HomeMy WebLinkAbout2281A by-law to authorize a conveyance of part of the original allowance for road between lots 26 and 27 in the 5th. Concession. GIHEREAS, E. Bruce Mumford, the Owner of lands and premises in the south halves of lots 20 and 27 in the 5th Concession of the Township of Darlington, is in possession of part of the original allowance for road lying L-etvreen said lots 26 and 27 in the 5th. Concession and southerly of the Trans-Canada Pige Line, as more particularly described in a Schedule ":l" annexed hereto. A1D WHEREAS, the predecessors in title of the said E. Bruce rumford, have laid out a new forced road 33 feet in width along the western limit of said lot 27 from the south limit thereof to the half lot line in place of the said original allowance for road without receiving compensatian therefor. 1S.idD 4v'ti`3RA5, the said E.Bruce 7<iumford and his predecessors in title have been in possession of the said part of original road allowance for over 80 years and the said E.Bruce Piumford has requested that the said part of the original allowance for road be conveyed to him. iJOid T3E~FOHE pursuant to the Tiunicipal tact, R.S.0.1960, Chapter 24y, Section 47) (I), The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington HEREBY EivACTS as follows: 1, That the Corporation of the Township of Darlington convey to the said E.Bruce lvumford that part of the original allowance for road lying between lots 20 and 27 in tiie 5th. concession of the Township of Darlington, more particularly described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto. 2, That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign a conveyance of the said land on behalf of the Township and affix tiie corporate seal of the Township thereto. By-law given its first and second rea.din~ this lst day of October A.D. 1964' By-IVa~~r given its third reading and finally passed on the 1st day of October &. D. 1y64, Reeve ~' ~ " `~~ . ....... . ;;;: ;fir. .; ..: clerk 1 ~ 'A " ~ ALL AID S111GlA,AR ti+at aar3ain p•ibel or tsoct e= ~~ pswiset situate,lying and being in the Teonabip Ot Oarlington. in tM County e! Qu11ta~. in tM Provlnco of Ontasie, and pelnp ewpesed of past of the South w~-halt et the original Road Allowance botwoon Lets 26 and 7f in the Fifth Concession in the acid Township of Darlington. de•eribed a telle.el ' OOIYPJICIlRi at the pint et lnteeaoatiee of tM Mo*th•tly liadt of Ceunty Road Nu~er 1 sritA tltie Meatasly 118 of said bad Allewance es aba.n en a Land plan registarad in the Repistsy 0!!!ce tae tM Roplatsy Division ter tM Nat Riding of the County e! Durhan as Noshes 7697 ter tAo ta.nol+ip et Oosl~ngton~ aid point distant nortAeslr !++ tM cast-aiantioned 11ait fa~ttr-six sly avanty-sight ens-hundredths fat (06.78') trw tAe swth-1lNtorly angle of 4t 27f DIEIICE North 18 degrees Qt nlnutea 30 seeendo Moat alenq tM~Yleatesly 1!•it of said goad Allownce a distance et tore thousand and swen feet (2007) to an iron bar planted in the lino of a Lance sunning South-iastoriyl ]HENCE South S7 de9soea 11 a~lnuta East along tl+o aid feaw • dlstanca of eighty- six and thirty-six one-h~ndsrdtl-s feet (86.36') to an iron bar •srkinq an angle in the said Lancet 1HENCE NprtU 73 deysoM 10 adnutN East eentinulnq alenq tho aid tenu a distance Of tM end ninety-teYr ene~M~ledtila }Nt (1.94') alOf'e Or 1Ha t0 YaN point Of intesooet~dn With tAo Rpteslr ltedt•ot said bad Allor,anc~t IiIENCF Seitth It dolse+a 0, alltwtoe 30 aNOnd. Net along tM acid liadt a distance et ninoteon AunOrod and testy and aittentM foot (190.6') a~oro or lose to th• plot .et llltdeNOtiop adtA tqe ~orly Batt et CMwty Uad Ihabes 1, acid pint,diataat NeaiAorl hetr-air and ei8l-t-tenor t.et fK.BO') ts.. the souen, Ibato:ir Ml1a •t_Ltlt ~! ~~ Swt~ 72 MpeN l6 i•Mllee 20 eeeoeds yeet eieq tAe NoztMsly licit of County Read Mustier i a distance et ~trty-air feet (µ'I ~o er Laa to the !OM Of ~, Containino M ~aasuroa>,nt 3.0 aoree~ be the ar rsy ar less. October 7, 1961 ' i~ ~~ r.~ . Ontario Land fu:voyer. ~;.-~, ~r ~ J. . ",~