HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-143-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: RESOURCE.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, October 18, 1993 Res. PD-143-93 PLN 17.2 # #: File #: (1 Subject: CONSERVATION AUTHORITY SUBMISSIONS ON RESTRUCTURING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN ONTARIO Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-143-93 be received; 2. THAT Report PD-143-93 be forwarded to the Minister of Natural Resources, the Association of Conservation Authorities of ontario (ACAO), the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority and the Region of Durham Planning Department as the position of the Municipality of Clar ington on the two reports prepared by the ACAO on 'Restructuring Resource Management in ontario'. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Through the months of May, June and July 1993, Council considered a number of correspondence items from the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority (KRCA), the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA), and the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). These letters requested the following of Council (Attachment No's 1 - 4: . Council's support of a discussion paper prepared by the Association of Conservation Authorities of ontario (ACAO) entitled 'Restructuring Resource Management in ontario - A Blueprint for Success'; and . Council's comments on a discussion paper entitled 'Restructuring Resource Management in ontario - 540 ....2 RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER RECYCLE ll,I5 IS PR!NTEDON RECYCI.ED PAPER REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 2 1.2 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 Documenting the Opportunity', prepared by the ACAO as a follow-up to the 'Blueprint for Success' discussion paper. council resolved to refer both documents to the Director of Planning and Development for review and the preparation of a report. Summaries of the documents prepared by the ACAO, as well as Staff's comments, are presented herein. SUMMARY OF ACAO DISCUSSION PAPERS Restruoturing Resouroe Manaqement in ontario A Blueprint for Sucoess This discussion paper was submitted to the Minister of Natural Resources in May 1993. It noted that various provincial ministries, municipalities and conservation authorities are all responsible to some degree for resource management. This structure results in both overlaps and gaps in the management of the province's natural resources, and a waste of limited public funds. As well, resource management is currently not ecosystem based. The position outlined in the paper is that significant changes in the fundamental organization of agency responsibilities can achieve necessary reductions in funding without j eopardiz ing the natural environment. Conservation authorities are suggested as the best agencies to coordinate and implement integrated resource management on a watershed basis. In fact, the paper concludes that the management of all aspects of the ecosystem should be provided under one jurisdiction covering an entire watershed, and that Conservation Authorities should either have the central role or be eliminated and replaced with another agency with a watershed based area of jurisdiction. 541 REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 3 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 The paper makes the following recommendations: Resource management should be restructured so that it is planned and implemented on a watershed basis; Provincial Ministries should focus on the strategic planning aspects of resource management, including legislation, policy, research and provincial scale planning; The water related mandates of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Environment and Energy should be combined into a single ministry; The relevant implementation functions of provincial agencies should be transferred to conservation authorities, including the preparation of watershed plans. The paper also notes that municipalities, as the principal partners of conservation authorities, must be active participants in watershed planning studies coordinated by the Authority. Once watershed scale studies are complete , municipalities would be responsible for incorporating watershed requirements into municipal planning documents and projects. Restruoturing Resouroes Manaqement in ontario Dooumentinq the opportunity This discussion paper was submitted to the Minister of Natural Resources in June 1993, in response to the Minister's request to the ACAO to provide further detail on the concepts put forth in the 'Blueprint' paper. The paper focused on a number of areas of duplication in resource management. However, of particular significance to the Municipality is the paper's discussion of watershed planning and drainage and the relationship to ....4 542 REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 4 2.2.3 2 . 2 .4. 2.2.5 the land use planning process. The paper noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Environment and Energy and conservation authorities all comment to municipalities on drainage proposals related to the development of land. Each agency reviews the same proposal from a slightly different perspective (ie. water quality, fisheries, wetlands and flooding). This parallel review is not only wasteful of limited public funds, it also promotes and perpetuates the fragmented management of the province's natural resources. As well, since agency concerns are slightly different, substantial delays and considerable cost to both the proponent and the taxpayer can be incurred in resolving these conflicting interests. The paper states that the lack of integrated provincial policies and watershed plans hinders the resolution of these conflicts. The participation in local decision making by the province could be eliminated if clear policies were developed, with the implementation of provincial policies being delegated to restructured conservation authorities. Authorities would assume the role of the central agency for managing resources on a watershed basis. This would include undertaking watershed planning, and encouraging the adoption of recommendations from watershed plans into municipal planning documents. The paper envisions municipalities participating in watershed planning and provincial policy development, and using their powers of land use control to implement the recommendations of watershed plans and strategies. ....5 543 REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 5 2.2.6 3 . 