HomeMy WebLinkAbout2186A by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1961. -~- r', r, ;;;'F _Rr.g the amov-nt of asses.=.~ent erti.tled. to renefit, to z,s resic'.enti_l nc far ferred n, ar.c the amount of . hereinafter re t not entitlec_ to '?~~nefit, hereirafte r referred to as assFSSmen of T;ncon~~itional vr.?rt~> ;", "ecorr~ :;~erci~:l C ncP srit:n -•~c`,in1s ~':?~ , o~a f The r~~unici?-.7_ t_ct, R.`~.G, 195'C, as amer_ded_ by T~-~.e Mur_icipzl and 311 o Ar~endn~ent l_ct 1957, is ,es follot~~s: P,ssessr..ent entitles. to Isenefit w5,75~,575•~G nerefit &ssessnent r_ot entitles to - 5~9,55ri•00 ~~ ?tF, Im `TNERT'FV'_'.I! anc it is hereby ens ct^d as fol:!.oT.~'s: mueT the above estimates he <coted <n" levied. therefor in ~ t o?zt :zereira_:~aPr, snd, t=,ere s ~ s'~all he le~aied and_ ,s e the ~«-_rs~er ~ asress.-_bin l.rc's, bui]-sing coll.ecte~' a ~~r t}'.e s ~-rid_ businesses uit~?in of the Tow~s~~:i of D~r~_irgton ai the fol].o~,~inC ~-=ili rates on the Cor_~ora for the ~ze~~r 1961. 1 L.. ~y County ~n;rrroses mo,.,ns'^i~ Ger,er~,l uPs r',enti~l Pc j'~r-°• b.~ ~_.u.s , Comr;erci~.l °: In`ustria,l 11,% ~lu.° 'r rr ,r _ 1t,9 South D;rrl~.r_gto.~ r ~ School oa._ G~.S 2U. S._. :~?o. 10 19, S.S. ':~;io. l ?1.5 g,S, Dio. 1L~ 20. S.S. No. 15 20. S.E, T'O, lc 22. ?, S. T~rO. 17 17. S.S. T?o. ~8 21. S,S, p?o. 19 l~. S.S. No. 20 21. S.S. T1o. 21 19. S.S. T7o. ?2 ~7 ~ E. Duo. 23 South :rlington F_e- benture ll . S,S. Pao. 20 Debenture ?4,7 Se~er<:te School 15.9 Dur'o~m High School 16. ROa.OS ~_ - l 1.5 Fire 2.7 Hampton Street Lights The sun or `~7",0;%C,pO, shall to set asice as a provisior_ for 2. • reserves. The t?XP~ sh-11 to ~~ ~~-<=ec~ into tT~,o instalments, -s nee~rly ecual 3: as zna;r he possirle, the first o? ~-With sh_,11 become cue ~rci :. y~,p1_e on June 1, 1961_, and the second., or.-I-ecember 1, 1901. In+ereet ~t t~:e rt'tC of ',, of to per month sh<L be ac'ded to 4 _ y,. any instalment or nortior_ thereof ~:hich rert~~ins Unpeid a`ter the Cate set for >>a.ymer_t of suc~ instalment. r~a~; on ail currt:rt t^,-PS rer:ainn~: 5, p ne~nelty of ~,' shall Yee c - r;,~~l-t. 2ftr`.r t` e 1St C;.':y O° r~'CPr~?":nj•~ ~Ot~l. u"tl'7 el.Ci Ori t~".~. P. fir ~t d'?' Of C~-e .. The Collector is '~erer*T e; ,o~~Terec to receive payments of ta~~-es 6. ' in a:r.varce of the ^ate u~or irhic'n. tr_e instil^.ent bec•o*;:es due, end to allot^T a C'15COLtnt OF „'6 In t~!F. C'-5e Of tlF; SeCOnr,, inst^.1_n':ent, if h811' On Or before Jane 1st of the gear in which the saic in=t-Lrent falls due. 7, a1.1 current t :•_es sh'.,11 be ;~,°~id at t_~-e office of the collector, or at t1e Rank of i~~tontreal it Foy""~~'nville or Osh .'!a, provider t'^:at t•'hen r ,„ o r7? at. t~"le 52.7_C r. ne'S thr' ~.FnYT n1?.~> C011e Ct ... fe" O'. 1'.,~ Cen -S per payment tram t-^e tz:xayer. ~rt;.ere a terar~t of Lnds, o~•roed b r t'r.e ~:ro"~, or r ~~ai~ich the S. ~~, _, hc,c•r; emrjl Oy°<?. P,i tt)P,Sithlr Or O';ttSlC'e the Croy+~r. has ~'n ~r.terest, mUni C1 T)2.11tj' 'Cy t1e Sra O:"','.lOj'el' f01' nOt lcss t'.'12.n JQ C='.;JS, SU.CY! ~l ly~l_Oypr shall_ _oay over to the collector on demand out of any ,;`~~es, salzries, or • ~,».~' of=ee the ^r:ourt then ~:~-~=^-`c1e for tz=.:~'es other remunaration cue to such ~- ,, ~ llnC,.er this ray-i_'"i 2nC:. '?.rjr SUCti"1. p~.~rment; S.'".^.il rel1~°'e trF eT','-)i0y?r from zrv ].iarility to t1i.e era;?loyee _°or t-e amot:rt ~a.ic. q, The coL_ector arid. tre=.surer ,,rP erebz* e^,,o~.-areri to ^ccept part payment, from tit`,e to time on accoupt of .any tars clue. 10, This by 1't^' sr_~1_ come into force enc7 effect upon the date of t'^.e `ir.•s,l read ink tLerof (~ ~ ~ j/} n n« TJT"~ i-.~. rOV u4"' C'Z( GZ/^„"' ].9 V1. F?F nr C:. F1n C'T '_~?7` SF~CG.~TP. __I__ _ _ ,. ~~~~~ , h/try J~yJ ~" /`~-~`_:`G'~`' ~~~ ~~ Clerk Reeve nrr7~.. ."-.. !=[.IRL' "'ITT F,.r,p, rlg2~~a n~;q =f. 1rIC /~ D~:~' Of' ~l 19 v1. ., . reeve