HomeMy WebLinkAbout2112A by-law to protect the inhabitants and animals of the Municipality of the Township of Darlington against the infection from rabies by providing for the licensing and registration of dogs, and for the regulating of the running of at-large animals.
3. Every person ratio beco_~es the owner of a. d.og on or after the
lst day of January in etch yeas shall register the same and
pay the license fee therefore as provided. in Section 2
t.rithin fifteen days <_fter becoming the ot+rner of the said_
/~. The setting dotan by the Assessor in the Assessment Roll then
in the course of preparation by the 1.ssessor of the informa-
tion a.s to the number of dogs oumed by a person tirho is assessed
as o~mer or tenant of a.ny l~;nd and lobo is in occupation
thereof, in respect to every cog which he oU~ns ~~%ithin the
Tot~'nshin of Darlington a.s provided by Section 16 (2) Column 26
of the assessment tiet shall be deemed to be a registration
of such dog or dogs by the o~~,mer for the year following
the year in which such Fssessment roll is being prepared. as
required by Section 2 ?nd 3 of this By-la~.i. Provided, ho~,-ever,
that the failure of the ,?ssessor to set do~rn such particulars
<.a regz.rds any doS shell not relieve the o!~•ner thereof from
registering such cog in accordance zaith the provisions of
Section 2 and- 3 of this By-la~~.
5. A tag shall be sup; lied by the Clerk or :;ssessor for each
dog which is registered. hereunder, and the ourner shall keep
the ta.g securely fixed. on the dog at z:ll times c-uring the
yez.r ans. until he procures ta.g for the follo~-ina year.
6. The said. tag shall hear a serial number .ns. the year for
which it s:~as issues. and z record shall be kept by the Clerk
for the purpose of shoe*ing the name and zddress of the owner
and the serial number of the t=:g.
7. No person shall put upon or fix to dog tag unless the s~^_:ae
r,ras issued. for use upon such dog.
8. The amount of the license fee hereinbefore referred to shall
be as folloors:
(1) For s. male d.og, if only one is ~.:ept ;3.00
For each additionz~l me.1e d.og 6.OG
For a. female dog, if only one is kept 8.00
For each additional female d.og 12.00
For a. Kennel of Purebred. Dogs Registeres'.
~,;i.th tl'ie Canzoi.an Kennel Association. 10.00
(2) ?here the certific._te of a. veterinary surgeon is
produced shoeing that a, female dog has been spayed,
it shill be licensee at the s~!e ra.te a.s a male dog.
9. The ;:.mount pz,yable for the license fee shell be collected by
the Tax Collector, or his l.gent.
10. (1) No animal shall run =t large ~*ithin the To<<mship of
Darlington, ans the oi:rner of ?.ry znimel running z.t 7.arge
within the To~_mship of Darlington during those months shall
be guilty of ~ breach of this By-l~a~=.
(2) For the purpose of this By-1,~.~:~ an znima.l sha.11 be
deemed to be running at lar;ze trhen found. on a high~~a.y or other
Public place end not under the control of any person.
11. The Dogcatcher may seize ~.nd impouns ~.ny ~.nimsl running a.t
large contr^.ry to the provisions of p2ragr~.ph 10 hereof.
12. L7hen the Dogc~:.tcher seizes s,n c•.niffia.l ..^~s hereinbefore provided.
it shall be his duty to deliver the same to the poundkeeper
=those duty it sh:~ll be to provide suitable quarters, as may
be approved by Council, in ~:~hich to keep in a humane manner
all the animals that may be brought to him by the Dogcatcher
under the provisions of this By-late*. 'Phe Pound~~:eeper shy 11,
in a. book to be furnished.- him b;r the Clerk, '.eep an accurate
account of ~a.ll animals placed in the pound., inclue_ing the
date of receipt, ti:;,es of feeding and. ~a°~.tering, ria.nner of
final disposal, the methods of destruction of the same,
<:r.~ounts received by !~~ay of reder^.ption fees, ~.nd fines a.nd.
sales, a.nd the names ~.nd. a.ddresses of the purchssers of dogs
and e.ny other p-^..rticul~:rs Council r~.~y ceem ~:.dvis~ble.
