HomeMy WebLinkAbout2106A by-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of building and structures. i TOi4NSi1IP OF DP,RP,I1dGrOPi LOP~iING BY-Lfi~u Grob corTl~PaTs I i ~•- SECTIOfi 1 TITI.i's 2 n1~INIx10Ns 3 ZONES 4 G~TLti~~i.L PttOVISIOIdS S FIHS"r SEIX%NU F,PdD '19iIi liP~iSI1Y PIiJiTrTIAI. (1L1~ R2 & R3)LGNE g LCCr:L C01"'t~i:;:~CIAL (Cl)LGIaE 7 :3IG31vAY CLi1~"Iyni;IkL (C2) ZCivE 8 IP;DUSTfsIi'.L (b:7.)LOTiS g GPLTJ SPACL (O) ZOPIE 10 GPNii.TBi+1,T (G) ZONE 11 fGRICUL"i'L~ti;L (A) ZOPdE 12 ZOPd RC:(Ttiik~fi.;i;iarS TABU; 13 ADb~NI:;''_'1LTIOPi 14 Pi;P3ALTY 15 i+PPPtOVAL PAGE 1 1 5 6 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~. 21 21 Page. 2. (i) "FLOOD PLAIN" means the horizontal area bordering a river, stream, or water course which is subject to flooding and the limits of such flood plain as determined by ea Ontario Land Surveyor. (j) "FRONPAGE, LOT" means the horizontal distance between the aide lot lines where such lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be the distance between the side lot lines measured on a line twenty-five (25) feet back from the front lot line and parallel to it. (k) "GARAGE, PUBLIC" means a building other than a private or neighbourhood garage which is used for the care, repair or equipping of motor vehicles, or where such vehicles are parked or storeu for remuneration, hire or sale. (1) "GOLF ODUR5E" means a public or private area operated for the purpose of playing golf and does not include driving ranges, miniature courses and similar uses operated 'or commercial purposes. (m) "GROUiu~ FLOOR AREA" means the maximum area measured to the outside walls, excluding,. in the case of a dwelling, any private garage, porch, verandah or sun room unless such sun room is habitable at all seasons. (n) "HEZC~PF, BUILDIPaG" means the vertical distance between the average eleva- tion of the finished surface of the ground at the front of the building and, i) in the case of a flat roof, the highest point o£ the roof surface or the parapet, whichever is the greater. ii) in the case of a mansard roof, the deck roof line, and iii} in the case of a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between the eaves and riage~ exclusive of any accessory roof construction such as a chimney, tower, steeple, or television antenna. (o) "HOTEL" means a separate building or two or more connected buildings used mainly for the purpose of catering to the needs of the travelling public by the supplying of food and also by the furnishing of sleeping accommodation of not less than six bedrooms; as distinguished from any other building or connected buildings used mainly for the purpose of supplying food and lodging by the week or otherwise, commonly known as boarding houses or of furnished living quarters for families, and have a dining room or restaurant commonly known as apartment houses or private hotels. (p) "HOUSING PhOJECP" means a group of dwellings erected during a period of sot more than two years in accordance with a development programme or plan. (q) "LOT" means any parcel of land whether or not such parcel is described:in a registered deed or shown in a registered plan of subdivision. • Page 3. (r) "LOT AREA" means the horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot. (s) "IdYP, CORPdER" means a lot situated at .the intersection of and abutting upon two or more streets provided that the angle of intersection of such streets is not more than 135 degrees. (t) "LOT, IN'PERIOR" means a lot other than a corner lot. (u) "PARKING SPACE" means an area of not less than two hundred (200} square feet, exclusive of driveways or aisles, for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles. (v) "PERSON" moans any individual, association, firm, partnership or in- corporated company. (w) "SALVAGE YARD" means land or buildings used for an automobile wrecking yard or premises, the keeping and storing of waste paper, rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, automobile tires, old metal and other scrap material and salvage and where such materials are 3bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, disassembled or handled. (x) "SANITARY SEWERS" means a system of underground conduits which carries sewage to a place of treatment which meets with the approval of the Gntarao Water Resources Commission. • (y) "SERVICE STATIOPI, AUTOMOBILE" means a building or place where gasoline, oil, grease, antifreeze, tires, tubes, tire accessories, electric light bulbs, spark plugs and batteries for motor vehicles are stored or kept for sale, or where motor vehicles may be oiled, greased or washed, or have their ignition adjusted, tires inflated or batteries charged