaert L. Box. ....................... Clerk of the Corporation of thelown k of ... BowmaY.i.l1a............. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -law No. 19.64passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the .110(.q... day of ........... Narc.h ................... 19 .66.... ................... Clerk. Al I kit 4 0 9 E ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. R. L. Byron, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Box #1570, Bowmanville, Ontario. C. T. V. Downsview, Ontario. May 11th, 1966. Dear Sir: Re: 1966 Road Expenditure By -law Number 1964 Amount 145.000.00 The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of High- ways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by -law to a limit of $ 209000.00 for Construction, $ 25,000.00 for Maintenance, F*e $ 45,000.00 Total Please be a dvised that expenditures in excess the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible JZ sidy unless covered by a supplementary by -law approved Minister. Supplementary bylaws should be submitted as early ari: the year as possible, preferably before July 31st, 1966. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of construction and of contracts for construction or maintenance. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by -law as approved is returned herewith. Xfvery truly, J. P. Howard, D' Encl. Municipal Engineer. ;, J- a THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1965 A By -law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1966. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville has in accordance with The Municipal Act considered the estimates of the municipality and of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality and it is necessary that the following sums be raised by means of taxation for the year 1966: General Purposes 354,740.21 County Purposes 144;446.22 Public School 224;153.21 Separate School 7,453.83 High School 1 261,403.56 AND WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in 1965 and upon which the 1966 taxes are to be levied was finally revised by the Court of Revision; AND WHEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit hereinafter referred to as Residential and Farm, and the amount of assesament-not entitled to benefit from Unconditional Grants in accordance with Sections 294 and 297 of The Municipal Act herein- after referred to as Commercial and Business, is as follows: Residential Commercial & Farm & Business Total Public School 5,978,645.00 2,778,448.00 $,757,093.00 Se arate School 165,950.00 61,515 00 227;465,00 High School 16)144,595-00 12,839)963:00 L,984,558.00 AND WHEREAS the amount of the Unconditional Grant is $27,552.00 which is the equivalent of 4.48 mills on the assessment entitled to benefit; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the total estimates required during the year 1966 tota - ling $1,430,649.86 be adopted and the following amounts be levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter: Y - 2 - General Purposes County Purposes Public School Separate School High School 327,188.12 144.446.22 224,153.21 7,453.$3 261,403.56 2. There shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville the following rates for the year 1966: 3. All rates and taxes including all local improvement assess- ments and rates for garbage collection shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable on the lst day of January; 1966, but may be paid in four instalments on the 29th day of April, 1966, the 24th day of June, 1966, the 26th day of August, 1966 and the 21st day of October, 1966, provided that upon failure to make pay- ment of one or all instalments, the whole shall become due and pay- able forthwith. 4. There shall be imposed a penalty for non - payment of taxes on the due date of any instalment thereof, the amount of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied. 5. There shall be allowed a discount of 1% on the second instal - ment, 2% on the third instalment and 3% on the fourth instalment on any taxes so paid in advance of the 29th day of April, 1966. Residential Commercial & Farm & Business Public School Rate 24.72 27.47 High School Rate 28.11 31.23 General Rate 35.00 39.48 County Rate 16.08 16.08 Total Public School Rate 103.91 114.26 Separate School Rate 31.90 34.90 High School Rate 28.11 31:23 General Rate 35.00 39.48 County Rate 16.0$ 16.08 Total Separate School Rate 111.09 121.69 3. All rates and taxes including all local improvement assess- ments and rates for garbage collection shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable on the lst day of January; 1966, but may be paid in four instalments on the 29th day of April, 1966, the 24th day of June, 1966, the 26th day of August, 1966 and the 21st day of October, 1966, provided that upon failure to make pay- ment of one or all instalments, the whole shall become due and pay- able forthwith. 4. There shall be imposed a penalty for non - payment of taxes on the due date of any instalment thereof, the amount of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied. 5. There shall be allowed a discount of 1% on the second instal - ment, 2% on the third instalment and 3% on the fourth instalment on any taxes so paid in advance of the 29th day of April, 1966. 0 0 - 3 - 6. The Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom notice is required to be given. 7. all taxes shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer. 8. The Collector and Treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This By -law shall come into force and affect upon the date of the final reading thereof. READ a first and second time this 29th day of March, 1966. NWIOIJI .rri ✓I Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1966. d-I dlerk t� It * THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO., 1966 A By -law to establish and maintain a system for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse. WHEREAS Council is authorized•.under the provisions of Section 379 (1), Paragraphs 75 and 77 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, to pass by -laws for establishing and maintaining a system for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse and for imposing a special rate to defray the expense of such collection, removal and disposal. