HomeMy WebLinkAbout1134A by-law for the licensing and regulation of Public Halls. 5,-(1) Tors owner of a public hall shall not allow a greater mamber of yeraons-bo ex~tar ,rc? be iu the hall at any one time than is.atated to be the maxim~u aspacity of the x.11 oa tl=~ licenae,which maximu;a capacity shall be determined aafollo.+s,--~ ~a) w'rere the public hall is in a building of fire-resistive aanstruetion off' g1} . tiie fist or grotuid floor of a building not of fire-reeietius oonatxuotion, the masiunxrm, capacity shall be determined on the basis. of one person to each six square feet of.to floor area; (b) where the public hall is in the basement or on the second floor of s Uuilding not of fire-resistive construction the saxi:aum capacity shall be determined on the basis of one person to each tan feet of total floor area; -- - (c) where the public hall is on the 4hird floor. of a'hgilding not of Yire- rasiative consyruetion,the maximum capacity shall be determined on the basis of one ' pers~•n to each fifteen square fart of floor area. ~. (2) A license steal' not be issued for a ,+ublic 1.11 on any storey higher than the ~t:ird floor in a. building; not of lire-resistive constniction, (j) :he owner of every publi.a hall shall displa~r in a prominent place in the entrance- wag to the public hall and inside the hall a~„jacent to the entranceway placards with the ' follo;+iYSg wordinG not lesstt:an frn:x inches high ; " OCCUPANCY OF 'fIiIS H:1T`. BY ii0$E TEliI7 ........ .......PIItSONS IS- DANGE30U5 !~ ~~~'U''~ with the blank filled in ~,vith the maxiceasu capacity as stated on the licetaee,end placards statinb the location of the nor.-_resttelo~ohone,the teley~hone number of the fire department, and. the location of the nearest fire alarm box or fire hall. (~+) yor the purposes o° this section:- (a) the floor area of a public hall shall not include the floor areas of any platform, stabe,washroom,kitchen,cloaY.room,hallway. entranceway,ateirway,w';; `TMT stairwell or ;ny other ante room adjacent to or used 3n connection with such public hall: (b} no person esi~loyed or asrvin~; on or in any of the floor areas mentinned in clause a shall be counted in determini~; the Ynx tuber of persons permitted in a public hall,' 0,--(1) In every public hall havinv roes of fixed see.ts there sl1ffi.11, in addition to the space at tl,e front anti rear of the lLall,be aisle space of not leas than forty-four inohes in widtl-, for every 200 persons or Exaction thereof for which the hall is 1fficensed, (^} In every public 1-x.11 havixk, ro~,?s of :savable seats there shall, in addition to tl?e space at the front and rear of the hail,be aisle space of not less than fourty-four inches in width for ever 150 persons or fraction thexeod far which the hall is licensed an:l no centre se=.tin~ section shall contain more than fourteen::aeats in a row and no sea.tixi; section runra'n~ to a side wall slk^,11 contain more than seven seats in a rows (j) In every youblic hall P.avin~ chairs and tablesth-:re sha.ll,in addition to the apses 1t the front and rear of the hall, and in addition to any space used for dancix~ or any entertainraent,be clear e.isle space of rot lea, than twenty-t;vo inches in width between rocrs of tables and chairs fornot more fuss two ~aersons,thirty-six inches between rocrs cf tables and. chairs for ~:ot more t1.aA fear persona and fourty-four inches in width bet,;een rocrs of t^:oles and clr: ire for nut more th;sn four persons et an individual table, (14) 2~6ovable seats shall not be permitted in balconies or galleries on which the .floor is arranged as steps. (5) ';6'rere an exit is located at the side of the hall having movablB or fixed seats nr tables they shall be a cross aisle UiiDing access to each exit. (6) Stc=.ndin~ in the aisles, additional seats or additiom.l chairs or tables whiCY. woald reduce the aisle space below the mini-aum required-shall nqt be psxmit ed. 7,--(1)~very public hall shall have t least two independent exits,each at least thrE feet in width,located as far apart as is structurally feasible,but is no case leas 1 the width of the hall or approximately fifty percentum of-the length of the hall., ~?. ~ ~'~° (2) ~7here there axe only two exit doors fr~im a publio ltiali'1fficenaed fox tnnre-s6 persons, such doors shall be not lase than forty-four inches in "horizontal widthr ,ert~ x: ~ e~,_ E `• r~ 7.