HomeMy WebLinkAbout2196A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2111. 1 c _ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~"~! TFiF CORrOFf'.TIO' O" iI", TO?::P?S' IP OF DL,RLIniGTON B,'-L"?.~ 'idZP°:RPR %196 A BY L~s?:J to c.rrerc 'o:,i_ng fiy-law T~ caber 2111 as amended bp' by-i a-'s r_umbc;red ?_1?. b, 213?, 2130, 21.5 r:rd. 216. T"re Council of the Corpor-tion of the Totmshi_p of D,rrlington ~'_"!'..CTS as foll.o=.,*s: 1. Thzt Cection 2 be ar~!end.ed by adcing t'~ereto subsectior_ (p) (i) as follo~+s: "(y) (i) "SEOOTING RP.ITGh" means an area including buildings ar..d structures uses. by an ap_:rovec gun or revolver club for the uur~,~ose of c~~.rrving on private shoot- ing events t•;holly within such rsea, For the ~ur~oses of t'.^.is cefinition, "~~~'PRO`TF'D" ~ea.r_s a;,proved by t e ratorney-Genes l's Departr~:ert of the Province of Ontario." 2. That Section 3 (~) i) be amended by ~.c?dir_g after the 1st line the folloi:~ing: ~'~one OS Open Space" 3. That Section 5(a) be a*ler_ded by adding t~.ereto the following: t+v) Business Of"ices An of~°ice or' an insura.n.ce agent or a.n insurance ~~r_d. real est~ to agent loc<.ted in his dwellin_; t.:hen uses by such Nersor. as his Siva e r°esir.er.ce ~:nd ~•.:.en such re- siderce is in an R2 or Rs ~~one, ~roviced t}gat the =:round. floor area-- for such. business use sh~11 be in a.d,aition. to the rninirrur~ gro;.nd floor area. re:_uire:c:ents of this By-l~~t+, but shaal. not e~:ceed :'.5 rercent of tY.e total floor area of the d_~~relling." /~,. That Section 11~ be added to t'r_e Ly-la.v as follows: t'11F~. OPFP~ SPl.CF (OS) "OFiE The following restrictions shall. a.o,ly: (a) L'ses Perzitted i) Recr~~a.tional P2r':a, yolayyround.s, curl.irg rin'cs, =olf courses and- s'~ootir_g ranges. (b) i_rea Rec;uire ~!ents Tdo person shall within shy Open Space (OS) Tone erg-:ct or use any buil.,ing or structure E;ncept in accordance ~~rith the;rovisions set out in Section 12." 5. T'_~at Section ll (a} iv) be amended by addir_g liter the word "playgrounc'~_s" t1~e orords "curling r inl_s" so t'-et t~~.e ~ era,-;rani' reads: " iv) Recreational Pe.rlcs, playgrounds, curling rirrY_s and golf courses." - . - z - • - , 6. That Schedule ~~ A n be amended by changing from Local Commercial (CI) gone to Second Density Residential (R2) aone the area described as follows: The westerly 306 feet of the east half of Lot 25, Concession V1, for a depth of 200 feet measured northerly from the northerly limit of the original road allowance between Concessions V and V1. 7. That Schedule f' A " be amended by adding to the "Land Use Legend~r shown thereon the following: " (OS) OS OPEN SPACE 11 8. That Schedule "A" be amended. by changing from Agricultural(A)Zone to Open Space (OS} Zone the area described. as follows: All and. singular that certGin parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the To~fenship of Darlington, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 21, in the Fifth Cancession of said Township, said parcel or tract being more particularly described as follows: Commencing in the intersection of the easterly limit of said Lot 21, with the Northerly limit of Taunton Road or the road allowance between Concessions 4 and 5 as widened to 100 feet according to a plan of said. widening made by J.L.Sylvester, O.L.S. and dated December 9, 1958. Thence South 71 degrees 44 minutes ¢0 seconds west in along said northerly limit a distance of 532 feet 24 .inches to a point being the intersection of said limit with the southerly production of a fence running northerly and southerly. Thence north 18 degrees O6 minutes west in and. along said production of fence and in and along said fence a distance of 1/30 feet. Thence north 71 degrees yy minutes L~0 seconds east 533 feet 9 inches to a point in the said easterly limit of Lot 21. Thence south 18 degrees Ol minutes 20 seconds east 1430 feet more or less to the place of commencement. 9. This By-law shall come into effect on the day it is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ A FIRST;. and SECOND TIME O;d TAE 20th. DAY OF JULY A.D. 1961. _-'~ ~<:4~-4-~i4.' ' c.. .mac. ~~~^ ...: ~ ~ ~-~-r...oc. ~. Reeve Clerk THIS BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ON ~T~HE 3rd DAY OF/. AUGUST n'l A.D. 1961. Reeve Clerk. ,t 3"~:~ ,,:~ °~ r. ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ~.~.r~. zz~,,..161 IPd 'a'til t~A"s"i'F~i GF Sectian 3u :sf Tire iz' • ix i . ,e1ct {F.S.w. 1~6G, -and- Tii `I°~iE e~iA``I'EFt C~ an apgzlieatic~n by 'ire C~:;rporatr~n of t9aa ,j°~wn- ship Of t"~arlintton for apps„vR1 ~f its ktestrietc~d area ~Sy-.iaw 21~~. a;"Er"Gr~~ } i YiCe-Chairman, ) -and- } 1~. L. i~icCR.~E, } ~ember« i~iesnday, tr,e 2f3tri day of i~;vvember, ;lc)61. d!3I~ 1~F~,'F3.IC~`i'TCi~t having; c~rme an for pzib;l.ic .earin~; t~~is dad, at the TOwnahap of 11arl.:ln~;trzn, in t~se ~?re- sc~nee :zf ea;:ns~1 i`ar ts~e applzcarzt ~orl,~r€~t~n, arxd a nur<xber ~f xtterestr~d ~Sarti~s a~a~sariza~ ~ n perspn, and upon <marin= tiaoss~ app~ax°Inr ixs suppnx•t af' tk>e bar-lair an~i t~as~ appearin•; izs opi:aa~iti~rc tP;ereto, .end it up~,eArin~, tkiat notice ~f tine seed Y;earin ; x:ad ~;rxen duly s~°iv4n in acc rdaxxce ittz tiae dire,c- tiuns of tl1e F,samrd; upcsn r,dinN t.r~e said b;r-1stAr and i?earinf t~z~~~xt was ulle~ad; `iil% ~?C~£~C ~~FUFiS, rznder and in }zuut~°suaxzcs c~#° tree Ieris3ation herei:~tlfore referred to, and aS' any and al? ~tlaer° ~rizwers vested in t~,e £aard, that Ry-taw 21~~, pa;gsad tPae 3rd day cif ~~~°~ust, 1'61, k~a and the sassaa z hereby ai:~rOVec~ swith tie exception of Seetiuns 3 and €i. B. VICKERS ;+CT'IPIG SL~CPL'.lcit a .