or where only minor or running repairs essential to the actual operation of motor vehicles are executed or performed. (z)"SROP, SERVICE" means a builaing or part of a building and whether con- ducted in conjunction with a retail shop or not, for the repair, sale or servicing of articles or materials as opposed to the manufacturing of the same. (za)"S"t10PPING CENTRE" means a group of commercial establishments conceived, designed, developed and managed as a unit by a single owner or tenant, or group of o~mers or tenants acting in collaboration in accordance with the provisions of this by-law and related in location, size and type to the surrounding trade area which it serves as opposed to a business area comprising unrelated individual commercial establishments. (zb) "STORE, RETAIL" means a building where commoaities of which at least 80 per cent are new, are stored, roared or kept for sale in limited quantities as opposed to the wholesale disposal of such commodities. Page 4. • (zc) "STOREY" means the portion of the building other than the cellar which lies between the surface of the floor and the surface of the next floor above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling or roof next above it. (zd)"STOREY, ONE HALF" means the portion of a building situated wholly or ' part wit hin the roof and in which there is sufficient space to provide a height between finished floor and finished ceiling of at least seven feet, six inches over a floor area equal to at least SO% of the area of the floor next below. (ze) "STREEP" means a public highway having a minimum width of 66 Feet which affords a principal means of access to abutting lots. (zf) "S`i'REEP LINE" means the limit of the road or street allowance and is the dividing line betgreen a lot and a street. (zg) "YARD" means an open, uncovered and unoccupied space appurtenant to a building. (zh) "YARD, FfDNT" means a yard extending across the full width of the building lot between the street or front boundary of the lot, and the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on the lot. (zi)"YARD, REAR" means a yard extending across the full width of the building lot between the rear bounaary of the lot and the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on the lot. (zj) "YARD, SIDE" means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and from the side boundary of the building lot to the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on the lot Page 5. L J 3. ZOIv'ES (a) Classification i) The provisions of this by-law shall apply to all lands within the limits of the Corporation of the Township o£ Darlington, which lands for the purpose of this by-law have been divided into various use zones as follows: Zone R1 Pirst Density Residential Zone R2 Second Density Residential Zone R3 Third Density Residential Zone C1 Local Commercial Zone C2 Highway Commercial Zone M1 Industrial Zone Ed2 Industrial Zone G Greenbelt Zone A Agricultural is) The extent and boundaries of all the said Zones are shown on Schedule "A", which Schedule forms a part of this by-law and is attached hereto. iii} The permissible uses, the minimum size and dimensions of building lots, the minimum size of yard and the m"r~~~m percentage of building sots ' which may be occupied by buildings are set out herein for the respec- tive land use zones. (b) Zone Boundaries Zone boundaries as shown on Schedule "A" have been established in several cases as property lines, Township lot lines, limits o£ road allow- ance, limits of railway right-of-ways, limits of H.E.P.C. easements, heights-of-land and high water levels. When the location of zone boundaries as shown on Schedule "A" are uncertain then the following provisions shall apply. i) Where a zone boundary is indicated as approximately parallel to .any street line or property line and the distance from the .street line or property line is not indicated, such boundary shall be construed as being parallel to such street line or property line, and the distance therefrom shall be according to the scale shown on Schedule "A". ii) Where a zone boundary is indicated as being the height-of-land between watersheds such boundary shall be zhe limit of the watershed in w him the zone is located. iii) Where a zone boundary for a Greenbelt Zone is shown on Schedule "'A" the bounaary of such zone shall be determined according to the scale shown on Schedule "A". In no case shall the zone boundary be located closer to the centre of the river, stream, or v+atercourse than 100 fast, or be located below the high water level as determined byzn Ontario Land Surveyor. Page 6. 