HomeMy WebLinkAbout2126A by-Law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2111. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Darlington passed a zoning by-law on the 5th day of February, 1959. as by-law No. 2111. AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has directed that certain amendments be incorporated in said by-law No, 2111 and the Council is desireous of making the said amendments, NOW TFIEREF'ORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington ENACTS that by-law No, 2111 of the Township of Darlington be amended as follows: 1. Par.. 2 i That the words "'as determined by an Ontario Land Surveyor" be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as follows: (i) "FLOOD PLAIN", means the horizontal area bordering a river, stream, or water course which is subject to flooding and the limits of such flood plain, 2. Par. 2 w That the first "'and' be deleted and the word mox" substituted for the word "and" in line 3 of the paragraph so that the paragraph shall read as follows:. (w~ "SALVAGE YARTy' means land or buildings used for an automobile wrecking yard or premises, the keeping and storing of waste paper, rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, auto,nobile tires, old metal, other scrap material or salvage and where such materials are bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, disassembled or handled, 3. Par. 2 (Y) That the word "and' in the 3rd line of this paragraph be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as follows: (y~ "SERVICE STAT70N, AUTOPMOBTLE" means a building or place where gasoline, oil, grease, antifreze, tires, tubes, tiro accessories, electric light bulbs, spark plugs, batteries for motor vehicles are stored or kept Por sale,, or where motor vehicles may be oiled, greased or washed, or have their ignition adjusted, tires inflated or batteries charged or where only minor or running repairs essential to the actual operation of motor vehicles. are executed or performed, 4, Par. 2 (za) That the word "conceived"` be deleted and that the words "acting in collaboration in accordance with the provisions of this by-law and related in location, size and type to the surrounding trade area which is serves" also be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as followas z(a3 MSHOPPING CENTRE" means a group of commercial establishments designed, developed and managed as a unit by a single owner or tenant, or group oP owners or tenants as opposed to a business area comprising unrelated individual connner-. cial establishments, ................. ~ 2 ~ 5. Par. 2 That the following paragraphs be added to Paragraph 2: (zk} "YARD, EXTERIOR SIDE" means a aide yard immediately adjacent to a public street. (zl} "YARD, INTERIOR SIDE" means a side yard immediately adjacent to a lot, 6. Par. 3 (b} iii) That the words 'was determined by an Ontario hand Surveyor" be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as Follows: (iii} Where a zone boundary for a Greenbelt Zone is shown on Schedule " s"' the boundary of such zone shall be determined according to the scale shown on Schedule "A" except that in no case shall the zone boundary be located closer to the centre of the river, stream, or watercourse than 100 feet, or be located below the high water level. 7. Par. L.(a) ii) That the following paragraph b (a} ii) be added: The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to the use of any land or to the erection or use of arty building or structure for the purposes oP the public service by The Corporation of the Township of Darlington or by any local board thereof as defined by the Department of hSunicipal Affairs Act, R.S,O. 1950, Chapter 96, any telephone or telegraph company, any department of the Government oP Ontario or of Canada, including The Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, provided that where such land building or structure is located in any R-1, R-2, or R-3 Zone,- (i} no goods, material or equipment shall be stored in the open, (ii} the lot coverage and yard regulations described Por such zone shall be complied with, and (iii} any building erected under the authority of this paragraph shall be designed and maintained in general harmony with residential buildings of the type pernited in such zone, 8. Par, b That this paragraph be repealed and the following substituted therefore: (b} EXCEPSED LANDS AND BUILDINGS Nothing in this by-law shall apply, i}' to prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any purpose prohibited by the by-law if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day of the passing of the by-law, so long as 3t continues to be used for that purpose; or iii to prevent the erection or use for a purpose prohibited by the by-law of any building or structure the plans for which have, prior to the day of the passing of the by-law, been approved by the municipal architect or building inspector, so long as the building or structure when erected is used and contintasto be used for the purpose for which it was erected and provided that the erection of such building or structure is commenced within .two years after the day oP pass ng of the by-law and such building or structure is canpleted within a reasonable time after the erection thereof is camnenced, 9, Par. !