HomeMy WebLinkAbout2240A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required for the year 1963, to set tax rates to raise such amounts, and to authorize certain methods and terms of collection, pursuant to Sec. 297 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 and the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1960, as amended. Darlington has considered the estimates of the Municipality and of the Boards and Commissions of the Municipality, and deems it necessary to provide the sums listed in Schedule ^A~ to this By-law as attached; THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington enacts; 1. Tax rates as set by this By-law shall be levied and collected on the Assessment roll made in 1962 and finally revised by the Court of Revision on November 21st, 1962 as follows: Farm and Residential, hereafter referred to as Residential X6,252,725.00, Commercial and Industrial, hereafter referred to as Commercial, 672,97.00, total X6,925,699.00, provided that the rate levied for the purpose of Street Lighting in Hampton shall be levied on the taxable assessment of the Hampton Street Lighting Area, that the rate for Fire Protection shall be levied on building assessment only, and that the rates for Oshawa and Bowmanville Separate Schools shall be levied on the. assessments of those persons shown on the Assessment Roll as being supporters of those schools. 2. That the assessments of the various School Sections, the rates to be levied on those Sections and the amounts raised thereby, as well as the rates, assessments, and amounts raised for the purposes of Street Lighting and Fire Protection shall be as shown on Schedule ttBn hereto attached. 3. The taxes except in the case of taxes on business assessment shall be divided into two instalments, as nearly equal as possible, the first of which shall become due and payable on the first day of June 1963, and the second on the first day of December 1963. 1,. Interest at the rate of l~ per month shall be added to any instalment or portion thereof which remains unpaid after the date set for payment of such instalment. 5. Pursuant to Section 150 of the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1960 as amended 1962, interest at the rate of 2/3 of 1~ shall be added to all arrears of taxes. 6. The Collector or Treasurer is hereby empowered to receive payments of taxes in advance of the date upon which the instalment becomes due, and to allow a discount of 3~ in the case of the second. instalment if paid on or before June 1 of the year in which the instalment falls due. 7. All current taxes shall be paid at the Municipal Office, Hampton or at the Bank of Montreal in Bowmanville or Oshawa, provided that when -taxes are paid at the said Banks, the Bank may collect a fee of 10 cents per payment from the taxpayer. g. The taxes on all business assessments shall become due and payable on June 1 of the year in which the taxes are levied, and. shall not be subject to discount. 9. The Treasurer and Collector are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. t _. ._ - 2 - 10. Schedules "A" and form part of this By-law. 11. The provisions of previous to this date, are, provisions of this By-law, 12. This By-law shall of its passing. 