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) Public Usea i) Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the use of any land as a public park, community park, playground, road allowance, or for any municipal purposes. (b) Non-Conforming Uses Nothing in this by-law shall require any change in the plans, construction or use of any proposed building or structure for which an application for a building permit has been approved by she 'Pownship Building Inspector prior to the passing of this by-law, nor shall this by-law apply to any land, building or structure vr7iich on the day of passing of this by-law was used or erected for any purpose prohibited by this by-law so long as it continues to be used for that purpose. (c) Unsuitable Lands No building shall be erected for residential or commercial uses on any land which due to its low lying, marshy or unstable character is considered un- suitable for the installation of proper ser°age and drainage facilities. (d) Greater Restrictions When the regulations or requirements of any Department of Government impose greater restrictions than the restrictions imposed by this by-law then such greater restrictions shall control. (e) Lots Having Less Axea Than Required Where a building lot having a lesser fx•ontage or area than that required herein is held under distinct and separate ownership from adjacent building lots at the time of the passing of this by-law as shown ny a registered conveyance in the records of the Registry or Lana Titles office, a dwelling may be erected and used on such smaller building lot provided that it con- forms to all other requirements of this by-law. For the purposes of tnia section registered lots on the following registered plans shall be considered as being held under separate ownership: Registered Plans No. 630, No. 632, No. 634, No. 639, No. 645, No. 648, Plan of the Village of Charleavilla (now haydon) registered July 3, 1855, Plan of Burk et on Station by J.H. Reid, registered Septemoer;l, 1894, Plan of the Village of Hampton, registered April 14, 1857, and Plan of Village of Hampton sated 1856. {f) Frontage on Public Strest No person shall erect any building or structure in any zone unless the lot upon which such building or structure is erected, or is to be erected Page 7. fronts upon an improved public street which has been graded and gravelled to the Township specifications to permit motor vehicular traffic at all times of the year and vdzich has a road allowance width of 66 feet or more. In the event that the road allowance width is less than 66 feet then prior to any building or development, one half of the difference between the existing width of road allowance and 66 feet shall be acquired by the Township for widening purposes. In the case that a wider road allowance width is planned under Section 4(m) then the greates• restriction shall apply. (g) Reduction of Requirements The purpose for which any land or building is used shall not be changed, no new building or addition to any existing building shall be erected and no land shall be serered from an existing building lot, if the effedt of such change, erection or severance is to create a situation in which any of the requirements of the by-law in regard to each individual remaining building, accessory buildings or building lot is contravened. (h) Sight Triangles On a corner lot within the triangular apace formed by the street lines for a distance of 40 feet from their point of intersection no heage or fence shall be planted, maintained or erected which would obstruct the vision of vehicular traffic. (i) Building Repair Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the strengthening to a safe condition of any building or structure or part of any such building or structure that to a non-conforming use, provided such alteration or repair does not contravene the provisions of this By-law by increasing the height, size or volume or change the use of such building or structure. (j) Continuation of Agricultural Usea Nothing herein contained shall prevent the use of any land, building or structure or additions to such building or structure for agriculturalp.