HomeMy WebLinkAbout2213A by-law to provide for the widening of the Courtice Road and for expropriating the land required there land ` .t- e -2- 5. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate with the owners and mortgagees and any other persons concerned to settle the compensation to be given for the said lands, provided that the amount and nature of such compensation shall be confirmed by resolution of Council. ~ 'Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this-2ETth day of March, 1962. The Corporation of the Township of Darlington. ~~~~ Reeve Clerk. ~~ ap• 5. .. SaNS~~~t ..LL AND 3INdQLAS that" Nt~aia eituata, lying and Dalas,.ln tl Dusbas~ Pyoa • al~.~N r"l of land sad'ptaaisea sli+ritoa, qty of Hrolua:tapq~M,~ °'s~'~;~_ --;°pottr' ~t Lo` Z9• tM- aaid ~tis~b~r'bNiiiaslaa o! ., -~. OOIOmCI1K~ at ~ p*1 ,~~ ., ',T"N' `.4~=;µotaat soat~ar • ¢MAlailf ~M~ oa• huadt~it" . #i, . ~ t r, d,; yfaN- ~M~Mr!•~~sntM aorth•aa=grly ~• +~li . T!~lfCa south 17'34' Nab aioas fha ~ortaslf'•tiait"'ot said Lot 29 e distance of NtoOtp•=lso•.;Nt'(7sa) .to-•-,polat,•aaie point being the south•saatasly aaglo of she 1rAda +sa~orlbad in Iaatru- msnt Number 3694 .for fha To.~oRip of yatlla`tOA,radiatased Nay 30, 1957. '14~NCE south ~j•19~30e watt al,oag the iNMlarlf 2lsit of the lands described in said Iaatruaant 1Waber"369d a ~t~attaas of five end seventy-five .o~ua huadradtha feet (S.~S~) '°to a point; Tf~NCE north 21.09 e-aat a diata¢ea of savoat~f•fisa end twenty-six one hundredths feet (~s.2~~),to a point ia`tha aortharly limit of the lands dasoribad is acid Inatsyaant liy~q~g4; TfiENCB north ?3'1"A"}Q!._,t~ait a dlitruoa of :tea and lorOf-four one hundredths feet' (10.44 i aoto or+isaa to!tho.polat ~of -ooaaaneeaent. TFDi tO:R~IN.190-i ~so~d lands Ooatainip~ h! ~daNSUraaant O.Q14 sores ba tba sano"torn or •}~aaa. Dated at Port Aopa, Oataxio this 9th day of 1(arah 1962. i.i- y n sr On ario LatA ~ue7ay'ot .. . . ~ ",. . ,: .tI MfIWK ~` s" DEBCRTPTION 0! L.tliD9 0!; '~a~t.;g, g• ~. RE:~EIIBED BZ '!~ )DI P 0! ~I~~~~.. ,..... . ..~~ IR'~ t10!' .F.,;;. , ,.~__ ~.LL ..ND 3IN40LAR that NTfiia~o sae! t>ataaAi- sad.pr eaiaea aituat• 1 i ~~ °~~ •~ e~ptht, Qr Durhaat~ ~P~~ ; ~`~Ot ~p r pqi~ !a~t~aiOf p9. Hroksa frost s ~~~~~ )• " the said' ~ ~~~ ` i a" buadariss of paralU r!)~'~aNlibd is 'e. . COWA1fOtMli'at.a ar~afa~ dy.~~y.~,,,NNtWwatl~slT••~angle of said Lot if i r„ ; .• "-~.• ,, ,, , T~ttCS seuta'17.34' Mat ~~ tea ad<S1a~ Batt of •aaid Lot 29 e distenoe of Ace ~ lia4•~~l! laiM:4~*lNaat two one hundredths tNt , ! t0.~a M ~a~*~b LM aorth- easterl7 aas1~ a~ aka MNlaibe~ ~ itaa-er i69~ for the 2ownahiy of Aar11'yba ~Fa~ists~~l137; TF1Ei~FCS south 73.19'}0" Ott: alppt; tM •a~i1l~tye1~'liwlt et tM lands desoribed !a said .laatiaAaat 3604 ~~:~tatailaa of `tea sad forty- four ona huadzadtga trtt ~,10.41~) o a ~~ti. TfD~1CE north X1`09+ rMat a ~tlatawa et s1~M0~ts sad tour tenths feet (94 .I0 ~) t0i an isoR tar i ; ~ . TEDiNCE aottti 17.37+ vest a•. tistanN of sift!