HomeMy WebLinkAbout2212A by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1962, pursuant to the Municipal Act, Sec. 297. ,, _ 2 ARID k'iIEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as Residential and farm, and. the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as Commercial, of Unconditional Grants in accordance with Section 294 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, is as follows: Assessment entitled. to Benefit~5,908,375.00. Assessment not entitled to Benefit X592-,029.00 provided that the rate levied for fire protection shall be levied on building assessment only, that the rate for street lighting shall be levied on the total assessment in the Hammon Street Lighting Area, and, that the rate levied for the Separate School Board of Osha~,*a shall be levied on those assessments shown in the current assessment roll as Separate School Supporters. BE IT THEREFORE and it is hereby enacted a.s follows: 1. THAT the above estimates be adopted and. levied therefor in the manner as set out hereinafter, and, there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township o£ Darlington the following mill rates for the year 1962. County, Roads, DurY:am District High School Combined rate 50. Mills Township General . Residential and Farm 8.9 Mills Commerci al & Industrial 13./~ Nulls South Darlington. School Area. Residential and. Farm 20.9 Mills Commercial & Industrial 23.2 P-Rills S.S. No. 7 Residential & Farm 13.8 Nlills S.S. No. 7 Commercial & Industrial X8.7 Mills S.S. iJo. 10 Residential & Farm 18. Mills S.S. No. 10 Commercial & Industrial 20. Mills S.S. No. 13 Residential & Farm 19. Mills S.S. No. 13 Commercial & Industrial 21. Mills S.S. No. 1t~ Resid.ential & Farm 21.5 Mills S.S. No. 11~ Commercial & Industrial 2.3.8 A'ills S.S. No. 15 Residentail & Farm 17.5 Mills S.S. No. 15 Commercial & Industrial 19.5 Mills S.S. PIo. 16 Residential & Farm 19.9 Mills S.S. No. lb Commercial & Industrial 22.1 Mi11s S.S. PTo. 17 Residential & Farm 2.2.. Mills S.S. No. 17 Commercial & Industrial 2y..5 Mills 3 Mills 17.9 Residential & Farm 19.9 Mills S.S. No. 1$ Commercial & Industrial Mills 5.5. No. 1$ 22.05 Residential & Farm 2~,K Mills S.S. No. 19 Co~iercial & Industrial S.S• No. 29 2g,g Mills Residential & Farm 32• Mills 5.5. No• 20 Commercial & Industrial S.S. Ivo, 20 19,g T'ii11s Residential. & Farm 2?, Mills 5,5, Pio. 21 Comi;,ercial & Industrial 5.5. No• 21 9.4 Mills Residential & Farm 10•L, Mills S.S. No. 22 Commercial & Industrial S.S. No. 22 2.165 Mills Residential & Farm 2•~p6 P4ills S.S. No. 23 Commercial & Industrial S.S. No. 23 20,a Mills Presidential & Farm Nil. Separate School Conunercial & Industrial rgills on building =~ssessment ~la.,$59,900.00 1.7 Fire 2,6~ Mills Hampton Street Lights buildings and on the assessmen~onfStTPet'Lighting area business in Hamp ~206,535.0Q rovision for The sum of ~,11;,335•k0 shall be set aside as a P 2. working capital. 3• The taxes shall be divided inwhich shallGbecome due and y equal a.s ma.y be Possible, the first of and the second on December lst, 1962• payable on June lst, 1962, er morph of 1/ P shall be added to ~• Interest at the rate of = aid after the date any instalment or portion thereof which remains unp set for payment of such instalment. p penalty of /~% shall be charged on all current taxes 5. remaining unpaid on the first day of default after the 31st day of December 1962• ents of The collector is hereby empov,ered to receive paym 6. taxes in advance of the date upon which the instalment becomes due, and to allow a discount of 3`/~ in the case whichethecsnddlinstalment if paid on or before June 1st of the year in falls due. 7. All current taxes shall be paid at the office of the collector, or at the Bank of Montreal in Bowmanvil the B O k may'collectea fee of when taxes are paid at the said Banks, 10 cents per payment from