-- (j) i~Fnere the licensed maximara capacit> of the hall ie greatar than the i}pQ poreona in a buildin„ of fare-resistive constructi6n or the hall is on th0 fixat or ground floor of a building, net of-a fire-resistive construotion,ada)!'Gional exs~ss' shall be ren•aired cn the basis of not less than .twenty-two inches of_exit'width far every 1Q4~ex•scneoi' fraction thereof abavekb00 persons. ~' (it) WYxare -the licensed niaxirctzc,i ca,acit;; of the hall is greater than j00, persnxss in the basement or on the second floor or third floor of a building; not of a`fir®-," resistive canstructicn additional exits skull be required on the basis if pat-lase-,t~ twenty-two inches o£ exit width for every c0 persons ox• fraction thereof above jQQ persons. (F) Ever;,* balcony or gallery in a public hall."shall have at least two indanende me~.na of oxt,either to the outside or to the main floor of the hall.` r, $,- ~1) Every. exit door. shall o?en outwardss~nd be equipped with penis-type hardware only and shall have any lock or fastener which permits the door to be-locked`, so fha• cannot: be opened from the inside by downward pressure on a horizontal bar or lever,:` pxovidad that it shall-be permissible to use the type od panic look whioh eam.be oir~r from the outside with a key, (2) iYhenever the public hall is to be used the owner sha12 inspect and test alU doors to ensure that they open freely. 9,--(1) Above every exit door there shall be an illumix~.ted sign having; letters of ns less than six. inches in heighi with the ward "EXIT" lighted'-with electric current $71 a circuit sepatate fr.:m t'nat furnislzing any other electric service in the builyding,v a circuit fra,-~ a point on the supply aide of the service switch and provided with its service box, (2) fiery exit light shall be clearly IIisible from the mast distant part of .4ha Y from which there is a sleet line of sight, (j) The building inspector may require a stand-by or auxiliary eleot~ic aeririce a capacity sufficient to supply all exit lights or to flood light the hall from ,a storage battery kept permanently charged with a trickle chaager. 10,--(1) The width of every exit stairway shall be not_less than the exit doer from ' :shish it leads and shall have treads not less than yen inches in width!'axClus3+~a of ,' nosing and risers not mars than eight inches in height,provided that'whare structure] difficulties exist the building inspector may issue a permit in writing for a'stairw8 having a slope of not greatar than forty-five degrees from the: horizontal. (2) When the difference in floor levels or the height of any exit door from tkxe grousxd level is not greater than ten feet,an inclinedram},x may: be permitted in li4u.'~ ii a etairway,provided such rams shall have a slope of not-greater than on foot ties ~.n' II a ten foot run. (j) VPhere the walls. and flooring; beneath an exit stairway are n©t of a fixe- resistive construction,tre stairs skull be of solid constx^action with the tread aRd r~ser~ fitted tightly together, (~+) The 'building; inspector ao the fire-chief may regaire one or more edit stairways to ba in a fully enclosed stairwell of fire-resistive construct~4on'and aqu with self-closing doors at all floor levels below the level of the public .hall, (j) Where an exit dour or exit stairway does not lead. directlyto the-outai~ie::~ of the building there shall be a clear and uninterrupted pa sage to the .outside door' and the. line of salt txavel shall be clearly indibated by directional signs with lettering