~. (c), Unsuitable Lands, This paragraph be repealed, ... ......... ,_ . -~- lo. Par, 4 e that the following words be deleted: "building in line 1. "building " in line 2, "'dwelling' in lint 4, and the word "building"' substituted therefore. "building'" in line 5. "registered" in line 7, so that the paragraph shall read as followsx (e) Lots Having Less Area Than Required Where a lot having a lesser frontage or area than that required herein is held under d~atinct and separate ownership fry adjacent lots at the tim• of the pasair;g of this by-law as shown by a registered comreyance in the records of the Registry;- or Land Titles Office, a building may be erected and used on such smaller lot provided that it conforms to all other requirements of this by-law, The requirements oP Section 12 as to minimum lot area and minimum lot frontage shall not apply to lots on Registered Plans No. 630, No. 632, No. 634, No. 639, No. 645, No. 648, Plan of the Pillage of Charlesville (now Haydon) registered-July 3, 1855, Plan of H13rketon Station by J. H, Reid, registered September 1, 1894, Plan oP the Village of Hampton, registered April L+, 1857, and Plan of Village of Hampton dated 1856, 11. .Par. 4 f That this paragraph be repealed and the following substituted; (f) Frontage on Public Street No person shall erect any building or structure in any zone unless the lot upon which such building or structure is to be erected fronts upon an improved public street which has a width of 66 feet or more. 12. Par, 4 1 That the word "registeredT' be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as Pollaa-a; (1) l~xisting Registered Plans Nos. 637 and 650. Residential development will be permitted on lots in registered plans Numbers 637 and 650 in accordance with the restrictions of the Third 8ensity Residential (r3} 2oae, here such a lot has a lesser frontage or area than that required herein a dwelling may be erected and used on such smaller building lot provided that it conforms to all other of this by-law. 13. Par, 4 n That the word '"Space"' be changed to "Area" and the word "Regulations" be changed to "Requirements" in the heading of the paragraph so that it shall read as follows: 4 (n} Parking Area Requirements. u+. Par. 4 (n) ii) and iii) That paragraph 4 (n) ii} and iii) be repealed and the following substituted therefores ............ -~- 14. Par. 4 (a) ii} and iii) (coat'd) !f (n) ii} Parking area shall mean an area provided Por the parkixag oP motor vehicles and shall include aisles, parking spaces and related ingress and egress lanes. Such parking area shall be maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose parti6~9$ It may be constructed of crushed stogy, slag, gravel or cinders, having an asphaltic or Portland cement binder, or any permanent type of surfacing wi provisions for drainage °acilitics approved by the Tbsnship. 15. Par. !~ (n) iv) That this paragraph be repealed and the follanring substituted therefore: iv) Every strip oP iand 8 feet in width lying along the lot line of a parking area xhich is part of the boundary between a Commercial or Industrial Zoac Zone shall be used for no other purpose than planting and maintenace of a ~ ing strip xith at least one hedge row oP hardy shrubs not less than 4 feet in height placed alon the boundary. 16, Par, o This paragraph to be repealed and the following substituted therefore: (o) inhere a building or structure is to be erected Por a Commercial or Industrial purpose involving the shipping, loading or unloading of persona, animals or gooda~ the owner of occupant o£ the building or structure shall provide and maintain on land that is not part of a highway or public street loading facilities ecmprised of one or more spaces each at least 30 feet long and I2 feet wide and having a vertical clearance of not less than L+ feet with access to a lane not less than 20 feet wide as follows:. Floor Area of Buildings 5,000 square Peet or less from 5,OOi.square feet to 25,000 square Peet. from 25,001 square feet to lOQO square Peet. Por every 100,000 square Peet or portioa thereof in excess of 300,OOl~are feet. 17. Par. 4 (P) iv) This paragraph to be repealed. 