HomeMy WebLinkAbout2234A by-law to authorize the issue of debentures in the principal amount of $61,000.00 for public school purposes. _ 2 _ l~.. The said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the Reeve or by some other person authorized by By-law to sign the same, and his signature theron may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mehenically reproduced, and by the Treasurer, and his signature thereon, if countersigned in writing by the Deputy Treasurer, may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. The interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed. or otherwise mechanically reproduced, 5. Commencing in the year 196Q and in each year thereafter of the currency of the debentures, all sums required. to pay off the debentures and to pay interest thereon shall be raised by a. levy on a1I the rateable property of ratepayers who are assessed. as supporters of public schools under the jurisdiction of The Public School Board of the Township School Area of South Darlington in accordance with the provisions of The Public Schools Act and accordingly in each year of the currency of the debentures there shall be levied and raised by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the municipality assessed to public school supporters under the jurisdiction of the said Board in the Township of Darlington at the same time and in the same manner as other rates, the share of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington of the principal and interest falling due in each such year and such share shall be determined under the provisions of The Public Schools Act in that behalf. 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for registration pursuant to Section 323 of the Municipal Act. 7. Fending the issue and sale of the said debentures the Reeve and Treasurer may agree with a bank or other person for temporary advances from time to time to meet expenditures incurred for the purposes aforesaid. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 21 ST DAY OF FEBRUARY 1963. ~;~. ~ i ~~-tr_z_ .;~ . Reeve Clerk = ~~ READ A TRIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21S''~=`" DAY OF` MARCH,_// 1963, /l / ~' _ _ _ Reeve Clerk TO'~:'N~,F1YP OF B.-".RLIAiGT0P1 }~'al,~.'~J'«iX~ ~~' ~'. 'r i~ii~: P_i..~'1 '+~`ria ~1-Lii~'. <a. ~,fi 5~~ I-20 year^~ :~er i.ml debentures A1ay 1~ 1~j63 Ta RYature: ID~:y 1, l~~fi~.--1~}$3 ~'RI~TC~P L t~~':~'-.~'T Tfl2.'L 2,000 '~ w 3,355 ~ 5,355 2,000 ~- 3,ti45 5,M45 w,000 j .,135 5,135 ?,000 ~ 3,025 5,025 2,:r7,~J ~% ?,.915 4,'?15 2,000 '' ':',505 4,805 ~, ~flo ~ ~:, b95 4, 6~, 5 3,`.j0~ ~ ",555 ~ 5,585 ~ 3,OOJ ,42fl 5,42fl 3,fl©fl ',255 5,:?55 3,004. 2,090 5,090 3,©flcJ 1,925 4,925 3it100 1,70 4,7b0 3,03J 1,595 4,595 4, fl'~0 1, 43fl 5, 43fl 4, 00.0 1, 210 5, 2117 I,,i1`OW 990 4,990 4,O~JO 770 4,?70 5,000 550 5,550 5,000 ::75 5,275 ~C,1,00~ ~~41,o3fl :io2,~~~-~-~_-- ,.. SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LA4d 2234 5;% 1-20 years serial debentures Dated.: May 1, 1963 To .Mature: May 1, 1964-1983 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 PRINCIPAL ~ 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 X61,000 INTEREST $ 3,355 3,245 3,135 3,025 2,915 2,805 2,695 2,585 2,420 2,255 2,090 1,925 1,760 1,430 1,210 990 770 550 2735 TOTAL ~ 5,355 5,245 5,135 5,025 4,915 4,805 4,695 5,585 5,420 5,255 5,090 4,925 4,760 4, 5961 5, 4.30 5,210 4,990 4,770 5,550 5,275 ~_ ~~. ~`102,0~,5