HomeMy WebLinkAbout2239A by-law to amend 2111 as amended by 2126, 2136,2158, 2163, 2196 as amended by By-law 2204, and By-law 2209, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2219, 2220, 2223 and 2225. - 2 - 7• That Section /~(k) be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "(k) ACCESSORY USES i) h'here this by-law provides that a lot may be used or a building or structure may be erected, altered or used for a purpose, that purpose shall include any accessory building or structure or accessory use, but shall not include (1) any occupation for gain or profit conducted within a dwelling unit extent as in this by-law is specifically permitted, o r (2) any building used for human habitation. ii) An accessory building includes a private garage. iii) Except as may be provided herein any accessory building shall be erected to the rear of the front line of such main building and shall comply with the yard requirements of the zone in which such building is situated and such accessory uses shall not occupy more than I0~ of the area of the lot nor exceed 15 feet in height. S• That Section La(m) be amended by adding thereto in the last line of the table headed "ROADS", after the words "ALL other roads", the words "except those named in Section LH(f)", so that the said last line reads as follows: "A11 other roads except those 66+ + tr named in Section !~(f 63 9• That Section ~. be amended by adding thereto subsection (r) as follows: "(r) Dwelling Units Below Grade No dwelling unit shall in its entirety be located in a cellar. If any portion of a dwelling unit is located in a cellar such portion of the dwelling unit shall be used only as a furnace room, laundry room, storage room, recreation room or for a similar use, and shall not be used to provide sleeping accommodation if the finished floor level of such cellar is more than 2 feet 6 inches below the finished grade at the building wall line of the building in which such cellar is located," 10. That Section 5(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words ++Uses Permitted" the following: "No person shall within an First, Second or Third Density Residential (R1, R2 or R3~ Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:++, 11. ghat Section 6(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words Uses Permitted+~ the following; "No person shall within any Local Commercial (Cl) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:", 12• That Section 7(a) be amended words "Uses Permitted" the following adding on a new line after the ++No person shall within any Higfiway Commercial (C2) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:", ~" _ ~ - 3 - 13• That Section $(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words nUses Permitted++ the following; nNo person shall within any Restricted Industrial (ryil) Zone use any iot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:n• I~• That Section 9(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words nUses Permitted++ the following; nNo person shall within any Open Storage Industrial (M2) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely;n, I5• That Section 10(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words nIIses Permittedn the following: +rerect,salter or usehanyabuiGdingbortstructure for any lot or pose except one or more of the following uses, namely;,pur- lb. That Section Il(a) be amended b words "Uses Permittedn the following;y adding on a new line after the ++No person shall within any Agricultural (A) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely:++• 17. That Section 11A(a) be amended by adding on a new line after the words nUses Permittedn the following: nNo person shall within any Open Space (OS) Zone use any lot purposetexceptrone oremore of ithenfollowingcuses,fnamely:++, lg• That Schedule ++An be amended by deleting therefrom the designa- tion of the Scugog Road As County Road No. be further amended by adding thereto the new7CountyhRoadcNoaule +rgn the location as shown on the Land Plans of the United Counties7ofn Northumberland and Durham for the Diversion of County Road No. 57 in the Township of Darlington which Plans have been registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of The West Riding of the County of Durham as Instruments numbered N1~3I6 and N1~317. 19. That Schedule rrAn be amended by rezoning from First Density Residential (Rl33 Zone and Second Density Residential (R2) Zone to Concessionsll(and`IIeashare outlined intredbono hereto, 35 inclusive in Appendix T+A+r attached 20• That Schedule +rA++ be amended by rezoning from First Density Residential (R1) Zone to Agricultural (A) Zone those parts of Lots 3~, and 35 in Concessions IU and V as are outlined in red on Appendix +rBn attached hereto. ~1• This By-law shall come into effect on the day it is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME ~~_FI?.ALLY PASSED ON THE ~Z / ~'~ DAY OF ~~fz~U~ A.D., 19b~..~ ;-.. Reeve ` "• ~_ / v Clerk - O ~ o r F' w -~ z a o O w ti U ~ a F o Z ~ LL J a ~ a Z O U _Z w Z w. Z ~ a w J > a ~, a J w ~ Q ~ 2 = _ a u f.J a Z N ~ 3 v ~ o ~ S z$ a mg ~'N07 APPENDIX "A" ~ r 0 ¢ O J W Z 2 ~ 0 ~ O U Z ~ w N J Z z a o J ~ ~ w N W Z ~ ~ O a w U d W ~ W z z Z Z ~ Q ~ d J ~ a W K z _ J = d Q d J Q J U a V ~ Z Z ~n ~ o a ~ ~ m M 0 N M 1 •,.......,' . F- 0 J d' ~ M ~ -- 0 ~~ M ~. _~^~ J `Q r ~ ` J V U • ~- APPENDIX "B" -~- 9`K~ BUA~2Y1 O1fi~StiL3, ~adsT snd 2n nso aF '~ l~is- laLls>t haurvsiabetor+~ reta~se! 40, seed of ~ ~i sil oi~h+sx g~ras's vsstad ee tAa Ord ~txC $P~1:'.ti~ 2~."4 ~•a~ad the ~' of lOsseyh, 19b3, sir rwne~ed epr' ~~ ~9 ~esd filar X49 gu+rrd Lis ?th d~Y of f~-aRhas'i 19163, ba aaeQ it!-e a,~e u e ~+ems2hr apprarMd. ''B. Vickers" Aii2. _ „~~~ ~C][~ ~; c~ l 5; ~. 5?81.-~63 a u r`++x~ ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARp I9t Tst~ ~~T~rr.~ ~ ~tivn 3a eaf «. I4~, _,. IN Tt~; Ata'~i~ OF sn application ~ The Gorporati«n of the Torn- «liip of Ssz~lington for approval of its N~«stri«trd iirr~r« .`~~,I.ax 2~i9. HBF'~k~s ) A. Ja1~3.1st"~i, )) a aYxt - ) ) ~. S~1B, i~.4., ) T«.edals the i:th dqr er Maveaber, 1463. itareb«r. ) THIS ePNLICxT:Caxi havtey; ewn« on for publte hsari,bg st the To~rn«htp of t>eslingt«n, on the 28th e1se~ of tkstober, 146$, #r~ the ;sre«enee of eaenno«1 i«r td~« appd.Scant c~r;soration, nta elm app«artng in opposition ther«to; end iL apgearing that >eotiee of the said hearing had bawl duly given, in aoeordst~e xith the dirls«tiot~e of the Board; upon reading the sate! sad hesrtng xhat xa« all«gelei; fides Bosrd h~vigg reserved its decision until this slay; sexi the eteion«il of the eppliesnt egsporation hartrig en «pportsni.ty t« ooeaaider ««rtala is to the raid by-lew ate the «a: eooneil havtnb on th« nh etey e# NcrltemDer, 19b3, passed tta By-1ak ~t9 ~«ndi2-g the «atd Bgr-,;.ate 9 in a«~rdan«« a~th the r«oam«sdatln~ of the Board. atx having «sused a sertltied ««p;r th«r«ot to be filed a~ aotte« f«r the ap;sa+ersl oY sash au«ndl.~ 1~-~.ax having, be«n dt~+oad ~t9.th;