HomeMy WebLinkAbout2084A by-law to provide for the exchange of lands held by the Township of Darlington for the purposes of a community centre at Zion. i ,: r~ '+ ' ,; 4f o..' 2, 't'hat the Reeve and Cleriybe end are hereby author- ized to dv all things and sign all documents ne~aessary to Rffetst sash e~:ahange of lands and. to sign and deliver a aonveyanee of the said lends described Sn Schedule "A" hereto to HSlicrest Heights $states Limited, 3. That the lands described in Schedule "B° hereto shall be held by The Garparation of the To~nahip of Darlington for the purposes of a Community centre at Zion. This by-law given Sts f~.rst, seaand and third readings and passed this ~~ ~ day of ~~ic~.er/ ls~ clerks ~riN rA~~ "lands and premises situate, lying and being in the ~'ownship csP E3arlington in th Gcunty of Durham and rovince or €t^itario n and being coaapoae$ or part oP iot Number 34 in the 5th Conaessian of the said T©wnahip ire particularly described as rollows: C IN(t at a point in the south 3imit oP said Lot distant westerly therein 250 feet 3 inches frcm9 the south-seat angle thereat; ~H~C~ northerly and parallel with the east limit oP said Lot a distance or 268 rest; G$ southerly and parallel with the east limit or said Lot a distance cP 268 Peet; TTi~liQB easterly along the south limit of said Lot a distance oP 5{67 Peet 6 inches to the 1-t,AdB QF BNt3INNINt~." "~"' "lands and preyni.aes situate, lying and being in the "PownshiP of Darlington in the Caunty oP Durham and Province oP Ontario and being composed of Hlock "B" according to registered Plan Ato. 6$$,