11Brj hereto attached, are declared to be and by-laws of this Municipality passed insofar as they appear to conflict with the ^epealed. come into force and take effect on the day READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~ ~ ~-~ DAY OF l~/f 1+~ ~~ 1963. ~:~..~: ~ , Yea,-,,,,. ~ c'~~~C- Reeve Clerk _ = - _ i•-- . l~ 1 TOG'NSxIP OF D~~RLINGTON 1963 BU:GET EXPENDITURES 1963 1962 Budget Exnen@. GENERAL GOVERNY•1ENT Council Fees d: Indemnities %,500.00 2, 800. G0 2,300.00 2,800.00 Administrative S~l~:.ries & Personr:_1 Services 20,000.00 <23,531.46 Printing, Postage & St~~.tion~::ry 4,COO.JO 2,917.35 Telephone 100.;0 671.25 euc.it 1, 500.00 1, 560.00 Legal Costs S,OOO.Oi) .2,077.16 :9,200.00 30,757.22 Other ?~".~--inten~.nce of iiunicipal :~uild.ing x,000.00 4,394.50 iemberships & Conventions 1,100.00 735.1C Insur€..nce 1,800.OC 1,570.29 Election 1,000.00 35x.85 Retiredr~;plo~*ee~ s Pension 1, 500.00 1, 500.00 iiscellr~.neotzs 850.00 693.27 14,<.50.00 9,x02.01 P:RO'PECTION TO ERSONS ~c PY:OP:t^1R'I'Y Fmptzl~.nca 3,00%.00 -- ~uilding Insper_tion 4,000.00 ;,300.00 Livestocl=. Damage 4,OOO.OJ 632.20 ?:`arble Fly 600.00 537.79 Log Control 4,OOO.JO 3,703.3~i 15,600.003,223.37 PU3LIC '<?ORK.S xigh~:~~.,*s & Ro;c:ds 24~~,100.00 2 6, 612.05 Capital out of Revenue 17,900.00 27,347.72 261,000.00 253,959.0 SLINITF.TION & '~c_STE REi+10VAL 1,0OO.OJ 488.59 SOCIAL °~.LF~'RE Relief .'~ssista.nce 23,000.00 20,792.71 <~e1£are Pc?rainistration 2,OJ0.00 1.,200.00 30,000.00 21,992.71 i TOiT1SHIP OF PARLIPIGTON 1963 BUDGET 1y63 196? PAGE NO 2 :cud oat Eypenc'.. EDUCr.TION Public Schools 151,'703.49 140,630.33 Sep2reae Schools l,L~~.53 1,033.48 High School 16;';,053.1> 143,575.4.4 >21,465.15 2855239.05 RECRE^TION ~: C0~`~_UNI'TY SERVIC~'iS Planning Board - Consultants Fees 1,0;:1.43 - Surveys 3,000.00 1,076.30 - Other - (Fees) 915.50 Industrial Committee 1,000.00 --- Committee of ~^-.c'just:^:ent 1,000.00 367.95 Lake Ontario Development P.ssoc. 650.00 641.55 Lase Ontario Conservation F,.uthority 525.00 663.68 S~,lv^.tion Srmy 15x.00 100.00 Durhsm Central F~gricultur=l Society 100.00 100.00 South Ontario Agricultural Society 25.00 25.OU Cart~;rright :zrricultur=_.1 Society 2'5.00 25.OG H..mpton Pa.rY 150,00 --- 6,6<:S.OO 5,436,41 DEBT CH^:P~GES Debenture Princip-l Rc Int. - Hospit=l 1%,000.OU 12;3!;0.00 --'T'ile Dr=:in?ge 1,306.94 1,307.08 13,906.98 13,647.08 IN3'EREST Fc BruV~' CHf'RGES 4,750.00 4,760.36 Diacount for Taxes 2,50x.00 2,106.44 Ta__es trritten off 1,"50.00 1,207.42 49~50.J0 JyJ1~.86 JOINT OR SPL'CI~'_L EXPENDITURES Street Lights 775.00 '170.92 County Rates 30,622.60 81,882.31 Fire r_re-~ Rates 1G,53o.0O 8,518.23 91,917.60 91,177_.46 ;_ J ` PO'r1VuHIP 0~' DtiRiINGTON 1963 BtiDGN'I P^,GE NO 1963 196_'. '~u~' met Exi~enc . Provision for uncollected. tales l//--~'~%~ 986 33 Provision for rserve for t~.~orkin~ c~pit~,.l`f~y661.60~~~r. 1L~,338,/~0, Provision for ~~ccting rriachine 8: ecuip. 