HomeMy WebLinkAbout2307A By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2111. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it advisable to amend By-law Number 2111, as amended. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington ENACTS as follows: 1. That Section 3(a)(i) be amended by adding thereto after the line which reads "Zone M2 Open Storage Industrial", the Following: "Zone MQ Quarry Industrial" 2. That Section 3(a)(i) be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Zone P Planting" 3. That Section 9A be added to the By-law as follows: "9A QUARRY INDUSTRIAL (MQ) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply: (a) USES PERMITTED No person shall within any Quarry Industrial (MQ) Zone use aa}* lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely: (i) INDUSTRIAL Mining and the extraction of minerals quarrying and the manufacture of eementg and buildings, machinery and equipment in connection therewith. (ii) RESIDENTIAL No residential use shall be permitted except two dwellings for a manager, caretaker, watchman or other similar persona employed on the premises concerned and their families. (b) AREA REQUIREMENTS No person shall within any Quarry Industrial (MQ) Zone erect, alter or use any buildings or structures except in accordance with the following provisions: (i) LOT COVERAGE The maximum lot coverage for all buildings shall not exceed 20~ of the lot area. (ii) SETBACK No building other than a gatehouse shall be located nearer than 100 feet to any property boundary other than where such boundary adjoins a railway right-of-way or Lake Ontario. (iii) RESIDENTIAL USE Any permitted residential use shall be subject to the provisions of Section 12 for a residential use in a M1 Zone." 4. That Section 11B be added to the By-law as follows: '"PLANTING (P) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply: (a) USES PERMITTED. No person shall within any Planting (P) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely: (i) The planting and growing of trees, shrubs and grass. (ii) Access roads or other works required for the use of adjoining lands in accordance with this by-law." ,+ ~ R x~ PAGE 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. ,. .1 That Section 13 be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: " (h) PART OF LOT 14 BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION Notwithstanding any provision of this by-law to the contrary within the easterly 100 f®et of Township lOt h+ lying south of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way in the Broken Front Concessions one gatehouse may be erected and used provided such gatehouse is located no closer than 20 feet to a public road allowance." That Schedule "A" be amended by adding to the "Land Use Legend" shown~herean the following: MQ QUARRY INDUSTRIAL P PLANTING" That Schedule "A" be amended by changing from Agricultural (A) Zone to Quarry Industrial (MQ} Zone and Planting (P) Zone the lands so designated on Schedule "A" attached hereto. This By-law shall take effect on the day it is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-L6~6 READ A FIRS ~ SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ON THE 1 ~ DAY OF ~~ ~A.D.