HomeMy WebLinkAbout2311A By-law that authorizes the conveyance of land to the Crown for purposes of a provincial park. SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land situate lying and being in the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham and being composed of part of the original road allowance between the Broken Front Concession and Concession I across Lot 35 and between lots 34 and 35 Broken Front Concession and between lots 32 and 33 Broken Front Concession in the said township containing a total area of 7, 63 acres, be the same more or less, and which may be more particularly described as follows; PREMISING that the bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical and are referred to the easterly limit of Lot 35 Broken Front Concession hawing a bearing of north 17° 28~ weat; FIRSTLY: Part of the original road allowance between the Broken Front Concession and Concession I across Lot 35 containing 1.93 acres, more or less; COMMENCING at the northeasterly corner of Lot 35 Broken Front Concession; THENCE westerly along the northerly limit of said Lot 35 a distance of 1323. 98 feet to the northwaaterly corner of said Lot 35; THENCE northerly in a straight line to the southwesterly corner of Lot 35 Concession I; THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of Lot 35 Concession I a distance of 1219.47 feet to the intersection with the southerly limit of the right- ':' of-way of the Canadian National Railways; T-HENCE south 74° 39' 10" east along the said southerly limit 106.57 feet; THENCE south 790 50~ 20~' east 18. 57 feet to the intersection with the easterly production of the northerly limit of Lot 35 Broken Front Concession; THENCE westerly along the said easterly production 5. 93 feet, more or less, to the point of commencement. SECONDLY: Part of the original road allowance between lots 34 and 35 Broken Front Concession containing an area of 2.06 acres, more or less; COMMENCING at the northeasterly corner of Lot 35 Broken Front Concession] THENCE southerly along the easterly limit of said Lot 35 and its southerly production 1335 feet, more or less, to the water's edge of Lake Ontario; THENCE easterly along the said water's edge to the intersection with ' the southerly production of the westerly limit of Lot 34 Broken Front Concessio~i; THENCE northerly along the said southerly production and the wester-! ly limit of said Lot 34 a distance of 1380 feet, more or less, to the intersection 'i with the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways; THENCE north 790 50~ 20" west along the said southerly limit 67. 80 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the easterly production of the northerly limit of Lot 35 Broken Front Concession; _ 2_ > ;~~ ~, THENCE westerly along the said easterly production 5. 93 feet, more '' or less, to the point of commencement; THIRDLYt Part of the original road allowance between lots 32 and 33 !- Broken Front Concession containing an area of 3. 64 acres, more or less; COMMENCING at the intersection of the easterly limit of Lot 33 Broken Front. Concession with the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways; THENCE southerly along the easterly limit of said Lot 33 and its southerly production 2390 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the waters edge of Lake Ontario; THENCE easterly along the said waters edge to the intersection with the southerly production of the westerly limit of Lot 32 Broken Front Conces- sion; THENCE northerly along the said southerly production and the west- erly limit of Lot 32 a distance of 2420 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways; : THENCE westerly along the said southerly limit 66. 82 feet, more or less, to the point of commencement. The. parcels- of land as herein described is outlined on the plan of survey dated July 6th,1965 of record in the Department of Lands and Forests, Ontario, and a copy of which is attached hereto.