HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-146-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: ENVTCAN.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, October 18, 1993 File # Res. #G{Jf\ - 593,- or 8 # #: I'D 146 93 File #: PIn 17.4.1 Subject: HYDROLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF LAIDLAW LANDFILL SITE FOR ENVIRONMENT CANADA - PHASE I PROGRESS REPORT FILE: PLN 17.4.1 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-146-93 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1. 1 As Committee is aware, Environment Canada has been conducting an investigation of the Laidlaw landfill in Part Lots 11 and 12, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke to assess whether the landfill has adversely affected water quality in the adjacent reach of Graham Creek. As part of Phase I of the investigation, the consulting firm of Gartner Lee Limited was retained by Environment Canada to review existing data and to provide a preliminary assessment of the geological and hydrogeological conditions in the area. Phases II and III of the investigation, which have not yet commenced, are to involve the actual collection, interpretation and reporting of additional data. 1.2 A draft of Gartner Lee's Phase I Report, entitled 'Hydrologic Investigation of Graham Creek in the Vicinity of the Newcastle Landfill Site, Town of Newcastle, ontario - Phase I Progress Report' was provided to the Municipality by Environment Canada. Environment Canada Staff have indicated that only minor changes are proposed to the draft which "will not affect the flavour of this report in any way". 1210 RECYCLED PAPER R~~~I~~E REPORT NO.: PD-146-93 PAGE 2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 On October 12, 1993, Council directed Staff to prepare an information report on the draft Phase I Progress Report. A summary of the Report's findings and recommendations is provided below. A full copy of Gartner Lee's report forms Attachment No. 1 to this report. SUMMARY OF GARTNER LEE PHASE I PROGRESS REPORT Purpose and Scope of Study Objectives defined for the study included answering the following questions: Has leachate contaminated the underlying water table aquifer? Does leachate contaminated ground water discharge directly to Graham Creek? Is leachate directly entering the creek as surface seeps, runoff, or overland flow from holding ponds? What is the degree of degradation in surface water quality in the creek due to leachate or contaminated ground water discharge? Is there need for further investigation? Gartner Lee reviewed data related to the regional hydrogeology of the study area and reviewed several consultants reports related to the existing landfill in an attempt to answer these questions. Findings Leachate Collector System The leachate collection system installed in 1985, and subsequently modified, was intended to intercept and collect contaminated ground water moving from the waste area towards Graham Creek. Landfill leachate and some uncontaminated ground water is drawn into the collection system and pumped to two Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIBs) . The leachate- contaminated water is not treated in any manner and the water is allowed to percolate through the sandy bottoms of the RIBs 1 2 r 1 REPORT NO.: PD-146-93 PAGE 3 2.2.2 2.2.3 and back into the underlying ground water system. plume of contaminated ground water is present between the basins and the creek. A secondary in the area Ground water mounds have also formed beneath the RIBs due to the high rate of seepage from the basins. This mounding continues to sustain the hydraulic drive pushing the leachate through the soil. Ground water flow from the RIB area has not changed from its northward flow pattern towards Graham Creek. Leachate Qualitv The first step in the review was to characterize the quality of the leachate generated at the site to better determine which chemical parameters could serve as indicators of leachate contamination. As noted previously, leachate samples from the collection system are believed to be diluted with relatively clean ground water. However, samples from shallow wells located in the soils beneath the waste tended to show higher concentrations of typical leachate indicators and thus better represented leachate quality. Gartner Lee concluded, based on their review of the available data from the shallow wells, that the leachate from the landfill contains concentrations of iron and phenols above the Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO); that leachate has entered the ground water beneath the waste area; and that the leachate contamination is at shallow depth below the water table. Ground Water Qualitv Leachate contaminated ground water was found to be present in the area between the north, west and east perimeters of the landfill and the Creek. In particular, ground water samples taken from wells along the east perimeter of the landfill indicated that the PWQO for iron is exceeded within 10 metres of the creek, and therefore is likely to be exceeded in the 1212 REPORT NO.: PD-146-93 PAGE 4 ground water discharge to Graham Creek. As well, results for two of the deeper wells in this area also indicate leachate contamination at depth, which is contrary to what would be expected given the presence of silty clay units' and the presumed upwards gradient of ground water flow in the vicinity of the creek. The Gartner Lee report concludes that there is significant evidence to indicate that the leachate collection system is not preventing the migration of leachate-contaminated ground water from the waste towards Graham Creek. Gartner Lee also notes that even Laidlaw's consultant has indicated that only 60%-75% of the leachate is being intercepted by the leachate collection system, and that the hydraulic efficiency of the upper collector is decreasing. The report concludes that further investigation is warranted to determine the exact amount of leachate by-passing the collection system and discharging into Graham Creek. A sample taken from a shallow well along the east perimeter of the landfill was found to have elevated levels of several organic contaminants, including benzene (a known carcinogen), ethylbenzene, and xylene. These organic chemicals are typically associated with gasoline or industrial solvents. The Gartner Lee report states that the presence of these contaminants in the ground water indicates that industrial or household wastes containing these compounds were disposed of in the waste area. Wells along the flow path from the RIBs to Graham Creek tended to show elevated levels of most leachate indicators, although concentrations decreased with distance from the basins. Specifically, iron and phenol levels were generally found to be above the PWQO. Benzene, chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene and xylene levels were also found at elevated levels. This would indicate that contaminants are generally not removed 1213 REPORT NO.: PD-146-93 PAGE 5 2.2.4 completely in the basin and are found in the ground water within 15 m of Graham Creek. Based on these findings, Gartner Lee disagreed with the conclusions of Laidlaw's consultant that "the RIB area continues to effectively treat contaminated ground water collected in the leachate collection system." The report also noted that samples collected from a ground water seep along the bank of Graham Creek north of the RIBs indicated levels of aluminum, iron and un-ionized ammonia in excess of the PWQO. These findings substantiate that ground water exceeding the PWQO is discharging to Graham Creek. As well, low but detectable levels of benzene, xylenes and dichloroethane were found in the surface seep. Further sampling of the seep is recommended. Surface Water Quality Surface water samples taken from Graham Creek indicates that water quality does not change appreciably from upstream to downstream of the landfill. This finding would indicate that leachate-contaminated ground water from the landfill is discharging to Graham Creek at a low enough rate so as to be diluted by the greater flows in the creek. Gartner Lee suggests that the selection of the stream sampling points and the time of sampling may be a contributing factor in the non-detection of leachate contamination. Only two of the eight stations sampled are opposite the waste area. As well, samples were taken in the centre of the creek rather than near the bank where ground water discharge is greatest. Sampling was also undertaken in the spring and fall when dilution from upstream is greatest. Gartner Lee recommends that more detailed stream sampling be undertaken in the area opposite the RIBs and waste cells, and that sampling of the stream be conducted under low flow conditions. 1 2 'J 4 REPORT NO.: PD-146-93 PAGE 6 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Samples taken from a sedimentation pond along the eastern edge of the waste area indicated low levels of leachate, which were likely contributed from runoff from the landfill or leachate bypassing the upper collector system. Overflow or breaching of the pond would allow discharge of these contaminants directly to Graham Creek. Gartner Lee indicated that visual inspection is required to determine surface drainage pathways wi thin and around the waste disposal facilities and to identify any leachate springs and any ground water seeps that may be contaminated by leachate from the waste area or the RIBs. Summary and Conclusions The Gartner Lee report concluded that leachate-contaminated ground water is discharging to Graham Creek through: . flow bypassing the leachate control system; . by infiltration of untreated water from the RIBs; . from surface seeps contaminated by leachate or water from the RIB. The zone of ground water contamination appears to be limited to the surficial sands as silty clay layers at shallow depth and upward gradients nearer the creek tend to limit the downward vertical movement of leachate. Surface water quality data indicate that if leachate- contaminated ground water is entering Graham Creek from the. Laidlaw landfill, it is doing so at a sufficiently low rate to be diluted by the greater flows in the creek. The information available from reports prepared by Laidlaw's consultants does not provide a comprehensive picture of the degree of leachate contamination of the ground water on the site, nor does it provide an assessment of the contaminant loadings to Graham Creek. Gartner Lee recommends that access to the site be obtained in order to sample existing and 1 21 5 REPORT NO.: PD-146-93 PAGE 7 additional points and determine the exact discharge rates and contaminant concentrations arriving at Graham Creek. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS*FW*ld *Attach 14 October 1993 1 21 6 , . "C , Attachment No.1 " "'. . .---.~ . ,'Gartner . Lee:. . .'. ~. HYDROioqICOOESTIGATIONOFG.RAHAM,CREEK'lN' '. . ~.;rHEVICINITY OFT~NEWCASTL1tLANDFD..LSITE, . ..' 4f;JTOWNOFNEW,CASTLE, ONTARIO:" ~. . :~~~~;.' ":;,:.,': :;,.,..:., .."..,. E!JAS~ ''pROGRESSREP.ORT . 'Y~. ~'. . . ...,. , \ . ': 'J', . .. " ';';~ . Professional Services in 'Envit~nmen.tal !v1a~dgement, " ." 1217 " I . . ~ ; , ". ." / .... , \ ,., t: , ,. :,},,'.<.;..;:~t.:.' :':'';' ,'. ,...,...... . '" \ ',', . ..,. .....' HYDROLOGIC 1NvEST.IGATION OFG~M,eREEK'~ IlE VICINITYQF,THE NEWCASTLE LANDFILL SITE, '. 'OV\TNQ}i'NEW.cASTLE; ONTARIQ.'.'>' ,"',' ":' " . ;. ".;,' ..r-, ,j ~ .~.. ... .. " , .... ,':. .~. ..: . :" . "" ":.~i.... . ~ .. '. . <'C~~~:~~~~~0;i i::\~"~:'r:~ .::.~. ,::.,..:.i:: ,'- '..... ,~ '.' .....;;", . ".,~~ti~~~f\~i~;",2' .....'.. ...... . t..:: .. t :(~ ~. it:" '. ,..:.... ........ < A.fRIL;l99~' .)' .: 'GLL 92-213 ;'~'. ~'.~'-:,:~~;,/.:,>"~..- ~': :~.(:>~ .. .-;.:.:......; '..:_." " ...:......:.... :....:.. '. ,.- ";';. ...... . . . I. ~,'.. ) .' , , , , " " ~ .' ,\' .;" t.' ;'<"'. ..' ';;~~i:~:" .........,:'......?j;.. ,'",;...1::" ,I :~ ': " , , . . . . . ,ProfeSSional S~rpices .in Enviroi1:m~,nfa.l,?~9-~af!:eni,erit 1218 , papu Is made from ':,)' Gartn,ef Le,e' , ~ . " ' G~L 92--:-21~;, Apri127.1993 ]40 REmfr~wDrlve" Suite 102. " ' , Markham. OntariO' ILJR 886'" " lfox (416) 477- ;456 (416) 477-8400 " ,l~,e: ", C~'hsultanis: E ;1" .I'h.~ ' nvironineni :.' A.DRAFT~lsa rough CciP. yofa. .' ,.'peopleassociated with thO' project im issum-. ", . ".., " .... . ExperlJs.e ,~~tqrPtonrilng" ',' fcoIoglcalScienc;e : , G"eoscience blgifIeerlog " . - $ety/cei , Ronning I1mpleinen~n '. Monitoring -~~" . , ." ",~: ~ ..:." , ,''- ,i I. :1 L " i "",YoUrS veiy trU1j~;;'-;,'."'i',>. ::. '-:,' _ ']?JJ~' :. E;G;Andetso~1>.~., ; '" ',-' . President, ' ,,';'.1-, " :'..,: );'.: .: .....~ '. . ".' ,. '. .,.. ,:,',;";~)"';~i:.,J'::;~j;;f~1~"+~,,:,t:,.; '. -:. ..~ "".'-' .' .2t:?~!f#':k. . ". ':;'::'~:';:;/.;~'. :': ,;..',:.... .':' ;'-'.: ~'-.:~;'(;'" :.- . '. ~::;; '; ';; ?\./~ ;~:~X[:~f';~Fc,:;.~,1:r~1<>';' ":', , ...... -' ....: , EGA:mm Attach. ",.-,.., '. ',' '.... [,' " "'.. .~"" --, ~"I~ ~- ..' ... ( A ;;. $' _. ()l,CE.tlf'\:':- ,<i' .:.. _.._.:._ 1_ ~_.....:. ,_""...:. J219 ,1' .' , . ..... '. '.,". , i 1 ..,'" ,'. 1:- .; . Consu'nants' "'i E; j-n:'.II"_ :'., " . n vi. r.d nfn'e n't., , ,: '; ,:Ga$erue, LiJnited '(GLL) is.ple~~ t(),pr() , ", ' , '.'.oftheabOv~..;mentione4:study~,_:This reP9rt StlInm. '.' 'I"; : revie.w: otavailable:data 'and. analysisofgeolog!c,hy, ' Envir'oomeintal Planning ,::h~::,S:;!{thiSfeach' of. ~ 'Creek. Dam on:' fiSh~Otls';' , ~ . . -,.~ ';:. , ' - '.' .~~ . se~vic-;f": Planning.: . ' ,'" ,lea~a~sor sediIi1ents from bOth w~te' disposal qperations':are affecting~enta1 Q.Wd.ityb~:'ijj;:i'1i',~S;~i;;';")'/dj.> ~ ~. ...;~ . " ~J GQrfne( ',' Lee,'; , 140 Re('\fr~w Drlve:,:, Suite 102. ' Markhom, Ontario ~3R 8B6. " " :cix(416) 477- 1'456 \ - . ".' :416r471-84qb ~' '..,' " " '.;':, '. '. . . , . , , , " -'"'--.. ~~~~,?-,,: ' . i ,), ~ S 0 f :. \::. E I., t, f N!= E- . '(1) , ' s paper IS m:ade from ":' I I I' , ' GLL.,~2-213' I'. ; , ;,.\...., .' .... , .~ I',,' l ,..! ' ../ ' ..'...." . " ," , ' Yours verY'tiJiIy,: ' . ' , GARTNER LEE LIMITED ' , E.J., Wexler, M.Sc.(Eng), M.Sc. , Senior, Hydrogeologist EJw:mm A~ch. , '.. .,'..:. 1220: \,', , . , TABLE OF CONTENTS' , ,,' .' . . , " .,' , ,'. . , 'Letter ~f Transmittal "0,' ". ~ ' .", : 1.0 . IN'IRO D~:i&;;;;;::......: ,. ...:,.. ",;., ~....::... ............:.:.. .:....., ::,'::. ....:,..:.:.. ...:...:.. '::':";" ..: ..:.::.;. ..... .1 ::~ :~ ::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::=::::S::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:: :::::! .,',:" " . '. . .. -,- , " '. .., . wATeR.' QV ~rrY ...~.~~. ~:;,~,,..~~...~'.....'~' ..'~.~".' "~'~" ...' ~~.' ...... "~.\..~.,.. '. ,.' .. . .... , '.'iiYDROGEOLCXlICSBtTING ~~~.,.~=~tZ~~i'::::~::::L::::;::!::" :~:... ,.~......:.uu~ :.;:.;:.~.~.!'::u':;....i:.~."u~,~,;:;","":~;::';~'~'~;;u..:..7 . . ..',' . . " ' ..... 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Gener~d Pft':tffi'" '''~~'und W aWrFlow .;...~;.........:..;......... ;'.;.......:...:...;.~m..;..........;.~~.... ....:..j...... ,11 ,.., " .,' '~- 11J.'Jlh. ' ' ."',, . " Wa~r riwle Map .~ '.. ' : d"'.ater~ow Directions .......:..:..;;.,......~:~m~.~;;;~..~::..;......,:.:..\.:~:.;...~12' , :Stiff Dl~gram$ for Sam ,~lls IIi 'tli~ Waste~a.::;............~.,~.~..~..;.;;.m..~..,..:..~..:....;...;~......;15 " Stiff Diagrams for SamPI~ ,'We' ()I}8}he'NortltPerln}eter !...;....,.......;~.:~.:::....~....!.~.~.~,....;;;;.18. 'stiff Diagr&ms for Samples from , ',the'West Perime,ter ..........~:..:.:.:;..;..;:.~.....;;..;:~;;;~,.;21.,:.;22 .' ,0 , ,0' . 0, 0 ~v. Stiff Diagrams for Sanll'les fromWe , Stiff Dillgramsfor Samples from Wells ... . . .' . .' .' .... '.' J"tF StiftDia~ (or the Ground' 'Yater, Seep ancfS, ; 'Stiff Diagrams for Surface Water SatnPles.;...;;;;. . "',' o. .' .' ..,.' .. .. . ' '. . . t.P~rin)e~r ....~........;'...~~..~.~...;..~~....~...~;..~.~....~~~~..~~~._..23 . " ," '.... ", (n04Z7oJm:mmr '1,222 '" '1 ' If I', Q' , .. ~" ~ ~. .. "'" ,:~ " I J ' * " , 1.0 INTRODUCTION, ", , " , rinvironment'Canad~ (EC)retained Gartner Lee Limited (GLL) 'to'~nduct a:hydrologic'inves'tigation of areach',:, : ofGraJiamCree . the ToWn of Newcastle toassess'whethedt:lWbeen'adverSely affected;bytwowaste' ,'. .',' " . . " '. " . ' '.,...... . ..." . . . . . ': .....-. . " -. . . ... ,- ~ . ," .' . .. ." ~ptisa1oPer;~ . .l;\;ro~rtiesadj~cent tothe~k. .11tes.tudy wasdivide<iinto tbree phases. :Pp~e,I." \<1:,,': , ,~iSted of &Vie $,~t:~,ijstin8 data ,and prelimmary assessmentQf 8e<:>logical and hy~ologicalconditionsin th(}", ',:' , ,) , ~a. A Workplafif~~U~tion of ~dditional ~ta was also developed at the end of ~ phase., Phase nand';, ini'~, to jnvolv~ tQe",irg-~~~.!f~ti9n~ int~rpreta.ti9nahd reporting of addition~ mita.., This report' summ~Zes" ',", ' , o~Pr<?gresS to date and's~(f"'~""',,' ,gs a\ tbeendofPluJ,se I. ," "'.' '.' " t i ~: fSr" 1.1," , "Plffl,POSEA}\ffi SCOPE ", ' .' '. . '. ',',; " '. :.: _, "" ;...' _,..... '. ..' '," ,I'",...', il siteinspec., tio. n 0, ~ the..., ~ach,of.G,raham,creek an.d ;ad.~a~..,,'.~t,: " aecess to. the, creek ~U1driotbe obtained at that tline;:In , visit h~beeniIlcbipoplted mto,tbe pbaseU wot~ ~lan.,:' , " " .' '. ,:- ., .:,A:lc~YcOl11pOnent of, the Phase, r pt<! ,.,' 'IJfOperti~s.Avisit was made_to the Site CQncurrence,with Envrropment Canada, the p , ' . '. . . Ii, - ,ReViewof',availab~e .d~taand the preliminai1,' hYdr~l~gicass~s '~ on'the.iollOwjngke~:~bj~ti~es<:,', , by'EC and GLLat,theoutsetof. the,sl;Udy,.These ob ude, answering the f()116wing.::;',.';'<.: .,' . '. .... . . .... ........ . ...., "\'fV";'~~~,."'.,..,.,.,).,:.,~.....',,,.',',..._~'.,:,.,_,.,.,.i".:!I~ft~~~i."...'..".,'.'.,. . ' ,,'1 ,_ ':' :",.,::,\"<':,':;.,/....~,:,<,:;;,:it::?c:!.f5~;i;:;.'/;iJj/ ,::;"': ,', , ~at are' the.chemical'characteristics of leachates '1)I'O<htCed"at ~ w~ llisp()Std"'~.: - sites?, ' ,";, ':,,',' ,,' '::' . . ,'," \;~!'::!',r~;:}f..T:';fC;':'"'''' ....\: .........;=::::=::::;=W~i~......jcili~~.lritl.,. :,' ' ,e) " " is leachate direCtly ,~~~g the~k as surfa~s~ps, nmoff;, orOV~rl1ow rrOm ';:, ." , .; -' ", h()iding'po~?.', . " ',., ',' ' , ", '" ...,' t} , ' , Do;sedirnents fr()l11 erosioriof the s~eeply sl.opfug sides of the 'an<ifIllrorioffiilto, , ,'e;nter the creek ? '., g) . ',' ,;. '" ' ,'.' .' . , Have wast~ ~n placed ~ the flood plain of th~ creekandhave~ciequate:meaSmes: , been taken to enSl.lte that waste wili not,enter the' creek difec,tly due to bank erosiOn, ' o~ overtopping d~g higbflows? ", ' '.. "" " ' (n0411.)im13/93) , ':.... . '. ',. .'.' '.. ".". '., [l.'~~'h m.~e '~m: ' reetded fibre .., , ,1'223. , .' .. , h) , What are the ~urfacewaterquality and flow characteriSti~ofG~aham ~k under , vari(ms flow conditions at, locati,qns upstteam~ adjacent, and doWllStream from fu.e , wastedj,sposal sites? ".' .. j) , , , " Do the observed solute concentrationsexceect' ProvinciiuWater QualitY Qbjectives , ~h , ) f~r the protection ~f aqua~~life? ' " ' ' .".. " . , gree ()f degradation in 'Surfitce:watet quality in the' creek: due to ' "it _' ',' _. .'. . ." '. , .' ated ground wate~ discharge? " , .~. :. .... " i) k) To wisw~t these questions 'as best as' GFet Lee 'Lim~~ (GLL) iey!eweddata:,~lated}~,the, ',. ' regional hydro~ecilogy of the studyarea'M ;~'~~eyeI'al'Cdnsultant'reports,ptOvided l>Y Enviroriment " " ',' "'" ", Canada miated t9 the ~aidlaw L~dtW site in" J?Jy~t1e,<;>ntari~. ,As'tlo"reports'or, maps, ,were available. ' " regaromg thewaste recyclirig operations on .theQP~ltC ( ")"side of the creek; the focus of this report,WilI '," ' . ' ": '_.' ,,' ; ,..,0 "",' .. .,- . . . "'.. ...,' ". " ne"cessarily'ooon the LaicUaw"landfiUs~te.A $tunmary <> ' . gs is provided ~low~' t'" I " I,,' . '. ,1.2.: " . :SrUDX'AREA'I)ESCRlPrION " ',". , l:'.:,:.:.;'.:,'.'::,:.;'.i\,!i.\.!)"..\. The.. "';cli,:' O,.f.,.. GrnIJ8m.'.. ,gee.'., ' k." o~ :con~xn.,.iS in: ilieT.o.wn of N~WC", tl. ',e,ge.~Q .",' :~i{W~~MW::: .,~about J.6'km NNW of the ,H~et ofNewtoqvill~, (Figure 1); 'It is, located., , +:5;':~~~;{:}'<Roatl an~ rU,ris easttwest from~utQ.8: knl: eaSt of RegiooaI Road is,;to a ,bridg~', ,'., 't:f\}?~~i'~:'~7,V",isov.er l.kni in length and 'surface w~tertlo'Yi~ from 'eastto west."QrahatnCree ~:~ J,~t~~~:?;~::C()I~~~~:~iunbY.,L~ds~Y.