18. .Par This paragraph to be repealed. Nwnber of Loading Spaces IIo loading spaces 1 loading apace 2 loading spaces 1 additional loading space 19. Par. 5 (a) iv) That the words" the single family detached"' be deleted and the xord "his" substituted therefore ao that the paragraph shall read as follows: iv) The offices of a physiciaA, dentist or drugless practitioner located in his dwelling used by such physician, dentist or drugless practitioner as his private residence, such offices to be used for consultation and emergency treatment only, but shall not be in the nature of clinics or private: ..hospitals, Nothing shall prevent a person from carrying on any domestic or household art in their own residence provided it does not affect the amenity of the neighbourhosd. ............ .., - '5 - , , 20. Par, a That the word "'residential" be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as follawas (e} Nn person shall erect more than one single-family detached dwelling on any lot. 21. Par. 7 (c} i), 2. That the word ""daylight" be deleted and the word "eight" substituted therefore so that sub-paragraph shall read as follows: 2, The minimiun dis;;ance from the face of pump island to sight triangle shall be 10 feet. 22, Par. 10 (a) i) That the words "'and related buildings" be added to the paragraph so that the paragraph shall read as follows: i} Recreational Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, and conservation projects and related buildings, 23. Par, 12 That the schedule therein be amended by changing minimum yards, interior side, in R1, R2, and R3 zones, to eight Peet, ~. ~i3 That the words "the use of land or for" and "certificate of occupancy or" be deleted so that the paragraph shall read as follows; (a} This by-law sha]1 be administered by the Township Building Inspector and no permit for the erection or use of any building or structure and no approval of application for ary municipal license shall be issued or given where such use is i.n violation of any provisions of this by-law. 25. Par. 13 b This paragraph be repealed and the following substituted therefore: (bs} No person shall erect and use any building or structure without first obtaining fry the Building Inspector a building permit. A written application Por such permit shall show the following particulars: i) Location and size of the land. ii) Location and size of the building. iii} Proposed location of all future buildings. iv) All services to be used or installed, v) Statement by the owner of the intended use of the land and buildings. 26. That Schedule "A" be amended as follows: (1} To change the 200 feet by 2~0 feet property owned by Jacob Shoychet at the North West corner of Lot 10, Concession !~, from Agricultural to Highway Commercial (c2}, Zone. ............ -6- 26, Cont'd (2~ To rezone the table land West of the creek in Lot 32, Concession 1}, owned by Messrs, J. ~'an Herwerden and Dornekemp, to Agricultural (A), (3} To rezone the table land of the 6 acre parcel owned by Mrs, Hoyer in Lot 16, Concession 4, from Green Bolt to Agricultural (A~, (4) T'o rezone 8 acres of land at the North East Corner of Lota 27, Concession 2, lying south to the Greenbelt, including the lands owned by Mr, D, Grills, Prom $]. to R2 Residential. (5) Tb rezone a parcel 125 feet by 120 feet in Lot 32, Concession ~., owned by Mr, D, Heard, at the South East corner of the intersection aF the Taunton Road property and the Road Allowance between Lots 32 and 33, from Greenbelt to Agricultural (A). (6) To rezone the property of Oshawa Wood Products at the South West corner of Lot 30, Concession 1, from A~icultural to Open Storage Industrial (M2) (7) To rezone part of Lots 17 and 18 in the 5th Concession fronting on the Taunton Road and running Easterly from the Road Allowance between Lota 18 and 19, from Agricultural to R2 Residential. (8} To rezone the property of Mr, Richard McKnight at the North West corner of the intersection of Scugog and Taunton Roads, 483 feet by 283 feet, fry Greenbelt to Highway Commercial (c2) (9) To rezone the table lAnd of that part of Mr, Robbins Lands in Lot 16, Concession 5, Prom Greenbelt to Agricultural {A), (10) To rezone that yortion of the table land within Mr, Allan Thompson'a lands in Lot 35, Concession ¢, Prom Greenbelt to Residential (R1), READ A FIRST, SEC^ND and THIRD TSbD; AND FIIQALLY PASSED THIS ............ DAY OF ......... 1959. \~~e'j ~. ~~VC• Clerk seal ~_ R ti ~ r'te' f ~~~~ ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ~'Hu ~t~A~)3 LkiTT€>TE~y under and in Pur~zance of the le~~,islation herainbsfc~rs referred to, and oaf any a~ all other poi•,sra vested in the board, that by-ls~x 2111, passed the 5th day of F'ebru~.r~p> 1959 anct tsylaw 2i26, Passed tt~e 2nd day of Julyi 1959, be mnd the same errs hereby approved. EN?~RAAE99D dd 4. Q. No............~Cl....~.l..,..... Folio No. F'' ~3>- J U L 9 195J i ,__>- y C^.:crio MvmiciAN Goad "C. H. CH;p~p~Tn Sc:Gt~LTf1~tX.