~ 1965. Clerk Reeve ,F.-~ TOWNSHIP SCHEDULE OF DARLINGTON ~~A~~ TO BY-LAW N0. ~ J ~ __ -'~- ___ _ _ ____ _ _ ~3~ii 1.iy3ei-i_-__ Q Z ~ _ x!11 _ ~ O Q ~~ / _~ ~ J ~ m o -' ~ ~ ` ~ 11 0 N J 0 J a J h O J J O J ti O J ~ o ~ $ W M z = o o N W O m Z 0 W ~ ~ ~ r 3 0 0 0: o o ~ a ~ a W 0 Y.._ Z a ¢ a _ W ~ w w ~ J ~ a ~ 1 U ~ _ N 9 i ~ ~ ~ --- to ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S~ _ ~~rao ~oxi_ t33B.~ ='~Lo2"no3 _ _ _ . y ~T-.. ___--_~_ S S J G ~O , ~ 0 ~ ~ h ~y Q 3 p 3 _ -g e Q oo ~W ~ 41 ti o 0 a ~L W J O ¢ a ~ VA ~ a ~` ~ O o c ~ v _ `~- ~l \ ~ Z _ _ - S G Z ~ 0 3 U Q Q •` Z W m • • ~ ~ ~ W • m • o ~ ~ U C ~ O • • 2 Q~ • - __-- Ta3-S OT?T -QB ot~ _SiA OwAS'_ _ Z Q ~ L Q L Z "$ Q v i _ : i i ~~ IAt TFiE ~iATi'~t 9F 3eatiou 3a of ~ {Fi.u.t7. 196 ~ c. ..~$~ ~ TFt l~kA2'TBFt flY' en e.ppliaa- tion ~ Tl~e Cerporation of the Tawnahlpp of Darlington. for ayproval of its Ftestriated Area By-law 23tYl. H $ F 0 H } ~3. J~tZ~St~i, ~ Tiae.-Chairman, „ and - } iY'. T. ~t9RIVE~, t~aabsr. Thursday r the RBth deVY +0~f April, 196-6• 2HZ,5 AFPLICA;'ICtg having some a-a for puBlic hsarie~ at the Township of Dwciisgton, an tha ~7.at, ~Taad, 3rd, nth and 23th days of bfarah, i9b6, in tlse presence ©f aounosl for the appliaaat ao~speration, sounssl for a nua~ssar at intorested parties, and of a nmaber of eaterested parties appearing in pssraou; and aPaa+ hearing the appearing in aapport ©S the bylaw ,and thane app~arixig in apPotl6Son the3"etoj and it appearing that nofiice OP the said bring had beta duly given in a6~cordanae xiti the direatiozu mf B4aret upon reading the said bylaw and bara3"ir~ nhat Man alleged; any the Hoard having reserved its deeision until this der; THE BnAftD pFiD~;f~, under and in purawnae of tha V~ legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any aAd all etAer pannai's •ested in the Board, what Hy-lax 2,47' pawed the a8t& m-y of 4ateber, 1963, ue and the aaaw is iisawby appx~-ed. Tsp. V_ckers" SECBhTABt • ,. ~'-131-65 ~; ' P-SG5-b5 OiLTARlO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IP} 'PH>; I'dr`LTLR OF Section 31~. of The Plann~in~--Ac-t (s .S.O. 1960, c. 29b), - and_ - Ii~~ T'H`E 2.1(?TTER Or an application by T'ho Corporation of tho `Cotian- sP~ip of D;.rlington fer .pproval of pro~~os2d Ar.reiZd~acnt i~aurabcr 3 to the Official Plan of the Darl.invton Plannl:_~ Area to esta'olish anew land use dcsig- naticn "Quarry" an,' to cstahlisn policies to ~overr. quarry d_cvolop- nent and to rcdesignato certain lanQs between. Le_ko Ontario and the Canadian rv'aticnal rir,•ht-of-.•ray west cf the Town of Bo~•r;ianville fro_n Agriculturo to Quarry. - ant - I?~? THE i~1la^1TER OF Section 30 of The Planning l~ct ~- (i~.S.O, 1960, c. 290, - any. - IN THE MATTER OF an application by Tho Corporation of the Township of D..rlin~ton for e.pproval of its Restricted ~,rca By-law 2307 passed the 25th day of Octobor, 1965. C O U N S E L !a. A. H. Striko - for the To~~rnship of Darlia~ton J. T. Weir, Q.C.) - for St. iiary's Ccc~cnt Co. Ltc'.. ti'I. J. iicQuaiO. ) J G. Parkinson - for tho Brookdc.le-Kin~sway . 