~#ictMutis~'of.r-JaiuraI '~esources~)'~~:~:Wn.',::\, .' ');': ,~~~,:Y.0'/',\;00 in thisrepoii, proVides sp~wning.andrearing babitat for several cold",attt fish s~iesf':""~,::" f~~~~Y'~:~~NeWcasl1';onllUiO .. .... ..... . ..<i .. ..... ....<..j.'::;:".:i ... (r'+;;:':~",,:, '," ,.,:".' , : ", ..'- ' ',,', ,'..'.:,.. .":,': ':: .',;:<'~:~:::~~~:<~,:;\>?". I' ,~~' ";,~~: 'i.';' " ': The Laidlaw Lan.dfill-Ne,wcastle, Ontario site, (also ~ferred to as the'DurIuim LaDdfln) is located in'the TownA"/y:~; (~;~~:,::" ':", \:,'.;,~ . , , t J',~;:::,' ',:- ofNewcastle~'.Remonai MuIucipatity of DuIhaQl, Ontario on p~ of.LOts Ii aDd 12, in Concessioo 3 (fi~i~~['~.,:;, ';,::;\;~.:,~.:,<'~i)~;;::~, ,,' ',:/:, /,' , '. ' : 1besite, whicft began operations in the ~d-1950s as a ~ml?ination 'gravel pit and waste diSposal.facility~i,was{:\',':"r::; ,.. , ':'f:, .'" f':.'!;':~'.'.:;,...,8:.. :~. b, Y.' L~dla\v:wast~.., ...systems.' (Durharh.', " ',? ,Limited in. ' ,.,1~8. 7,.:, ,The.'...sit.e..is.pres. entl.Y,?perated..,un...'.de. r.:~.::,t.:,;/'...<':,','.:".,',.,,'...' ".<.", , <; ,y,:':: 0' ~rtificate ofA..pproval(C~A No. A39030?) 1S$UC?d by the()n~oMinistry of theEnV1I'OlID.lent,~()l?)~',;-:';,;':,'.:'.,' :;,':,.. '<,,'" pjSposal, of 816tooOOs ~rweek ordomestic,'commercial;andnon-haz8tdoussoli~ 'mdustrhil waStCi,s':'/.. ' ',., ': l ":. ," .. . pennittC:d ~der the COA., The landfill is situated onllie south side of Graham Creelc, LaidIawalsO :oWris'tt":'" ..", , . narrow strip Qfhiridon thenorthside ofthe.~~, , -,'"" r >' ~:,: . ", . r Waste has ~ndeposi~inan 8ha (20 'acre) area on tlli's'ite 'in two large,'m~'(Figure 2). The northern' ,,' ' , , ri1Ow1disthe'larg~r of.thet\ro and accepted waste from the mid.:..1950s:untU 1978 Mdagainfrom 1985toth~ ',; , J'1".Csent, time;, The smaller moUnd was active from 1978 io'1985 (MMM.1989a)~ Between the two ~moundS is ".an e~nient for TransCanada Pipeiine.The'elevation of the northern waste pile i,s ,greater than 180 met(es ,,' " , ,above sea le:vel (masl) or about 40m above the base of Graham Creek~' " '. .,.... . \.. .' rL~~;L ~.d~ from r~';1M nI....',' ' 1224 (;..o.27.jm213m> ' '2 1 ' I' ~. ./ ~ S~~:j/{ ::-:~- :1\~;~'~ . I,. Ilr;~~"\\44/LG~_~ /'" (~;-,~r~\\- {4~"~':;~~ ~~)~r ~::-..\.<.~!arjwille ", .. '., 1 0 ~. ~~ \ ~-'~ ~ \- "\' . (A~ I ' \~\'t~~$;-~ ;.):)f1 ~l ~-~-.. - '". ~;j\, '~;":) tl;' ),:';X\~:cjt~;,,' · it;\'!~Wtr~\~~~:;;;~~\ ::0Ir:fX~" ~~. '~:J~~~~~i)~u~(rk )~f~~~~\~t) '.UUC;1 II> ;~s '(] (qi/ . p.., dg ~ I!jIJ/j1~)) ~ ( ,~" ~J ;' t2.. cn~ il . :lr:~~M~~~~~~ ,\1i#~w ~f'e~~~ ..u.......:-;~~:~c.~ffJ...~.. Ii ,~'"I;l~''j0i~';~I) ..!'~.~:. .~f':t';(J6 g ~ \ i ' \ ~~' ,'. ~,~ i\ 0007 r ~ 1'1-\ ~I . ,?It "'Y .....'i(h_~_c --. h.\\ .:i ,...1~ ,\2: ~ .. 1r) ; \ \ I 0 · 8~ I::.~ j /,,~ ~T Cia' e : Y:---' ---' 'I A '(.::A~ ............ ~ 'f':: I',' ~~.. :''':i::ml\ I ' ~ ~!\' J: ~ .. , .,..: ~; 1~'~~~6- :( ... : ''';:::'' \ ' >, I ~c . ' '>. 1\1. "( 0tI!!ll1...... - '[1.. . (\ Hi .; ... . ~ i ' i" .,'~~ ~\~~. ..~:~~ p~oe\~ne}-J.~-~f';&-~ -- f?i!J \\~ , W " ' \ Ji ~~_...,.-:'-:-7 ) ~\~~-i\ ~. ~ ' ~~ ,~~ ...' , [ M",". :..~,l_~?~...J '\ GS: .IPlpeJlnes~ ~-' ....--.~, -~ ,~....J..-..-~).""":":h""'~"'.' ))t""'\\ " ,~: p. '-, Q) ", ' ~Ilk VI: lif..,.w '\',J: \ . .l'), '\,: . ~\t.Io~ : '.. '. .., ~~~ - ~ ~..<. :-jf~\ ~ ' ~~).t.l)l,..' 0, "~'.,!3~"'..,~',. ',\. ;) ('I. ' . ," .,., ' ~:p: .' . W_ -1 ,u, .~, ~...,;- ,1' ~ ,UJI1(ffi'~, It. ' : '/;Q " ' ,', . , , :1:~;:; .~. ~:....-.....~".., \~\ ,.('\\' - 'c' 0 J", -' . "'.. 7~//l 'I 'rP ' · ..... .... .;J;-i\';;----::. 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I ~'," " ',;' , ,'~ ...... ':r'lli'l1:..,," " /l . \ ' \ ~ ''---.:)\ . " :, : ~~-::';- ~";,illN.f ':::r:":::.::, ...:,::::.. , L" ' ',"\ ",. =, d' A .' " , .y \0.: 'o....~m',,~'1:W~'; ,~".. ::.' ::F.." .J. ....,.,.... , . II ;, T .", :5............, . I '::;:"\~" \,.,..:. " : ,:}~>'\':: ,::~~:, ~~i,Ng, /" mo,::.__ \ ...... --., ..(........c~:....~::...._~............"..., ,..~; , . : . -..;. ':;::i:t~ , ;." '--I' ::: . , . . (- !H - r/ ~ I ",.... /J . -- .... ~ , ~ r~ : . Stwaee;~\ t," ':. " I':; 'm"::' ' .: U!l JI.:., ~- --00 -----".;.'-- ~ ,I"" ' .~~' ':\ \_-' ~:" '~:J:,:::'11'; r, ',::, .... - I /~ ~ , ..~.:.._, ...., ,~;:: '. M'-;,~ _~ :.: ..... ~ 'i~::~~.. ,'11, ~,,---S:- -,-?AI., ' ,.' .. , [ , 1.................. ~:-:~', ..~~...,' '-:-.~ .....".L, !. I t '~t Bond ' . 1 I " --r~""""'-:-----"'-'7'-:-""'C,~,:, ;: ..' ...~.. · , KEY MAP '. " Figure 1 :"lee, 'Scale 1 : 50.000 I.' ,"" ~,~"~. ~de from" " ,ftC)'dtd flba'e' ., . " Project 92-213 " "' 12'25 ... . ~ 1226 z o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :3 o~ ~ lL. i=! 0 ~ z ' ~ Q z ti u ~ 9 i i j. ! ; I [1 ~ .J I a ~ ;:j fjl :l ~ ~ f!S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II Rl 0 !ill o ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~~~ f5 ~ ~~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ iz~{li ::E 0 ILl ~ ! ;) ~ ~ ~ ~ m i ~ 0/, !~ i\q ~ &I (!)'" ~"I ~H lSl'" According to local resid~nts, the s,ite may have accepted chemical wastes from a number of in~ustries which ' , " may have included waste paint; tires, trarisfonner oils and possibly low-level radioactive wastes, (personal communication,.]. Grieve, Envirollnent Canada, 1992)., This 'has not been verified by Gartner Lee Limited , (GLL) and no published datllonwaste cOmpOsitionwereavail~le by EC lor, review. .. ,., '.' ;\" '0 'In 1985; adr', ge! ~~m was constructed tointe~ptand collectcontamiriatedground'w!l.t~rmoving from the ' .' . . ,}'\\~'~'if.~~~..,- ',' . . " "-" ;' '. 'northern edge Jb~;W~~ area towards Graham Creek. The system was inodified in mid-1987 by ,inStalling, a ' "', " " .f'??' '~':."""- ,tf'ti;,!" .' . " .' . , 'second, deeper dr~H~~Hn:J~~iW89, the system was extended southward along the west,edge of the northern '.' waste pile(Figure2j:'<~'lQ9 t/thelo,werdra@wasextended further' eastward from the 'pumphouse (located at, ' , . _', _ _, ' '. (tW l'J;lM-.:~~I", ~~j,t~., _' .' ..' , " ,', . '. ..,' , the north~asteIl1 CQrne! oftl16)wast~ '~' p)along, a line parallel to the creek;' There is no collection systeln along , , ~e.eaSt side of the waste area; ~ .. ,- " , Landfilll~aehate and some UnC()ntunma ,,~; , ,water is 'drawn~to. tl1e collection. system and :PUmped.t~ ' 'two Rapi<i InfIltration Basins ~m) locate",,, . eaSt side of the waste area (FigQfe:2). .~yleachate... ContimfuatedWluer is'not treated in IDlY m~F'an<1:1h~~water' isiillow~to"percolate'through, the sandy' ,.bOtto~s of the basins and bae~ into the underlyin~ f~~W ~W' f', ysterii: A secondarypil.lirte of?Ontartrlnated gro~dwater is pres~rii in'the area between the bl;lSms an, ';"F " , . .NewCastle Recyclin2 Limited' ~ .' . .,. ..;. " ' ";,' .!, ."' f;:.,!,;,.,,:,.,.~"~,,','.:..,::..,'~':',...,',!,.,',.,.,.,:,~.,~,.,'..,..,-,';~,:,',','".':',',:,.,.,:,-~:,:,~,:,,'.,.:.,',:..:,.:.',.,.,.,:,.,:,.,.,.',','..,"'.',.::".,,:,',Ls..'iid$eeO:f~,'G,,fur:ah.~.~'e,re,,',,~'~,',O,ft~.d,..,~,,~;,b,Ys..:lE,.'teC~~'~'.p'i~e.sgan"~aree..hi*.s."oto"fry','~'o,'tu'tri.a5"~,"3"h.'a~"m.~.'ilie."e'~..~"a, ~~'~~~~~~~~, '" .~. '. .',. , " ,'> " ',:.:", ,', '. ". ..:~,~,';~;,;~.!S:.a(\}'tjJ~~~.:.',., LmeRoa,.~ (Rural::".."'...."',.,o'.'.;',""'.'...,. ' .. ',. ,::ql~\i\};?),.':Roai4) :and'Gi~ cicek.' Tires' metals' and 'other' aufumorlve ~~te~ i~f'j;1j~t~;\,terfuJ ~lQ8raphs ~'Small inbU~~' S<lUd)w.rot<i~~6m:, .... -~. . "', . .' . ,- . . 1~~ff{i'V';'" ~.3' '" ~ DATA " ' , .<'..:-'.~...,::; -'. ;!.- . ',.,-, .~>:.-: ", -. " ,::. "':~';: ': , , GraJuUn Greek is ,a: tribu~ 19" Lake. Ontario. ' From its' mid..;reaches; approximateiy two kri1.Iiortl1east:oi;i;S\:.~':,1<~j:;.y;:::;:,., .,,:..:i~r1~:'>'::.' ,:J~ghway 2'.10 its headwa~rs: Grahiun Creek is~~ide~tri ~,~ ~ldwater.stre~ (GLL',)990~<Bell d9~2)Ji~ft~;~;i:;;~~:;;:',,;;.:', ;;.:1;<%,:'\): ',' '; ,', ,~d that' brown trout (Salino, 'frUtta) and. brook' trout (Sa.lvelinu.V fontina{i~); two, .coldwaier .Species~:.~!t~;;~)1:;;~'.';:/;:;',;i:.',;:, .,., ,./o~'J, ",' 'residentinthe,l1ead\Vaters'area. . 110ttled seulpins (CottUs bairdl) ~e,refound'inthec~ek,aCcording to~.ri'nr?',);,;':/i,~;7';f' ,,'-',',:',it/ 'data., SeIF.sustaii1ing pOpulationsofriUnbow: trout (Oncoi'~ytichuS mykiss)~;also occrir,tI1rou8.hout much:of.~:;:i' " ' I,,::, \:.,:;:>:; ,. length '. 'pf the ,ctedc~ "Migratory brown and brook trout at:ld' pacific, saimonS (OncorhynChus 'tsiUtwyt~ChQ,:ai14' ' , ' " o,ncorhynchus ki~utch) fr(}m Lake Ontarloalso itlove up the,'str.eiun ,during' spawningj)eriods'(Ml'ffi, 19fh8rld., Bell,'1992).1'he lower ,reaches of Graham creek; (}utSide ofilie sfi;1dy, area, ~ cparacterized by warmwater';;,', sPecies such as rock bass (Ambloplitesrupestris)andpumpk,inseed (Lepomisgibbosus): " ' " , '- . : .' . . . .,' .., ., "-.1 . ~ " . ~ ~ ' 'Fish~utveys' eamed out by the' Ontario Ministry of Natural ~esources (MNR) 011 qr~~ Crook have fOW1d the following species: }. . '. I I.' ," ~ I . , '. I'i.:' , , ,:,<;'," '5 (n0427ojl92213l)3l kls~~per-.s ~a'd~'from ' ~ec:ycltd flbr:e ' 1.227" J." ,,',MNRhas 'not spec$c,ally investigated ,trends in'fishi>op ].' '. "'.' ',' "increased fishing ,in the watershed may ha,vecontfibuted ,to ,', '. ,'" ,:alsoresult in varillbl~ year-dass~trengthS,'(a,m~~ure of the SUccess , , '"c~ inturn.leadtovariaQons in fish P9PulatiOfi.':, Jritto'~ ~~an:=;;:'~~=i:=~~Mi!'c:::wnfiShtIOO~Zt::~:. . :.',' -: '.' ,:\. .: 'doWnstream of the ~R;Ste sites have not been'00ndU9too by MNR or thCI coosulumts ior,L~d1aw;',f :,:;".i':~.',:~'\:::~;:~~~: t~:: I,i"i!< "': . ." . .... '.", ..... ..' ..' .... ........... ...... "('Sr;:,:tif:'(;{i: J,'., '::. '...' , ",2.0" Hm' ROGE'O'L'O"G'IC' SETT,'IN' G',' '".,."',', :.::,>:"....."'.. . .-. ',:;\:'/.!,.:'>"" .~~:,'-:'" . ,. .... :", .. ~~ '-..,~ ,. .'