HomeMy WebLinkAbout2194A by-law to establish certain benefits for employees of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington.
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service with t'_?.e Corpor~.tion of the To~•.ns'r_iy~ of D~rlinrton
inraediately _prior to ter,uination o'_' e!~?~7_oJvnent.
(k) F:-.ployees shall be =r nte;~. s crecit of 1 day sick leave
for each t~.onth t.~_,.t they have been em~~lo~ ed by the To~:rnship
of Larlirgton _;rior to Jo.nusy 1, 1901,
(1) P.n erti~~loyee s.'~~all be provided witl. an annual statement of
the sick le~~•ve credits accumulatec_ to his or 'her cre wit.
This statement shal:~ be signed b;J the ~e~~d of t:~e employees s
d.e~z.rtment and shall be given to t'ne employee on or before
January 31 of each yeU.r.
(m) An employee rho is _per:c~:nently employed on a ti:a.rt time basis,
anct who receives a.r. arr~ual salary of not less than 50 per
cent of the re~ul.~.r annu~.1 salary for t'_~is classification
of emy>loyr.;ent, 5~?i11 be entitled. to one-half of the
a.ccuuul.o.te;' sick le<~ve credits as outlr_ed for permanent
full. time emploees.
'- following rehulations s'_. 1] ap.~'_y for la`ourers ~ rc
(n) T-ie - -
Cc.su&1 e,i01ay°°~ '"'.70 Shall rB ent l'Ci2C. t0 S1CI. 1e8..Ve Cre'::.1tS
(i) The ernrlagee ~ror?~s for ei .±t continuous •~uonths in
each calendar year.
(ii) Tine em loyee yrorks for any eight :months o?' the
ye~.r, not necessarily continous, ,providing the
breare in continuity is due to 1-.ck of ~,~ork or
by ot'_ier actio-r_ of t'r:e e ~•aloyer. Eut t~:~e e,~:,~loyee
hill not be eligible 1-There a. break in continuity is
a result of that em:aoyee~ s ~;ecisian to resign.
(iii) Tem~or:.ry absence c.p,~roved by t'..e e~rpaoyer for
compassionate re=son will not be interpreted as ,,.
bream. in Conti~.uity.
(iv) TL'.e e:r; oyee :Till not be eligible for sick leave
benefits unless he h=:-s cor.~.plied ~~.itn tie regv_ire,::er_ts
of section (i) or (ii} for a r•eriod. of one calendar
year. ,'-_ecumuiation of credits is riot permitted for
the nrobationury yes_r.
(v) ~1-.ere ~r_ er,;lovee his receives? a sep~ratior. or
retire~.?ent r.lloU.u ce ~.~ ~rovid_ed by section (~) of
t'':eSe Te-~'T~lltl0ns `c'_nC_ 1S Su~)S e~: l:l0nt1~T re-eiii it Oyor.)
t'ne ei~.:ployee shall camnence :ccu.~°:ula.tion of sick
leave credits on the basis of having the status of
u near e::r.,7.oyee a.nc. sa.ic en?_~loyee shall be recui.red.
to serve for the pro; C.ionary ~e'riod a.s autlner. in
section (iv) ,
(vi) The employee sh.wll only be paid for absence caused
pa, sic'<_ness ~•~'aich occu~~s cr~rir.~ ,~erior~ of
2. Statutory ~iolida.ys
(a) All ;eriaanent ecnpL~yees shall be ~r<..nted. t~~_e fo11oT--Ting
Stc.t'~atOry ,.alldays ~;r1th pay:
ii) Door: 'ricay
iii) Victoria. Uay
iv) Dor._inion Day
v) Civic holiday
vi) Labour Day
vii) Tharl.sgiving Day
viii) CY:ristizas Day
ix) l-.ny ether holiday that may be authorized by
the Reeve of t're Tot~mship of ~ arlington.
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(b) Permanent employees shal]_ include 1<.bourers and casual
emplo~;ees of the To~:mship of Darlington.
(c) In order tLa.t an e_~a~_oyee shall be granted a st::.tutory
holiday with pay, the em~~loyee ~:~ust ~~orl: the nor,aal t~ort.ing
da.y ircraediately before and ~.fter the 'roliday.
I'., 3. Aru~ual Va.c~.ion_
(a) All permanent employees sha11 be granted ~ V•ree~>s annual
vacation after one ye~.r's service. l/-~w~~~ ~a~,1
(b) One year's annual v~.c~tion may be carries over to tee/
follo~;ing year.
(c} ~,."nen a statutory u~oliday falls on a dwy of an enployee~ s
scY:eduled. vacation, tine emaloyee shall be entitled to an
additional d.ay of vac~:tion, provid_ec th~_t th.e necessary
a.rrange;~ents h~~.ve been made ~-rith the head of the department
.rior to t_Ze corm;iencement of tine ve.ca_tion aeriod.
(c:) Permanent em,~loyses shall include all es:;loy-ees whose
service is continuous for such ien,th of time to qualify
them for the a_pp7_icable annual v::.cation. C~:sua.1 employesa
a.re e?:eluded. un~ess z.ermission is granted by the '^e~~d_ of
the department for inclusion.
I /~. This B=-L:?a shall co1T.e into force a.nd ef:'~~ct .s cf the first of
Ja.nuar;y=, 1961.
TP;!'.D zi FIRCT, SECO?D, 1.ATD 1'FTI,L' II1^E l-.P?D FI.1P.Li,~-'~'.~~ F'',D `~I~: ,
DAY OF ~J~ 1961.
peeve C1er1.