2?urs:;rios Li:raitod and certain other intorestcd partios J. F. H. Gray - for Ce~:nrcrost Beach Association DECISIODI Or THE BO'iRD This hearing c:cals with appliccaions for Official Plan k~nend.raent PSuiTiber 3 to the Official Plcn of the Darlirgtoii Plaru~inr, hrca and for an application for approv~l of Restricted Area By-law 2307 of the same w P-131-65 P-508-65 - 2 - municipality. Both of these ii;struracnts deal with the same lands and counsel agreed that the applications should bo hoard to~othcr and this wc.s ~~.one. The land in question which has an area of 723 acres is outlinod in red on the plan, exhibit 7 anti tho i.pplic~.tions deal only with tho area. to the south of fire riF?u'Zt-of-way of tho Canadian National Railway. This land is presently within an ~.gricultural category end tlro effect of tho proposed amcncLaonts is to place tYxa lan:'s in a lard use category which would permit the operatics. cf a cement plant and quarry. The evidcr.ce gavo particulars of tho finding of tYxis ore bogy a few (oars ago, after the oxisting land use r::gulations t~.ere in affect. This ore, or lirieston;, is of a type poculiarly suited for tho mnrufacturing of pcrtlard coracnt and in o.ddition to tho stone there are doposits of the type of clay which is nocossary for tl'i ].S sairi; prO CGSS. The StOniu 13 SC S1tU::tccl that 1t may ba economically worked as tharo is a raa.sonable depth of soil above tho stono. The volun.o of stone and clay it is eapoctod, ti~rouL satisfy trio roquire~,~cnts of the com:,:nt plant for ap~~roximately 80 ye^.rs. Tho plan, Exhibit 17, also shows the subject ;roporty. ^1ho limits of tho excavation aro shown thoroon and the Board was told that the quarrying operations would begin at the northerly end of tho area shown as Stago durabor 1, as far as can be foreseen at this timo. Stagoa 2 and 3 aro shown on this same exhibit. The ovidcnce which was presonteu in gr,^,at dotail outlined the raothod.s used in raodurn quarries and ccrnant plants and incluc~.ec~. the blasting operation, tho r:;i~ioval of stono fro_a tho blast site to tho prim^r~,r crushor by moans of trucks and fror.~ ~-131-65 p-5ot~-65 - 3 - the priraary crusher to store;;; piles by roans of bolt convoy ors (whic'r_ for a great part of thou length would travel in galleries cut tLrough the li,,.estone), th:; rernovel from, the story°.; pil::s of the coarse steno, the movement throe„:1'_ the ai11 any through the ~:.ix;rg process, through the kiln and tslo finish rc;1L Th~~ numerous safegus~rds which would. bo elilployed to prevent the oscap~; of stone dust from the quarry and. tiro storage arc..^:s worn dealt with in detail as well as sir~lilcr safeguards which would bo installed at the plant to prevent the. escape of store dust and ccrlent dust. In addition to the foregoing evidence them was detailed evidence as. to the nu;thods which would be used in the troatrlcnt of sewage, the draining of water whicP_ could collect in e.n excavutod area, and as to the effects of quarrying operations on underground wrtor s;ipplics, oxistin, wo11s and on surface avatar. fps shown on Exhibit 17, cortair_ areas arc sot aside to separate the proposed, uses