13. T'ver~T znimal c^.ught by the Dogc-tcher under the provisions of
this By-l~.er _n<~ delivered. to the Poundti~eeper sh<.11 be
confined. by the l~.tter in the Pound. for seventy-tt~ro (72)
hours and. at the end of such ;period. nary, if not redeemed or
sold- as hereinafter provided; be cestroyer'_ by the Pound.keeper
and: the carcass shill be disposed of to the sc:tisfaction of
the liedics.l Officer of Ae<.lth for the United Counties of
Northumberlanr'• a.nd Lurh:a.
1~.. 3here en animal bearing za. tag issued as hereinbefore provicer_';.
in this By-lam- has been impounded, the Poundkeeper shall,
~,rithin t~relve (12) hours deliver to the Clerr, in +:riting,
particulars of the registration number on the said teg.
15. The Clerk, upon receipt of the particulars of registration
number on the ss id ta.@;, as hereinbefore provided, shy=;.11
within t`relve (12} hours of receipt of such notice, notify
the ot.mer of the zni,::~_1 as it msy s~.p,~err from the records of
his office.
16. The O~.mer of any ?.nirr,~1 impounded. under the provisions of this
By-1a~~ may redeem t'_:e s-:me seventy-ts,ro (7F.) hours ~.fter its
delivery to the Pound+,':.eeper by p=ying to the Poundl>eeper,
for use of the iunicip~.lity, the sum of T*.*o Lo11~ss (;;?2.00)
for the first day or p.•s t therof that the s,.id ~.nima.l has
been impounded5 ~~nd One Dollar (w^.1,00) per d_-y for each
dditionr:.l ds:y or p<•.rt thereof provided further, thzt if
tl7e said anirr-.1 is ~ dog for ~;-hich license fee h~_s not been
p<.id s.s provide:' in this By-la.i-, the O'>ner sh~l]_ in ~~~ddition
to the p<<y~.r~er.t hereinbefore provided. pey to the Clerk the
..mount re^uirec for such J_icense ~~nc' thereupon shall be
issued t~~ith ~~. t~.g by the Clerk.
17. _ny person ma.y purchse -.ny rnirc.~.l impounded under the
provisions of this 3y-1~~~ by pairing to tr,e Clerk, for the use
of the Nlunicip~ lity, the sum of T~~~o Do ~_lr'rs 02.00) for the
first day or part thereof, a.nd One Do~lar ( 1 OO) fo_ each
acditional d^y or pert tP.ereof that the s~.id animal h,^.s been
impounded, provided_ further, thct if the said anim~<1 is 2
dog for ~~hich a license has not been p<id -'.s provided in
this By-lacy, the person purch.-sing the said dog shall, in
add..ition to the p-:;yment hereinbefore rrovided pay to the
Clerk the amount recuir~c ''or such license ~.nd thereupon sh~.ll
be issued =. t.:g by the Cler'_~, provid.cc', ~;nd noterithstanding
any other provisions of this pa.r-~.€;r~.ph ~ s<1e hereunder shall
not be final and. the rnim~.l shall not be delivered. until
_-.f ter the expiration of Seventy-Tco (72) hours from the date
of impoundment.
13. Council shall by Resolution provide for the ~p~~ointment of a.
Dogcz_tcher and Pound_eeper (Provided. hot.aever, th?.t such
offices ma.y be helc by one person if Council ceexs it
advisable) :nd. sh~_11 provide for the terms of such ?.ppointment.
} .v
Pl-,GE 4
19. Council shall by Resolution approve the location ~~.nd
construction of the Pound. to be used. for the detention of
.nimals e.s provided by this By-1a~~, <e.n%?. ^.s to the means of
d-ispos~l of such ~:ni.cls and. without li.Mitin€ in any ?,*ay
the discretion of Council herein, the Pound end. the ;~ethod
of disposal of the anir,~zz.ls shall be such as rr.pproved by the
Ontario Society of Prevention of Cruelty to i`-nim~ls.
20. By-la.tr Number 2042 of the Toomship o° D~^rlington is
hereby repealed..
21. hny person ~~,rho contrvenes the provisions o this Dy-law
shall, upon conviction, be li-ble to a ~,en~lty of not more
than Fifty Do11~.rs, (~,,50.Ufi), excausive of costs, a.nd every
such pen~.lty shall be recoverable cancer the provisions of
the Sum~~.ary Convictions tact.
READ l_ FIRST a',ND SECOND. TIi°~F 'PHIS 5TH D~ Y OF i`1AY, 1960
Garnet B. Rickard '.'. E. Runde
Reeve Clerk
F~I'iENDED BY $Y-LAti? 22,05, PIsSSED DECET~iBER 21S'P, 1961.