HomeMy WebLinkAbout1124A by-law to raise the sum of $10,000.00 for the purposes of School Section No. 8 to meet the cost of building an addition to the school house and furnishing same. - 2 - AND Vv'HEREAS it is expedient to grant the prayer of said petition and borrow the said amount of 10,000. as requested; AND ~NHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality of the township of Darlington, according to the last revised assessment roll is X2,385,270. AND WHEREAS there is now no debenture debt of the Corporation of the township of Darlington unpaid and outstanding. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington under and by virtue of the powers granted to it by "The Public Schools Act, 1937" and amendments thereto, and all other powers in it vested; 1. For the purposes mentioned in the preamble hereto, there shall be borrowed on the credit of The Corporation of the Township of Darlington the sum of X10,000. and debentures shall be issued therefor on the instalment plan, in sums of not less than "x'100. each, which debentures shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest, which interest is at the rate of 2. The debentures shall all bear the same date, and shall be issued within two years after the date on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within said two years, and shall be payable in .ten annual instalments during the ten years next after the date when they shall be issued, and the respective amounts payable in each of said years shall be as follows: -3- >~ .n ~~ ~ ~., 3. The debentures as to both principal and interest shall be expressed as payable in Canadian currency at the agency of the Bank of Montreal in Boeaasnville, or at the office of the Treasurer of tha township of Darlington, at Hampton, Ontario. 4. The debentures and interest coupons shall be signed and issued by the Reeve of the Township of Darlington, and shall be signed also by the Treasurer of the said township,' and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Township of Darlington. 5. During the currency of the debentures there shall be raised in each year the amount of the instalment. of principal and interest payable in each year, amounting to 6. The said sum of shall be primarily chargeable upon the taxable property of the public school supporters of the said School Section number eight in the said Township of Darlington. 7. The debentures may contain any provision authorized by law for the registration of same. $. .This by-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof PASSED this ~~` day of ~'1r~1945. ~..- Reeve of Darlington lerk of Da ington