~rposea. (k) Accessory Uses Where this by-law provides that land may be used or a builaing or structure may be erected or used for a purpose, that purpose shall include any accessory use incidental thereto. (1) Existing Registered Plans Nos. 637 and 650 Residential development will be permitted on los in registered plans Numbers 637 and 65p in accordance with the restrictions of the Third Density Residential Page 8. (R3) Zone. Where such a registered lot has a lesser frontage or area than that required herein a dwelling may be erected and used on such smaller building lot provided that it conforms to all other requirements of this by-law. (m) Roads For the purpose of computing yard depths as required unaer this by-law the following road allowance widths and building line set backs shall apply: • ROADS Minimum Road Portion Planned Distance from `riidth of Road centre line to Allowance Buildintt Line Highway No. 2 Entire Length 120' 100;{ Road No. 14 (Courtice) Highway 401 to County Road 1 120' 100* County Road No. 57 Bowmanville to Twp. North Limit 120' 100' Roads No. 15 and 16 Highway No. 2 to County Road No, 1 100' 80' County Road No. 1 Entire Length 100` 80' Road No. 9 (Maple Grove} Baseline to Highway No. 2 l0U' 80' Road No. 10 (Holt) Lake to Highway No. 2 100' 80' Road No. 12 ( Solina} Base Line to Highway No. 2 100' 80' Road No. 15 (Pickell) Base Line to Highway No. 2 100' 80' Base Line Road Bowmanville to Highway No. 401 100' 80' Town Line between East Whitby and Darlington Hwy._~62to County Road No. 63 100' 80' Fourth Line Road No. 14 to Road No. 16 86' 73' Road No. 5 Bowmanville to Tyrone 86' 73' County Road No. 63 Enniskillen to Twp. west limit 86' 73' Eighth Line Enniskillen to Haydon 86' 73' All other roads 66' 63' * See also Section 12. In the case of conflict the greater restriction applies (n) Parking Space Re~ulationa i) The owner or occupant of every building or structure to be erected shall provide anu maintain motor vehicle parking facilities as followas Page 9. Type of Use Parking Requirement Residential 1 space per dwelling unit riotels 1 space per guest room lHotela 1 apace per unit Theatres 1 space per 6 seats Assembly Halls 1 space for every 6 seats or 1 apace per 100 aq. feet whichever is the greater Churches 1 apace per 10 seats Undertaking Establishment 1 space per 10 seats Hospitals 1 space per 4 beds and 1 space for each 4 employees, Retail Stores and service shops 1 apace per 100 sq. feet of floor apace Restaurants 1 space per 4 seats Office Buildings 1 space per 200 aq. feet of floor apace Commercial Bldg., other than listed in this table 1 space per 100 sq. feet of floor space Industrial Buildings 1 space per 1000 sq. Pt. of floor area Medical, Dental, Drugless Practitioners, Clinics 3 spaces per doctor Shopping Centres Parking area to be 3 times Ground Floor Area ii) Each parking space shall include an area of not less than 200 square feet exElusive of driveways or aisles. (being 10 feet by 20 feet) iii) The parking apace shall be maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles. It may be constructed of crushed stone, slag, gravel or cinders, having an asphaltic or Portland cement binder, or any permanent type of surfacing with provisions for drainage facilities approved by the Township. iv) Where a lot line of a parking area is part of the boundary between a Commercial or Industrial Zone and a Residential Zone an 8 foot wide planting strip shall be maintained. Such planting strip shall be planted with at least one hedge row of hardy shrubs not leas than 4 feet in height placed along the boundary. v} Where a parking area is adjacent to a Residential Zone the lighting facilities shall be so arranged as to airect and/or reflect the light away from the Residential Zone. vi) A parking area shall have at least one entrance and one exit provided from or onto a street or land adjoining or extenaing through the zone in which the parking area is situated. vii) A parking area shall be provided with a means of access or arivewey at least 15 feet but not exceeding 25 feet in width, unless the drive- . way is a joint ingress and egress ariveway, in which case the width shall be 25 feet. Page 10. viii) The distance between driveways on any street shall be at least 25 feet except in Residential 'Cones. ix~ The distance between an intersection of street lines and the nearest driveway shall be at least 50 feet. (o) Loading Space Regulations i) tiuhere a building or structure has been erected in a Commercial or Industrial Zone for a purpose involving the frequent shipping, loading or unloading of persons, animals or goods, the owner or occupant of the building or structure shall provide and maintain on land that is not part of a highway or public street loading facilities comprised of one or more spaces each at least 30 feet long and 12 feet wide and having a vertical clearance of not less than 14 feet with access to a Lane not less than 20 feet wide as follows: Floor Area of Buildix~;s kdumber of Loading Spaces ~ J 5000 square feet or less from 5,001 square feet to 25,000 square feet from 25,001 square feat to 100,000 square feet for every 100,000 square feet or portion thereof in excess of 100,001 square feet No loading spaces 1 loading space 2 loading spaces 1 additional loading space (p) Sign Regulations i) Reside_ntial Zone In residential zones the following signs shall be permitted: 1. A sign not exceeding one square foot in area indicating the name and profes:;ion of s doctor, dentist, or drugless practi- tioner or the name of the resident. 