HomeMy WebLinkAbout2085A by-law to regulate the use of land and the erection, use, bulk, height and location of buildings in the Township of Darlington. r; Eo ^ x a s m w a ,extern-1 dosig0o and charrsater of buildiAge and structurss sball :be shore that existed at the dots this By-1aw is posed. #, laming in this By-law @boil prevent the use of 1-0410 with i0.certain registered p1ap_as described is $aschedule, '1• to thin Br-1-w, fe>r -A "einglel� � x feailt residential deallia�rr, � µ� s 5.= Nothing in this BY-`law shall prevent the uss' of oert&lx 'ULU' as is Sohedul0 or IM thia Ir-Usrr for A2010 adu raddeatiat dw&uuwl ;t " praAded that the area of the parcel is ton (10) -ores or 3 rei', that thin` trvatsli of the parreeI is set loaf am +half the depth of the jai p Faso ti F and that the pat+ctl fronts an a pnblio rose3say eixioh � not less'tbaa sisti�- six feet (66p) 1O.width• , 6. !o building or struo shall hetraltes be @rooted or -Iter�d and me tnro ¢bangs in use of say building# etraoturee loi or prasises shall be as" except' : ' Ii conformity with the provisions of thin by-I"v unless an applioation tor the., I& use sue am the date' Cw:noil for euoh eromtiwo aitat�atioa � eehangt 1 of the p-acing of this Sr-1ar and 3f 0004 aPplio �a " is p*a►ts6' the preristargF of this 14W shall not apply to the wnlc.or ohaase is ace oo+nr+ed bs the said egrpiisatieab 4 p t P ♦ g 4y •,xaNe1� M 7. Nothing is this B .UW w ale apply to prevest the reavastrawtioa of awy building or structure that is asnagod by awses baead the oaatsol Of the owner subsequent to the "to of the passing of this x1`1 S. Nothing in this By-lam shall apply to prmat the strengthening or roatorr tioa to s sale oonditiw of any building Or sttosture or pesrt of 414 seek building or stsuoturo, mr the alta+tiea st repair of sa"eadsting bnil" er atrvetnrse provided anah sItesatisa or ropatr will not isorass the b4i6h6e 3` ns the 0ntesio Hunialpal,Board ~ ~pyroge mura v-_t.i9i ni~.n ita tix~.i_ e~o~ end 'Elfitd ra~dina~ wd fiaallr ~~ , ti 4 t "$` ~.. to above) ~~ !,i S~,g "B" TO BY-LAYf b0 D I'C'i~R:SHIP LffPS ON WKtCE H:SID~i'IAL OS~S QF 'P£N{10) iCB~ aH 1~RS AXB pF3i3lIY"P,"~ ALL AND STN(R1L4R throe c+n`tafn Parosls or treats of land end premiaea end being is the Tosnahip o! Darliagtosr la the Count? of situate, lying Durhaa, and Proriaos of•Oatario~ ma:'e pertiattlarl7 ils~osiD~1 as tallow 1, Lota 1 to 7 incluslra aad Lots ~ to '~ {nnludw in the 8®oogd Coacessioa of the Tomaship of Darlington. 2. Lots 1 to 'S5 faalusiYe in the `Phird, Bourth~ Fifth, Sizth, Serenth~ SiEIItD~ ,yinth, and Tenth Concessions of the To~mehip of Darllt~tow t~