from the existing dwellings anc', ether usas. Comiplotc cvid.cnco was given as to the planting and trcat:~cnt of these areas which are In tenclC C: t0 1J~Sii l1 Or COl~li;tely ru'f10VU any llTepaCt of the proposed uses en the existing uses. Tdu:aorous objections wore made to the use of this land for a plant end cuerry and in adc.itior, to the representations made on boralf of ard. by' those who were at the har_ring of this application, petition bearing some 2,200 si~naturos, in opposition to the granting of the r:pplication, was filed. The objections, i.ncludin those stated in the pc tit ion just .oforrod to in the opinion of the Uoard can 'bo suri,iarizod. in this fashion - P-131-65 P-5oR-65 _~F_ (1) Tho fear tl_at star.,. oust, Whic~_ would escapi; from th0 prO;JCScC~. CpSratlon, WOUICi i1U171G~ C plalit llfc; (c) Tho foar t1,~,^:t i,hc ~u::.rry c'r.d pl:.nt Would c~:uso po7.lution of the air; (3) Tho fu.^r that th_c quart;; and plwrlt would be so rloi3;~ th~.t tho;l would i'7tor.roro Wi~S. tno ostablishod uses and pGrhnps reduce th~air ,VC.luc~ Tho noiso C aUSG~1 b~ b.i ^..`..;tinv Si: ,JT,L G. tC bC G1 -~JP 1110 CGnCJY"_1y (fit) Qbjoctiorl to tho intensive r.ctivit;~ wllich would occur in the quarr;j, incluin~ thG cont_nuous _.1GVCrlont of lark trucks; (5) ObjGCtion to tho appcaranco of a ceraont plant which it w^s said woul.'~ bo inconpatiblo with the nearby displays of nurscr~ stock an otl:or caistinm usGS; (6) TizG fec.r th^t childron could .fall into excavations; (7) The fear tl:r'.t t'_n; quarry in` operation would adversely affect existing wolls an~I, that it caould intGrforc with naturcl :'.rn.in~.c;o; (~) ~iG~:;CtlOn tG t'_1G 1035 Of 'v 1GW fYOi: GX1Stln. h~_GY1C9; (9) Gbj~ctiGt] to tl.~ !]:Gpesc~i. pla°ltin,; ^.nc?. t.x: size of t'~io areas ca}'~ich ^.rG inc;li~loQ to 1GSSCn or ontirol;~ reracve ~~n, awerss c~'f~cts of tl_.o proposed dovolcp~rlont; (10) It wcs rsaintain~d that the propGSOC]_ use of t'_iis 1^rd was not th_G bout use. TL.r.t it was wa3tcful to pcrr,lit one in~7_ustry to dovolop such a lark aroa which. l:;cdc up such a lark part of the towr.- shipls 1„kc frontc.re. That tho proposer: dov~lop- ment woul~ interfere v,*ith tho ci;vc;l~prnont of trio Lands which aro to the wost of it. That the provosod use of lane. was prcmaturo until such time as ~.n ovorall plan was prc,p^_ 0ii, such plan to c?ea witl: land use on ._ rogional b~.si3; P-131-6J . ~= 1-5o~-C~ -5- (11) Thu Bocrci, st_ou11 not apprcvo tl.c thole area applicc'. for, but rc.thcr, s rcducoc crco., (12) Th:; fo,^.r ihat i~zko shippi7a would. be acconli-7oc'.~ tud in rho futuro, r..ne~. that this world rscke the bo ch.;s unit for rccr: ^tion 1 pur_ooscs; .S'u Vvr Qi rC 91di;:;LS Of the ^.r~~.... ,^. U,^..har .:e i~. ti'_::~T,,PQ,'_1t- ing of rho crplic^.Lion ar,d ~avc it c.s th;ir opinion that th.: propcsec~, dcvolopraont wes dcsirablo .~.s it wool:? bo of benefit to tlxe ontirc co.