6,00.00 --- L~6,661.60 15,34.73 TOTFL d53,4~6.;3 746,916.65 ---. TO's,RZSHIP OF DARLINGTON BUDGET SUMMARY~9~^ EXPENDITURES Council Fees Administrative Other Protection Public ?n~orks Sanitation ??elf are Education Recreation & Community Debt. Charges Int. & Bank Charges Discount for taxes Special Expenditures Prnvision_.f~. iieserves Taxation Children~s Protection Direct Relief Right,r~.y Imp. Payments in lieu of te.xes Unconditional '.'inter forks Other `iunicip,^lities Licences & Permits Tex Interest Pw Penalties Other Surplus 2,800.00 39,200.00 14,250.00 15,600.00 201,000.00 1,000.00 30,000,00 321,465.15 6,625.00 13,906.98 4,750.00 4,250.00 41,817.60 46,661.60 581,966.71 2,600.00 1?,000.00 144,'000.00 1,250.00 30,000.00 4,500.00 1,750.00 5,9%5.00 8,250.00 691.27 60,493.35 853,426.33 853,426.33 Expenditures Revenues -A- 853,426.33 853,426.33 .. , S'Gh15oc, LG 13 To i3r-[aw Na. RX~ „~- . ~~ . rn ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r ~ ~ r ~ r ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ m 1r'' N lyD ~ W W N N O . D p p J O~ ~n }~ r W r O ~ ~S fo (D n ~ h ~ 4 ~ O m N• C!] 'J r r rn lY~ (D N V N N r O~ vt cn Y Y r o O O W N ~ "~9 ~ rn ~ ~ r N r ~ ~ r ~ ~ ora ~ w N r Y ~ ~ m Y V V Y .» r w .o V ~ Y N V o V w V o VO .o V ~ Yxi o Y V' Y V ~ r O ~n O ~n O ve ~ O O O O v V V i vi ~n w vt O <D r ~O o• O~ v, W ~ fA Vt V1 ~ WIW O 'J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Im r r w N r ~ r ~ tv oo ~ r .o .o .o r cr ~ ~ w .n N oa w oo w r o ~ w o o ~ m ~n ~n r r r F, r ~'' ~ V y ~ ~ Y V V Y Y~ y V~ y y ~D ~1 j '~ W W ~I ~O O~ r r V~ W 04 iV OW ~ W W O OC t~J ~ ~D }~ rm O NW N A O~ ~ ~ W Vt ~ ~ . . . . . . . . N. In ~l Q~ 03 ~ ~ ~n O W O ~O va VNi O ~ ~ iJ (D Cn '~] c"2'~J ¢ c+ Fti O p+ N (D ~ ~ fD cf R° R° r ;~ W H (p C~' R+ ~ G~ V7 r W ~ ~ Q W V Y y w y ~ r r a. '~p~3y t_ r ~ Q ~ ~ O W y y ~ o o v, o .o vt v, r o m o r ~ ~ O O O O C6 O O O O v~ O O O O N ui y y ~ ~ 01 r p~ O r O r W V V y y ~D O~ V1 OCl pq tT Q~W .1 ~0 ~O ~O -1 W ~D ~ ~ 01 ~ 00 04 ~ ~ 04 rn ~, o mw r r r r o oa r -a N ~ w r w w .`OO N I~ J r O O Vt W OQ r ltt -~ lli W W .~ .I r 00. ~O ~l J 04 (f ~ r~W OWV~ ~ ~ ~ F' iv vi O ~ ~ I ~ 04 i vii IN+ r W O r O~ ~ .p to W ~ .O OD iJ `.x7 O ~ W ~ Vt ~ N ~ r O O O W ~ W A ~2 W c~n (D p. _. 1 ~- 1 ~~~~ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL Ar~'AIRS 001 BAY STREET TORONTO 5 i4arch 22, 1963 i`s. W, i~. Rundle Cleric-Treasurer Township of Darlington Hampton, Gntario Dear Sir: I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Parch 20 with respect to the develop- ment of certain reserves. As discussed with you by telephone recently it is the recommendation of the Department that financing reserves be kept by municipalities as reserves for working funds rather than as reserves for uncollected taxes. I understand that you intend to transfer the present balance in the reserve for uncollected taxes in the amount o£ d'a15,000.OG;`,a reserve for working funds and that you intend to amend the provision for reserves in the 1963 budget in the total amount of X46,661.60 to read as follows: provisior_ for reserve for work capital 40,661.60 provision for accounting machine and equipment 6.000.00 46.661.60 If the above procedures are followed, I wou'.d be in agreement with the actions of the v;unicipality and the reserves so established would be such as permitted by the Department pursuant to the provisions of Section 297(2) of The tunicipal Act. Yours very truly .~ L4. B. Bolton, C.A. Director Alunicipal Accounting and Auditing ~~IBB: pc