HomeMy WebLinkAbout2227A by-law to authorize a Fire Protection Agreement with the Town of Bowmanville. ~~ .. AS E M A N D O R II M O F Schedule ^A^ to By-law 2227 BETWEEN: A G R E E M E N T THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, hereinafter referred to as „The Towntt AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, hereinafter referred to as „The Township„ WHEREAS the Township is desirous of obtaining the services of some of the fire fighting equipment of the Town, and the Town has agreed to provide the use of its fire fighting equipment as hereinafter set out upon the terms and conditions also set out below, AND WHEREAS the Town and the Township have be their respective by-laws numbered 1$51 and 2227 authorized their entering into and execution of this agreement, NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the covenants hereinafter contained, the Town and Township HEREBY MIITQALLY COVENANT AND AGREE as follows: 1. The Town shall provide a fire truck and equipment and not more than $ fireman to attend fires in the Township of Darlington, provided that one serviceable truck shall at all times remain in the Town of Bowmanville, and subject to the ability of the Brigade to reach fires having regard to road conditions or other hazards beyond its control. 2. The Township shall pay to the Town the following charges for such fire fighting services: (a) X3,000.00 annually as a stand-by charge. (b) X125.00 For the first hour or fraction thereof and the sum of ~35.0o for each additional hour or fraction thereof; provided the time is to be computed from the time the fire truck leaves until it returns to the fire hall. (c) X75.00 for a grass or chimney fire. 3. The X3,000.00 stand-by charge shall be due and pay- able on the 1st day of July in each year and the Town shall render accounts for each fire immediately following the fire and such accounts shall be due and payable when rendered. i.~ _2_ ,~. The termcF this agreement shall cover. the period January 1st, 1962, to December 31st, 1962 or such further period as shall be mutually agreed upon by resolution of the Councils of the down and Township. 5. It is further agreed that the rates for fire fighting services set out in paragraph No. 2 may be altered by mutual agree- ment expressed by resolutions of the Councils of the Town and Township. 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this agreement, no liability shall accrue to the Town for failing to supply the use of the Fire fighting equipment as authorized herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town and Township have hereunto affixed their seals witnessed by their duly authorized officers. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE `~" Mayor ~~ Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON --==~~~yc-.~-- eeve ~~~~~. Clerk ,y., - ~~ ' ME}iANDORUM made this /,0.6 BETWEEN: O F A G R E E M E N T day of`~~?as~t~, A. D. 19b2 THE COHPUHATiUN OF THE TOWN! OF BO'aJ~tANVILLE, hereinafter referred to as "The Town" AND THE CORPOSATTON OF THu 'i"(i .1~i31iZP OF DABLII~GTON, hereinafter referred to as TMThe Township" i~HEREA5 the Township is desirous of obtaining the services of some of the fire fighting equipnent of the Town, and the Town has aersed to provide the use of its firs fighting Aqui~ent s hereinafter set out upon the terms and conditions also set out below, APdD 'FYH3~tiEAS the Town and the Township have by their raapeetive by-laws numbered /~~'/ and ..Z .2 Z , authorised their entering rota and execution of this agreement, NUW TH1;REb'OftE in conalderation of the premises and the corsnanta hereinafter contained, the Town and Township HisltEl3Y MUTUALLY COVTNANT AND AGltEm as follows I. The Town shall provide afire truck and ec;uipment and not more than $ fireman to attend fires in the Townshi;~ of Darlington, provided that one serviceable truck shall at all times remain in the Town of Bowcianvill®, and subject to the ability of the isrii;ade to reach fires havingy regard to road conditions or other hazards beyond its control. 2. The Township shall pay to the Town the following charges for such fire fighting services: (a) X3,000.00 annuallq as a stand-by charge. (b} X125.00 for the first hour or fraction thereof and the sum of X635.00 for each additional hour or fraction thereof; provided the tfine fa to be computed from the time the fire truck lea'=es until it returns to the fire hall. (c} #75.00 for a grass or chimpey fire. 3. The ~3,000.OU stand-by charge shall be due and pay- able on the 1st day of July in each year an<! the Town shall render accounts for each fire imcaediately following; the fire and such accounts shall he due and payable when rendered. #, -~- t,. Tha terar of this a~reer~ent shall Darer the period Ja~ary let, 1962, Lo Uecamber 31st, 1962 or such further period as shall be mutually agreed upon by resolution of the Counsels of the Toren and Township. 5. It is further agreed that the rates for fire fighting e rvices set out in para.gz'aph Ko. 2 au: be altered :~y mutual a~es- ment expreeadd by resolutions of the Councils of thr: Toan urui Toromehip. h. ~iotwithatanding ttye provisions of this agrea~-ent, no lis~bility s~a.all accrue to the Town £or fs~ilin~ to supply the use of the fire fi~;ttiu~ ayui}xnent as authorized herein. IP :NI'~N'c:3~ .#tiN:It~U~' the Tovm and Township have hereunto affixed their seals Witnessed by their duly authorised officers. 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