HomeMy WebLinkAbout2302 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON , r., BY-LAW N0. :Z f.: : A BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 21111 AS AMENDED. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, duly passed Zoning By-law 2111 on the Fifth day of February, 19597 and subsequently passed an amending By-law to the Zoning By-law on the Second day of July, 19592 as No. 2126, both of the said By-laws being approved by an Order of the Ontario Municipal Board dated the Seventh day of July, 1959; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it advisable to further amend the said By-law 2111; NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.0.19607 Chapter 296, Section 30, the Municipal Council of the Township of Darlington enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule "A" to By-law 2111 be amended to extend the boundaries of the Residential "R1" Zone in Lot 7, Concession 79 according to the description of land as set out in Schedule 1 hereto, which is declared to be, and form part of this By-law. 2. That Schedule "A" to By-law 2111 be amended to reduce the area of the Greenbelt "G" Zone in Lot 7, Concession 7, according to the description of land as set out in Schedule 2 hereto, which is declared to be and form part of this By-law. This By-law shall take effect on the day it is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a FIRST and SECOND time this �- day of 1965. Reeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. READ a THIRD time and finally passed this day of 1965. Reeve .. '� . Clerk . � • • • • • SCHEDULE " 2" ' DESCUTTION A 1ANDS TO EE ZMED "GREEM BELT" - LOT 7: =NOESE'TOF DARLINGTON. that certain pewol or tract of land an-' or,s "C an! 6PAng in thz lcvn2hip & Darlington, in the County of Durhzm, in the Provinco of Ontario, and being camposed of part of the South one-quarter of Lot Seven (7) in tM, Sevcnth Tonc2sslnn in the said Township of DaTlington; containing by 16.20 aszos, ba thn same mcrc or lessp Uscribed as fclloys3 PRE17SITS that the Southerly limit of Lot 7 has a bearing of Korth 71 dagraGe 2'-� minutes East and relating ell bearings herein thereto-, CC 7� at ar ir bar planted in the Southerly limit of said Lot 7 distant Eestrxly ths7con onn MUM Md fifty feet (150') from a cut stone awnumsnt marki, ths South-Testwly 2ngle thezesfy 7" E ... 71 dngzecs 27 minutes East along the Southsrly limit of Faid Lot 7 dist7nce of live hundred feet 1500' ) to an iron bar.- YHENCE No7th 14 degrees 06 minutos best a distance of six hundred and thirty.thyee, and seventy-seven one-hundmadths fest (633.77') to an iron bar7 TEEME ,nom dqgTess 53 minutas 2C seconds Nest a distancs, of one hundxsd an c' nins0sn and eighty-four one-hundredths feet to an iron bar2 THE 50E South 66 degrees 45 minutes 30 saconds test a distance on two hundred a& nixtoS7 end eight-tonths feet (215.31) to an ircr w7,,, _N_077',-_z- 10 deqxnes 47 minutes 30 onconds best a distance of fl-s hundrsd zY Our and cight-tenths feet (504.8') to an iron bar; THEYCE North 3 Agreas AS minutes 20 2aconds East a distance of one hundrzd forty and reuen-tenths feet j140.7' ) to An iron bar- THUM North 74 degrees 07 minutes West a distance of six hundi& Pnd t77nty.one z& four Dnc-hundredths feet (621.04" ) Mpze an less to an Hon bar Markino the Oorth-Hsterly angle of the South an:-quartey of said n E so w an is KgTsss 37 twel-s hundred tho ,Szie limi I Let 7� Minutac East mrd one last _n- hundre Qong the ylstsxly limit 0 zald Let 7 ­-,', ( 12010) mcre or Ass to an iron bax di2tani, and five A& (405') Nom the MNSE North 71 degrees 27 minutes East a distancs of one hundwed M eighty A& flso' � to an iron baz'� META Sauth 18 degrees 31 minutes East a distarce of one hundred and 9 fifty-f!"s, MPt 055 to an iron baw- THOTICE South 71 dcgzcas 27 minutes Test a disance of thirty fact (301) to gr 7MYCE Seuth M degrecs 17 minutes &st a distacce of tos, hundred Ind fiTt7 foot 0250-) to tM _;PC77,77, C-D.-F "y Marko Land sur-cyar SCHEDULE VICRIPTIm OF 10NDS M BE REZONED "RESWENTIALa — LOT 7, CONZESSION 7, T0715HIP j--:, DARLYWON ALL AND SIQUIAR tY& Wrtzin 0370al or tract of land and Premises situate jgp.'�: end AV9 in the Annsnip 31 Darlington, in the County of Durham, in t ,he Of Dorham, and being COWS& Of Part Of the South oni-quazter of Lot Se-an in the Seventh Concession in the said Town,ni, of Darlington, cont;�jn-.-��,3 ment 1.50 scres, be the Saw more 01 less, described as TollowsE PREITSINS th7t the Southerly jimit of said !qz 7 42S B bearing Df Ncrth 71 bigzow, 127 mlnutss East and raiatipg all �Sarings hexein theretof a cut-stone monumen 71 Agracs 27 minute distance of one hund2ed P. fifty M20ing the South-TestarI7 angle Of jzj- Eas! along the Southerly limit of said feet to an iron bar,,- THETSE Wrth K Agwes 37 minutes West a dista,,, of t,, hundred and fifty jEa,,- (230 ) to an ircn bar- 7HENZE North 71 degnses 27 minutes East a distance of thirty feez ON to on iron ban 7HEP:E Fw7th 18 degrees 37 krutes �sst a distance f ... hundred and Fifty s feet 0555 to an -.,i ii! or; THENCE Ecuth 71 degrees 27 minutes Oest a distance of one hundrew ano eighty fem- KEY ) Mors or less to an iran bar piant& in the Westerly limit of seid Lot 7 , 71010 Eowth 18 degrees 37 minuten Eas, along the WesterlY limit of said Lot 7 dist"WO Of fOur hundred and five set ("I to ths P1107 OF COMMENCEMEAT- /7 ontpric Land Surveyor, I` L P-11-65 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 of The Planning ac (R..S.O. 19609 C. 296) 1 - and - IN THE MATTER OF an applica- tion by The Corporation of the Township of Darlington for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2302. BEFORE: J. A. KENNEDY, %.C. , ) Chairman, ) Tuesday, the 7th day of - and - September, 1965 J. V. LUDGATE$ ) Member. ) UPON THE: APPLICATION of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, upon consideration of the material filed, and it appearing that notice of application has been given as directed by the Hoard and that no objections to approval have been received by the clerk of the applicant corporation within the time prescribed, as appears by affidavit, filed; THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that By-law 2302 passed the 5th day of August, 1965, be and the name is hereby approved. SECRETARY ��