2. One non-illuminated real estate sigr. advertising the sale, rental or lease of any building, structure or lot, and not exceeding four square feet in area. 3. One non-illuminated trespassing, safety or caution sign not exceeding sin square feet in area. ii) A~ricultural1 end Greehbelt_Lones In Agricultural and Greenbelt Cones the following signs shall be pexmitted: 1. Ali signs permitted in residential zones. 2. A sign not exceeding 12 square feet in area~.dvertising farm products raised or producec on the premises; or recreational facilities. Page 11. iii) Commmercial Zone In Commercial Zones the following signs shall be permitted: 1. Ali signs permitted in Residential Zones. 2. A business sign not in excess of 3~0 square feet. iv) Council Authority In Residential, Agricultural, Commercial and Greenbelt Zones signs other than those previously mentioned will only be permicted upon written authority Prom Council. v~ Lightin~of Signs Pihere lighting facilities and /or illuminated signs are provided they must be arranged so as to reflect away from abutting Residential Zones or uses and no flashing or intermittent illumination shall be used in any zones. vi) Projection Signs shall be attached flat against the wall of the building and shall not project more than two feet from the wall of such builaing. (q} Uses for Hazardous Purposes No land, building or structure shall be used for such Commercial or Industrial purposes as are likely to ci°eate danger to health or danger from fire or explosion rrlthout the approval in writing of the Committee of Adjustment, or when no such committee is established, of the Planning Board. Page 12. S. FIRST, SECOiD, A2SD THIRD D'iItSITY RESIDITITIAL (R1, R2, & R3) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply. (a) Uses Permitted i) Resi_dential Single-family detached dwellings and converted dwellings. ii) Institutional Hospitals, libraries, churches, schools, community centres and nursing homes. iii) Recreational_ Parks, playgrounds operated by the Township, and golf courses. iv) Home Occupation The offices of a physician, dentist or drugless practitioner located in the single-family detached dwelling used by such physician, dentist or drugless practitioner as his private residence, such officesto be used for consultation and emergency treatment only, but shall not be in the nature of clinics or private hospitals. Nothing shall prevent a person from caxrying on any domestic or household art in their own residence provided it does not affect the amenity of the neighbourhood. • (b) Area Requirements No person shall within any First, Second or Third Density Residential (R1, R2, or R3} Zone erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12. (c) Side Yards Notwithstanding Section 12, where a dwelling is erected in a R3 Zone without a garage or carport the side yard requirements for an interior lot shall be 14 feet on one side and 6 feet on the other side. (d) Use of Residential Lots No person shall erect more than one single-family detached daaelling on any residential lot. (e) External Design of Buildings No person shall erect on lots in a block wit.dn a housing project, dwellings of which more than twenty per cent (20'x) are similar in external design with respect to the followings size and location of openings, doors, windows, and color and type of surface materials. Buildings similar in external design shall not be built upon adjoining lots. • Page 13. (f) Converted Dwellings Each of the dwelling unite in a converted buiiaing shall have a minimum net floor area of 500 square i'eet, exclusive of public or common halls and stairways, and the thickness of the outside walls. ~,~~ C:,.~?f3 .) Page 14. s. Local co~~~,HClaL (cl) zoNE The following restrictions shall apply. (a) Usea Permitted i) Commer_cial_ Retail stores, service shops, shopping centres, offices, banks, studios, undertaking establishments, custom .workshop s, places of entertainment, restaurani;s, and parking lots. ii) Institutional Hospital, libraries, churches, cou~mercial schools, community centres, municipal builaings, private cluos, lodges, fratet~nities, and labour halls. iii) Resi_den_tial Dwellings in 'cosiness builaings over stores or offices. (b) Area Requirements No person shall within any Local Commercial (C1) Zone erect or use any builning or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12. • (c) Shopping Centres No shopping centre may be established unless it is in accoraance with an approved site plan. Page 15. 