HomeMy WebLinkAbout2295A by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required for the year 1965 and to set the rates of taxation to raise such amounts and to authorize certain methods and terms of collection pursuant to Sec. 297 of the Municipal Act RSO 1960 and to the Assessment Act RSO 1960, as amended. PAGr_] V0.? i ~~- 10. Sci7edules "A" nd "B" hereto a.ttached~ are declared to be and form part of this 13,y-ia~,~, 11, 'I'he provisions of by-laws of this i'~unici_palittT passed previous to this date} area insofar as they appear to conflict iai_th the provisions of this By-laws repealed. lam, This f`r-lair shall come into force and talre effect on the day of its passin, ~? ,~_ P,~AD .+ FIRST 11vD SECOND T'IY1E I~dD FINALLY 't'ASS^:D '1'!~IS ~ `7'~ DAv OF `Z~( 196- 3 Reeve Clerk SCHEDULE,.!' ~1" BY-I.a'v1_ NU _ ~ ~ y S~ TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 196 5 BUDGET 1965 1964 EXPENDITURES Budget Actual GENERAL GOVERNMENT Council Fees 3,800.00 2,800.00 ADMINISTRATIVE Salaries & Personal Services 25,500.00 24,586.08 Townships Share of Fringe Benefits 1,750.00 1,642.86 Printing, Postage & Stationary 3,500.00 3,416.32 Telephone 850.00 846.53 Audit 1,500.00 1,500.00 Legal Costs 3,000.00 1,588.14 Car Allowances 1,750.00 1,750.00 37,850.00 35,329.91 OTHER Maintenance of Municipal Building 4,500.00 3,154.99 Memberships & Conventions 800.00 753.74 Insurance 2,000,00 2,743.28 Election 1,000,00 966,74 Miscellaneous 1,071.$8 390.80 PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY 9,371.88 8,009,55 Ambulance 2,750,00 2,510.50 Bldg Inspection & By-law Enforcement Officer 4,300,00 3,919.72 Livestock Damage 1,000.00 860.00 Warble Fly 1,050.00 500.37 Dog Control 3,750.00 3,T-x.55 Sanitation & Weed Control 1,500.00 1,403.99 14,350,00 12,943.13 PUBLIC woRxs Ulinter Works 5,000.00 1,045.97 Highways & Roads 249,000.00 244,304.22 Capital out of Revenue 26,000.00 30,575.96 Cemetery restoration 1,500.00 1,244.59 Centennial Project 24,000.00 --- 305,500,00 277,170,74 SOCIAL WELFARE Relief Assistance 22,000.00 21,943.12 Welfare Administration 2,000,00 2,000,00 24,000,00 23,943.12 EDUCATION Public schools 155,519.05 1 55,934.72 Separate Schools 3,477,67 1,789.85 High schools 172,233.76 169,665.67 331,230.48 327,390.24 PAGE N0 2 COMrvIUNITY SERVICES TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON EXPENDITURES 196 5 Budget 1964 Actual Planning Board Industrial Committee Committee of Adjustment Oshawa Regional Planning GRANTS L.O.D.A. C.L.O.C.A. Salvation Army Durham Central Agricultural Society Southern Ontario Agricultural Society Cartwright Agricultural Society Hampton Park DEBT CHARGES Hospital Tile Drainage JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES County Rates Fire Rate Street Lights l~tISCELLANE0U5 EXPENDITURES Interest & Bank Charges Discount for Taxes Taxes written-off RESERVES Working Capital TOTAL 4, 500.00 500.00 500.00 3, 500.00 9,000.00 700.00 1,034.97 150.00 100.00 2 5.00 25.00 150.00 2,184.97 12,560.00 2,009.89 14,569.89 89,661.30 5,862.97 700.00 96,224.27 2,000.00 2, 500.00 1,000.00 5, 500.00 10,000.00 5, 882.30 78.58 370.7 5 150, o0 6,481.63 681,03 . 3.73 150.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 150. o0 1,456.76. 12,330.00 1,676.98 14,006.98 85,326.22 8,444.37 671.96 94,442.55 1,54.3.27 2,416.94 810.6 5 4,770.86 50,000.00 863, 581.49 858,745.47 TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 196 5 BUDGET REVENUE FROM TAXATION GRANTS & SUBSIDIES Warble Fly Winter Works Direct Relief Highway Improvement Centennial Project Payment in lieu of taxes Unconditional Grant OTHER MUNICIPALITIES Relief LICENSES & PERMITS Building Permits Plumbing Permits Dog Licenses Other Licenses REVENUES INTEREST & PENALTIES Interest & Penalties on Taxes Other Interest MISCELLANEOUS Debt Charges Recoverable Fines Sundry Surplus Road Revenue TOTAL 1965 1964 Bud et Actual 599,147.48 578,969.71 450.00 3,750.00 15,000.00 153,000.00 16,000.00 800.00 33,600.00 222,600.00 '+63.95 3,137.92 15,687.06 151,197.04 790.41 30,420.00 201,696.38 1,400.00 1,439.38 2,750.00 2,751.00 1,450.00 1,439.00 3,750.00 3, 566.00 300.00 173.33 8,250.00 7,929.33 12,000.00 800.00 12,3'+8.06 1,070.92 12,800.00 13,418.98 816.15 1,000.00 1,000.00 9, 567.86 7,000,00 19,384,01 907.30 1,102.21 6,498.76 53,746.32 7,114.13 69,368,72 863,.581.49 872,822.50 .. TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON SUMi`1ARY OF 196 5 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Council Fees 3,800.00 Administrative 37,850,00 0 they 9,371.88 Protection to Persons & Property 14,350.00 Public Works 305,500.00 Social Welfare 24,000.00 Education 331,230.48 Community Services 9,000,00 Grants 2,184.97 Debt, Charges 14, 569.89 Joint or Special Expenditures 86,224,27 Miscellaneous Expenditures 5,500,00 Reserve for Working Capital 10,000.00 863,581.49 REVENUES Revenues from Taxation 59~9147.~ Grants & Subsidies 222,b00.00 Other Municipalities 1,400,00 Licenses & Permits 8,250,00 Interest & Penalties 12,800,00 ~~4isce1laneous 19, 384, O1 863,581.49 i ,_ .., SCHEDULE "'B" BY-LAW N0. TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON SUi~4MARY OF MILL RATES EDUCATION s.s. #10 173,475.00 x 15.8 2,740,80 23,555.00 x_ 17.9 421.63 Area 6,344,000,00 x 20.8 131,955.20 817,861.00 x 22.9 18,729.01 sow, s.s. 107,800.00 x 22.0 2,373.80 --- x 24.2 --- Osh. S.S. 52,025.00 x 20.8 1,082.12 950.00 x 22.9 21.75 Clarke Union 66,875.00 x 21.4 1,431.12 3,050,00 x 23.9 72.89 Manvers Union 8,625.00 x 13.3 166.82 100.00 x 14.8 1.48 County 7,588,416.00 x 11.8 89,661.30 High school 845,516.00 x 24.8 20,868,80 6,752,900,00 x 22.4 151,264,86 Township Roads 7,598,416.00 x 16.0 121,574.65 Township General 6,752,900.00 x 6.0 40,517.40 845,516.00 x 11.0 9,600.68 Fire 5,862,975.00 x 1.0 5,862.97 Street Lights 233,500.00 x 3.0 700,00 599,147.48