-~te~ aM aiztt-seem one hundredths feet ~.7~~, N~e~~pisint ^la~~pt°Ra~aitlr licit of anid Lot 2y• ~ .. • t t t. THECIOE setts 73.1! 6s aiN 'cleat , Mt4 s,e-Aerl limi t a diatanoe of slzta~a~~~~,1~alRtT•tL#C oaa ~~ tact (~6.3i' ) more or Las to ty ~t of aarNl~ewy:~ y,, . r. • T~ ~iRYINADOTE t1tlK~,f~`Aaa~aribN Lade a~ p! adasasure- msnt 0.034 user M, tM 'MM +Nte os lap*: .' C01Q~OING at a point it~ tat N aoutherlT thsteon t~lo aaM~ ~ hundredths feet (234.7!+) t north-eastar,3.T ~RL. ~ ,~ xumbir }69ptoti tahe~ =ib~yipy at T~IOZ soots 17.34• 'stat si~aaS tae e distanee of one ytadsM sad !~ feet'(146.91~) is a.~Ol~t; ; TAEN03 soma 09'13• ~}'aaat alaaR tlrs shown en a ylas . attsaaN M IMt~ of DarliaRtoa rarstasas~0, iY hundred ant tlttp~elil0 y1M LIMN lldt et Nil Lot 2y distant 'tl., ~^~. Mtantl-two one t aarldos the i~ ~ 9aaunaaes~aat 1W0'- in IastrNment t~asaslatOSal 30th lla~ .1957; f#:1 k~lt_pt sal! Lot Z9 R a~ ~t~.aaeaa one hundredths °~ , 1LL 1~t tM lands 1~~M~u~M ~ sae ~~ p to a point; .. - ... - .. •41~N~ t'Mt f isl.1N') TxsNOi c~orfa 14.46*~", mat a'i1N~lia a~ y " •~/sa/ aM seeeateen and siztr-ooa wa -q~[S~{tAs !!Mt ii~3111„~;fl- ~ i,OM Bari THF~iCE north 18.15 :testa liataase;:ot ta~l~tert (30~) to sa iron bar; TE~INCE worth OS•49~20~ at a data-N t ~ ~ .r `~ ' wiz one Ausd dRlu r~j1 ~ ~e1glsty- TfDiNCS north .lOe~t '~jKi`` ~#~~y'~°+,~~ ~~oartNn one hundredtht tact 19:1 )~' is ' i '~ r - 2' • Y ~ , n~;. DEr~9CRZPT~I-OM OT L~1~JyD~y0~Q~1 LT~,1r ~ 1~ 0 O~NSf ~'tE rl iRE~ V a ~ ~~1~"~/i1 ~~~~'~A }+~-~p OP Dd-RT.IL~D'i'blts'!!D,~ H •,~~ ~ , ~t~,Rney~) . ^~~arCx north 21.09' rgaL a diaLrnoi' o! sizty gn¢•.sr~nty-iou! one i,undredthb lsat"; ~611.?1!.#'1iO~.s; ~poi~y4 ;ld Lam. ~1~,~ hrx~..l,ip4tt. o~ cre lends d~hea~i Kn.'.a,~ld-,iwl~,R14~-,~a.,t'ju~,~Ad~~,}~~t,~~`: ;,~,,;,,, t T~~st:C& north 1#•19'3d'' aai4 stn ands MtloA~ tlia'~~a'~~d' aootharly limit dietnno~ of fi~~ .~ad._ r.,tS~~ oqa, h~4a4s~dt~la ,lNL (5.7~' ) more ar leaa to ~ba ;~bt~st~morMl~eNes~tat: r'~ '~~ .;,. .: Tt*.~ Fi~RBINaBOrB ~ aroonAl~ •~Nwsf.l~d `iaud~ e~wi~M'~idf ~~ b! `aQ~aaaot~e- rc~nt 0.048 eb~st ba t!N ,}~ AOI~ Off' '1lf14 J- Dgtee flt '.'ort bops, Ontar o' ':•~,•;:, • this 9th day of ~~'r4h 1962. ~~~' ~,+• . ,:•. _;. .,-., . ;. y ,se Ma~Via. M '(~ M t 'a ~ _ q., .:f! DrscazPZZON or t~ ..or s. ~idw~;s~ct~ sat ~ ~a ~czr.~. CORT'OR:.TSOh Oir THE TOIYIQ~Hi'1~-~' HORT?pCSnen wtnwruran_ ..LL ..P'D .3INCUj,.~R that Oert1-1 asQsl ,Q ts4ot of 14Ad and • premise e situate, lyfge 'and Ad~l~ ~ 1~' QE-~~ ?A at~~; ~aaj iW~ ~iW~Lty of Durhem, Y]rofldQe 'ot Onba#o ''Mi~ Oa~l1~ barL ~oi'Lot 28, ~roksn 1-roa~ c3oaQsuf~ai~i Salwsh9.y Q,t''~ar netoo, 4he boundaries of the said paroel beige deeeribed as tollprr~;-, Co.