7. HIG'HYAY COnP~iL~RCIAL (G2) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply (a) Uses Permitted i) Commercial Service shops, banks, places of entertainment, restaurants, p<^sicing lots, automobile service stations, public garages, car wash stations, motels, hotels, drive-in theatres, used and neu~ car. lot s. (b) Area Recuirements No pepaesn shall within any Highway Commercial (CL) Zone erect or use any n buildings or structures except in accoraance with the provisions set out in Section 12. (c) Automobile Service Stations ana Public Gara~ea Notwithstanding the provisions oi' Section 1~, the following aaditional provisions shall apply to automObili service stations and puolic garages. }' i) Pu~_Location 1. The minimum distance from the 3"ace of pump island to the street line shall be 15 feet. 2. `i'he minimum aistance from the face of pump island to daylight • triangle shall be 10 feet. ii) Rama 1. The minimum width of ramp shall be 30 feet. 2. The minimum distance between ramps shall be 15 feet measured along the street line. 3. The minimum distance from the intersection of the street lines to any ramp shall be 15 feet measured along the street line. 4. The minimum angle between ramp and street line shall be 30 degrees. _. Y Page 16. 8. IhiDUS~RIAL (M1) ZONt; The following restrictions shall apply. (a) Uses_Pernitted i) Industriel_ Any building for industrial or warehousing purposes except those which from their nature or the materials used -ii:erein ax•e under The Public Iiealth Act or regulations thereunder, declesed to be a noxious trade, business, or manufacture and any open storage use that is 2ccessox•y to the industri~.l or warehousing use provided that such open storage is creetricted to the rear of the wain building and not ready visible from the front of the lot. Any use permitted under the Railc~ay Act or any other Sts~.tute of Gntario or Canada governir,~ railc;ay operations, ineluuing tracks, industrial spurs and other railway facilities. ii) Commerc_ia]. Office incidental to industry, banks, restaurants, parking lots, automobile service stations, pubic garages, car v~ash stations, a radio or televisiox: transx::i.ssion establishment. iii.) Recreational_ Farks, playgrounds, auditoriums, swivurang pools or other recreational or edwcation~~l uses ~ehicix me=y be accessory axxd incidental to a conm:ercial or maimfacturing use. iv) Residential PIo residential uses sixr;.ll be permitted except dwellings fors care- taker, watcYunsn or other sis:ilar person employed on the pren'u.ses con- cerned arxd such person's family. (b} Area Recuirements P1o person shall within any Industrial (L1) Zone orect or use any buildinga~ or structures except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 1`2. Page 17. 9. INDU5TRI:aL (Pd2 ZONE The following restrictions shall apply (a) Uses Permitted i) Omen Storage Open Storage uses including salvage yards, wreckarxt; yards, and bulk storage yards. ii) Industrial Any buildixxg; for industrial or r:erehousing purposes except thoae which from their nature or the materials used therein are under The Public health .ct or regulations thereunder, declared to be a noxious trade, Isusiness, or manufacture. Any use permia'ted under the ItailRay Act or any other Statute of Gntario or Oanada governing railvray operations, including tracks, industrial spurs, ann other railvray facilities. (b) Area Requirements No persona shall v,ithin an Industrial (L~2} 'Lone erect or use eny buildixxgs or structures or use rrtiy land for open storage except in accoraance R•i-th the provisions set out in Section 12. Page 18. 10. G:tEr~Bs'~,T (G}LOhIE The following restrictions shall apply. (a) Uses Permitted i) Recreational_ Parks, playgrounds, golf courses and conservation projects. ii) ricultural_ ~ - - Such agricultural uses as are perr.:itted in an Agricultural (A} Zone subject to Section 10 (c) below. (b) Area Requirements P1o person shall within any Greenbelt (G) Zone erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12. (c) rlood Lands ffio buildings or structures other than conservation or flood control projects will be permitted within the flood plain of any rivers stream or watercourse. Page 19. 