. "-:; . """:, " .', , '. "',', ,',", " .", . ,"~'>1~frt><},::;:"~;i/Y::" t '<' ,,' QLL reviewed available data on,thtilocalandregionillhydi'ogeology.GeDeral descrip'ti.ons of:!he,physi~gra~hy~::):' J . '," "Were obtained' from Chapman 'and Putnam (1984). ,The ~gionai hydrogeology, was defined prirnarlIY'.:lri,;{"'::': .', "', SUrflCial'geologymaps by theGeologicaISurvey,of Cana~(Gravenor.195i). soils maps for Durluun'cooniYf/r..., ;" : '" ,~ebber; 1946). and Water Reso,urCes reports: by the Ministry of the EnviTri~ent (Funk. 1977: Singer,;l914'.,:;', ~' ", and W ang.1986). Data on ~ lOCal hydrogeoiogy were ;obtaitied prinCipally from rePorts' by 'Marshan Ma~klini,;.",,;,.' , ! ,Monaghan Limited {MMM.l,989a and 1989b}andfrom w~ll'logs in'MMM (i989a)andfu annu,aiITi'oiliiOriiig'" I' repOrts by Morrison Beatty Limited (MBL. 1987-1991).' , , ',' .1, I I.. I I: '.. ' . . .:,' ., . .. ~:, ' " ,. . ' i~ .: . .. 1 - " ." 4". ' . ill Ii ) I: ~ ::"; - . Ihbj>allUls made, from ~cYcled fibre .' 'coho s;Umon (OncorhY~hus kisutch) , ' , , schnook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshaH!yt~cha) ~rown trout (Sa/nw (rulta) , wWtesticker ~Cato$tomus commcrsoni) finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeits) . .~:( . ' . .' , co"'" shiner (Luxi/us cornutus), , ',b ,,',' >: ow (Pimepha/es notatus), "'i;~f,-~.,':'!~~t';~ :~~~, ". .' . . fallie.arQJ.iiDoYf;~,(Pimepha/es prome/as), ' ~y . "~F~ .~,+~;:r"'_(=_ " . . blackllo~"<ia~'(Rhiilic.hthys atratu/us) , ". '~~;-i;"';:~f~' :~Yf~~~.~.-.: -' " . · longnose dac~;(/J..hinrcht.hys cataractae) .". , ''if ~_~~,,#.~-=-? .:~;.}~:~~ . ", " creek chub (seTfi&ti/~;tlif(j1naclJ(atus) '., ." -' ,',f;~i-".'. . rock bass (Amb/op/ifls r~ 'pumpkinseed (Lepomis gill ", . '''r~.'' iainbowdarter (Etheost;n:za .,e", ',' ~l:~ . . . ',' . ',' . .'*.~~~~'r'~~7 ~ " johnny darter. (Etheostomanigtii1&)JJa;i}~w ", , inOttledsculpin,(Cotlils bairdi) ,'",.y , . ~ . ',,' ..', . ., . .. ," ..... . . ;; , " "', . '6 (ni0427oJ,'n213193) , 1,228 '/. / ~/' CO) -' "!l) . ..;;; .--'~-/~ ~ .. . .'t,'v>J) .~-,~~. .. ... ',~' '.:" ~.. 1 ," j) ,// ",' , . -'.rS--' //'> ,...j'. ;:..>,' --r>'-: ---<.?(:~:_~r:, " "r'"'" W::.c' -/~ ": ~;. 8 ~ \. 0:: U , "~'>-~;> ~\., . 3)'/. I ~"\ ~-:r~- /"', ' "~'-t~.= ~ , ..-' . ' /~~'1/' ' "'-~ ' '""," \" .) "- r""~-- . 1t::"'~x . C'? Q) .... :::l 0> u: ~ <-J I ~ ~ '0' 0:. .-\ FI, ~ , ' \ \~~f:-~-'l,~~/>;'- '~\\ i ~~ ' \ \ / /) , ,0'\,.,,-':',.. ,':-- \' X->'/:, 1"\, \ '0" \, ' , \~~-~\ ;-~~-:::'\\ ~.~~.-- ') \1. ~=~~,K , \, ~ d "\, :\\'1 . '~\ .-' .,,:, r <: \ \ \ \ ! ~! ~~ C/) -'\.. \ --: \ \. ,. - \ , - .-1 ......., ... '_1 .., f;;;Qi\ r-J a, 9 I;A Iii!i; a ~, ra ~-:-- ~ o c:: Q , '," , .',' ,',' ' ,;: ,', , The landfill site lies at the nofl:hern edge of the ,physiogfaphicregion known as the IrOquois Pl~ (F.igure '3~; The featUres of the plain are the'resultof,~l:1oreline and depositional processes active when Glacial'Lake, . , , ' .Iroq,uols occupiedJhe Lake Ontario BaSin about'12~oOo ye~ ago.. In the vicinity af the'landfill.the'IrOquois ' ,,' , Plain is a narrQi':E~t7 West trending' strip about 0.75 km wide. 'It is a relatively flat area with elevatians af' t~~~j.~.', . , ' ,", ' . about 150 maSl\;;)Sho~line and near-shore deposits'are faund, an the site' and to. the north at 'the Waste recycling , , ; facility. The Yall~:t6fG:~~1ilh Cr~k fUnsthrou&h'the centre afthis. area.' , ')',.".." : " " :" ' '~\r: ,'V, ',' . )~ti,,::' " -~~,' ' " , '., ' ~', ' , , ' , FUrther north lies the, ralling; " lalij'ipfthe'South Slape. Hills to the immediate ilorth',6f the stUdy 'area 'teacl1 . .' ',' "'--iT" :<'~,,'ii'-c\iW".I' ,..' " :,' " ',' ,,' . . _,', " , . aver 650 m in elevation; To. th~~%~9fiiJ{ofJ!1e stu~yarea i~ anatherhill. ,a remnant ()ftl1e till plam. whichatso ',', , . ' " .", ' ',H.,.,>>,'i;", ,'. ' ,'" ,',",' " reaches an elevatian above 650 m.' Bea'"" ",~, . 'flankboih thenarthem hill;and the hill to. the sauth afthe site "t" ", '.' ".". ., _ . 'which fonned anisiand during Lake if , , . " ." . ,'The~a.iS~dedafu by bedrock atdepthsof.atx>utSO to. ," , ' . ,:." , . ," ". , " '" ',' the L~d.s~Y FonmitioI1.a,gfey.lme-gfained limestOnei' 'BecaU$ '::'-'.. :;.>, ",,#16 law penne8bllity af the deePer ove,rbuiden materi~. iti$ , '-;:';~~:"'-::_';~~(;:::,:~'.~'~~i"~~""':>'-':'"!'''.':,', :""", ,'," ..... . -.'" ..~...."....., . .:>".-.... ". ::i,;,,;';;~';i:"(i';:U'\:;', affected by leachate. CQntammatian. Therefore;these ur.uts are not <lis ~:'rft~~>I.::;t~LQ~:GY . .... . ....~.. ,.' :.. .'. .... .~: :.~}>.i: ...:...)!.....(, "....(.?i\.; ..., .....'~h"" ";~;;:;;'AbOve the bed.rock, is :acomplex series afJake ,and 'glacial~positsplaCed dUring,the' ':WheQ,8h\a. ' ~:..W:~~:~k)[ii';~i~~;t:'~:~yot:o;1~and...~~;:~~.~1Ji~Th"'i~1tf~;..'. ?;;,~ +\.:'.'i;iJ,:~,;\';.: ~trated by the over 68 wells, and test holes drilled 0.11 the landfill SIte;' AgeneraIized no~O\lth')Cl'QSS/1;;,'~;"'''l;J~!;!:i ',' :;>,'_,>~~'l.,;:,\;i;,.:~, '.': "',.."',, ,', '.,' "'. . .', ." ; , ' .'.':.. ".~ ;' '~. ,','.",' .F';;::<i ";;rJJ;;;:P;;' ': .;jr,,:,"":t~!('(\t,;ti:\C,:.." seetiOl;1' <<U-Ougb, the these, upper, umts at ,the 'SIte, (modified ,from MMM. 1989a) 1SPl1'sente4;m;F.lgure.:;.4~1., ,",:';;'::1,;",\ ,', :':K~'.~~!'~I,'[~{..l:,;:,<'~iio~afthe~ss S~ti~nis~oWnonFi~3,: "q '.., ". ' "" ",; ':,,: ',. ::' ':,t(:::;i;;;?;/;:ri~:t:~<;:"'1.~:.;~g!~';{i2~;~;'~:' , . . . ': ,:., ~ '" ....., c., \\'" ',' I ""'" I I' : " ." ", '. " ' ". ..' .' t ' I.- '.i'- .' r ,-, lis paper hi inade rrom ' :yeted fibre ' , :2.1, PllVSIOGRAPHY' "1.. . /: . . ' .' ." :', :2.2 : 'BEDROCK GEOLOGY' '......, .f' . . , , ' . " .'. .... ,'" ~. ..', . :,.....:.'.. .:', "'-", ';'. -'..',';' :.":'"",:,.," .".-"~.;,.:~<._~:.~...:',,,.\.':'.:-::..',:,:. ~ 'The deepest rinitpen~trated on the sautl1part afthe,s~teis'asi1t andsandunit at'about143maSI.. Ove~l~g,tlJ.iS{:j'~:>,',,',;;,::",., " sand and silt unit is a denSe. 'sandy tillldentified by MMM (1989a) 'as the BaWmaQyilleTiI1'(tills are 'a; varying';'::!~",;:' . :~;', ,,"nrlitUre pf clay. silt.sand. pebbles andbouIders de~sited directly by a glaCiet)~ : The tin surface' is ~~p()~e({aii!::, :":~'-":', ,',,' : , 'the 'S<)tithern ~geof the si~, but diPs steePly to the north. A maximwntbickrtess'of 1 05m'was Obse1Ved~' ::"":="" "': " . .,' . .... ,',' ',Overlying the Bowmanville Till are beach and lake deposits !lSsociated 'with the shoreline 'af Lakelroquais. 'As ,:" , Illentior1ed prevIausly. beach depOsits are falindboth' to. ,the narth Of the:siteand ~n the south wrtlanaf the site;: ' ,flanking the tiUhills. ", , , , " .; .' .,.. 7 (ra0427oJ/92213,.m 1230' I I , ," . I \.' ,.\ , , SOUTH' , NORTH " ' IrO ~> ,t) (I) :z: - , '&5 , ';:::C", " .. ' HORizONTAL.' DISTAN~ NOT 10' sqAl.E, ' (From Marshall, MacKI,ln, Monaghan Ltd. 1989a)' T!",' , N~CASTLE ,LANDFILL GENERALIZED UPPER ' SED,I MENT SEQUENCE. NA' Marshall Macklhi Monaghan Umited Consulting Englnee~, Planners,' , ,275 Duncan Mill Road. Oon Mills, Ont~:' <<9-2500 Dat.j,~ No.I4:':SS,bI3-.l.bl p~per Is made.'from cn.cked AZ. Orrin GHF. 1') '( 1 ScaI.: i=IGURE4, , ,Mostof the lan#ill site was submerged at onetime below Lake Iroquoi's. , Wave action ill the, shallow parts of , " , ,: the lake eroded and reworked the'original till sillface and caused deposition o~'coiu'ser san~s ,and gravels. In the, " " " 'deeper, quieter pam of thelake.fmer-giain~ material, such as clays and silts, Were deposited., Locations of 'the sh~re and shallow areaS sbU"ted over geologic Hme as the levels of.thegla'dallake varied., " , ..'" .'. " . " ~(r{)h . :',' . '..... '. ", -'.; ": , ,I.o,th~ centre,lo;.v lyi/J""?""art of~e study area, the BowmatlYille Tln~soverlain by a massive grey, silty lake':' ' " ~ clay up to 10 ,i;, laces,a silty sandunitseparates ~e clliy and tillimits. The deposits above the ,', clay tend to be coa,ciertie and.'~\ufacewith the uppennost unit being a silty sand. , '. f'-' . . . . . . '" ~ .:, . . . '. . . ,. -. "', " :' .' . In the higher areaS to the nortli< '. '\~(qeaterthe beach depOsitS), are deposits of ~arser sands anq gravels 'upto '15 m ~ thickne~s. Gra~elpi~ WA~'d~gfltthe Laidlaw site to mine the~'e depo'sitSfrom the mid~1950s t6"" -ff5:'m , . - ,.'-~"'~~, . ' . , .. " , ' late 1960s and were subsequently fIlled in 'YJe,i "f"""" ' . , , ','., ,'," ,',' , ,.'. ..' , 2A, GROUNDWATERFJ.,OW . . . . " '. '; . > . ~- :.~ ,.'", .: .':. ";' ',:. . " , . . " . ,: ; :;..~ > ~'d~' :':<~::>',~: ".:~i:~~~'::I~ :~.: ~ Gt?Und water flows from Points wf1;hhigherwater t.able elevatiqnto points ~i , table elevations ~<\;:""{"" Hi,:',. ':;"'f.i,'&f{~H"', ~:;;;,:;'~~~5i~7~::$~~~]if~~~~,,'. m~i~i~itl&i~i;;;j:&;{ ~:i: ".Sf~(~ ,ground water sYlltem, to: the south of the waste area also flows northwards: but'm'llslightly,. ,,:p81t'.of(th ji~~;1{.r;S;:~;::of=S;~;:~~~~~:t:th~f~:~1:~I~ii;;f~~~'#h~V,. , creek(Flgure5) As statedbyMBL (1991)' ,""'''' ,.,.. "'..,."'.."r".',.'",,,'. ,',,,,, , ',' ".' .:, ," :,,' ,,', ".;' " ',',.:'.' "",',',. :,' ,';,:' ," ",:,:":,:,,,:,::::':',:~':,':"':,::,:~,,;:';:i:,/~,'jYD::,;;';;{!/I:.;\').\~t... ,',', "These" (measured), wate~ levels "confinn1hat. contaminants that may reacll' the surficial: 'sMds, d6'not'migrate~~~fiM~/:I/~:\,;~f,\f~:;~~Ii~<t~\: , ",,' \ :~yond,Gr~am Cieek~aueY,Leacliate that moves d~perfuto theoverbmderi (soi4that Ow!~iYOedr;ckj:~~,;{:p:::"::"r,::.::,~~;,;:"" ..' ,', beneath the site remaiDsin the local flow system, disch~gingin the <3~aham ~kvalley.il' (Expl~ations'hi.;::':/." . , .' italics added by,GLL.)' .', , " ' " ,,',., ", ' " ' , Rainfall entering ,the s04s'ili-the study area moves down ,q';" Highertates ofrecnargearelikely ,to ~ beneath the more pe :mound to form in the waste.:' : Ground water mounds also fonn benea, ': hi&hrateo~S,eepage,froni thebas~.>' " ' " . ge the' shallQwground water ,system. ,,' M.te deposit$. causing a grOund wllter. .;t,:"'ll, ,t.. ',,'.,' ."" "i',~ Inf1ltnitio~ ,Basins:due, to the . ,~. . .. ,. . , , ", With regard to ground ~aterflow in the Vicinity <>.f~e RIB. MBLalso statethac '~The mound (a local high, in the water table caused by higlJrates of infiltration) created be~eaththe basins'" oontinuesto sustain,the hydiaulic drive pushing the leachate 'through'tbe soil. GroUndwater flow'from the,Rm.' ,~, area has not changed. from its northwardflow patterntowardSGrah~ Creek." ' ' ,"r'. , ' . '"1 . 10 Ispliper 'I.. made rr~m ycled, fibre" 1232 " to Q , ~ Z' a; 5i ... W . 0 i!! ....' ci ( , .. 'I- 0 a: 't: (.) ::> ~ ..J ~. u I w, ~' .. 0-' ..w t .~ ::)~~' Ul ~ > 01_ >- - ... ..- ,: ~ , i ! ~ ~ -"3'1-" . CJ ~:E O=Ul ' , U ..J O~ ;; -:0'0'0 J: ..Z_ 11 'U: ~'~ ~~ . ;:. . z , z . .... ~ u' '~ "",, ,. ..., ;:: ~ -I: . -..Jt; U . .':"''00 ':Nt i . -..')"Q'~"V' .:; .~. z' ... aJ . ad'" (; q--...... .c: ;.. ~:) II ~, ..., ' ... .. ; ~ .....,:10 li;; .W '~ ./' - , O:! 0 ::E ... , OW c 01 -- ~a~, ...- '0 :: ='"" , ~--CI)1: w ", ..J,lI II: u.. > 0 ~-'" 0 tll ~oo ~ ,-I ,. :::: CI) _ III WI- ...t.=>> w ~ =.... I I I:' - " :s;c~~ 0 .!J It ...z., .. ...,z u -. .-.--.", .-' "'::J , C), .. ...., -..c "':"' .. ii: ., " ..' ~co......... '" ...<r ' ~m " 0 J:Ul ;:: UJ " IJ I I It) "" '- - .,. c:l .. ..J' .. .! ::<:> ~"~i~~ i!! 01 .. " 1 ''"', ' . .'11."'0 , ' ~ o~; '.~ u:> co /:0::::, ~,CI) ~. ,~ 0 _.,:. .. ......'ft:Z"IIl:T,....~ 1.1 _.'- z, '-,..- , ' a., '. - ?- ~"1\I1\1 , Oil .,.., ::C~U"')Mf""", .- .:.: ." ~. '~~ '.,..J 'I- ~'q''O'..nJi, ..::.;:. > '(.) -I ----- C - ;.: <Ill" <t W E:.. "f t, . i ~ ';." J'll "" ,"",o/t"- ~, .J Z ' 0= ., @~ =>. rq ..0.0\ 0\ Ln ...., 0...... '" 0 <!ll' , 1 'I, ,'..... ...., W 0= =1' ,eoC:O-CON"" 01 --"., Z' '0- <( I' ",...,. '"'vt,(') 2:1 ~.~ .... W C) "'" ,..., (1) '(1) ,.... ",I'" .. '-0 ','.::r ~,: <l3 Q) ,OJ "5\ CI) i:' '- ' ,0' ~. E"'. o '... ' !!'.': "f ' , , , " r I" -,'- o . ~', '-' ..... >< ,'~I' , 8:1 ' <.J ..... ..... ..-' "'54 ..' ' 0, " :I: ... ,::l ,0 (I) oC' , '~w, i"'.. ~ "."" ! 'z' ..... " " , '-- ()::i ' '8 .~ ~;-" ' , ~ A: " " . ct ' , :1- /' "." ,,. It) 0 lO ,0 lh 0 lO lD lD lO lO 'It ,'If r<'I.. 'I" '0 w) NOllY'^313 :. I i 1 rl , ' . '. . Jlaper Is m~d~ from :Ied fibre ' :j ~ ii: U. ~ en :3 ffi z , 1-::0 ~ ~ Ei Iii ol.iJ <1: Z c: ~ =>0 ~ ~ (!) .!! ~ .);\("t;f;~;'j.'i~ J CIl ::II! 4 CIl 0: Z ~ ..I ~ ::II! ~ 4Z ZIIl 0:_ 01- ~O> j:Z ~,"~~- Q.0>j:~0: Q.1'l~lIlg ct III I- ::!i \1! ..I ell Z ~~1Il~3 o ~ I III Z m ~ II> gj~i!~g; eIl~o:m~ ..I III III Z rn.J\;(!!!O ;l: 1Il:l: 0 0: III III ZIIlO.J.J O~~~~ ~, ;l: ct I- r :> 0'..1 0: 0: ~a3~~ [g~~~~ ffil 0> *0 ~ b (!)w ~N\2~ ..J .:1\2V/ ! 3.0 WATER QUALITY , ' , Gartner Lee reviewed annual monitoring reports,and the 'report by MMM (1989a) to characterize water quiuity at the Laidlaw Landfill Site. Attention was focused primarily on the quality of ground water in areas adjacent Graham Creek~on surface water quality in the creek. The review attempted to address se~eral questions including:, 1;~t~:ii,:',.'.~i~,.,t,",",\) , , " ' , ' , ' .,/,:, 1) " do che~icai coristitu€mts of the leachate have the potential to adversely affect surface water q~~ty;~.";' ,". " ' ','t',' .~... ..0 ',' '.~ '" /Jf 2) , . ' are these constituents:p~sent in the shallow ground water which 'discharges to G ah Cr k. d ":~fc,.';"'",,,. ' r am ee, an ,~'" "W '<"'tc,;"',," ' " "F &iJ5;';t(t~;?;>, . " ' have these contaminants been detected in the creek? " 3) '.1;,;-:; ,\-;,;':j..::::';;:.~ . . . .'- .~\'~~ . ,~-;~ . In the Jollowing discussion, water quality data frOIllJ'b.s~ivalio~ wells are compafed to the Provincial Water Quality Objectives (pWQO) for the protection of a~R$iffe1!1l:ther than Ontario Drinking Water Objectives. This was done because the Graham Cr~k is the ultimate Poiilfo!"discl1arge for all shallow ground water in the . . -...;,q"c;""',':"i:>,__' ~:~~r_.... _';': . area and because preventing discharge of substances hariiifufto'aquatic life is of priinl,U)'concem to "'l1,~';:.{;,:-' l>~V 'i.., ,,', ' , Environment Canada. ' """'."~,/;"', ,," . ~ . The first step in the review, was to characte~ the quality of theleachate ge~e~' " 'te'to ~tter" deterinine which chemical parameters could serve as indicators' of leachate' contamirui acha~ is the: " liquid fonnect when rain infiltrates thrOugh a waste pile and dissolves organic and inQrgamc constituents in the " waste. The cllemical makeup of leachate depetids to a large extent on the type of waste. disposed -of in .,thC ' landfill" the age of the waste, and the amount of raWallinfUtrating the waste pile. : 3.1 LEACHA TEQUALrl'Y , , Samples were collected on an annual basis by cansuitanis for Laidlaw, from the Leachate, ColleCtion System and " 'analyzed for a number o(chenucal pl;U'ameters typically found' in'municipal hindfillleaclU1tes. As noted by MBL (1991), thesamples from the collection system actually represent a mixfU!e of,leachare and recovered , ~otirtd water and therefore are more dilute than the leachate alone. Samples from Well 78-4, a shallow weU: ' lOCated in a sand zon~ immediately below the waste, are probably 'more indicative of leachate quality a,nd' are discussed further on in this section. Still, MBL(1991) reported that: "Leachate sampled at the pump house and the RIB had elevated levels of bromide, BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD' (Chemical, Oxygen Demand), iron, sodium, barium, calcium, and strontium. Hardness (a measure' of calcium and magnesium concentrations), alkalinity (d measure of bicarbonate and weak organic acid concentrations) and specific conductance are also high. QJ.1oride, total phenols, ammonia, and nitrate are elevated but are lower than typical rtunicipal waste leachate. " ' ,13 (ra0427.jI92213/93) 1235 ,b paper b made rrom :ycltd fibre The high levels of bromide, iron, sodiu,m, cWoride and specific conductance are due to dissolution of these chemicals from the waste. TIle high levels of BOD, COD, alkalinity, and ammonium,are due to the breakdown of organic material (waste food and yard waste, for example). Phenols are used extensively in the mat1uf~cturing (synthesis) of organicchenticals-and may have been leached , from the.' household.pr iildllStrial chemicals disposed of in the fill. The decay of natural organic'matter in the ' t:'J~l ..,' " . '.':'?, '" waste can also prOdu~p'~~"~ounts of phenols. however. , ' Leachate samples fromthecoilectioo'system were also sampled for volatile organic' compounds (VOCs). . ,r.,..:' ~,'.." "j', .. Apparently, the table of resulisfuAppendix F of the MBL (1991) report had several Qlissing pages and only , results. of the extra laboratory analys~ do~e for quality assuranc~ purPoses were reported;" The missing data . "1"'. ',r"'/J . . . . . should be obtained by Ee. and reviewed to better characterize leachate chemistry. . ..' '.' . .'~:':i. .,,~~t~:,~'r.'~6~~ . .... ~~_' fj ..:.i)';:"t '3.1.1 Wells Within the Waste Area "".-0" , .' " " " ,tj~:,;,jj;?~/j:~~1\'i~' .' '. '. .' ," ' " As mentioned previously, the samples from' the leachate ooll~tio.n:~ystem, were believed to be diluted, with, ' relatively clean ground water also. captured by the system. Samples)'~'orn,shallow, wells located in ,the soils i . " ", '...,;",.<~' '<:0' k\, . , ., , ," ,beneath the waste tended to show higher concentrations:,of typical,!ea~ate"ipdic~tors and better repres~nt, . .' ">.';''':;-:'i ~.'<;.._" "cc-"':' leachate quality. Table 1 presents observed concentrationsinsamples"frQmJYe~}7~-4; 78~; and 78--9; (the " . . . . " ~'<~1lP- \:~'0_\ {ry, . . , 'second number, indicates the appro~at~ depth of the well, in metres from'l~ ~~~collected byMB~,in' ", May 1990 or May' 1991.' As ennbe seen, wells within the waste area hav;tbf~,r '"'''al conductance (a','" ,'" measure of the amount of dissolved salts in the Water) and. elevflted concentraflo , ',- 'urn,. chloride;.' .... . '.~~ ~^ ,'alkalinity, and ~monia (as high as 44 ~lligramsper litre). Samples from all ~~/~ed:,the"" 'Provincial Water 'Quality Objectives (PWQO) -for iron and phenols (0.300 and 0.001,nillli.' , ~per,litre~.: resPectively), with the,samplc'from Well 78~'having the highest vaiues fot' these paranieters of wells tes~ (46.8 and 0.195 mg/L)., MBL (1991) stated that problems with the method of analysis.for phenols may have , ' ' , given erratic results in ~amples with trace concenf!ations, however, the results frOm Well 78-6 areweU above that threshold, One simple method for identifying leachate Contamination in ground water sanlplesis to graphically portray the " , chemical characteristics of the leachate and ,then Compare the resultant pattern With graphs for other samples ' (e.g., Kimmel and Braids, 198.0, and Wexler, 19S8). Stiff diagrams for'samples fro~ Wells 78-3, 78-6 ~d 78-9 ~ plotted in Figure 7 and show the relative concentrations of seven major ions and ammonium and nitrate., Both the pattern and concentration levels for the shallow Well 78-3 are typical of many landf11lleachates and show the elevated levels' of bicarbonate, sodillm; cWoride, and ammonium as well as the reduced levels of, , sulphate and nitrate. ' Elevated levels of calcium and magnesium are also typically found in lari.dfillleachate. The high levels of calcium and magnesium at the Laidlaw site, however, are due in part to the carbonate soils in the study area. Samples for Well 78-6 shows a similar pattern although ooncentrationsof most ions, most notably, ammonium and sodium and potassium, are substantially reduced. : Samples for Well 78-9, however, ' , ' 14 (ra0427ej/922 t 3/93), , 'his paper Is made from ...........hl.... ,,:1...... 1236 ~, ;, ~ f W g o n W ~ ~, J J I: J' : ~, l J J J l I ~' ~' ~ ~ ~ 0:: ~' ,~ Ui ifld .~o Z .I'"'i CX) , '~~ < >: ~ ..qt' :::> '0- ~ ~ ,,'~ 0, ,~ ,:..~, "'~. ,'.<'~...',..'~' ,z' '~ ..qt '" r./1 .' ."' z'~ " 0'0 ~ .1-4, CX) , ~~, ,< ~ ~',U '~ Z ~ u Z o u I his paper Is made r~om rCl'vcled flh.... CV':l, ",' o . ~ '~l'1i#'k CV':l ' 'U 0 A,'.."l' /(0, p::= ~G'~':: Z'.~, CO (f) ";t/.'i;i;{W ....c N ....c N ,....c , ,CO ....c ~ + ~ Z' ,../, b.D ~ U ~, ::r: z '~~ t. o. <:>-1 . Cd Q) ,J-4 '(;Tj (1) ....,> 00 Cd ~ (1) ~ .+oJ '~' '1""4 00 ~ ~ (1), ~, S' 0 ~ ~, , ' 00' <1)- '., ~ ~,' ',' :S' cd , ' 00" ,', M 0 ~ rn EL:' cd ~' ,!:to cd , ,'1""4, "0 ,.~ ~ '1""4 ,-+-> en tI) .... . N l'- I N (1) Ol J-4 ..... :;:j 0 Gl " t:tO '0 '1""4 L. t::r... n... , " ,~ I CX)' 'l" cO I' cx),' , l'" - , .- ,Il) ~ ,- - ' <,' .'.:~ >.'< ,: 1237 t ~ :::J - 0> E c: ,- ,C/) c: o .~ ~ ..... c:, Q) () , c:' Ctl 0 ~() <: " Q).,...:. ~. -r- ' , fJ} (3) ,Ctl (3) S'-r- ' ~'- Q), "'0 .cQ) ..... ....." "'c'E; :E ''"''I '...... ....t '~ >> C/)1a =Q) Q)'O) 3:."'0 ~ c: .ECtl Ctl c:' ~g o 'C >.'- ...... 0 =:2 Ctl :;, E 00 ~ ~ Q).... ......Ctl Ctl~ ;:0 f t \, T- ~ .0 Ctl I- I \'hls paper b made from 'ecycled fibre '~ ~ 'JIl :g ~ '0 ~ 1;) ~ .1; ~ ~ 11 ~:i~~~' ; _co ~~ .... ~I ~ ~ ~ .Ill" CIl lIS' ~ - ,0 1:: If 1il tfi ,l; ~ ~ aier ::.~ _,co -'I ~ ;>~ _'<I" ~I ;>~ - ~ '5 $ ~ 15 .~ ~ 9 .m. 0;>0.0 a: 0 ... JIl ,Q) E E1 & ~rYi~,~. ...~ ()) :i t g....... -g,g ':~ o E 11 () < m ..,.. 10 g (\I f2 o 10 ~ '$ R ~ CO) '<I" ~ OJ co .... o 8 o ,.... <'i ~ !;!, 10 -'~vs I;} co ~ (\I c; o 8 o ~ :/~ . ~ (\I ~ (\I ,...: .... 10, ~ it) '.... ~ ~ .... ~ '0 ~ o ()) ~ ~ ,~ co q o :t: (b .... I , I ~ ','I o 1 1 1 ~ :c () E-o ,;2 Q) .Ill ~H~ 8 o;;;EoE 0.... E'c E () ~,~ ::> <( () o o 1238 (\I o o ,.... g .J o en ,.... ~ ()) o "" ... o CO) cr; o .... ,.... C\i ,<0 2 .J o en .J o en ..J o en N o o <0 -i .... .... o .... CO) 0' 0 CO) 0 .J o en .... ad <0 o ~ 0: co ,...: '~ co ai ..J o en '.J o en '(\1 C\i 10 C') o:i ..., ~ o .... C\i .... ... o o co .... .... ~ o o o ,I I C') o CI) 1ij ,e z Jll 1 .E .=1 CIl CIl f:l a. e CIl (5 c .E a. ,E :l '8 (/) c o ~ "5 (/) .. a; I ~ ~ I ~ I t;J 'i :i. ,." II' ~ c 0, '.p ,II c' lQ ,~ c;, JL ,8 ~,. '.al 5',l; ,EE t "CU' -8,: , '"0 ,'- , Jl ~ 1', . c_ , ~ ~.$1l, :J\a ~ , ,~ ~S1r ' ...rEa. .lI!Ea. a.CU ~ ' E-G) .-'dld.l!l-G, "-8C1l ;.Q ~, BJ~~ x,""otj , III 15 (\I ... l!!:I:8E = 0.6 ~ ~:g .s ;;; ~:]~ 10 ... .r:r,l; JIl .a Q) ... '.B~~.2l :2~]lg, B. Jll, gC ~Q)+>-g 32ii~8 S~.l(l~ ;:ON S Jll o Z show a. different pattern and, except for elevated phenols and iron, the well appears to be only moderately, afft?cted by leachate contamination. Borehole logs of the deeper wells indicate that a clayey silt zone separates the upper and lower wells, which would tend to reduce the vertieal movement of leachate. Wells 35-11, 36-6 and 36-17 are located in the area between the waste and the leachate .collection system near the westerne~ge of the mound. These wells, which are screened below a clayey silt layer, s,howed lower concentrationS of leachate indicators compared to other wells in the surficial sand layer outside the waste; Dames and Moore Limited(DML, 1992) conclude that contamination along the west perimeter is restricted to , the shaIlow sand layer. ' In summary, the available data indicate that: ,.,~ ;' ',', ~~; 1) . . ~,"<~.:F~~.'~ , :,t.;;;.:.: '. ~eachate contains conceQtrations()f iron and phenols above the PWQO; 2) leachate has entered the groundwater beneath the waste area; and 3) , the leachate contamination is~t a siulu~ir'&pth'below the water table. 3,2 GRO{JJ\ID WATER QUALITY . ,.-~ ~ . - ,', . t~' . r..:. :<.-....- .<~_.,f;: .,.1 ., ""ji;'~.!'j+:., r.:",'" ~"'_' '. ' "," ._.~ f~~! :~~':.~' "~~_t:}Z?~~ Ground water quality at the landf111 site has been monitored since 1986.i;The"most'recent Complete data set . "'. ,'.-'. -~'.:"" ~;;;'r'-..' " provided to GLL for review was that in MBL (1991). Samples were taken frOmseleeted.,wells within and in, ". ,: -' :.~"'. ".'-...;,.- . ;1'-:';' the vicinity of the waste area in November: 199'0 and in May 1991. The results were..ti\bQlated:bl' MBL (1991) but no mapping of the distribution of con~ants was presented. They did, howeve;;~~~ "'-:ia to describe" " ~und water quality in four areas: the north perimeter, west perimeter, east perimeter, and ,Wngradientof the ' RIB. 3.2,1 Water Quality Along th~ North Perimeter Wells 38-5, 39-4, and 83-13 are located within the strip of land north of the waste area and are all within 45 m of Graham Creek (Figure 2). Values for typical leachate indicators found irisamples collected in May 1991 are shown in Table 2. Stiff diagrams for the three samples ,are shown in Figure 8. Analytical data for Well 39-4, , which is a water table monitor in the surficial sands, shows elevated levels of electrical conductance; sodium, chloride, and alkalinity and the Stiff diagram for that well indicates leachate contamination. The sampie for Well 39-4 exceeded the PWQO for phenols and iron as well. Stiff diagrams for the two deeper wells do not, indicate leachate contamination and, agaiI), borehole logs for the deeper wells indicate that the wells are screened in or below the silty clay layer which tends to impede vertical movemerit of leachate. As indicated, leachate contaminated ground water is present in the area between the waste and the landfill. Also of concern is whether the leachate collection system is preventing further discharge of leachate to this area. 17 (...0427oj/92213J')3) 1239 hL. paper Is made (tom ~)'c1ed IIbre ~, J u' c;~. 'Ii Ii J J J. J ], J '" , J: ], . ' J J J J ~ ~ ~ ~' ~' ,'~ ~ ~ '~ ~' rn 'lf1 d' ,~ 0 co Z .~ ~ d', ~<, ~. ~, '-.::14 ~ 'G ~ ~ ,~ ',',,~ ,~' ,:~, ,'Z ~ .. en rn. Z'd o 0 co ~...-4 ' , ~ ~ cj , '~u ~ ' t'l Z..., ~ U Z o U 'U I ' from ; . 'his paper Is made recycled fibre C'j o U ~ CO ... o ~, CO ... ~, + cd z in. C'j ....I.lI. \1;~~~{~,," Y "0~;/' /'0 O tf.~:i;f'~~... , {~fU;" '~#f< lf1 .''1 , , " ,~;j~",;?l '~L. . c t. ' <:I. Cl-l b.O ~ cj~lI: U",,:=;Z 1240 ;,0. ".\ .' . H <1) +> <1), S '.-4 J-4 C!.) ~ ,.q' .J-J S-4 o ~, C!.) ,.q, +> ' b.O ~ o ...... , ,cj UJ ...... , ...... C!.) ~ S' '0 'H " Cf-4 .. , "' .'. en 'C!.). , ......", , ,Pi , " .,.'S':."'" ," ro:, ' " Cil ", J-4, ' ,:,0 Cf-4 UJ S,' ,~ H' b.O ~ . ...... ~ Cf-4 Cf-4 '.-4 +> , r:n ~ ..- N I N (1) , . 'CO <1) H ::; b.O ..... ~ - U Q) 0- L- 0... l J ~' I L t J' ] l' ' I I j J I ) r ('his paper Is ;"ade ~rom recyde.d fibre Cd Q) ~ <( Q) t) C'tS $:' :J' ' -.,. Q) '0) ~E 'Oc: tv (/) .....c: Q) 0 E'+:; 'C ,~, 'Q) - ,.., c:' , u.. Q) 1i)u C'tS c:' WO 'P (), c: ' . C'tS'-" ,..c: m:, to> O~: Z"O Q) Q) J:: - :-'E" ,0)._ C:..J .2>. C'tS::= (J) C'tS ,'- Q) , Q5 CO ~'''O , ~ c: , 0 C'tS - c:' C'tS 0 ~.~ Clt: >.0 :!:,~ ~ E" 02 ~- Q.) C'tS ,~ ~ ;:8- C'J Q.) .0, ro I- o ~ t;r) _C\l ~.!. :!i::l)'J;,\~ , <f '(;~;,~;~!;-th:., ,~ ~ I" ';~:~r' )f~1;t .~ . " ;;~;1"';'~'? o .,;({) g' '~j} ~ .Q ,..' l\J t;r) _'" 'Qi I ~2 ~ ' =''''' ~.~ t;r) ~I 83 ... '.llI Gl E ~ ,~ :z ,0) C;:' .Q <<l ..!!! Qj, ~ ="" CIl I ~~ _It) ~~ - l!> .~ $ ~:6 .\;:!2 !9 .~ ~;>o.o 6:, 0 , ~ .JIl Gl E e1 & ,~E .i; 0 ,.. g 1l ,~ ".c. ,!; 81~ 0, 'C\l ~ .,<0 * ~ ~ '8 ..,. ~ ,.. t;r) .0 C\l :, ~ ~ ~ ..J o CO ({) ~ o (;! o 0> t! g 8 o 0 ~ ,0 ,~ en It) cO ~ ff~ ~i,:".~ ~ ~ 0 .~ ,';iP : '!i,fr,.,, t" ",> ::,; ~:tr~' ~ <L! '~lJ'le "'~i,~O E ~ '~ .... ~ ~t;::5~;'t>~:~f ~~~~~.al ;: ..... ~ i~; ~~ )}~ ~;liW,; ,,~w' CO .... Q ~ 6 ..... ~ C\i .(;; ,~ 0 t;r) ,..... t;r) ~ ..... '~~~I~~Jr~I~~I: .~, ~ 1:;~li\i.lt~j~ ^~ ~ ~, '~!PJr"" ".: o~ ,~,., .' ,'0 ", CD , , " , ~ .... co ".: g '~ ci 8' '0 , <L! ,.. .... ~ 8 o 0 '<l; C\l o .... : I ,I 'C\l o o ~ '8 :c o E" .~ ,Gl ,~ o ,~ 0 o ,o-;;;EoE o O""E'cE o o~<(:::><( 1124 1 ..J o CO ~ ,..... ~ .l1I ~ ~ ,-!,:! :;) Z (/) en r-.. o o ~ o ..J o CO c o ~ ..J o CO ..J o (l) ..J o CO .... ~ o ..J o CO 8 o <Il is c ~ (L It) z3 C\l C\i .' co rj :;: C\l It) ,';i' It)' ~ ..... -i ..J o CO , E :;) '8 (/) E ;;l <Il ,l/) jlJ o (L t;r) .... o ... ;0 I ~ l'l 1 ~ I ~, i. ~, ,I ,~ ~ '0 CD Ol g) '(\I ~ '.' ~ ,~ g ~. o ..; ,g, ~ ' .II ~ .. 5 JL E" oS' " E" a.. , : '1$,-8 ' "0" '- (\),1 ,~~, ,~ 51.ll1 , ':J ' It " 'g! JlIl:, , ~.6"H' , . E 5.' jEo., , 0. <<l <<l , . ,;ll~' ' .g (\) - ' Bl~~ ~... ' B uC\llj; , l!:I:' ~ C:,' ,~-o.o~ ~].9= 0) III g ~, 01 eO";l; 'JIl.i!(\)... '~ ~ ~..8 'Q 0.'" E j; E Jll :;), a$lg~ ~~..pc ~ ' ~ 8 , OGl ll.. .1Il C/J ')> t;r) 0, 'j ~N C;). ] {l Z t. ~ I J I I I: I I I' I' I According to gra'phs presented in MBL (1991), Well 39-4 had a rising chloride level over time and Well 38-5 ' showed slightly increased chloride and DOC (Dissolved 0'ganiC; Carbon) levels 'over the past years. This trend is opposite of what would be expected if the leachate collection system was preventing the migra~on of leachate-contaminated ground water from the waste area. Further investigation is warranted to detennine the exact amoUIit ofIeachate bypassing the collection system and moving northward to discharge into Graham, Creek. This woul~ elltail}nstallation of additional shallow wells or minipiewmeters to supplement the one' shallow well curreritlyproVi~g data along thenorthem perimeter. 3;2.2 Water Quality Alon~the West Perimeter .';.',"." .'>, . " Wells 31-7,34-6,37-3, 37-:-6, 81"':3~ 96;~'~,99..,..13 were used by the consultants for Lrodlaw to monitor water quality outside tl1e westemperimeterof,tlte \Vastearea. Values for typical leachate indicators are shown inTable 3. .. Stiff diagrams for several of the shallow.er wells are~shown in~igilles 9a and 9b., These wells appe~ fu h~we somede$Tee of leachate contamination. Many of the ~ells~:{ariicularly Wells 31-7, 34-6; and 81":'3~ also, showed increasing concentrations of leachate indica'tors over tim.~XaIthotiM,We1l31-7 may also be affected by 'local contamination from a parkirig area and septic, drain fieidj~{!~;MB~,(1991) states that the inqreasing concentrations may be due to the movements of con~inants ,alreadi'ikt'1t:>'~~;t~ater prior to the e'!:tension " of thdeachate collection system in 1989. A later report by DML (1992r~sfi~~lI,tai.the msh phenoi levels 'at . '. ~.~~~. ," ,- Well 37-:-6 .and the lack of phenois in Well 96-8 suggests ,that leachate, is byp~~ older,pl,ut of. the,': collector system but not th,e newer, southward extension. Again, further investiga~ont~~<i. be ,needed 'to: detennine the degree to whiCh leachate is currently bypassing the system. ' ,,';i";~;7f"" .1M! ,"';" ' " ~ ,3,2,3, '~ater Quality Alon~ the East Perimeter Wells 77-4, 101-3, 101-10, and 101-23 were used as indicators of water quality ,along the east side of the, , waste area where no collection system existed at the time of sampling. Valves fortypicalleachare indicators, ar~ shown in Table 2. Stiff ~agrams for the ~hal1ower weils are sho~ in FigUre 10." ,Elevated levels of ' leachate indicatorS, including 6lectrical conductance, sodium, chl~ride,a1kalinity,.and ammonium, were foun.d.. , Samples from Wells 77-4. 1,01-3 and 101-10 ,exceeded the PWQO for iron. These results indicate that the , PWQO is exceeded in ground water within 10 m of the creek and, therefore, is likely to be exceeded in the, ground water discharge to Graham Creek. Well 77-4 also exceeded the PWQO for phenols as well. ,R,esults, , ,for Well 101-10 and 101-23, are unusual in that they indicate leachate contamination at depth despite the' presence of the silty clay units and the presumed upwards gradients in the creek vicinity. Further investigation would help detennine why these results are counter to, trends identified in earlierreP9rts. The MBL (1991) and DML (1992) reports compared samples from Well 78-6 (within the waste area) to samples from Well 101-3 to detennine the efficiency of the leachate collection system. MBL (199i) state that: 20 (ra0427.)I92213193) I'hls paper,ls made from ecycled fibre, 1242 I ! ~ .. Q , ~. ~ ~ J. J 1 J 1 r l C'? o ~ ".'i~ C"? U 0'/;' 0, "...,~',o. ,::q (/) "uZ' 'co ... ~ ~ E-4 l--l ~ ~ ~ 0..., WOO ~8 z .~ co ~. ~ " 1-1< ~ l--l -.:I' :::> CI ~' l--l ,t-1 ~' 0 l--l ',~ N ... Z l--l , ~' .. (/)' 00 z~ 0,0 l--l ol""'l co E-4o+-:l <ro ,~u ~' ,z ~ ~ C) Z o u (0 .-. ~ cO +:u ro Z ,,'his paper Is made from recycled fibre ' b.lJ ~ ;:;s~ z . ~~. ~ (1) 011 -+-> (;I...J (1) S .r-l ~ (1) 0-4' '~ rn '(1) ~ (1) rO ~' b.O ' ' ~' 0 ...... Ci:l rn ...... ......' (1) ~ S 0 ~ ~' 'l'- CO I I en ... -.:I' " Q),' t'? C'j ......' - - 0-4 - - S', cu cu If: ,lr= " ' , " , d,:, en ~" 0 CH rn S',' cO ,~ 'b.O d' 'r-l "d CH CH .r-l -+-> ' C/) ,I<) , N Ci:l I ()) N m (1) - ~ 0 Q) ~ 0- b.O L- a.. 'r-l '~ 1243 I 1 r I t , ;. } J , ]', J , J , J .. j ) ~ ~ ~ I-l t--=l ~..' cr.r 00 z'~' 0:0..;.;.. I-l ...-4 ..... &-CO+-> < ~, ,~u, ~ Z ~ u z' o u ~ his paper Is made f~om ' reeyCled fibre ~~. o. Cl..J C'? , o ~. "'i,,,h:, C"? , U ' 0 ,l~ ';~:,;O~:; ::r:: rn "('.U:'Z:iji[~ . ,,:'),i:'; ~/~j$"": (l)' 'P"'4 N 'P"'4 'N 'P"'4 (l) ..... ~ + ~ z 1 cd b.D ~ U ~'~ Z 1: 2' 4., 4 . ,J.... (1) , -+-l (1) S . .... J....:, (1)' p.. -+-l ' Cf) (1), ~' Q) , "Q' -+-l b.O '~ o r-l cd Cf) r-l 1""""1 ' Q) ~',' S o ~, ,1+-4' ' Cf), (1). ' , 1""""1 'p.., ,:,E{':: ,',' .- ,". -." "cd::"..'" , 'en' , ,~ " '0 ' '~' Cf) ,S " ,cd ~' 'b.O "cd . .... "0, ' , 1+-4 1+-4 . .... , -+-l en tI') ...... . N ,.c I ~ N en (1) - J..t 0 II) ~ 0" b.O L- a.. .;... ~ r I t I ~ I I I I ' I I I I ~ ~ E-c ~ 1-1 ~' ~ ~' ,UJ (/) .-l E-c~ o Z .~ co ~ ~ ," 1-1< ,'< :> ~ :::> , Cd' ~ ~ 1-1 1-1' ~ ~ z ~ . ,'-.:ft. " ... lZ2ri.l ,Z'~', o 0 " ~ .,..4 co' E-c -+-'l ' ,< ~', ,~U. E-c ' Z ~ u Z 0' u 'hi!J paper Is made fro 'ecvcl~d fihrp, m c;lj o u ~' cO ~ ~ "Ar,;~,-"";" "I' ','0." I" 10' <I o _~,("f ;;lO" . ~j~ .....c.'~,J il'~ r r-. <,'r, , .." Z'W V.tl ,.~.~"'" ~l~h , '4~j,' \:,;lV ' N ~ -.:ft o N -' c.... co - ~ 'Co'b1J ~ , ~ 'U:=S P::l ZZ ~~. rng~ " 0' ....' , l " ..... o ~ .. - '- Q), :f:= '; ,',s, 1245 :.".:. . ,J..4 (1) ....,> (l) S '.-4 J..4 (1) A ....,> , rn ro (l) (1)' ..Q ,-+oJ b.O ~ o '~ ro 00 ~ ~ (1) ~' S' '0' , J..4' , , C+-4 rn' ' ,(1) , , ...... ' ,., . p.:..' ,< S.'" , ,.,:,' ~,~,'; , , J-4 , 0 'C+-4 " ClL ,S,,: , ' ro ' J..4 , bll ro " ..-4 "'CJ C+-4 ' C+-4 .~' ....,> en t') .- . N 0 I ' ..-l N a)" .... Q) u J..4 Gl ~ 0- '- b.D 0.. '..-I ,~ I, I I I I I - '-I m_ Q),O> ~E Q)e t) ,- ro~ ~o Q)~ .t=.... .......... oa5 .... () Q) e IDO EO ~ J I I ,- .... " Q)- '0.. ,... .....~ ,en ,... , Q) '-" , ;: "0 <l> Q) , ..c:''!:! .....E g'::i' 0>- 'Cij1a en Q) =cc Q) . , ';: "0 ' e" L. ro' .ge ro 0 1ij,~ o 0, ~~ .~ E :J 0 0-= ~ ro w..... 1ij ro ' ~e. cQ <1> :0 ro I- I' I I /I 1 J J ] J J i'hls ~.!'~~,1s made from ~ I'- I() I() .... ~ 8 ...I C'J 'I'- ...I <0 O! C'J (]) .; N .... 0 r--: .... 0 cO .... 0 .... ci 0 CO -0 CO 0 ,~ 0 ~ ~ I 8l ..~J.l;~~, '1~~' ,':;'GJ~1<t(;(~ ~ ~ <0 'Ot .... (S 8 ,...I 'Ot '.... ...I III <<! re {,.,">' " N .... 0 cO 0 0 .... 0 /!_,}.:I'~'''J1<' 0 0 CO .... 0 CO .... d ,,;,;; cO'> , Ql '" , ~ $S ,\I':6i:~:::. '~'i~ '<~': .. ~ ,~~\;'ij .... <0 ~ C'J 8 .... .... ~ ...I ~ ...I ...I r; "),,- .; 0 .... ~ 0 0> 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO (0 (0 .:t~. ~-v.? 0 .... '~ '? l~~~~' "3l&'" %A'h' .... " }/ ,( co ,', '.-....'. " .. , .;~/ r~,,;,;: $ '. ,~ <b 0 CO C'J 'i' C'J }:~ ;'8 '15 III m ~ .... ": en 'lij ~ '~ {\j .1() .... 0> ... 0- N . 0 ;O~ 0 C! .... iii .... 't; ~1'~",,(' {f:!"/f _ -,- 0 0 <0 ~~:;.- 1.",," ~, ~ I t? ; ~;~;J: ; 0) ';~i:. :~ C .Q III ~, ..!!2 g C'J I'- ...J ","' ;f{'c5 ": ' ...I ~ 0 ,<0 0 8 o,~ ~ lit , ~ .... ...; ,~ .... ~ 0 'Ot .... 0 o (0 '<~ (0 0 C'J, ~ .. , ~ I, 1'-, . ~ ~~~ ~'1{ ~,r ."!:'..- .{ff:.., ,,:..:.:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...I 8 ,,~ ~ co :..J 'j@; , 8l f2 cO 0 " q f6 u) (0 0, .... 0 ... " f'" , lO ~ I 'fT- ~ ~ I() ci> <0 <0 I() 8 ;q. ~ 'Ot ...I .... ...I en ~ cO cO N 0 .... 0 0 ~ 0 ~ .... ,I() ,I'- 0 0 0 CO (0 .... 0 .. ... ~ 'I'- .. I " " c.; jij ~ ~~ C'J 8 0 I I I I I 0 I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ,gz, I. I I I I 0 I I I, I I 0 i5 0 .!l 0 It 0 .Qj Q)' E .~E E e1 '0 E cf ',p 0 ,~ ,::/ .Ill gVi -8 C CD c $l CI) E ,::/ '0 0 ,S; 0 ,~ 0 Q) :E c 0 III '8 :J CI) c.c 11 0 0 :iii E 0 E OJ E- O c ~ $l 8~ <( :c 0 0 ~ ~ 'c ~ ,.e :J Js .2! 0 ~ 0 0 0 ::> z (j) a... (j) 0- 1246 t- O; I ~ '<"l 01 ,I ~ I ~ i ~ III ~ , I ~ C' ' o 'P , ,~ , c " fl c 8 , ;11' :' l5 ,J: "E' 'K' Eelf ., ,"lJ ' " = A~~ c_ ~~JD :J .Il ~ '~ 5] , ~E5.. ',.mEa. a.CU" "E i~ -g51~CIl "lJ <P - '911...8 ~~o'" fI'15C'Jfl '~~~~ ~-g9~ :J ,., - Ql O)Ql~~ .; ~. g-.c; 1l~~.B "lJ 0. '0 E .c; E'.jIl ::l S".QlgJc ~CDJ;.i:g '32ii~8 S ~ .10 c?3 'C& ,g ~ ;:--N"' C? ~ Z ,) ] I J ~ 1'\, ! J ] J j J' I .. , " ],': I J I I I I "Overall, the leachate collector system appears to intercept a significant portion of contaminated ground water flowing from the fill area. This results in improved ground water quality downgradient from the fill and a significant reduction in contaminant loading to local water resources." The most troubling aspect of this analysis is'that, according to MEL, the leachate collection system is, intercepting only about 75% of the leachate and, thus, 25% of the leachate generated is still able to migrate, towards Graham Creek., TherecentDML report cOncluded that recent data indicate that the collector system is only 60% effective and thatincreasmg indicator concentrations in Wells 39-4,38-5 and 101-3 shows that the hydraulic efficiency of the upper C~ll~ctor is decreasing. Further investigation is warranted' to determine, the exact amount of leachate ?ypa$sing the ,collection system and discharging to Graham Creek near the east perimeter. ';~,;"=,,, . ";,-" ,,:~ ,(I A sample from Well 77-4, was also analyzed foryOCs and had elevated levels of several organic contaminants including benzene (a known carcinogen), ethylbenzene, and ?=-ylene. These organic chemicals are typically associated with gasoline or industrial solvents. Presen~ p~these contaminants in ground water indicates that industrial or household wastes containing these comimun~:Wete'disposed of in the waste area. Recent data ' , ,from DML(1992) ~howed that concentrations of these "rompounds remained' elevated in samples from' '<.o;-~,<-~; 'fJ:'--;' "J,'" .' November 1991 and May 1992. ;~;i~~~\': 3;2.4, Water Quality Near the Rapid Infiltration Basins '. . ,. . . .. . , Well1l along the flow path from ~e Ral?id Infiltration Basin to Gr~..Creek (We~1~l?;~"\~"'i;79-4.,80-4., , '. and 108-4)' tended to show elevated levels of most leachate indicators (Table 4)""Ilt~o~~"'COncentnitions', deCrell?ed with distance from the basins. Stiff diagrartls for these wells (Figufe Ua Mcfi,11b) dearly show' ' mdications of leachate Contamination: Iron and phenol concentrations'were, 'above the PWQO limitS for iron and ' phenols at all wells except Well 80-4. , , Maps of chloride concentration (a leachate indicator) prepare'd by MMM (1989a) sho)V a chloride plume, extendir.1g from the RIB to' Graham Creek. GroUnd water concentrations of chloride tended to be lower than at ' the basin due to dilution by rainwater entering the soil in the buffer zone between the RIB and the creek. Levels of ammonium and phenols decrease much more noticeably than chl~ride levels. This is expected as amInonium and phenols may. be removed by chemical reactions as well as by dilution. Bacteria in the basin and underlyirig soils may remove phenol and convert ammonium to nitrate. Ammonium can also be removed by ion exchange on clay particles in the soil. Analysis of'samples for VOCs indicate that benzene, chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene and xylene levels were elevated in Wells 79-4, 89-4, and 108-4, located between the RIB and Graham Creek. This would indicate that these contaminants are not removed completely in the basin and are found in the ground water within 15 m of Graham Creek. ' 25 (raQ421oj/92213193) l'hls paper Is made 'rom 1241 '~ '~ E-t ~ '~ ~, ,~ 0-4' , " ,00 UJ. ~ E-to 'z .1""'Ia:l ~~ ~< < ~ P', .qc G "~ ' ~' ~ ~ '0 , ~ .~ 'z' 1-4 '-qc .. ,UJ.oo 'Z ~ 0'0 ' 1-4 .1""'1 a:l E-t -+oJ ' ' <cd ~u E-t Z ~, u Z o u 'his paper Is made from C'? o u 'p:: CO ..... CIl ..... C\! ..... ~ ,t,rl,J-;~J.. ~ "~c.,;I"'>-""'. ,.. tJ ,(fOl ""',,-...' O ,,(t;,,!, ';t1''''''''' "fi ,....t,;; "7'"",~ rr:f t;tO",i~ ' .. I$,lt:€~:\, ..~~. o. <>-1 CO ..... ~ ,+ cd Z cd l:tl)' ~ U ,~., t:O , Z 1248 . U) !:l ..-4 CI) cd CO '!:l o .,-l , cd ~ .po) ,~ ...-4 t.+-4 ' " d ~' '"d .,-l ~ cd ~ (1)' .d -+-> ' ~ cd (1)' !:l CI) .- ..-4 ': (1) ~ S o J.;t ,~:, 00' , (1) , , ,..-C " ' ',;..~;;::, S"':..,' cd ' 00, M " 0' ~,' ',en ' S"" , cd', 'M' bD cd .,-l , l"d t.+-4 , t.+-4 .,-l , -+-> C/) , ti) ~ .... cd N I ' ...... N ...... Ol 00- (1) 0 s... ~ ,;:j 0 bD l- n.. .,-l ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ...:l. ~ ~, ~' ~ ,~ 00, '(fJ'd', ~o ' Z ..-4 cO ,~' d, ...:l< <' :>' '~ ~ ' ,':::>, , ' a, ~' ~, ,~, , ',~, ,0 ~, , ,,;::=s: "" -;Z ~ ~, , .. '- ' '(fJ'UJ Z~ o 0 cO, ~ ..-4 c:...-, .-+-J ' ~Cd <u ~' ~, Z ~ u Z o u per Is made from ,/ C'? _, IY'\ O -" 1<'j' 10' tI ' .....,. ,~~~"f;'o U 0 ./;,.......; ~ '~ (0 .-4 N .-4 CO' .-4 ~' +, Cd 'Z Cd ~ ~, u::s~ :z; ~~. 0., C)..J ~", r " ,0 " CO -, , - ' ,Q) l:r= .-.l . , 1249 . en ~ .~ en cd CO ~ 0' .~ cd' J..c 0+..) ..... '~ ,~ - "0 . .... ~' cd ~," CL> , ',Q 0+..) J..c Cd CL> '~ en ..... ..... (I..)" ' , '~ S '0 J.:.c, ~': en", Q,), 0.-.'", ~" S'.":.. " Cd"" ' CI)' " ~ o ~ , 'CI) 'S ed' , ~ . b.O' Cd ..... 'P'(j ~ Cj-c ..... , 0+..) Cf.J tr) . ..