HomeMy WebLinkAbout2236 BY-LAW N0. A by-law to authorize an exchange of properties with Alexander A. Emmett, pursuant to Section 479, Subsection 1 of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249. WHEREAS Alexander A. Emmett is the owner of certain lands in the Township of Darlington being parts of Lots 28 and 29 in the 8th Concession and part of Lot 29 in the 9th Concession. AND WHEREAS Alexander A. Emmett has consented to the widening improving of a forced road over Lots 28 and 2g in the 8th Concession and has tendered a deed to the Township of Darlington for the lands which have been used for the forced road which runs through the said Lots 28 and 29. AND WHEREAS the deed tendered by Alexander A. Emmett includes a description of the lands over which certain widening and improvements to the original forced road have been made, as well as a conveyance of the lands over which the original forced road has run for a number of years, the registered title of which lands is in the name of Alexander A. Emmett. AND WHEREAS no compensation has been paid to Alexander A. Emmett or his predecessors in title fOr the said forced road, which forced road is shown outlined in red on a plan of survey prepared by Frederick J. Donevan dated the 26th day of December, 1962, and annexed hereto as Schedule 1 to this by-law. AND WHEREAS Council has ascertained that Alexander A. Emmett is the person in possession of certain unopened original road allowances as shown outlined in blue on the said plan of survey and that by virtue of Section 479 Subsection 1 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, and by virtue of the fact that this Council is of the opinion that those parts of the original road allowance occupied by Alexander A. Emmett are useless to the general public, is entitled to the soil and freehold of such allowances and to a conveyance of them. AND WHEREAS in order to make the said forced road safe and. to improve it, work has been done on the said forced road and an agreement with Alexander A. Emmett en=tered in to by servants of the Township of Darlington subject to the approval of this Council. -9- NOW THEREFORE it is enacted as a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington as follows: 1. This Council hereby approves and authorizes an exchange of title with Alexander A. Emmett by which Alexander A. Emmett will convey all his right and title to the lands presently being used as a forced road and shown on the plan of survey annexed hereto to the Township of Darlington and the Township of Darlington will convey to Alexander A. Emmett the road allowances which he now occupies and which are also shown on Schedule A hereto, outlined in blue 2. The Council hereby authorizes the Reeve and the Clerk to execute the conveyance to Alexander A. Emmett. 3. This Council agrees to assume the cost of the preparation and registration of the said conveyances. Read a first and second time this ~~ day of /~(~~'''~- 1963. Read a third time and finally passed this ~ ~` ~ day of ~~~~-~'~~~ 1863. The Corporation of the Township of Darlir~on Reeve Clerk LARGE FORMAT MAP ATTACHED TO ORIGINAL