~r.;n:_itj. 1^hc-r wcro eP tho opinion taco that tho pl^nt and quarry would not hove any horrnful of1'oct on surrounding properties. Prot: the cvi'enco t'_?c Boards is satisfied th^_t an adequctc rosozx for -making those ar;xondrronts has been givan. Tl°_is is rho c.isccvery cf the stone and clay dc,~osits. It would scorn to bo cle~.r that those who preparoc~, th;; offici_^.1 p1~7 ,~r.d zenin~; by-l~~lr which arc nov, in offcct did not l.now of these, doposits ;a th^.t tiro . T'llc avidcnce ::as to safeguards to prevent th:; emission cf stone dust or cor~t,;nt dust t~ras such, in the cpinio'.. of tli~ Bc^.rd, t2^t it lx^s bo~~, sl;^*,rn that there is very little possibilit; th;.t dust from t:~.o plant or tho qu:_~rry ~culd •:ffcct othar prnj;,rti;s. Those who cppcsod the: ^,pplie,^.tion, in the opinion of tl=e; Boo:r,',, felt that this pessibilit;j was not attachod to tho plant, but to th_c qus.rry. Howov~r the Boar1 believes that the evidence as to tho cu,c:rrying opar.^.t:ior: is that the oscapo of dust caould 'oc Brost unlikoly . Lis to rho GUOSt'Ar; of nolse frcn the quarrj=, rho evidence s2iow::d that blr~stir, woul~'. occur cvor~ sovcnth P-131-65 P-5~3-b5 - 6 - OP tun tl). C' =y, ?ahon the OUC~rY'~ W:15 l:!1 Cp.:r ^.i:lOn. L'OUnS C1 f CY' the O~i7I1Cr .:_ i.'t:0 lat7„_ UIlii,i;rtOCK ~LO CAO CU'%C ^r'i `:~Y'00- lli:nt Wh1C11 Y70U1~:1 Y'JCjU:LYG ^11 b1C.Stli?`' t0 bii bCtLJL`i;ri the hours of 9100 ~.,ia. c;Yld 6s00 p,r7. It was ivon in cviconcc thc.t the .'.,;pt_1 of tho ovorl>urdcll ~a^.s r.bout 35 feet. E11i bL;atinr, prl'aos~~ rock cru-iln;, and truck rnovc...nt woL,11 bo ~.~ laat 35 feet b~:l_,tia tho a^tural 1ovu1 of therourn' an 4 this woul it w:::, sc.id., protect tl.o surrounding a.~~a fro2,2 noiso. Tro pi,_nt could b~ built in cnc oI' two locctions, cs shown on tho oxhibits. Thu uastu^1,~ locctioa ;s sorb 3,200 foot frc:,1 tiio n:..:.rest dwlillln ~' lIi ti10 ick0 T.~r 1ViV ;-:r0^, Qn ,~. ti70 wi;Stur ljf 10Ca- tion woulc'. bo c.pproxirnatuly LE, 000 foot re;:;IOVOd frcnl tho S 7;i70 hOU Sl nf~, 11115 „,;pC_Y 111011, t0,'-.; tl7 i; Y' Wlth the OV1d:; 21CC cs to tho onar2tion of th,: plant tiJOUld suo.~ to make it vory unlikely th,~.t thy, CottC~u ^so~. would bu troublod with noise froln bhc plant. It wcs mainto.inc:d tl^_;1t c o:;mcrrb plant was incom- p^.tibla with tllo ustwblished usos by rc~son of its appc_^.r^a~ee. Thorn was no con~leto ovii"vnce ^s to the -ppo~,rnncc of tho ~r_ropo~a~ l plctit. 2'1-_0 o~,'idc.~c:; did ShCW th^t tlluro LdOU1'~ b0 2 St^,c1C Or C~21_1:11C ~" h^Vlnr~ C. n01~11t Of a'DutiLt OI"1 ~ U.'tl ~.~r„:~ fuit ,,^.n :l ti?,t t11Gr0 ~n*OU1C~ 1~.^.: silos for the stor_:va of n,ctorials, ,,^,r.d tiat sorao of theso wou1~, oxcocd the l:vi~ht o£ the chinrloy. So1nc particulcxs of those structures c.n buildings app;,ar on Exhibit 17. In com~~;ction with this part of trlc totcl OL ~iCtlOfi, thJ BG^rit COnS li_0rS It S1[,n 1110^, S7t th^,t bO th tho Totan of Eow:a;uZVillc r,n;'. the Townshi;f of Dcrlint;ton, sorb yo:,rs r.;;o, ~aocic.~.~1 thct t'_zo plr:cc for future industrial ,':cv;lopmont w-^_5 in tho southorlf p~?-ts of Chair rospoetivo i7unicip.^.lities: E;rhibits 7 .^nc~. 9 snow L-_ 2 (, P-131-6> r-5a5-65 -7- the extant ~n:_ lOC;.r~t1Cn ~f tlioSC lnc''a.^tr~sl .crC^-s. Those ir:dustricl zones woulc. par,„kit ._ gro^t t,l.nyr typos cf Ind U3 tr lal USJS ~'.-'i,~, bu'_1:.ln ?;5. ,xlil.blt J, i,J11i Cl-i iS the zoning h~-la~•r for tl.o iow.. of Bowl,lc-n;Till~, s.