HomeMy WebLinkAbout1154A By-law to regulate the keeping of domestic fowl or pigeons, or cattle, dogs, swine, horses, mink, rabbits, foxes or other animals, or kennels for the breeding or boarding of cats and dogs within the municipality of the Township of Darlington or defined areas thereof. 6 1, _2_ 4, i?o person shall be permitted. to keep or n~intain more than. t•~o dogs •~.t?:out '~A~vin~; First obtained a kennel' license from the `Pownship of Darlington. 5. phis By-Lavr shall not a~~p1y to farmers actually residing upon farms consisting of two or more acres. 6. Dy-Law T?umber 1146 and gy-Law Plumber 1151 are hereby repealed. Dy-LK,--,~ read a first time this day of November, A.D., .1949. By-Ll~u read a second time this day of Povember, A. D., 1949. Dy-LA~y read a third time and finally passed this day of T~ovember, 1949., ~~ eeve 'er~