11. AGRICUI,TURAI, (A) ZOI~TE The following restrictions shall apply. (a) Uses Permitted i) Residential Single-family detached dwellings, dwellings for persona e~ioyed on the same lot, and converted dwellings. ii) icu"Mural . - - - - General agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare including farm buildings, field crops, gardening, nurseries, orchards, :carrels, forestry and the processing of forestry products, fishing, trapping and seasonal fruit, vegetable, slower and farm produce sales out leis. iii) Institutional Hospitals, clinics, libraries, churches, set:cols, community centres, municipal buildings, cemeteries, aausoleums, columbariums, or cremartoriuma established with the approval of the Department of Hflalth under the Cemeteries Act. iv) Recreational_ • Parks, playgrounds, and golf courses. v) Summer Cottages Summer cottages which are not occupier for a period exceeding four months in any one calendar year. vi) Home Occ~ation The offices of a physician, dentist, or drugless practitioner located in the single-family detached dwelling used by such physician, dentist, or drugless practitioner as his private residence, such offices to be used for consultation and emergency treatment oriy; or the office of a. veterinary surgeon, and premises for the emergency treatment of animals. (b) Area Requirements No person shall ~.ithin any Agricultural (A) Zone erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12. (c) Converted Dwellin~~s Each of the dwelling units is a converted building shall have a minimum net floor area of 500 squaxe feet, exclusive of public or common halls and stairways, and the thickness of the outside walls. ~'C' ,~:.~v~~,~ {2. ZONE REQUIREMENTS TA®LE Poge 20. 2Hh is .~ ~ ZZ ~ W I I wm n n mw n n nro .nn '~ n ~" 1- '~ I 1 b p n n n q ~ a p W ¢ 4 ~° ~ N N p n I h I I n I I ~ O O I O ¢ N Q O I ~p p Y ~` a O J m O N O w < Ci N O Z 2 ¢¢ _ - O g _ ~ L I m 0 b W • f I ~ I 1 I Y I I °e n n I ~ ~ 0 0 O N 0 0 O O h h ? F N o N _ - e _ . O 2 ~ ~ °° n 0 ~' O O O D O I n n n n N N n O O I Z I I n O I I a n W Ye I O' h U, F m N _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ ¢ h n n w m °° n M m n N n f n n w n n n o o n n o n n < y, n n n n N • • • p p p n n N N b W C w G W O 0 0 p m I O I n ° O n O N O N n n n ° ° I O n ° O 6 ~ •• I p M n n n m n m n < ~' ~ n W 2 y¢~ ~ •< • O N H W p N N MI N N N n m w w n 2 2 W p F • p m m N Z_ Z - r h i s ° M n ° ° n o n ° 9 r n n: g n ~ o ° p i. a a i . n r + i i i i • 4 I O I 2h ~ ~ 0 0 O O 00 NN OO NN O O n O n O n O m I I O O O O N N O O^ pOY 7i NN NN n . _ _ Y _ g a W 1 1 I I I I 1 1 n ~ N a N I N I I I I t Z W ~ w UJYn j11¢ 0 j f W ~ h I' I p 0 0 a O O N a h I I I O O I I O n O w O m a h w p Q ~ a~ I i N - n n n ~ _ Y1 tl1 a ¢ 4 ;; O J N SJ ~~ I b y ~ I I I I ~ «f~ ~ I N N O O I I O ~ M b ~ W _ _ N n n Z ~OZ ~~ 2 33 Y Y W 3 ~ -0 U O O U < d Z 1 I w n O O I I I I I < o < o ¢ O h I < O Y N F l y s h o_ _ _• a c_ a n _ ~ c n R ° sag H °Y 2 Y ~ ° ~ g ~ 00 0 0 00 00 o n 0 0 0 z 5rc3~N R i t o o ' a ~, 1 I I I I I 1 i < o " s 4 ~ p~ Z ~ ~° N N n w n n ~!1 O_ n Y wZ 3;an W ~¢ g W O¢ O¢ o n ~ i ¢ z a i W a i J ¢ W ¢ ~- W h h iV _ 2y ZU Z _ aH O °° .z ZO N W J Zim °O W ¢O W d0 N < J< < Z J J J J J _ JDY` WJY wd= J O < J < W J2Y Z J O J < ~ Z O l < < < 6 6«¢ J 4W00 J~ < 6 6 <<D <W h 6 yWj ~ h h h h U h VOVi~ VJ < h h h hZ1h h000 O V ~ h J 2 Z Z y Z ZL W OHN '¢ Z 6 0 ¢ Z N J zh20 J ZNWJ j `. < h W O W O W W Y W O 2 O =W>J iifa j E O 2 V NW G ~-JW Y i U.A. N O N 2 O N W 6060 O 1R<¢ O 2 0 N W W 6 ¢ N Nfi= Y N66~ W 2 Q = W 2 W W W XW} Dh< ' 2 U ¢ 00< O < O D ¢ _ ¢ ¢ ¢ U 6 UWN6 U<00 _ O t Z..OM 6WWN < p W o ~ J W pi q - . N 011. _ _ ~ ~~ rc s c v v v v i ~ i N N < t _ 4 !' ~; t Page 21. 13. (a) This by-law shall be administered by the Township Building Inspector and no permit for the use of land or for the erection or use of any building or structure and no certificate of occupancy or approval of application for any municipal licence shall be issued or given where such use is in violation of any provisions of this by-law. (b) No person shall use any land or erect or use any builaing or structure without first obtaining from the Building Inspector a certificate of occupancy. A written application for such certificate shall show the following particulars. ij Location and size of the land. iiJ Location and size of the building. iii) Proposed location of all future buildings. iv} All services to be used or installed. v) Statement by the owner of the intended use of the land and buildings. (c) By-laws Nos. 2003, 2iJ22, and 2085 be and the same are hereby repealed. 14. PF3~I?.LTY Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting magistrate e. penalty not exceeding the sum of X300.00 for each offence, exclusive of costs. 15. APPROVAL This by-law shall come into effect on the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Sunicipal Board. ,~- `_~ v _- _ ~ ,_ THIS BY-LATI given its first, second pnfl,~hird ~/ v readings and finally passed on the,: ~-~{J day iy~y of ~-,u,~,,.,~.~-/ AD, 1958... ~~: ~9 ~..._ ~ L/~ _ ~ 1vY~.~~~~ cLERx