~_ov;s rurr.l zonilig, light in n:;tr_al zoninc; an:' herlvf ir_?ustrirll zcnin~ c1on; tl-_:; soutP~~rl; '.nd wcsterl;;~ ~d~cs of hOW'L~L:17V 1110. L7L ~~; 7Cai,, .. ..^.r i; ClOS~ t0 tliJ 8LI jwCt proport;; . So...i of the c_s.,s pcrrutte._ .i_r, the use zeros r c>ferT'vQ t0 f1JCVG ^.r~9 furnl LLLrc il1CLli Llf L'.O ~UY1Ti~*, 1^k-lnClr ~, textile racnuf ctL~~ring, baker (c.s ili industr;~), ;airing, qu^.rrJir.r, th" oo•raticn of gr:zvcl nits :.nd qucrrics, cirports. Thu ovi':cnco sliowcd. that the inclusion of pity and qua.rrios taigh; have bc;or. through ^.n oversight, but the b~-l_cw which: is in effect now, ;loos pr,rl-:tit th~sc uses. Th;; Uc.^su P_ s conclulcd thc,t this ganural ^ren. W.^..S ~ .rrfarii ',., fOr ln:.:Uf>try ~.: VC:r 1 ~o:,rs ^g0 anCl boo^USo of this it has not boon shown th.~.t ~:_ content pl^.nt is an improper use of lr.n~',. The ovic~.enco showcc' that a17. cxccv,~aions trust be fenced. ror this mason the Bosr~l has ccicluded that objections on the grauncl that child.rcn ..lglit f^.11 into the quo_rrg is not sufficient to cause t'_2o approval of those applications to bo 1-:itlilield. Tl',o BO'rd wa„ g1Vi:! __ grC.'[:t dV^.l C-~ UV 1C1vnCi; ~TT J an engineer cxpcrionca~_ in H~drolc~ ._„ to the; effect of th~~ operations, as propos.;ci on th.~ subject pronert~, on hrolls and stro^.ras. '','Tort this ovic'_:nc.o the Bo,rd h^.s C vnC lU:a:; i'_ Ll::1ti It i5 pOSS 1b1C; t~"la.t ,-, fvYT of tl?5 wells closest tothc; suojoct property coal'. bo affoctou. P..131-b~ r-5o8-b~ - 8 - Counsal for the owner o° the subject land draw the attcnticn of the Bo: ,rd tc. the provisions of the Ontario lltatGr RCSOUr Ci;S Cc,lnj!iiss lOil 1iCt b7h1 C?: h;,8 a._"]t 1~^.1. i~i.'..ti Ci such situ:..tio~ns. Tho Board froa~~r tha _~vidvnco do ;;s not believe that stroaras of water on the surfnco t~roul~: be affected by tp,o quarrying. ror those rations th:; ?oc.rd has concludoc; that objections which o.rosc froi:r the fear that surfr_,cc or undor,~:round water would b~ c.ffactcd, do not have sufficient wei~,ht to warrant the withholding of the cpprovnl of those applic^tions. Ther.c wore objections arising from a "loss cf the viow° from dwellings. One o~mor had obviously spsnt a grca.t deal of raone~ end. effort to preface a borne which now affordc~: '_,im ple._surc and. s:.tisfc~cti.o~ . F:e objects to the proposed dovoloprn~nt which, although sore 3,500 distant, will bs ir. his full viow, Tha F~aard fc~:ls that the o.nswcr tc the cbj~ction tc the "appaar::ncc" of the ccmcrt pi.~~nt app,li:;s to this objcetic:~ zs well. The locc,l planning ba•sds ^.nd councils, set c.si~.c size, blc esoe.s for industrial us:, in this nJnun:.l area., end tl_is decision w^s ~:i:acio sono ;~c.~.rs ~ ~;c. It taculd seer; incvitc.blc thac occup^.nts of ho~.ros wh9_ch looiv into this arcs. wi71 saanc d:.~~ be fr.cod with inc'~,ustrial dcvolc;pnont cs por_nittci b tl~e r,-'ficial n1.,.ns end by-l:.ws of tha tovanship .'