- ..0 ~ I ~ ~ ~ Ol .... Q) 0 '~ Q) ~' 0" L. b.O a.. ..... ~, In summary, Gartner Lee concludes that analytical results clearly show downgradient contamination by VOCs and leachate indicators and disagre~s with conclusions by MBL(1991) that "... the RIB area cOntiDues to' effectively treat contaminated ground water collected in, the " leachate manag~rhent system." ,,4~~';:>:;~9,,<, ' ' , nie leachate colleCtors~~teIIlw~ extended eastward in late 1991 to include the area downgtadientof the R(B. Continued momtoring nndadditioQal wells placed closeT to or in the creek w~uld allow determination of the , levels of organic contamblants tlla'(,are ~urrenUy discharged to the creek. ' . ,'" . .' '. (1~;!;~1~~~~~;:;:- ' (:; '~. . . .. .: < , :': '~"ll ,{5~;'.' A!;"_~. .:.:: -}:{~. 3.2,5 'Water Quality at Ground Water Seeps"i"l;,;:" ~.; <','~,;(" ,).~:~ h 3,3 'SURFACE WATER QUALITY xylenes and 'Analysis of VOCs from the' surface Seep showed low but detectable dichloroethane., Further sampling of the seep is recommended. . . . . 3.3,1 " Water 'Quality Along Graham Creek I' , " Surface water samples were taken from the centre of GrahatilCreek at several locations between Reid Road,. , , and Stapelton'Road (Figure 2). Data are, presented in Table 5. Stiff,diagrams for the ~amples are 'shown in' 'Figure 13. As reported by MBL(1991),water quality does not change appreciably, from upstream to ' , downstream sta~ons. ,This finding would indicate that leachate-contaminated groUnd water from the Laid1a~ ' Landfill site or from the recycling facility t6 the north is discharging to Graham Creek at a low enough rate so , as to be diluted by the greater flows in the creek. No analysis for, VOCS were made.' ' , ' ' ' The selection of the stream sampling points and the wne ofsampling may be a contributing factor in the non- , detection of leachate contamination. Only two of eight stations sampled in 1990 are opposite the .",aste, area. Samples were also taken in the centre of the creek ratl\er than near the bank where ground water discharge is greatest. Sampling has also been done in fall and spring when dilution from upstream is greatest. Gartner Lee " recommends that more detailed stream samplitig be done in the are~ opposite the RIB and waste and that sampling of the stream be conducted under low-flow cOndition. 28 ,(n04270)l92213,")3) , 1250 lis paper Is made from I I I J t I I I ! J I I I I I I I I ~' ~ ~ ~ .....:1 0:= r:.a ~, en en 'E-c @ Z . r-l c::l ~',~ .....:1< <C :>- ~ .q. ~: a, Pr.:!' .'~ '.....:1 .....:l,' 0 100-04 . , :21, Z ~ ... men Z.~ ' 00 ...... ,...... c::l E-c .....,;I, ' <cd ~u 8 Z ~ u Z o u thiS p~per is made from recycled fibre . "'d ~ ~~ 0 .. c ~ t" 0.. , <.:1-1 ~ 0 ...-1 01-> cd -+-> ~ Q) S , ...-1 "'d Q) rn "'d ~' cd ~ Q) Q) rn ~ Q) .+-> cd ~ .re ~ ~ '0 ~, b.O Q) ,.d' 01->' '$..4 0 t+-t' (J) S cd ~ b.O cO '.-4 "'d t+-t t+-t '..-1 .;..) r:n tl') ..- . C'l C\l I ,~ C'l Q) .... Q) 0 S-4 C1l ~ 0 b.O L- 0... . ..-I ~ 1251 C'? Uo' ~",.3:.;.,. C'? 0.";<0 ...,.. , ,-", '" ~ Cf.l 'U 'Z ':'1:\. ' .; ....,,'1 CO ",c'" , ....c C\2 .-4 .q. C\2 ....c ,CO ....c ~ + ro Z cd b.D,~ u~::r.: Z I I I I I I: f' I' .! .... 'Pz;:l ~ E-c ~ H 0:: ~. ~ 00' r.n~ E-c 0' ' Z .1""4 IX) , ~.~ ' , H-<' -< , ;'::>" ~ ,~ a '~ ~ H ~" 0 '~ ~,:" Z' ~, '.~ .. , (I) CI} , "Z ~, .00" , ,.-c .,-4 IX) , E-c 0+.>' , -< co,' ~u E-c. ^' Z '~ Pz;:l u Z o u is paper Is mlde from , ycled fibre CVj O'~ C'j U 0 d _, ::r:: ' (I) "'~4>';:i' i\'~\ ""d'<'f.,,/:::,<' CO (Nt- ",,~ ..-l " .~ C\! I , Cf:) " ,,'..:00 ".',''::"s= .~N{f;>\:t;;j;"~~"" CO '- ~, + CO Z co Q.l) ~ U::s::r:: , Z 125'2 ~... . c 1:. , g~ ! , ',\ ,,.,:. " " .. , f ~ .' : . tt') ...... N I N Q) - U Q) o L- a.. . C/) (1) ~ '0:.. S CO en ,~ '(1) ....., ,co ~' (1)' . , CJ, CO " f+-4 ',~:,' :;j '.. c/)" ,',:, ,~\';,~,~~".:, ".,..,;-',." ,; C/) S~ 'ct1. ' "~,' 'I:U) , CO : " . .... ~, f+-4' , f+-4 ....c ....., Cf.) . C"j' .-4 Cl.> ~, t:1 !:to . ...c ~ I I ... :0 I ~ I s I '~ I, !;j I ~ ; Q ~ t-- re It) ~ ~ 8 ~ ('I) It) ... CD "": co '~ '(1; ad ct 0) ~ <D ... ... ci 0 ci ... ... ,iii ci 0 ~ I ........ ...J I' ....... or ~, ~ 8 '~ [;) ... " ...J ": -J N E 0 ~ 0 0 q ci ci co' 0) ci co .r;: co 0 ',S ,- ot' " C/) ] ~'2 c: u; 0 III c: :;:;' , lH' 'ii)' e, c: ,0 @ ~ :! CD CD I" ro +w II 'C\i '''': roC ~, It) It) , , CD ... 'C: () .!: ot" o c: ;g ~,' .- 0 0. 0)' j' '! () IE t--' , , G), ':!: ,. -S, tj: - .... c: T'" m ~ 'ot' co co ,'... .. 9l N 'C\f - 0), N ... ~ co ~ "" C\! :co , W t. .. "CO> '~" CD ... ,.. , ... , ." g" , .. "ac '~ '-It) '1lI~~': , ro "C ' ' "Qil Cl:CD ,':: ~ ,,:" ] ::~'i:" ,:",.:' '.' ".', L 'CD .'!:' ,..c:, E E.C -8';;''"'' ,,; '.. 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'.,_4:_ ',',' ,', '_' ' .: -: ,".' . _,", _.'. ".>.. .;'.,.,..... :'''''', ".,.:.., ,S:~@~q;:{i~i~~,~:::;:~::~,~ec<fud 'at' the doWnstream end (Stapl~ton Roaq.). ,GLLeorlcludes,that,.there is low:e,' ~F:7.~t~~;~:::::?:~';r~latiyJIY 'low 'floodplain velOCities and~ausetl1ebankj~weli~ege~ted.:: " ...' --.-( . . n, I, 'I, '\ ~. '. I I " ,', .. J" l I ! '. .' "~j .:?; , -~::~~> ~'~;;)"..~ '."'.,~T:.,'<>,,' ',: ':~~)qz:,.;" . .-'-,-:~','.\?~ '.. . c:.~',. .': lis paper Is made from ~v(')~.... flh....' '.3.3,2 Water Quality in the Sedimentation Pond , ". . . . .. . . , Satllples were, also taken from ~. sedimentation cOntrol pond 16c~ted between the eastern edge 'of the waste area aod Graham Creek. The stif~ dia~amfora sample taken in 1991,is shown ,ill FigureJ2. Water quality data " indicated that'the)ow leveis of le~chate indicators were likely contributed from runoff from the landfill or . '. ,"'1.\::1'~ . . " . .' .... leachate bypassU)g'''' upper collector system (DML,1992).Overf!.ow or breaching of the pond would allow' . .' ',~ . . :.f~::1" "f . . . .'..' '. .," .' " '. . ',' discharge of ~~,~ . antsdirecUy to, Graham, Creek: ' 3.3.3 ment '.' , '~'>I,t~, ':", ' . " ' , ,,',' '. ",',',', .", ' FloOd p~ain :maps produced f~r theRC~~W>'I'e checked to ,determine whether waSte had been deposited in the , , ,fl<XXiplam,of Graham,~~ai1d vVas1 ~,~ tIyaffectsurt'ace'water qliality."No visual,inspec,tion ofili,e , 'channel was done but stereo p:arrs of the 1 hotographs for th~are~ were obtairi~an4reviewedto " note, are"ag' of active or potential erosiori,expost;l,t'eof tes; and' deposition of sediments. ' Bas~ on thes,e photographs,nofilllilg or significan~ grading wa:~' . . the floodplain.' ,The area 'oontams'~ature' ~es , arid the slope,towaidsthe,creek ftomthesouthbahk is . t tije natUral (ooal,tered) area,tothe'e~t. ,~.. Visual irispection of grade. changes in the vicinity, and the ver i$ still requirOO.pa~p'royided"to,' '.' GLL by Be inclMed plans for rerouting',a portion' of Grtiham ''''lans were insPected but .tlu~ status of. thi~:Wo:rk was not determined. ' ' . .... ~ ,,,....',-, . ," ...... .. ',' >,' 'Visualinspection;is still required. to determine surface drainage pathways within andaroUrid,theWaStedisPo$itI:,.":':,~'<;::',.' , ,.facilities andte> identify any'ieachate springs andany ground water. see~'that may becontiuninatedbyleachMe": from ~e waste area or the intIitration basinS~', ' 4.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS OiL reviewed the available data on reglonal'geology and con$ul~t repOrtS on local site hydrOgeology.'arid , waterqu~ity in the vici11ity of the reach o(Graham Creek between Reid and StapletonRoads~ ,Waste-<lisposal sites are located on either sid~ of the creek.' Data were provided by' Environment Canada tor reviewregar~g , the Laidlaw Landfill site on th.e south side of Graham Creek, but none was available on the recycling facility on the north. , '~ 33 (n0421oJm2 \3193) 'l 2-55' I' ' ] ] J J 1" I '" , " 11\ .\, \" ,I' DatalIDd statementS provid~ 'in the Consul~t rep6t:t8 for the Lai~a\y LlIDdnU si~ in<Jic~ie ,.that leachate- contaminate4 ground water is discharging to Grahl,Ull Creek thr~)Ugh:, 1) flow bypas~ingthe Leachate Control system; :2) byJnfiltratiortof untreated water'from the Rapid' Infiltrat(on BasinS; and 3) from>silrface ',seeps " " '. . " . '. . ',' , ." " ~ '. . ' ' . .' . . ... ,J '.. ' . . . . . .' . Contaminated' by leachate or'water, frOm the Rm., , The ,zone of ground water contamination appears to 00 limited ," ,', , to the ,swflcial,slIDds' as silty clay lay~rs' at shallow depth ~d upward gradients ne~ the creek tend to limit , '.. ' , " " ' the doWnward vertic iP ement ofleachate. ' ,,', " '.', ','", " Available sUrfaCe: wa. ',', '. . .... ,'# , ,,' sunimat1zed. Stnface" "Graham ~kfroIJ.1 the ~aid1 . ,erioughr~~eso as:t(> be diluted , ," lIDdthetime of samplmg,however,'p '."otuy durlDg ~!.iQds,Ofhi~er. flQW~'" "," ;" . . '. '" . ,,~water 'quaiity has been revi~wed arid dataonfish'SJX1bies distri?uti6i1S were '. . data indicate that if 'leachate~ntamiriated ground water: is entering , ite ,or fromJhe ,recypiing fac~ty.' to ~~ ?orth.' it is d~m~, ~o, at a low, ' r flows in the'~k. ,The~ele<:~on 'of the $~am sampling I~oints, es iriUtedc<>verageof the m:ea opp<>sitethe RIB lIDdYiaste and '" :' : ,^, .\. .. , . " ~.' . Wointati6n trQm ~econsUl~trepo~ does ,not,< ,,_ e a" - ......," " . .." ....' . ,'. ,....fIi<~. , :' contamihation of the groundwater on the site;nor does it :' Gratlarn Creek. Gli"the~fore, ~mri1ends,thataccess ,::-~dditio",U pomt.S: and det6Imii1ethe exact. discha,rge,rates' ',~k.< u' , :. ,.:. "". " > :i:"~i~f~I~II~B:;;,~,!t.,..,.;<,;:';~"j"'i"..' . 'OJ: ,:JBJ.,.\V'e~~~.~.Sc,(Eng.),lv.f~S~: .>' ," ',','"..,', '..' ' 1'!'~;';"',I';,i:i~~'~~ni(;;:iIy~g~I08isi,"', ',',,- ,",,': :;" " ..,.,.... ....:.'-:-.1+.. ...'.'.' " ' . ~:~ ~:.:y;'.-.:.:;. :'':' ,- 1"..<,\,,<.:.;",,:-:"', ' .'...,.-0......,'.':...... :. '. ..r~: ~~~::.....: : '",:" <'~ ~~,.. ; _, ,'....... ~ ,0' ". .t-, ....... . . .')~y\....:>./.i-r._.:..,' r L~ I: ' I r' , . ,.' '. , "'~':, .,'. . ~'k:,..: . ' . ~~~/.~., t-.;;.'; ',,' ( ,", ;~.- . ~ ' . i~.~ ' L:0'~'.::' " ;<"'~:' ". ;."::" 34 (..0427ojl9~2t3193>' ," l;~,..i ' L.";: ,~', ',' '. ;~-:?;:""+'. . rals' paper Is mllde ;ro~ ~,cled fibre ' "'", "1256 '," '\ tl ',.\;1' I' I, ' I"',: 5,0 ' REFERENCES 'CITED , .... .. I", I. I' " Bell; David, 1992:' ',; , , " . Ontario'Ministry of, Natural ReJources, Lindsay District, person~" communication with Maria , .. Tere~ ,~.,. er ueLimited, Markham, On~o. ., i,l : . ..:.... .... 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