HomeMy WebLinkAbout2185A by-law to provide for the payment of a fee for the inspection of plumbing. . - % - AND ?'"'_~R~,f-S by paragraoh 74 of Section j79 (1) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. t9n'J, Chanter 249, the Council of this t~°_unicip~.lity is authorised- to ?s_ss by-la~~r for charging fees for such inspections. NO'.^' THEP~FFORt it is era.cted by the Municipal Council of the Corpor<.tior of tae Te?•~nship of Da.rlingtor. ,~ ~ ~~ b?T-1.~~.` of tie said. Corporation a.s foll.ows:- l. This By-lw shall auply to any plumbing other than plumbing constructed, repaired, rene,•ed or altered. for the sole purpose of industrial processes, ~.s defined. in Ontario Regulation 250/60 or amendments thereto or any regulation r:icrde in substitution therefor, 2. This By-law shzli not riyo~? ~ to (a) the repairing or replacement of ?: valve, faucet or fixture; or (b) the repairing of a 7_e a.=~ or forcing out of _ stooo2ge. 3. In this By-law (a) r'Inspector~` mear_s an inspector appoir~teo or a.uthoriaed by the Local Boa.rd_ of Health of the IInitec Counties of f;orthumberla_nd and Durham to carry out within this Municipality the provisions of Ontario Regulation 250!60 or amendments thereto or any regulr~.tion mace in substitution therefor (b) "Treasurer+r inc]_udes any person authorised to ?_ct on behalf of the Treasurer of the l~unicip-lity of To~~nship of I'erlington. r ~. Any ;oerson orho intends by hi~useis or through others o construct, repair, renew or a.ltor a.ny _~lu*r~'ring shall before t'a_e con,-~iencement of such construction, re~?air, ren~?*al or "iteration pa,y a fee for the insoection of such construction, repair, renewal or alteration by the i.nsnector, as required by the said regulations, and such fee shall be calcul~t=r'• in accordance with the schedule hereto annexed. If additional inspections other than the tuio referrac to ir_ the schedule are required, the person requiring such inspection shall pay in advance a further fee for such additional inspections, as set out in the said schedule. 5. The fee ma.y be paid. by the owner or occu:pier of prer!ises for whom the zrork is to be done or by the ~~erson who intends to do the work or cause it to be done. Payment by one of suds. persons shall relieve the other or others from respotsibility for payment. ~-, - 3 - t:- ~ 6. The fee shall be laid to the Trey-.surer ?rho shall prepare in trirlic=;te ~. ?~;ritten ac?tnoUrlergement of _.~ayment thereof sho..-ing the name of the person intending to d.o t'ne work, the name of the os~mer and of the occupy+.nt of the ;;remises -~nc'. t'.~e address or location of the premises. The =:cKno?a?ledgement sha11 be signed by the Treasurer. 7. T^e Treasurer sha11 deliver one copy of the ac~no5~~led.gment to the person paying the fee and sha11 forthti;ith deliver, or send by ,iai1 the second copy of the aclrnowledgment to the inspector and sY:all retain the third copy of the ac'-.:notFrledgment in h_is recorc'~s. 0. The Inspector from time to time design~.ted by the Local Bo=sc of Health of the unitee. Counties of -~orthue~berland and. Dur'nam a.s being responsible for the carrying out of the ~,rovisions of t'r?e said Regulations is hereby a.p_?oir_ted a.s an agent of this municipality for the purpose of receiving notification in writing t1L.a t1_e construction, repair, renewal or alteration is ready for inspection; provided., hos,~ever, that nothing contained. in this By-la.w sha11 relieve a.ny ;~.erson from any responsibility imposed by the said. Regulations for giving notification in writing as provided by Regulation 5 (1) of the said Regulations. R1:AD A FIRwT TII'R THE ~.u c~ c~~i~ ~ ; D.~'~Y OF G~,t ~-'~z'~-- 1961 R c.~ ~~ G i C' n T T CO dD TLrE ~ a '~-~ `Y ''~ THL Y.', r:~r J F //` ` !~i ~~'~ - 3 ~ ~J.L . . ??EBB A. THIRD lli `~~ ~. D.'uSSED ID r> 0?EA; CO*J?,;CI-~.: '~'g~' ,;~ .~- -~-°'~uY OF ~6,~ iLa~e ~... 19h1. I,~.~~~:~.i Reeve -, r !.. Clerle SEriL .. _ FOR ',UT'F3Z^IO T?:5F'?('170PI" BPSider~ze DllplP,X tpCJ P'u'tiple -nartments Combined ~part;r~nt and sore or bisiness 6.,;0 for .°i_rst ~ ~zite, „~L .,~~.+ for e<,ch _ _. ~tior_ i suite, ['7.us r'.1_Ju a fi.:~~,_~re ~~..,) _"or - -art!rFnt, ~-/~.,; for s+-„~a., ^d .,"or ^n ,=r~iti~~nal •~rtaic•nt, Store ~s Busine ~s , S.0') .~i~a „l.OJ fi ~i.,ur f-+ct~~r; ee ",.7J p1u~ .;.1.';~ _ fist;zre Schools Other t~~uildir.gs or peer'.ises '.)~~ ~7; s -, 1 . ;; •', firtlzr~~ no `. soecifiad above Soil or vent ~t .c'.ts i.n ; , ~5u .°i.C°SS Of OYl' F'1X'tU T'PS ttdd°d. ~~O BX1St_nF; .,~> `.~;;: or phut , .bi~:E 1~..)~ ~,.s . ~~, ixtu~•e re's.ired, re~~ewec or elt~r~d Btr i !_c'i ., F, drains 3.G: ~ Y~ __3.nGe from sapl;ic t~n_: -, /, , fJ,.) to ~ anicip_~~_1 se~•~er Additi~~~~ial inspections in excas~-, of t~,o to ?~e. i.~: