HomeMy WebLinkAbout1141A by-law to amend and vary an agreement with Ontario Shore Gas Company Ltd, attached and forming part of By-law No. 973. ,~ . ' .t b- _.: a. ~_.....,M.; s~a _ NAM This is the agreeaent referred to in bylaw pae!!d by the f3esrporetian aP the Tawaehip of Aarllni;tan raryin8 the e~reeeeesst dated the 'Jth day of OaLDber 1931 Detwaen the Corporation of the Taeaehip of ~ar~.in~ton and Ban E, Tato Wort bald by Ontario Share teas GamPany, Lisited~ ~~ TffiS At~F~1tT meets fin duplioat!) this y'ifth day od' Jt11yR A.U.i 194%• J.l L . r G ci ~+ ~ ~~ ee ~ ~ e ~ re n s3'f er es a . ! !r tb a ~A~T ~anJs+ n t) os th. ~ ~RBAB th! Ctaatpeany is the holder o! the sights granted to one H4,n B. Tate by an agreement dated the 9th day of Ootober~ 1931: AptD `t~'EIA.4 it is provided under 3eetiont g oY the aaalgraeament ~'1'ht c+rante! t! arenarst! and egsle! wi fi3l ti 3! '1~01fY4d1 Z~ that the rates or shat ee ibr gam to be supplied to m! i'ownship at+d its inhabtente shall not exceed t31! fal}.oxim~ i sett os ~hargs ~Itl# net per moAth Oanaumkpflon Charg! ~3~balt ~ r ~~ P+C. per mar, ~ t*rOBa L'haPg! Diewouat it' paid r-lthin i©¢ pea lEfQi? au. ft. o! 10 degre lrom date of bill aonen~ptiln cehargl. PR09I3)F.D THA2 s f a) Y4hen t}~1- oe,ne3nmption shall equal 25ii~t304 eubie test pc~r day, said o oneu~ption esherglr shall net szmelQ i~ ~~, _ .~..~ __. as .....~~~..r1 JAI R. At..w.wwt* yw}i ~/y~ tr _ _ ,,. 3 .~~y ~ 9Y~ i 7 of the said agrsea~eat dat•4 th® nth dsy oP ©etob•r, 1931• bs varied so that the sebe shall read. es Po13.•irss "The Qraatas oaveneate and egress with the Towmahip that the rateu or charges Por gas to b• auppll•d to the Torraahip and ita inhabitants shall not •xe••d the folioriog i 9•rvioe ohar~e Coasnmptiaa ahargs Idiaimnt- mss o her~• ~!!s ooant if pale erithia 10 de;~s from date of bi11 4~~ per mcath 22~ per ltH3 ai. Pt, per aonnth Por the Pirst ~ ft, fihereaftar ~1s$d par 1U0t9 eu• Pt. per ~-ath ~g ~ per month 1©$ per 1000 cNir Ptr Of conenmptlon chars. IT is ~JF~'1'EII.'R A4RE~! that the sai& e~r•mreat dated the '-th de~* of Octobar+ 1g31~ shail~ save is espnas~y hereby vari®d le hereby coafi.rm•d. '~ '-~'ZTid~~ s°~'RPEO~' the psrtiss hereto have hereunto aPPiz•d their coryerats seals sad oauss4 the same to be signed by their proper otPioaae. `i'Fi8 CORFQI7A'~ttN ©P' 'I"f2L~ 3'Q3:II3ZP Of ~13TE11~ r .~r~i '1ia• .Gfi~ _~ ~-_ _ = ~ ~ ia. ~ E1NTAlt10 Sk~:?8 G1S3 C©1IF'ANY~ LIpII'k~3?e ~~ v ~ ~ ~. ~- b _ . .,_ ' Y~~• ~r~oiratioa aJ®t ths~av,~-ahip of Darlir.~<~n~iary~ thi the e~reamtmt dated the gth day ad' ootobsr 1931, between the Carparation of the.Tama-ahip of Oar~in~Wn~t ~. Tats r held by flntnrio Share Gras fleaaB~3-- . ~ ~~ TBTS AC3'42Ek+iT marls (1n dnplioate) this pifth day oP i8nly~ A*L1a- 194q• 8~'T'~ffiZ t ~ } ' fla ~~ 83~ ` ~, sr TL Ti eP a~. ,~„ PaR2 a a ar the saa~fl~,.ga~r ~lHB the Company is tts balder of the rights granted tQ one Ben ~. 2at• by ea @greeaasnt dated the 7th day of Oatober* 1931{ ldBD ~~i8~&l1£3 it is prarided under Ssotieat ~ oY the ea8grsement "The c3rantee oorenants and ,egress with the Tarwnahip that the rates or shatgea !br gea to be supplied to tli• i'ownship aed its iahabitanta shall not sassed the #4tllaxio~ i serfias Charge Atl+ net per mont2t t3onanmpdan Oherge 1.60 psi' 10017 aGt. ft r per mop kiaimms ~*roaa Charge 3# net B• r maenth Diaoonnt if paid within lfl¢ per 7.000 ou. it. of 7.0 depra freem data of bill oonawRptiea oharge. PYtflVTflID Tf3liTs raj t~hsn the sonaumptioa sha32 equal 250,000 anbia Pest pc~r day, said o oneumption charge shai.l not sassed X1.50 par 1000 an, ft. per mcmth, ee~.th diaconnt of 10# per 1000 oubio test oP eon:tioa charge oa sooounta paid within 10 days freim gate of bill. (b) q/hen the aonausptit~a shall steal 3s~,000 a . par day said oonanmption charge shall nat e~aeeetl 1. ,perrr 100E cubic feet per month, with diaoou~ oP 10# F 1Ofl0 aubin feat of oosssumptioa charge on aooaunts psi within 10 days f ram date a Y bill. " Al~l~ f52BA:3 the Company has requested that the said provis be altered sad the Township has assented tha~sto. Nfl'd TIi~Ftg1K7R8 TFiI3 INt7SNTU~tS ','dIT[3~8~~ that ~r1e said .~__.. ~~~ wQr oP the said agxesaient dated. the 9th day of Q$tober, .1931, bs varied eo that the sad shell read as Poll.earr7 "The grantee oovenaute sod egress with the Tewnehip that the rater ar ahar,ges for g~ to be supplied to the Township and it^ inhabitants shall. not exeeed the following! 9errioe oherge Consumption charge ~xoss o barge ~dhi ooant if paid within 10 d,~/s from date of bill 40~ per month 22~ ,per 100 ou, ft, par month ffJT the first 200 Pty Thereafter ~l~$0 per 1000 our ft, per month 8§~ per month l0~ par 1000 au. Pt. of oonsutmption charge, ZT Z~ fvh A~3FtE~1 that the sari e~ree~tent doted the 9th day of ooto~rf 1931 s2~lle save is expressly hereby varied is hereby oonfismed. I~ ?:t~I~ ~,°~1Et130F Lhs parties hereto have hereunto afPixsO their oorpOZ~ts seals and Doused the seats to be signed by their proper offioers Tx~ caoxa,Traz~ a~ T~~ ~os~zP fllo ~aTO~ QNTARSO sFmtls c~~~r~ z.»zT~n.