HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-13Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Members Present: Regrets Staff: Guests Thursday, February 13, 2020 Brenda Metcalf Ted Watson Richard Rekker Henry Zekveld Eric Bowman Tom Barrie John Cartwright Councillor Zwart Ben Eastman, Richard Rekker Jennifer Knox Don Rickard Les Caswell Amy Burke and Faye Langmaid - Planning Services; Duncan Anderson, Municipal Law Enforcement Manager Robert Shafer, Francine Shafer, Simon Gill, Stacey Jibb Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Introduction of Stacey Jibb, the Region of Durham's new Manager of Agriculture & Rural Economic Development. No pecuniary interests declared. Adoption of Agenda 020-05 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Les Caswell That the Agenda for February 13, 2020 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 020-06 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Ted Watson That the minutes of the January 9, 2020 meeting be approved. Carried Presentation: Tyrone Mills Ltd. — Robert Shafer, owner and operator of the Tyrone Mill, shared with the committee the story of this local historic site and how business operations have maintained resilience over time in the face of changing market, economic and social pressures. Since the start of operations in 1846 as a water -powered flour mill, the business has evolved and adapted. Other operations that have taken place at the site Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 13, 2020 include a livestock feed mill, sawmill, and apple cider press and producer. Apple cider operations opened the business to the broader public and eventually led to the bakery / donut making operations so well known in the community today. Currently, the store, with a new seasonal pizza oven added in 2019, represents about two thirds of business. Mill stones were reinstalled at the site in celebration of 100 years of operation, and flour mill operations continue today, albeit on a much smaller scale. The historical building and diverse offerings in the store have contributed to it becoming a growing tourist destination, which is seen as the future of the business. Mr. Shafer expressed appreciation to Clarington Tourism for continuing to work with the Tyrone Mill and other farm operations to promote local rural business to those living both in and beyond Clarington. On -Farm Special Events By-law — Duncan Anderson informed the Committee of the consultation process now underway to gather public feedback on proposed new rules to govern special events on farms which are held as part of an on -going business (such as weddings or farm -to -table dining experiences). A handout was provided to the Committee, including notice of the upcoming Public Open House on February 19 and copies of the newly proposed On -farm Special Events By-law and the proposed amendments to Clarington's Noise By-law 2007-071. Following a review of the proposed by-law regulations, Duncan responded to questions from the Committee. Comments were received from Committee members respecting the following: • Where noise complaints should be directed if the special event persisted beyond 11:00 pm; • The potential unintended consequences of the proposed by-law on a farmer carrying out normal farm practices adjacent to a special event (e.g. spreading of manure); • Consistent interpretation over time of normal farm practices and their allowance despite any approved on -farm special events; • The types of activities that may or may not meet the proposed definition of an on -farm special event; • That many tourism activities may meet this by-law definition of "On -farm special event", but differ greatly in terms of potential impacts from wedding event venues; • The need to balance the mitigation of potential impacts and supporting farming operations to diversify and adapt. The application of the by-law to numerous examples of different events that may occur on farms was questioned. These included annual events like Gates Open, occasional events like Twilight Meetings, more frequent, seasonal events like Farm to Table dining, and special, non -recurring events like ploughing matches. Duncan explained that the proposed by-law is focused on special events run as a business that are secondary to the main operation of farming. The limit set out in the proposed by-law respecting event frequency is a measure to reduce the potential for impacts on surrounding areas. The by-law is intended to work in collaboration with zoning, site plan control and public health requirements to mitigate potential impacts through the establishment of operating Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 13, 2020 parameters. To outright prohibit on -farm special events is contrary to provincial policy direction. The Public Open House is scheduled for Wednesday February 19 from 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm at Clarington Public Library, Newcastle Branch. To learn more about the proposed rules, visit https://www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/proposed-on-farm-special-events-by- law.asp, email bylawenforcement(a_clarington.net, or contact Duncan at 905-623-3379 ext. 2110. Public comments will be accepted until March 20. Business Arisina from Minutes 2019 AACC Accomplishments: Brenda presented the Committee's 2019 accomplishments to Council at the February 3, 2020 Planning & Development Committee meeting. Canadian Tire Motorsport Park Fly Over Support Request: Request for letters of support from the Municipality endorsed by Council on January 20. Per the request of the Committee at the January meeting, Staff requested an update from CTMP when a decision on CTMP's application has been issued. CTMP agreed to provide an update, when available. Durham Region Broadband Strategy: Follow up done by staff regarding the potential implications of broadband expansion on the tax levy. Implementation of the Strategy has not yet advanced to a stage where financial models and responsibilities have been determined. Tom Barrie stressed the importance of responding to the survey that the Region has sent out. It will take about 45 minutes to complete and you will need to have your backup information ready to submit. Correspondence. Council Items and Referrals None. Liaison Reports: Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Reminder to participate in the Durham Region Broadband Survey available at www.durham.ca/broadband. Survey closes April 30, 2020. The 2020 Annual DAAC Farm Tour will be held on September 17 at Goodyear Farms in Brock Township. Hon. Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, has been touring the province seeking feedback from the agriculture community about proposed Bill 156 — Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2019. Bill 156 is in second reading. DAAC 2020 workplan to go before Regional Committee on March 3. The 40th East Central Farm Show at the Lindsay Exhibition Fair Grounds take place March 4 — 5, 2020. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: No updates. Annual meeting next week, same evening as the On -Farm Special Events By-law meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 13, 2020 Clarington Board of Trade: Presentation to Clarington Council on January 6. Breakfast with Mayor Foster on January 21. Announcement by Lindsey Park, MPP Durham, that recommendation is going forward to Metrolinx Board to proceed with Option 2 for the extension of the GO Train east to Oshawa and Clarington. Annual address and breakfast with Regional Chair John Henry taking place on February 19, 7:30am, at Garnet B. Rickard Complex. Durham Farm Connections: The annual Celebrate Agriculture Gala will be held on October 29, 2020 at the Scugog Community Centre. Email info c(�durhamfarmconnections.ca for ticket information. New Business 2020 Farmland Forum: Ontario Farmland Trust is hosting this annual event on March 26, 8:30am — 4:30pm, at the Grand Guelph Banquet & Event Centre. Event will focus on land -use planning and policy matters relating to provincial agricultural system mapping, urban growth and farmland protection. Information available on the Ontario Farmland Trust website. Drainage Act Discussion Paper: OMAFRA is proposing changes to the Drainage Act. Discussion Paper available through the Environmental Registry of Ontario posting number 019-1187. Deadline for comments is February 18. 2020 Trees for Rural Roads Program: 2020 applications being accepted until March 31. Applications available at www.clarington.net/treesforruralroads. Application deadline — March 31, 2020. Farm Building Code Changes: Proposed updates for farm building requirements in the National Building Code have been released for public comment. The proposed changes are available on the Codes Canada webpage. The deadline for comments is March 13, 2020. Durham Region Agricultural Climate Change Strategy Award: On February 6, an Economic Developers Council of Ontario Award of Excellence was received by the Region for the "Growing Resilience: Durham Region Agriculture Sector Climate Adaptation Strategy." AACC member Don Rickard, who Chaired the committee that worked with the Region on the development of the strategy, was there to accept the reward. Article — Ontario's Economy and Agriculture: Don Rickard shared a National Vall News article, published February 11, covering a rural Ontario roundtable discussion held by the Province and statements made respecting the economic benefit of agriculture now being equal to or surpassing the impact of Ontario's auto industry. ZONE Clarington: Committee advised of the staff report going to Planning and Development Committee on February 24 responding to the letter to the Mayor from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, dated January 10, 2020. In addition, staff responded to a question regarding the timeline for the site specific zoning review process. Approximately 170 site review requests have been received and nearly 50% have been reviewed at a desktop level by Planning Services and Conservation Authority Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 13, 2020 representatives. Desktop reviews will be completed for the remaining properties before the end of February and letters documenting the results of this initial phase of site - specific review will begin to go out in March. Staff are aiming to begin site visits in late spring, but it will take time to complete all of the reviews and site visits and report on results to property owners. Next Meeting: Thursday, March 12, 2020 @ 7:30 pm (Guest to be determined) Future Agendas: (May 2020) Kathy Macpherson, Greenbelt Foundation re: vertical farming David Piccini, MPP, Northumberland — Peterborough South Philip Lawrence, MP, Northumberland -Peterborough South Hon. Erin O'Toole, MP, Durham Clarington Engineering and Region of Durham Works re: 2020 capital projects Clarington Engineering Services (Building Division) re: National Building Code changes for farm structures anticipated for 2020 (once the changes have been confirmed) Brianna Ames of Fairlife (Coca-Cola) Simon Gill, Durham Region Economic Development & Tourism re: an update on the Durham Region Agricultural Strategy and Durham Region Broadband Strategy Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 13, 2020