not less than six inches high, (6) Every outside door from an exit: stairway shall be equipped with panic-tyke hardware only. (j) Nq revolving type of a door or i~urnstile shall ba use.: as an_ax2,~ t"loer fro public hall ar from a tair~ay leading fxom a public hall exc~:.pt on the fixat or ~ o floor and provided that is an'exit door or"doers of the awing ypQ adjacent to and ,;; within at least fifteen feet of the revaluing door ar'turnstil®, (83 Every passageway or platform ,leading to or from an exit stairway shall b kept. clflar of all obstructions, ~°^'~ . n, -( cards shall not be construoted underneath any stairway par any under any stairway used for storage purposes. ., ~ ,~ . ~., ` R' ~ 11.--(1) N,'ve:ry outside fire esca.~e shall be the stair type only and shall extend bows to the gro.ind or street level,nrovided that whore a fire escape ie situate on a street or traveled lane the last section may with the approval in writing o£ the building ins;ector,be counter-balanced type, (2) The stairs,pla$forms,su_o~ortin~ members and anchorage of ev,e-r;,* outside fire- esca eshall be designed for support,inade;.ition to t'reir own wei~;,.t of not less than 1rJ0 po~~^.:ls per square foot of tread ~..nd ,;latfcrrn. , (j) Every ;vindow beneath ar:~~ portion of an c~itside £ire-escape and svery windgv-d e <~nigg onto or within five feet of an;,r outside fire-escape shall be provided xdth ' ,vireo gl~ass,and ev-ry floor nr--other o,?enin~ underneath an outside fire-escape shall be fetal-clad. (4) A balccn~~ or fen ~.n ;ith n railin; ,1- least ti:ree feet hiuh. on all aides shall be -_~rcvided £or evF:r;= fo.zteen font .x~ v~rtic~•_1 N~i~ht of ev-,ry oa!side fires esc"~e. 1?,-- Before the public tall is used on an~~ occasion the owner s'n<sll clear every outside fire escape of sr_o~ and ice or otn^r o'ns?~rtetion. lj. Ever sta_rw ~r,pc,a- ew;.,i n^ fire escape sha~lk. ba ezell lighted. whenever the public hall. is in use, and. al.l electric liUht uulbs ~•aithin,ei~ht £e~t of the floor level shall be warded vrith metal guards to prevent breahaae m- removal. 1~. Fvery doer leading from a. cluer~'ocm or washroom shall be swum; so ^s to oyoen into the public hall and shall bz markad nlainl~- with letters not less than six inekzes in, hei~ht,desi;n_tinb the kart c° the premises to wh9.ch it leads. 15. False doors,winrlo~fs,mirrors or other type of decoration which gives the are:~rance of a door or exit where no dour or exit exists shall not be permitted. Ui.--(1) Decoxations of cloth,~a_~er or ether inflammable material shall not be permitted in a public hall unless treated with ~ fla+n~-proof treatment and re-treated at least once in every year. -' (2) Fla:w~able decaratione,notwithstandizz~, they are flame-proofed, shall not be °- -placed on as electric fixture or within three feet of an electric b,~.7.b,atove or heat9 ayapliance or the pi_~es in com:ecti on therewith. (j) Fla~n-nable decorations, curtains or dra_erios s'r~ll not be permitted in a cloak room cr a washroom, „ 17.-"='a .able liruids or e.4plosives or ,oth.er substances dan;exou tc h rasp life shall not l;e'sept or stored ir. pual3c h^11 dr in the~bokldin~ in which the razblic hallis located, prcvi.ded tN2t this sha~l not nspl;r to oil '~urning e?uipment bearing the a >proval la"c~,l of t'-:e Ir'ational Research Council of Canada or the Canadian St.ndaxda A sociation cr to emergency li~htin.~ e~p:^ent. !.ii 1S. (1) T'ne 'dire chief rna~ _,rohi';it smokin„ in a_ public hall or axe part therof and sl'0 S'SD%ING° sins 'ra.ll 're postsd in the h:?.1.1 or portion therof where smoking is -ohi' i+ed 1. D (2} Zn the hall or portion thereof where smoking is permitted substantial ash trays or stands of non-combustible materials shall be placed so as to be of convenient access i such nut_ber as msr be required ry the fire chief.' lj,- (1) leery public shall s'nall be ke_~t clean and clear of rubbish, (2) letl containers °;ith self-closing covers shall be provided and convientlr laced f~.r the deposit of use:i pa.;er towels and rubbish and every such container shall, be emptied and disaoszd of i::tedi~.tely fcllo~,+ing the use of the hall. 20.