HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-11 GGC Report to CouncilClarftwn Committee Report to Council If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Council Report Number: GGR-008-20 Date of Meeting: May 25, 2020 Report Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of May 11, 2020 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 9.1 Geoff Gordon, Vegetation Management Specialist, Canadian Pacific, Regarding Canadian Pacific 2020 Vegetation Control Program (b) 9.2 Larry Wheeler, Deputy Clerk, Township of Mapleton, Regarding Request the Province of Ontario to Review the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Programme in Light of Economic Competitiveness Concerns between Rural and Urban Municipalities (c) 10.4 Ibi Biesenthal, PI TOOL Limited, Regarding Award of Contract CL2019-37 - Courtice Court Servicing (d) FND-011-20 Financial Update as at December 31, 2019 (e) FND-012-20 2019 Annual Statement for Cash -in -Lieu of Parkland (f) FND-013-20 2019 Building Permit Fees Annual Report 2. Support for VIA Rail Service Whereas the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington supports the National Transportation Policy and Section 5 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C. 1996, c. 10 (as amended), which states in part: a competitive, economic and efficient national transportation system that meets the highest practicable safety and security standards and contributes Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report GGR-008-20 to a sustainable environment, makes best use of all modes of transportation at the lowest cost is essential to serve the needs of its users, advance the well-being of Canadians, enable competitiveness and economic growth in both urban and rural areas throughout Canada. Those objectives are achieved when: (a) competition and market forces among modes of transportation, are prime agents in providing viable and effective transportation services; (b) regulation and strategic public intervention are used to achieve economic, safety, security, environmental or social outcomes (c) rates and conditions do not constitute an undue obstacle to the movement of traffic within Canada or to the export of goods from Canada; (d) the transportation system is accessible without undue obstacle to the mobility of persons, including persons with disabilities; and (e) governments and the private sector work together for an integrated transportation system. And whereas the government of Canada has stated: "we are serious about climate change" and "smart investments in transit help connection communities .... we will continue to work with communities and invest in the infrastructure they need today and into the future"; And whereas Abacus data has indicated that Canadians are focused on building transit to reduce congestion and connect communities; And whereas the Canadian Transport Commission main finding at public hearings in 1977 was that there should be no further reductions to passenger rail services; And whereas the frequency of VIA trains running in Canada has been reduced significantly since 1977, causing a subsequent significant drop in ridership; And whereas there is a need for balanced transportation with more using transit and less using automobiles; And whereas the changing demographic relating to house prices, housing affordability will require further expansions of transit; And whereas there is a need to visit tourist sites located along rail lines; And whereas the annual cost of congestion to the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area economy alone is between $7.5 and $11 billion; And whereas there are 10 million more vehicles on the road today than there were in 2000; Municipality of Clarington Resort GGR-008-20 Page 3 And whereas the Municipality of Clarington requests the support of this resolution from all communities served by VIA; Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of Clarington recommends to the Government of Canada to adequately fund and fully support VIA Rail Canada in increasing the frequency, reliability, ticket cost and speed of VIA rail service in 2020 and successive years. 3. High Speed Internet Connectivity in Rural Ontario Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has upended traditional means of business and put unprecedented strain on our broadband networks, as well as shed light onto both the gaps in coverage and areas plagued by unreliability; And whereas COVID-19 and other factors have driven a rise in work from home arrangements, a trend likely to continue into the future; And whereas quick and coordinated investment to build up our network is critically important to the health and viability of our community as well as our ability to be economically competitive; And whereas Clarington has worked closely with both large and small scale Internet Service Providers to provide coverage to our residents, but full-scale reliable connectivity is not happening as quickly as it should; And whereas more resources from all levels of government must be provided, especially to make small rural build outs economically viable. Now therefore be it resolved: 1. That broadband must be treated as critical infrastructure in support of our new economy, as Clarington works towards its goal of 100% reliable connectivity; 2. That the Federal, Provincial and Regional governments be requested to coordinate their efforts and increase the funds available to drive this important initiative ahead; and 3. That Erin O'Toole (MP Durham), Philip Lawrence (MP Northumberland - Peterborough South), Lindsey Park (MPP Durham), David Piccini (MPP Northumberland -Peterborough South) and the Region of Durham be notified of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report GGR-008-20 4. Kirby Heights Subdivision, Plan 40M-2480 `Certificate of Acceptance' and `Assumption By -Law', Final Works Including Roads and Other Related Works That Report EGD-008-20 be received; That the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a `Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which includes final stage roads and other related works constructed within Plan 40M-2480; That Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-008-20 assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2480 as public highways; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD-008-20 be advised of Council's decision. 5. 2020 Community Grant Requests That Report CSD-004-20 be received; and That all interested parties listed in Report CSD-004-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision by the Department. 6. Grant Requests Deemed to be Denied That if, during the consideration of the 2020 Spring Community Grants Requests, a specific resolution is not put forward by a Committee member on a grant request, the grant request is deemed to be denied. 7. Newtonville Community Hall That the Grant Application #20-01, from Newtonville Community Hall, be approved in the amount of $5000.00. Municipality of Clarington Resort GGR-008-20 8. Joint Health & Safety Committee — 2019 Summary That Report COD-015-20 be received; and That the updated Policy #E-5 Workplace Harassment and the Health & Safety Policy Statement be endorsed. 9. Roadside Protection — Liberty Street That Report COD-017-20 be received; Page 5 That Real Landscaping Plus. Inc. with a total bid amount of $359,957.77 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender CL2020-4 be awarded the contract for Roadside Protection — Liberty Street as required by the Engineering Services Department; That total funds required for this project in the amount of $406,000.00 (Net HST Rebate), which includes the construction cost of $359,957.77(Net HST Rebate) and other costs including material testing, permits fees and contingencies in the amount of $46,042.23 (Net HST Rebate) is in the approved budget allocation as provided and will be funded from the following accounts; and Description Account Number Amount Pavement Rehabilitation Program 110-32-330-83212-7401 $332,000 (2019) Roadside Protection Program 110-32-330-83338-7401 74,000 (2019) That all interested parties listed in Report COD-017-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report GGR-008-20 10. Scheduling of Committee Meetings during COVID-19 Pandemic That, during the Covid Emergency, there be one joint meeting of General Government Committee and Planning and Development Committee, to take place during the normal schedule for the Planning meeting unless the Mayor determines that it would be better to do otherwise. 11. Cedar Crest Beach Update - Beach Erosion/Property Loss Study That Report PSD-012-20 be received; That, in accordance with the Purchasing By-law, the lower of the bids from the qualified consultants will be awarded the consulting contract, to the maximum of the $30,000 budget for the completion of the Cedar Crest Beach Erosion/Property Loss Study; That Staff report back to Council with the results of the study, once completed; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-012-20, including all landowners in the Port Darlington (west shore) reach and any delegations, be advised of Council's decision.