+~h'CIiiO'ut a "t'!a"t$. wit.r~ ita~,~ dtn`sai0 zot ~,28 distant eouthsri,yy sl~ts'oA loan i1 s~wt ~ "MC`~~one 'iin'th 'teal (420.10) ~rda t out-tta~ae aonusrai car ae LpQ oo~tth~waterly angle of laid Lot 28x. _ ti ¢~ . TfIICN03 north 17.34 ~t -tiba the ~'` ~~1 t''pt eeid Lot 26 a dietnnos of trentT.,totts aid-oar tentA° eet~ t14.1Q'.? to a point la the line o! a fence rum'tri~ in an N~es~y tli~eetion end marking the southerly Bait of tht! lai-d* doa0,~ibed in Instrument Nwnber 1130 ror the Township or aariia~~ Yetia~ered apr11 27, 1960; :, Tf~NCE north 73.1430• raet in and aloa~.t Nid leaoe a dietenoe of sizteen enA tpsee tenths t•aC.(16.30..),;~ as iron bar; THENCE south 18.1f~ bast • diltaaoe of gM4t~•~t~n and eizty-two one hundredths leet (t~:62~) to an iro~a 'bay) " THENCE south 09.•SSt ~ i a, Qi•~aM} of ~Mdf .Ciro iad tostY.~s one hundredths feet (,~t:4r ~ t6 a polaL !n tN a~~lQrl,- halt of the lands chows oa a. lqo attael~ t. , 2euef~swlt M . 3091 for the TOMAihip OZ arfi~l~~'~~~ ~~ ~~ 17771 THENCE north ~•03~ west la gad • t1N aai~ aaaterly licit e distaaoe of ttrepit.t}N. teat ~tS~) abra ~ j~a to Lhe point of oomstenaewnt. `. THE F~REINABOPS dsasti0ad lands aontaloiaR ~ adaeaaurerat 0.014 sores be t!M wr-aose or lees. p. .. 'M M xi t1y ,,y{$.~ts ..n...., ' • 'T. Dated at . Por! Hope, Ontari~r:~ this 9th day o; Wd'N- 19b2. ,„ . OaMsio Li~;.#rssepos ' s .• , . 3`r...., .. , . . ~ ,' ,J - 1 ~ ~ M ~V~~ ' F,o.i I+L Ona S H O.,.i i r•i C, OF` LOTS 28 end 2y B. F, Go~:;rEg ~ 1~ 4S• Tc7 W N .;,1~-~ 1 P o ~ D A, ct ~~ na G 'ro tv ' Scare: fin=5o-~+, F~ ~,M ' ~ r.l c ,.t19 e-.. .. , )zy, B IC O F. 1- N F F..O 1~( ~ ~i Y m ~~ X a T m (} ~, Q ~ ~+ ~ ~ " Q ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ 4 ~ N ~~ 0 2 N ~ d"4 ~ of m L os C d J J /~'. ~ .r~4°~b. 6 __ -'~ - 7ti•r Ya I ~ i ~>f ~ __ ~~ of L (\ i I, 1C 3~ ~Ie ~I N C 0 m 1 J \T~ m 3 t ~d ° I ~ ` ~ ~ 3 i 3 ' T ~ T^^'' W ~ ~ ri~ I ~ W m _33 _ ~~ ' ~ a Y ~ i . .Ia I ~I ~ ~ ~ o ` ^ ` 3 Z N \ z 3 r a m ., ; J ,~ N ~ ? _ _ ? ~ a ~ ` .~ e0 t= ,n .74 ~ ~~ ~' 1. 49Y - ~ . t 3i ~ ~ N ~~ ~~~,I - ~ p0i ~ c ~ r d i m^ I -ry ~j z~ ~ Z ~ Y ri 3 ~ ~ a ? li ? v r~9o .- 1 Ny r ,: ;,, t 0 . q, E+o'c' 2 9 I r ~ h µ J s ~ .~ u1 i c J 3! i ?ne I 4 -L -_~ ~_.. THO MAg wo(2 {t 6, ~, '^ y ~ISMoY ane GLr+A d LcUisE 3~5 tav n ~ N G ~ 0 l ~yt.iv° 3bY°1. o I ~ Ge3~d_ 3o Mey N X957. 2~ O ol4 Ass M ._..._ . _. _y ~. s7s 2S (..l ~~ --- mot 2e3 t~,F <.,~. Z Q Q 0 9 ~~ o- J ,_ i '1 W n N d .D '°Q a an ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ i 9a3 M Q z =. ~ DI 0 ~~ Z ii 4 tp ., ,.. ~~~ a~ Q J ~ ~ ~~ ~J es . Ire 5 i iJ.H t~' ~~ ~..~'~ ~! ~ - .., pW 19 ~~e', ~q IYr.ri berb ~ i 5 ..no 0 T y N ~ 1/~ SI one„n. ^ iB L Hltl°IS w_ _ Q - _ ._ _._.__'_ 0 p ~r6 uy'S5 ~ 27.q r F. Now.o, cif 5M~-r .-~ Itit+. N° Iv 12987 Area= o.o~-itacs 9 0 'J N ~ A of D Z w ~ n N C y p LoT Zg