HomeMy WebLinkAbout2163A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2111. -z- twelve save a.s to cott~.ges now built on t're said lands, with all other requirements pertaining to summer cottage use in an Agricultural gone as set out in paragrzphs eleven and twelve to rer,:ain the same." +~ so that the paragraph 11 (b) shall read as follows: ~ ~b) Area Requirements No person shall within any Agricultural (P.) Zone, erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisiors set out in Section 12, save that the area, requirements for summer cottage use on the lands in part of Lot 13, Broken Front Concession of the Town- ship of Darlington described in Schedule "A't hereto, shall be a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet, a mini- mum lot frontage of 70 feet,ifa minimum exterior and in- terior sideyard. of 10 feet, a front yard of 30 feet ex- cept where there is an existing use, and a minimum ground floor area as required by para.gra.ph tu;elve save as to cott=.ges now built on the said lands, with all other re- cuirements pertaining to summer cott,;ge use in an Agri- cultural Zone as set out in paragraphs eleven and t~~relve to remain the same.tt BY-LA~r1 GIVEN ITS FIRST AND SECOND READIPTGS ON THE LATH DAY OF AUGUST A.D. 1960. BY-LA~n GIVEN ITS THIRD FEADING AND FIP~ALLY PASSED ON THIS 15TH DAY OF DECE~'IBER A.D. 1960. t . ~/,(f "7 Reeve ClerY SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LA?r: N0. 2163 Lands a.nd premises situate lying and being in the Township of Dar3h~gton in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario, being com- posed of the south-G•~est part of Lot 13 in the Broken Front Concession of the said Township of Darlington, more particularly described as follows: COirii~iENCIP+G at the point of intersection of the western limit of said Lot with the highwater mark of Lake Ontario; TI_ENCE northerly in and along said western limit of Lot on a course D?orth _l8 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds v,'est, a distance of 771 feet more or less to a point in the southern boundary of a street known as Lakeview Drive, said point being distant 6,0%3.61 feet southerly in the said western limit of Lot from the north-west angle of said Lot; THENCE easterly on a course North 71 degrees 52 minutes 30 se- cond.s East in and along the said southern limit of Lakeview Drive, a distance of 300 feet to an angle in same; THENCE South >8 degrees /i.l minutes East in and along the western limit of Lakeview Drive and the production southerly thereof, a distance of 610.13 feet more or less to the highwater mark of Lake Ontario; THENCE westerly in and along the highwater mark of Lake Ontario a distance of 600 feet more or less to the POINT OF COI~IENCEiENT. . ; . 3i:~ ~~ °~, .,,~ M~ ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD n.F. ta. 1402-60 tki 'P[ib Ir°~qT"k'.~.R OF ~Retiar~ 30 cf Ttxe k'lanni, het iR.`~'.'). 1960, 0.296), •and- IN tti~ k~A`PT~R QF an application of The Ccroor~tian of tY.e Towrishix~ of i~irlingtan for a:prova3. of its Rr~stricted area '~"g- 23. ci3 . r> laa is ~ E C3 ki ~% J.Tt. `Ftilt~iBULL, Dice-0hairman, -and- ;i.&. yicCR~il, A"teraber. ,I^:xtuary , 19b1. `T`HIS ~iT'k'LIC~g'1U~i hating toms on for public hearing at thre To~nshi;r ref T)arlington, this day, in the presence of caunsel far th:; applicant 4orpar•ation# and an interested p:~rty aippeari;9g in person in suppc~t of the by-law, and it appaarizrg that- native cf the said hearing had been duly given in accordance xiti~ the dire¢tians of th® Board; upon reading the said key-law and hearing what was Elleged; TH"_; Bt~~w.l?^ ;.'.~~'?I23, un3cr and 3n ptirsnanc® of the le~iclation hereinbafcr> referred to, and of any and all other pcnvers vested in the Rozsd., that By-iaw 2163, passed the ].5th day of 1)eoeraber, 19f;^, ;rye=. ;;,rki the sar;~e is hereby ~?~r~rnvRd. AC TIiJG SkCRHT.~RY. ~a:;. ~': `,?J ~ ~~t~;~ ~~J.~~ ;~ Wionaay, tkte 9th day of .. __.~ i -,.!~. - r.n„ . ,. .. sw:,,i r ~4 T rca,~,.~ ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD F'. X~'. i~3. 10:;2-60 T~~ 'f'ii 2~s ~`, ~~ t_;~~' :~eetic~n 30 of ',» a.,e ,~~ y1s?:re: '>et tE"t..`~.G• 1960, u.2~6), -~nd- ~~ LS€ t"_.ri.': °~.:!~ ~~ ~ cljJ~~.i~eA~. ~.@n pf ~e uar~aoratien raf the To~racship of t?<~::a.ingtosx f'~r an~~roval of its it~sts'j.Cted area ~•3.~'~,Y.2 by . E3~; [~ i3 It . a.z~. ,~t~=~~B~s.~,, i Vice-~is~iirsnan, -stied. ~j i.~,. t'~'bCG4t:J, r~':car~b~r. ~Yonciay, tb~e 9th gay of danu~ry, 3961. i~Ja) 1`t'sIs ~:'."I.1;,'~.`t'SJe3 ha~_vin~ eorae €sn for public hearing at the ~en.nshtp est i`arlington, this day, in the presence of counsel ~eYr the applieant Corporation, end an interested psrty appearing in person in support of the by-lax, and it avpearis t~sat notice of the said hrraring had been d€aly Iven in accordance wit : the d:irt'ctions ^f the Board; averts reading the said by-lava and hearing w3cat .gas alleged; 'Ti? B~: ~,tS:a 4~'~.,;,h~, under acid in pursuance dP the lc~isl=~ation h~reinbefore referred to, anti of any and all oE:her pc~+rers vested in tPae i3ca~.rd, ttaat By-lax 2163, €sassed the 15th t'say oY 3)eeember, 1960, he and the aa:~e i5 !°c=.reby approved. "B. Vickers" 5'.~rv y~. l~.Y .,r;.:~i tt ii„b'it ~~1. Y~/e. • 5 t.', C! ``~ 22 l~WiW 0 F~Ay~ rv rv+~YF t j ~: ~! /I i 1 1 k'n ,y~,d,~Y ~x _._ .~ ti'._.._ _. ~_._ ._-n-. _G`5~~ .