HomeMy WebLinkAbout2241A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Ernest Hockaday. T HI S A O R E S M S N T made in tripliaata this 3rd day of April, A.D. 1963. ~::.. ~ :M;y. n to County off` Durhaa, Fsrmtr,~~ahip at Darlington hereinafter called the "OW23SIt" E3F TH8 FIRST PANT: r+ THE CORPORATIf~lt ~ THR TOWNSHIP (~' DARLINliTON. hereinafter called the "TOWNSHIP" aF THS s~caND PART: WHERHAS the Sands affected by this agreement era described in Schedule "A" hereto and outlined in red on Schedule "H" berets and era hereinafter referred t® as the said lands and era reported to contain 2.47 acres mute or leas, AND MfHHRF•A5 the owner represents that he is the regiatsred owner of the said lands and has applied to the Minister at the Ontario Department oP Municipal Affairs, hereinafter ceil3ad the Minister, for approval of registration of a plan oP aubd171aian thereof hereinafter referred to as the Plan and attached hereto as Schedule "B", AND WHHFtBt4S the Minister has referred the Plan to the Tewnahip, and the Owner and Township have agreed to enter into this agreement setting out certain conditions to the approval of the Plan, NOW THFRBZ+O~iE this agreement WITNSSS~ that in canaideration oP the preaiaea and the sum aP ONS-----------»-------- of lawful money of Canada new paid by each of the Parties hereto to each of the other Parties berets (receipt whereof is hereby ac~owlad, ed) and pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296, Sectio; 28 (6 ), the Township for itself' and the Owner tar himself, hl a executors, administrators, hairs and assigns HRRHBY GOV1£ltANT and AORH as follows: 1. Tt~ following Schedules, which are identitierd by the signatures of the parties to this agreement, era hereby made a part oP this agres~nt as fully and to all infanta and purposes as though recited in full hereins Schedule "A"--7.egai Dssoription of Property -2- Schedule "H"--Plan of Proposed Subdivision. 2. The Orgmer agrees that only single femi~.y dxellings in accordance trit,2 the Toxnship Zoning and Building By-Laws shall bs constructed on the lots n~bexred 1 to b inclusive as sho-m on Schedule "8", 3, The Amer agrees that only one of the said lots shown on Schedule "~' shall bs sold and conveyed during sash calendar year during the term of this agreement, provided that in the avant a sale and conveyance 3s not made in any one years the right to sash eels and conveyance shall not carry forward to a subsequent year. ~. 3'he term of this agreement shall run from the date hereof until the 31st day of December, 190, during xhich time the restriction as to sale of iota shall apply; Provided that after the Slat agv of Deaaeabers 19'/O, none of the restrictions as to the sale of Lots Qr otherwise as contained herein, shall apply. 5, Notxithstanding any clauses or restrictions contained herein to the contrary the Owner shall have poNer end authority to sell late l and 8 in the year 1963, provided they are conveyed in one deed and Lot 2 is not sold nor s residanae conatruated thsrepon prior to 9e year 1968, and further provided that the Owner obtains a restriativs covenant in the dead Prom the purchaser to this effect. 6 In lieu of a conveyance for public purposes required under Section 2$ (5) of the Planning Aat, the Owner shall pay to the Tormshp the sum of #1"7,50 being 5gi of the agreed valuation of the as shown on Schedule "8" in accordance rith Subssation 8 of said Section 28 of the Planning Aat. 7. The Owner consents to the regist~tian of this agreement by the 4'c~wnship at the sole discretion of the Township upon the ti;t3e to the said lands. IN W1TNF.,S NFIERSf~ tho Owner has bersunto set his hand and seal'and the Township has hereunto set its corporate seal by its officers duly authorised in that behalf. SItfIO~, SSALBD arLFt,AgLZiTERED in the presae~o of The Corpppra~.pn oP the To~!nahip of Darl3ngtAL} - ,~ ~~rf ---....------..~..,r..,...-,,,.,.~ sc Na„ L&FAL DffSCRIFtION Op PROP~RTI[ ALL AND SIPt~fJLAR that certain parcel or tract oP land situate lying and being itn the Township oP 3)srlington in the County oP IAirham and lhrovinee o£ Ontario and being co~osed oP part oP Lot 24 in the 5th Ooncession oP said Toxnship oP Darlington, more particularly described amm Pollowez ZN~Q that the North limit oP said Townmmhip Lot 24 Kamm a bearing oP North 71 degrees 4g minutes east an8 relating all bearings herein thereto; CflNN~NCINdt at a point in the Northern limit oPmmsi.d Lot 24 distant 607 Pe•t 11 inches westerly Prom the North 1~.aat angle oP said Lot; TI~NCB south 71 degrees 4g minutes West in and slang said Northern 21mit or Lot 540 Peet; TH~GE south 17 degrees 26 minutes Sammt 200 Peet; TI~iCg North 7ldegrees 49 minutes $ast a distance oY 540 Peet; TNP~EN North 17 degrees 26 minutes West 200 Peet to the point oP coammencement; Containing 2.47 acres more or less. 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