the taxpayer. . . ~- ~ S. Where z. tenant of lands, owned by the Crotm or, in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the hlunicipa.lity by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employ*er shall pay over the the collector, on demand, out of any wages, salaries or other remuneration due to such employee, the amount then payable for taxes under this By-law and any such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount paid. 9. The collector and treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any ta<:es due. 10. This By-law shall come into force and. effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. RI+,'r".D A :+IRST AND SECOND TIPRE' THIS /~' ~~ DAY OF~,~'' 1962. ~' ~ /~ ~~ Reeve Clerk RFP_D A THIRD TIPnE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~~ ~ DAY OF `7u/u~-=>~~ 1962. ILL 5~4`~a+ ~/ . ~ Yet"-G~'C~c-=~ ~~ ~ . ~~~~-C.L ~c ~ . y i Reeve Clerk \~r, '. k TOI~TSHIP OF DARLINGTON BUDGET FOR 19b2 1962 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Budget. Exec],~tive & Legislative Fees & A1lourances 2,800.00 Conventions 300.00 Misc. (subscriptions & Memberships) 200.00 Administrative 3.00.00 Salaries 25,400.00 Car Allowances 1,25D.0O Fringe Benefits 1,x,25.00 Workmens Compensation 350.00 Conventions & Memberships 20D.OO Election 600.00 Municipal Building 5,500.00 Drainage & tdeed Inspection 200.00 Planning (Consultants Fees) Q 000.00 9 Receptions & Entertainment L~00.D4 Insurance (P. L.) 1,750.00 Legal Fees 3,000.00 Audit 1,000.00 Bank Charges 7,500.00 Office Equipment maintenance 200.00 Printing, Postage & Stationery 2,500.00 Telephones 700.00 Petty Cash 300.00 Committee of Adjustment 500.00 Industrial Committee 500.00 56, 8700 PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY . bda.rble Fly Program 1,300.00 Livestock Damage 5,000.00 Dog Control 3,500.00 Fire Protection 8,261.83 ~.~..._. t, .~ . . TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON _ BUDGET FOR 1962 PAGE N0. 2 PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY f Con+t) 1962 Budget Building Inspection 3,500.00 Street Lighting 545.,2 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 22.107.08 Sanitation 500.00 Relief. 30,000.00 Discount for Taxes 1,850.00 Grants 500.00 Reserve for Working Capital 14,338.40 (Tax Rebates) and taxes written off 400.00 Special Levies (L.O.D.A.) 1,500.00 Winter Works 13,000.00 Debenture Debt. 12,340.00 Indigent Burial 200.00 Retired Employee+s Allowance etc. 1,550.00 Miscelleneous items 806.36 Tile Drainage 1,306.98 County Debentures 42,333.34 County Purposes 80,605.01 EDUCATION 201,230.09 High School 140,408.73 Public School 137,157.98 Separate School _ 937.98 278,504.09 ROADS Roads 250,000.00 SUMMARY OF E%PENDITURES Executive & Legislative 3,300.00 Administrative 56,875.00 Protection to Persons & Property 22 107.08 Education 278,504.09 Roads 250,000.00 Miscellaneous 201,230.09 TOTAL 812,016.26 l./ f TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON EXPECTED REVENDES FOR 1962 1962 Budget Residential & Farm Assessment 1962 Commercial & Industrial 3 535,257.36 GRANTS & SUBSIDIES Unconditional Grant 29,500.00 Winter Works 9,600.00 Payment in lieu of taxes 1,300.00 Highway Improvement 1Lr4,000.00 Child Welfare 2,700.00 Welfare - Province 20,000.00 Welfare - Other tturicipalities 1,500.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 20$,600.00 Building & Plumbing 1,500.00 Dog 3,300.00 Kennel 120.00 Wrecking Yard 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 4,945.00 Fines 750.00 Roads 1,500.00 Planning Board 1,200.00 Committee of Adjustment 50.00 Miscellaneous 3,500.00 Tax Penalty 10,000.00 OTHER ITEMS 17,000.00 Surplus - December 31st, 1961 46,213.90 5UMN?ARY OF _REVENIIES Taxes 535,25'7.36 Grants & Subsidies 208,600.00 Licenses & Permits 4,945.00 Miscellaneous Revenues 17,000.00 Other Items !,6,213.90 812,016.26