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this By -law: (a) "Ashes" shall mean the remainder of combustible sub- stances after combustion. (b) "Commercial Building" shall mean any building used for any trade or business and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall include hotels, restaurants, nursing homes, stores, offices, office buildings, hospitals, schools, churches, meeting and /or lodge halls, the Lion's Centre, Legion building and Memorial Park Association Club House. (c) "Garbage" shall mean and include all animal and vege- table waste resulting from the preparation of food for human con- sumption. (d) "Non- collectable Waste" means and includes the following: 1) The ashes, garbage and waste products of any manu- facturing, canning, preserving or food processing plant or business 2) The trimmings and cuttings from trees, �shrubs and ti vinesle�::r`;: 3) Celluloid cuttings, moving picture film, oil soaked or gasoline soaked rags and any explosive or highly combustible material of any kind or nature whatsoever. - 2 - 0 4) Bricks, cement blocks, stone, broken plaster or other waste or residue resulting from any building construction, alteration, repair, demolition or removal. 5) Sawdust, shavings or excelsior. 6) Swill and other organic matter not properly drained and wrapped as provided in Section 9, Clause (e) thereof. waste. 7) Liquid waste. 8) Bandages, poultices, dressing and other such like 9) Hay, straw and manure. 10) Night soil. 11) The carcass of any dog, cat, fowl or other creature or part thereof, save kitchen waste from residential units. 12) Any material which was formerly part of a motor vehicle or trailer. 13) Any ashes, garbage or refuse which does not con- form with all the provisions of this By -law. (e) "Refuse" shall mean and include all waste material of every kind and description whatsoever, excepting non - collectable waste. • (f) "Residence" shall mean any building in which people make their home and shall include an apartment house, dwelling, duplex, etc. (g) "Town Garbage Dump" means and includes the land in Lot #14 in the Second Concession of the Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Bowmanville and now used as a Town Garbage Dump and any other lands hereafter designated by Council as a Town Garbage Dump. 2. There is hereby established and there shall be maintained within the municipality a system for the collection, removal and iVdisposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse. y A' - 3 - 3. For the purpose aforesaid the Municipality shall, if necessary, acquire and maintain such vehicles, plant, equipment, lands, buildings and other things and shall provide an adequate number of men from time to time as may be required or it may, if Council so desires, enter into a contract with a person, firm or corporation for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse. 4. Except as hereinafter limited, ashes, garbage and other refuse shall be collected from the rear of residences within the . Municipality at least once each week and from commercial build- ings at least twice each week provided however, that if by reason of extraordinary weather conditions or any other emergency, the collection cannot be made as aforesaid, there shall be no liabilit; upon the Municipality or any of its offices or servants in respect of such failure to collect ashes, garbage or other refuse. 5. Ashes, garbage and other refuse collected as aforesaid shall be disposed of by transporting the same to the Town garbage dump. 6. The Town garbage dump shall be available to all persons residing or carrying on business in the Town of Bowmanville for the disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse excepting non- collectable waste, and may be used by other persons upon such terms and conditions and upon payment of such consideration as the Council may from time to time deem expedient. 7. No unauthorized person shall set any fire on the Town garbage dump. 8. That the burning of garbage by any householder or other person on his property shall not be done unless an incinerator approved by the Medical Officer is used and the Medical Officer may prohibit such burning of garbage in congested areas or where a nuisance arises from such burning. - 4 - 9. All ashes, garbage and refuse placed out for collection shall conform with the following requirements or shall otherwise be deemed to be non - collectable waste: (a) All magazines, newspapers, cardboard cartons and other waste paper and paper products shall be securely tied in solid compact bundles not exceeding 75 pounds. (b) All ashes, garbage and refuse shall be in metal con- tainers, each of a capacity of not less the 72 gallons and not more than 20 gallons and shall be equipped with a handle or handles and such containers shall at all times be kept in a proper sanitary • condition by the use of disinfectant. (c) All metal containers shall be kept in proper repair at all times and particularly shall the handles be firmly affixed to the containers so that it may be handled without difficulty.. (d) Ashes shall be in securely covered containers unmixed with garbage or other waste or with any liquid, provided that failure to cover a container of hard clinkers, crockery or other such material not liable to be blown about by the wind, shall not be deemed to be a breach of this provision. (e) Garbage shall be in securely covered containers un- mixed with any liquid and all meats, fish, fruit, vegetables and other waste liable to attract animals and verminal flies, shall be drained of liquid and securely wrapped and tied. (f) The weight of any container together with its contents shall not exceed 75 pounds. (g) The number of containers places for collection each week shall not exceed 6 for each dwelling unit. (h) All containers containing garbage, ashes and refuse shall be placed out for collection after sunset of the day previous to the day fixed for collection and before seven o'clock in the forenoon of the day fixed for collection in a location conveniently accessible to the garbage collector, other than the travelled F tion of any street, highway, sidewalk or foot path. :A • 0 - 5 - 10. No person shall pick over, interfere with, disturb, remove or scatter any ashes, garbage or refuse place$ for collec- tion. 11. Employees of the Municipality may in the collection of ashes, garbage and other refuse enter the sheds, porches, garages or out buildings where such ashes, garbage or other refuse is located, but they shall not enter the buildings proper nor shall they ascend or descend any stairs in order to make any such collection. 