.r.: Tc~-ri1 of >ohr:o,rvilla. Thcrc weru objections, also, tc the size of the so called. "buffer ^ro^s" ~.nc. the mc.nncr in cahich they would bo planted., as it was !blt th~a those safeguerds were inadequate, Thcrc were objections to the ccm.nt plant end quo.rr~ on t:~~c ~roun3s tli^.t this was trot th:; best use of F-131-6~ - ° - lend. Thcsc who tcok this ling woro of the opinion th:t tha subject l~_nds should support r~cn iadustries who would ornnloy ,~ "r~atcr labour fore:; these t'_1C: St, i>ia;y§ Ccr,?ort C.:_ai .r w~~u1d. This objection clashos with those who opposed tha subject ~..;:vol~~~,:7ont l~~ocaus;, it w^s 11too intcnsiv~ an ectivi.tyr". Till of these ac.tt~rs havo b:..,n doalt with by tho local ph:nnin.~ boards and b~ Lho n?unicipo.l councils as woll "~ bg tho ^.ru:~ plarr_in~ bcnrd. Tl.o Board is _skcd to approve tliaso applications in th.,i r proscnt form. In this c~.sc tho Boc.rd is satisfiod, from tho cvido~,,cc tl!at ell ph^.s~s of the pro,osed_ Qevelo~ ~,cnt have boon exh.:ustivol~ stur',ioc~. by the i"lr.rniil;~ Bo^rd cs~d Council onrl tl_e .^.:?on~'r?ents ti:hich ar:; now boforo tho BOC'.Y'd 1nCli;uC:C YJ'~Ul^ ~lJnS ^:r?d SaI C~ U^.Y'':1^a UIh1Ch SQtlsfy tho lxal authorities. Il~~o Board dogs not consic.or ti!o ovidencc civ;n i, o~~pcsi t _nn is suf:'icicnt to warrant the with;.clding of apprcval on these points. It w^,s fc^.r~,'~, th^.t doc1, Woul". bo built tc cccomno:'_~.tc 1c1ic; shipping. If this 1~.^.~ ~;;n~., i t w,~s suggesteQ. that ia~.str from t'_?c; ships t7ou1,'. pcllutc the; beaches at tho cot sacs. S'nc Lard ~. ;os ~lct boliove th,^t the cvi_i.c co in this caso s''lows and docision to build c. ;lock. It is possi'o1e howovor thet such a dock would be built is tho i'uturo and ncrll:~.>>s at ether 1'JC S. T_10nS ^S WG11~ tC Su rVO 12,C~.UStr~ t7.at ?~::~ lOCC.tJ. The pro sentapplicr_tions do net involve c'~.ocks. the Boned h~ concludod th~_t tho rnunicipalitios S O'Y:O y0`?YS C.~,J ::1aV0 ~_'!GCICIC CI Lhat ti70 1C:.7 C~~S Cl]SJ tC .~~ "' P-131-65 -lo- LQI{e Cnt^.T'1G Sl'oA.L<! }?v r:;~~;Y'VCd fer 17~;1A5t'i'1 l i~ilY'_PvSi>S. T~s c n be seen fro,r. the exhibits tr:; subject lands Ql-R]CSt C1vS~: the .J ~'i~ bi;ttiFi:oI". ti7ii ~ GO.'.~:GS. i~_,_:ustrial Tho CV1'~lcn C~; C.S tC thi; S.^_f Ul"'U~^.Y':13 t0 ~(i CS tC. ill lShoC., In til is opinion cP tl"~e ;je.^.r?, show th.~.t tel.; prcl~osod mnilufc:cturin~ and ~{UC.rr~1'_1` pr CCU55 ^, 'ln }JC C..^.rr 1(::' Gn S'71 t1'. VUr~ 1lttle 1L1D2Ct, if ..^.ilj, .^,:'1 ti'_i: Otl^_er USeS 1:1 t?1C ari::~.. Tl1o BO^rCl 1S lYYlprOSSe (~ W1t'il the DLO t: llu d. COn516'OY'at lOn th_Gt h^:S b 1. l'n ,"-,1Vi:n to th1.S ^r ~~IJ.:=;,~.;' d~Vi:1 V'u';~i::ilt IiJ tI?C; 11^lln lna Board and Council, l~hich has result~C, i?: ^n a~roc:aont b:;ing dr.cwn tc control tlic proposoc', activities, The S U~J ~CCt `_1111 i1n C7_%t1Gnt3 WOre taiin :;!^. C'.e anQ the OOUnCll Uelioves that these permit a logical use cf tYlis land. This decision, in the opinion of the Board was m:de with the full knowledTe of all loc~1 cor_citions. A careful scrutin~~ of all of the evidence c:oes not indicate that it is of sufficient woiPlt to warre.nt the withhollin~r of ahprovcl of those applications ^nd tl".ey rlro ;;pprov~? . DaTi;D at Torontc this 23tt _. ~ ,~` `,~ il, 1;56. D. Ji.PiI~~'SOId, 9icc-Chc.irrl^n. W. Z. SHRI~''~S, i'Ie mb~ r .