HomeMy WebLinkAbout2045 A by-law proposed by the Electrical Contractors Association to provide a standard of qualification of Master Electricians and Journeymen Electricians the electrical installation and service work in the Township of Darlington. ' ~` ' ' ( 2 2. No person shall within the limits of the municipality of Darlington carry on or engage in the trade, calling, business or occupation of Electrical Contractor, Master Electrician or Journeyman Electrician until he shall have been "registered Hnd Bonded" or "Registered " as provided under the By-laws ahd Constit- ution of the Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario, and every person so "Registered" shall be subject to this By-law. 3, (a~ No "Registered " Master Electrician shall conduct a business within the Township of Darlington under this By-law unless he has a regular place of business within the Township of Darlington and is a resident thereof, except as provided under Section 1~, and is of ~ full age of 21 years. (b~ In this section a "regular " place of business shall mean an office accessible to the public, which may be entered from the street, having displayed outside thereof a sign bearing the name or names of the person, in letters not less than 3" high, clearly designating that it is a Registered Master Electrician's shop or place of business. !~, No Non-resident "Registered' Master Electrician shall in arty calends year conduct business or carry out a contract~Vi,~hi~the Township of Darlington without first having paid the prescribed fee, ~.r......, which shall be in lieu of a business tax that would have beer. paid by a resident "Kegistered" Master Electrician had the work been done by him. 5. Every person to whom "Registration " has been granted, shall display in a prominent place in his place of business, the "registered " Master Electrician certificate issued by the Association, with a seal dated for the calenda_*- year of issue affixed thereto, to indicate that he is in good standing. 6. No "Registered " Master Electrician shall employ a Journeyman Electrician who has not been qualified and registered as a " Registered " Journeyman Electrician. 7. No "Registered " A~aster Electrician shall cause or permit an apprentice, or helper, or other unregistered person to perform any electric7Ca1 work, or install any electrical material, or appliance, except as an assistant to, and under the direct personal supervision of a "Registered" "aster Electrician or "Registered' Journeyman Electrician. 8. No person registered as a " egistered" Journeyman Electrician under this By-law , shall perf orm any electrical work or install any material or appliances, or engage in the electrical trade or occupation, except under tY:e supervisior. i.t~.u •wirec+.ion of .: "F?~~istcred " Master &lectrician, in charge of and directly besponsible for the superintendence of the electrical r.crk Y,crfen~.ec., except as noted in Section 15. 9. Any change in the persons composing a Pirm, or person representing a corporation, or in the location of a business, shall be prwnptly reported to the Association. 10, Every "Registered' Master Electrician shall canply with the rules and regulations of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Inspection Department. 11, No "Registered' Master Electrician shall allow his name to be used by any other person, registered or not registered, for the purpose of or in connection with ob~sining a work permit from the Hydro Electric Power Commission Snspection Department. 12. The following shall be the duties of the Law Enforcement Officer-- (a~ To cause to be prosecuted any parson who violates any of the provisions of this By-law, when such violation is reported to him an3 supported by evidence, by any accredited officer of the Association. !/ (3) ` (b) Any act or duty to be performed by the Law Enforcement Officer under this By-law may be performed by any Inspector, Sergeant, or Constable authorized to perform such act or duty. 13. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law shall incur, for the first offence, a penalty not exceeding (exclusively of costs) the stun of X10.00; and for any subsequent offence shall incur a penalty of not less than 415.00 (exclusive of costs) and not more than X50,00. 14. This By-law shall repeal all existing By-laws respecting the examin- ing, licensing and regulating electrical workers, but all licenses heretofore issued shall, during the period for which the same have been issued, remain in full force and unaffected by the repeal of the said By-law, 15. The provisions of the By-law shall not apply to:- (a) Employees of any public service commission (or the Municipality); (b) Electrical installations made by a person on property which he owns or in an industrial establishment which the person occupies as owner or tenant; (c) An electrical installation made by the insertion or removal of lamps, approved fuses or equipment connected by plugs no7C to decarboning, trimming or operation of arc lamps; (d) An electrical Instaklation made by employees of and upon the premises occupied by the Crown, a Municipality, a public board, comm- ission or utility; (e) The installation of a communication system or an electric elevator; (f) The services performed by a regular employee engaged an maintenance in an industrial establisYunent in the course of his employment; (g) The services of an employee of affi manufacturer of electrical equipment or other product of which electrical equiprent is component while acting in the course of his employment; (h) The services of a representative of a manufacturer of electrical equipment or other product of which electrical equipment is a component or the sales agency or sales representative for a manufacturer of electrical equipment, with respect to such equip- ment, with respect to such equipment in the source of such services. READ A FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TI:vIE AND FINAI,I,Y PASSED THIS ~' DAY OF ~ - - `^'~ 1956. cI,ERx SEAL,