12. The occupant of premises from which garbage and refuse is to be collected shall on the day when collection is to be made provide a clear pathway to the location of the refuse containers, which said pathway shall be sufficiently wide to permit the con- tainers to be carried conveniently to the street and shall be reasonably direct and unobstructed. 13. The annual rates for the collection, removal and dis- posal of garbage, ashes and other refuse from the different classes of buildings are as follows: (a) Residences (b) Apartments (each) (c) Commercial (d) Commercial - $12.00 (one pick -up each week) - $12.00 (one pick -up each week) - $27.00 (one pick -up each week) - $50.00 (two pick -ups each week) (e) Combined Residence/ - $27.00 (one pick -up each week) Commercial ((£) Food Markets - Dom.,- $50.00 (one pick -up each week) I.G.A. and A & P (g) Extra Pick -ups: Commercial - $6.00 per call Residential - $3.00 per call 14. The annual rates provided for in Section 13 will be placed as a special charge on the Collector's Roll and collected in a like manner as taxes are payable. 1 W -6 15. No collections as provided by this by -law will be made from the area north of the Canadian Pacific Railway on Chapel Street, the area referred to as the Uest Beach and farm residences. 16. The Council may by resolution permit owners of commercial buildings the right to disposal of their refuse and garbage at their own expense, but Council reserves the right to charge such owners for the use of the facilities of the Town Dump and the road leading to the dump. 17. A person convicted of the breach of any of the provisions 0 of this By -law shall pay at the discretion of the Magistrate a penalty not exceeding twenty -five dollars ($25.00) for each offence exclusive of costs. 18. By -laws No. 1626, No. 1755 and all by -laws at variance to this by -law are hereby repealed. 19. This By -law shall be deemed to have been in effect from the first day of January, 1966. READ a first and second time this 29th day of March, 1966. Mayor Cle k READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1966. i// Cle k THE CORPORATION OF THE BY -LALW NO. /9% Being a by -law to increase the interest rate on tax arrears. BE IT ENACTED as a By -law of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville as follows: 1. The Treasurer of the Town of Bowmanville be and is hereby authorized and shall add to the amount of all taxes due and unpaid interest at the rate of 2/3 of 1 per cent per month or fraction thereof from the 31st day of December in the year in which the taxes were levied until the taxes are paid, effective and commencing on the lst day of January, 1967. READ a first and second time this Y day of , 1966. Mayor Clerk READ a third time and finally passes this Y Mday of % " "` , 1966. Mayor Clerk 11 10 BY -LAW NO. /9"'/f A by -law to authorize the entering into of an agreement with the Village of Newcastle to provide animal control service. WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Newcastle has requested the Council of the Town of Bowmanville to provide Animal Control Service within the limits of the Village. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to an agreement dated April 18, 1966 between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle providing for Animal Control Service in the Village of Newcastle. READ a first and second time this 18th day of April, 1966. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of April, 1966. 0 Robert L. Byron, Clerk- Controller, Town of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario. ONTARIO CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE m N NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO May 10th, 1966. Dear Mr. Byron: Re: Animal Control Service • There is attached one copy of the Agreement duly signed and sealed. fbp /jm Encl. 0 Yours very truly, Clerk- Treasurer (F.B.Pidgeon) ..... .... .... . made this Eighteenth day of April, A.D., 19660 . and_ The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, of the first part; The Municipal Corporation of the Village of Newcastle, of the second part; WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle has petitioned • the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to extend the Animal. Control Service currently enjoyed by Bowmanville to that municipality; AND WHEREAS a satisfactory basis for the subsequent extension of the Animal Control service has been agreed upon, the terms of which are hereinafter set out; NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that in consideration of these terms, and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the said municipalities herein mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1. That the Town of Bowmamille will henceforth on and after the effective date of this agreement and any extension thereof, as herein provided, supply Animal eontrol service to the Corporation of the • Village of Newcastle. 2. That the Animal Control Officer of the Corporation of the Town of Bawmanville will carry out the provisions of the Newcastle Animal Control By -law only when instructed by the Clerk-Treasurer of that Municipality. The provisions of this section will not apply to the one call each month made by the Animal Control Officer in accordance with Section 3 of this agreement. 3. That the Village of Newcastle will pay the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per month to the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville as a retainer fee, which fee will provide for 24 calls per year with at least one call to be made each mouth for the purpose of patrolling the area. This fee to be paid as close to the end of each month as practicable. t'�, f 0 0 • 2 s 4. That the Village of Newcastle will pay the Corporation of the Town of Nownanville, the sum of Five Dollars (15.00) for each call, other than those provided above, made by the Glerk- Treasurer of Newcastle, which necessitates a trip to Newcastle by the Animal Control Officer. 5. This agreement shall be deemed to have taken effect on the First day of January, A.D., 1966, and shall run from year to year from the effective date unless terminated by either Nhnicipality upon written notice served at least 60 days prior to January let, in any year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have affixed their Corporate seals attested by the hands of their duly authorised signing officers. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BORUNTILLS. Xayor .... .... . .......................... Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE. Clerk r TREA'� R �?