HomeMy WebLinkAbout2230A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Donald W. Harvey. .-: M E P9 0 R A N D U M O F A G Y+I R E E E N T . ~ ~!`> f~~'"'~"tfL`rA P lam? d made in quaQruplicate this ~~ z.y o BETL,EEN THE CORPOP.A TION OF THE TO','N OF BOiA`iANVILLE, THE CORPORATION OF THE TO?-t'NSHIP 0: Ul.RLINGTON and THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLr.GE OF NE';CISTLE, hereinafter called the ~'PlUNICIPf'.LITIES~° OF THE FIR5T PART: and. DONALD 4+r. HARVEY, of the City of 0*,ren Sound. in the County of Grey, Ambulance Operator, hereinafter called the ~YOPERATOFt~ OF THE SECOND PART: :~'HEF.E.''.S the municipalities are desireous of maintaining ambul-nce services trithin their boundz:ries, AND G'HEREr.S the Operator he.s z. greed to provic,e such services in z.ecordance arith the terms <nd conditions hereinafter set out. NOW THEREFORE this agreement sritnesseth thz_t in considerz.tion of the premises and the terms z.nd. conditions hereinafter set out, the lunicipa_lities for themselves, their successors and. assigns and the Operator for himself, his successors, heirs and assigns, HEREBY P;UTUA_LLY COVENANT ~",ATD ,~i:R`'E one, ~~:~ith the other as follows: 1. The Operatorrill este'olish and m<intain one zmbulance orith a stand.-by ambul~.nce ~~~itr cu^lified crivers and. attendants in the Toti:m of Boi+~manville to serve the residents of the municipalities of the Tof~;n of Bowmanville, the 'Io~,~nship of Larlington and. the Viila.ge of Nei*castle. . The Operator undert~:kes to enswer x,.11 calls for his services from any person resident orith the bouncarics of the sz.id #;e uniG}palities on a 24 hour ~z;~ end- seven d~;~ <<Teek t~-.sis. _ °J(yN}i ~Y''~yu~~13 3. The Municip^lities shall p€.y to thF Operator the sum ,~~~~d'f w~8~per year payable i-59:00 ithly on the last day of each ~( a u ~,~ C 6 ~~ ~ ~no~l'during the term of this agreement. J h~ 4. The Operator shall m<~rre the following chzrges to the persons servedZ or responsitle for each czll: (a) 510.OG per call within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville. .~ - 2 - (b) 310.00 per call plus 50~ per mile one ~.,r.y travelled for x:11 calls outside the 'Torn of Bor-amanville. (c) If the number of pickups mount to less t`?a.n thirty in a.n_y one month, the psrty of the first p<:rt ~reee to rciraburse the p~~.rt;~ of the second part to the extent of k10.00 for each pickup short of the thirty per month. 5. The Oper-~tor trily insur: eecb. o° his vehicles a.nd drivers for a.t 1ea.st 3s 2.00,000<00 public liability <.rd property damage inclusive, inclusive of li?;ility to persons transported in the +.mbulances . 6. The term of the :~~reeraent shell corar.~ence on the 9th day of November, 1962 <:nf continue for one ye:~r until the 9th day of November, 1963, after s,-hich time this agreement sh:,11 constitute month to month contract trhich racy be termin8tec by either of the parties giving 3 mcnths notice in ~.~riting. 7. 'The Corporctions of the To*,~n of Boc,-,n:;nville, the o+~x~p of Darlington -~rc~. the Vill~>ge of Nel-;c_:stle hereby covenant ~!nd ~(~gree that the said X150.00 monthly charge shall be pz;.id by the Toorn ~f B~p~anville on the basis of e ~ualizec. .-ssessraent tas folloti.-s: r ~ ti4 EUU~ lined Cost on Ecu~1- rissessment Percent ized assessraent Darlington ~§5,5~ /3.15 0 Nes~rcr-stle ~3q-~~ ~ Boorm-.nville 7:~~~ ~~i ~~2 and th»t the shares of the other raunicip~lities she l be paid to the To+an of Bo~..m~.nville on or before the first cr:y of Duly, 1963. 8. It is further agrees thr-t, at the "~nd of 90 days operation under the terms of this ~..greement, a revie!,r of the subsidy payable !gill be undert<~en ~•*ith ~: vie?• to ~rjustment thereof. The oarty of the second part agrees to furnish his fin.ncir.l strteraents or this review. IN ?'ITNESS [~dHEREOF the Corporation have affixed their seals ttested by the hands of its duly authorizes' officers ;-nd. the Pasty of :h~ Second Part has hereunto set his hand. and. seal. r ,,_s SIGNED, SEALED r_ND DELIVEP~ED in the presence of - 3 - The Corporation of the 'ro~.n of - -~~ - ~h~ The Corporation of the Toy-rnship of Daslingt n %~" -- ,' --- 'The Corporation of the Vill?.ge of Ne~ c<.stle ~ 1 - - - - ~ FGERrC- TnEa/~EfZ - - - -~~ ~ ~ I `~