--(1)very year before •zsing the- cabling equipment every public iL~11 owner shall , ease the furnace or stove, the ~,i_e~~7~reon and the chimne;r to be exrmined,cleaned any ,nz. in a. pro~y~er state of rnauir. ; ~a &l~} f 4# 4 :~,--(F.) iG'ver~ stove ar -furnace placeo' in the auditoriuta of any pu'1z~.1c loll"skaa7.1 ,, ~' be prs~Cgct®d with sufficient °uards'or insulatian,and shall 1~a $a .ls~a,~d ~at~~'to,uot° int4rfere with emergency exits and ce not Glaser than twenty'.feet,tr~':v e~'t`dpas,' (j} ~.veiy~' funiace~ room in any building containin;; a public htsl,i= 8ha7.1 be of ;ire-resistive construction ar with the r~alls and ceiling have plaster on metal lath or plate~•-tyke wall boards and shall be equipped with self-closizs~; fire dQars. x <l.--ll} :,very p:~blic.l~ 11 „!-r~.11.be equi~»ped'wi%n sufficient stand~;~es and'°hose tA~'.. ~rcteet every"paxt of the hs.7,7. and inter-co:~:runic;atin" rooms without usin,; su~;~re ~17.:aa 75 feet of hose on ax~p standpipe connection or e?itli five gallon water pxA~p ~ankc ar"'' ,y Bivalent vs .ter tNrpe fire-extintuisl:er oil the basis of one :such alaplitaxiisd for cvor~' 1,00-square feet of floor area or fractia}~'thereof, axcept ?ihre tbe`kaall is rquipped with chairs an,i tables in which case ane eli~h fire fighting appliaaaa stial.l bo requixa~d.': for. each 1,000 s:s~i~~re feet' of floor arwea tii.=.reo£,provided that the a}n3,mura shall: be aq%zi~~,e d with fire e~tiuz;aishers of such .type and uuraber Gs' the fire criof rGay xsquire for use iu tkie elc:~- rocros,washroo~s,kitchens and other service roos«s. (?) The fire chief a,ay require t're installation-of an automatic fire detection' system or automatic sprinltler syste=:f in any. public hall or part ar pt%rts th raof ar in any _steirwa;,* or pass~ewa,~ used as ~ exit from a, public }a#~11. (j)am=cry fire e:tiu~~zsher arc other fire fi6htix~ ap~liaace shall be ;uzinta3ned ' lit good o.;eratia~ condition =:nd re6~ul:arly inspected. (k:) IIo fire extis~~u: sh=r s h,_ll "be instia,lled in ~ public lk',11 unless it bears tkle ap_3roval label of the Underveriters i+aboratories of Canada,I,td.,the Underwrriters T+ab= oratories Zhc.,the Tactcry likutusl ..atiorat~ees or the National Reseaxch Canneil of Canada. 22.--(1) It shall be the ciaty of tYie fire,chef,chief of the police and "4u31ding ink§~,ect to enfarcethisisy-lew and to inspect every public hall in ttae ~S~B,l.ityfrom tiq~e'. to time as required to ensure that the regiurements of this by-law are being fully met: (2) For such puroses,the: fire chief, chief of police and the building inspector or any of their assistants may enter any public hc.llut ax~y time,~uul-to test the adequ~ey of the emergency exit facilities, and may with t'ne instzuctions of'the0ouncil require ~j: practise fire drill by all persons in the rrablic hall at such time, ?' ~',';. 2j.---Subject to the proviscns of The Public Halls Act,19kF6 every person why contragen~'s, ~Y of the provisio°ts off' thin. by-la.w sYi~~17. upon cbnv`.etion thereof be liable to a fns' of not less than $10,00'and not exceeding .Mp50.00,oxclusive of costs, or to iwprisonment.~~. s° @~ ~ 2iF. sThere a public hall licensee is convicted of an offence under thie~lati~ the license shall be suspended forthwith li;t the treasurer and iiot bo reinstated :until tkie fire- .. ;, s czie£ and the policy chief certify in ti~ritng ti:~ct t:~e conditions'resulting-ln the ` t;, charge an3 conviction have been renedied send that the hall and its proposed: operation corr>ly crith this by-law, ? ~, a~Yais by-law shall tame effect. u on tY.e day of t/h~e_~fi//napl~passiz~r; thereof. EN6C~D 1L~vTL PASSED this .....~'..... .da;,= of ....4~f.~1~' ., l~ *~ ~ . n ~ ' `aEQ4a; //l/JI~I 4 ~Cl k ,~ (Corporate Seal}' ` m~ ,~'°' K ,.