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 The paper indicated that conservation authorities intend on immediately initiating a consultation process with other stakeholders including municipalities, environmental interest groups and the public. STAFF COMMENTS The reports prepared by the ACAO make many valid points with respect to the current system of managing the province's natural resources. Staff agree with the position of the ACAO that resource management must be made more efficient, especially given the current fiscal environment and pressure from both the public and senior levels of government to better incorporate environmental considerations into the land use planning process. In this regard, specific aspects of the ACAO submissions are discussed below. watershed Planning Staff concur with the position of the ACAO that natural resources should be managed on a watershed eco-system basis. The concept of watershed planning has been explored through the Municipality's current Official Plan Review. This review has indicated watershed planning offers many opportunities to make land use planning more sensitive and responsive to the natural environment. However, Staff are concerned that the ACAO reports do not sufficiently acknowledge the importance of the relationship between land use and the functioning of watershed ecosystems, and the municipal role in regulating land use. Municipalities must be full participants with conservation authorities in any watershed planning process to allow watershed planning imperati ves to be reconciled with municipal land use objectives. In this regard, the relationship between ....6 544 REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 6 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 municipalities and conservation authorities would need to be reviewed and redefined. Restruoturing of Agenoy Mandates From the Municipality's perspective, the inefficiencies in the current system of resource management are most apparent in the review of development applications. Both MNR and MOE have limited staff responsible for very large areas within the GTA, which results in substantial delays in the submission of their comments on applications. As well, Ministry staff have limited local knowledge and because of time constraints and distance, frequently cannot visit a site prior to formulating comments on a development proposal. Staff agree that many of these ineff iciencies could be overcome by consolidating the review and approval authority for development applications with conservation authorities, which are locally based. A transfer of these responsibilities to conservation authori ties must be undertaken in the context of a fundamental restructuring of agency mandates Such a restructuring of agency mandates could help to resolve many of the existing gaps and overlaps in resource management. In this regard, the creation of a new ministry to reflect water-related issues has some merit. However, the consolidation into one of the existing ministries would be preferable. Staff also are concerned with the ACAO's apparent posi tion that any restructuring of agency mandates should consolidate most significant decision making for resource management with conservation authorities, while marginalizing the decision making role of other agencies, including municipalities. This could have . . . . 7 545 REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 7 3.3.4 3.3.5 4. 4.1 4.2 significant implications for a municipality's ability to plan land use within its boundaries. As well, decisions made by a conservation authority to achieve its watershed management objectives could result in increased responsibilities and costs being borne by a municipality - for example the maintenance of stormwater management facilities. It is apparent that many complex issues would need to be addressed in order to implement a fundamental restructuring of the resource management system as suggested by the ACAO. These include required amendments to provincial legislation and the transfer of funding and personnel from provincial agencies to conservation authorities. These and other yet unidentified issues will complicate the matter of agency restructuring. staff note that the ACAO papers were not circulated to the Association of Municipalities of ontario (AMO) for comment. Given the ACAO's position regarding the need for a fundamental restructuring of the roles and responsibilities of provincial ministries, municipalities and conservation authorities, the comments of AMO should be solicited. CONCLUSIONS All of the complex issues related to improving the current system of managing the province's natural resources have yet to be identified or fully explored. Therefore, it is difficult at this point in time for the Municipality of Clarington to provide a full endorsement of the ACAO submissions. However, the Municipality does endorse the concept of a stream-lined and improved system for managing the natural 546 ....8 REPORT NO. PD-143-93 PAGE 8 environment. In this regard, the ACAO submissions should be used by the provincial government, municipalities and conservation authorities as a first step in implementing an improved system for resource management. Respectfully submitted, dr ~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS*FW*cc *Attach 8 October 1993 547 - ' I I Kenrei Park Road R.R.\l:l Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4Rl I 705-328-2271 iFax: 705-328-2286 11-800-668-KRCA lIrPorated on October 3~, 1979 Iwa- Munkipa1itks: JnshiP of Bex1ey . ge of Bobcaygeon wnship of Brock rhip of Cavan [~hip of Eldon ~nship of Emily. wnship of Fenelon Ige of Fenelon Falls Itships of Galway & lendish rhip of Harvey. If of Lindsay IIDShip of Manvers vnship of Mariposa lOfNewcastle' - e of Omemee vnship of Ops jtship of Scugog , tship of Somerville oj Attachment # 1 COUNCIL DIRECTION May 17, 1993 0'-10 ..... TO: ontario~onservation a~ Environmental Interests "'-"" As a member of the Association of Conservation Authorities of Ontario; the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority is pleased to provide you with a copy of a discussion paper entitled, "Restructuring Resource Manaqement in ontario A Blueprint for Success'~. The future of resources manage- ment in Ontario has reached a crossroads. Society can no. longer afford to maintain the current institutional struc- tures that promote inefficient and, at times, ineffective resources management programming' and delivery. This discussion paper has been prepared by the Conservation Authorities of Ontario. It is a call to all' conservation and environmental interests to form a stronger partnership. We invite you to table you thoughts and ideas on the kinds of changes needed to ensure improved management and protection of our threatened watershed resources and environment. The Conservation Authorities of Ontario believe that, by focusing on change, improvements to the current system will evolve - by the people and for the 'people - through direct local assumption of responsibility for conserving and protecting local environments. Let us know what you think. eas r 31st, 1993 to either the ACAO'co-ordinator of this-discuss~on paper: Vicki Barron, General Manager . Credit Valley Conservation Authority 1255 Derry Road West Meadowvale, Ontario L5N 6R4 :- ICTel. [416 J670-1615 Fax [416 f6T0"-2210' or locally to: Ian D. Macnab, General Manager Kawartha Region Conservation Authority Kenrei Park Rd., R. ~. #1 Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4R1 Tel. [705]328-2271 Fax [705]32S-2286 Your thoughts and ideas are important if we are.to succeed' 'n bringing positive change to resources manageme~t. Yours very truly, [6. NJ ZI f1 ~~~ B 1 AVH Ian D. Macnab General Manager IDM/pk Att'. 548 Kenrei Park Road R.R.\l:l Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4R1 705-328-2271 Fax: 705-328-2286 1-800-668-KRCA Incorporated on October 31,1979 Member MunicipalitUs: Township of Bex1ey Village of Bobcaygeon Township of Brock Township of Cavan Township of Eldon Township of Emily Township of Fenelon Village of Fenelon Falls Townships of Galway & Cavendish Township of Harvey, Town of Lindsay Township of Manvers Township,of Mariposa Town of Newcastle' Village of Omemee Township of Ops Township of Scugog Township of Somerville Village of Sturgeon Point Township of Verulam @ recycl"d paper Attachment #2 COUNCIL DIRECTION 0-5 JUL IZ 10 54 AM '93 July 8, 1993 \ MEMO TO: KRCA Members KRCA Member Municipalities RE: Restruoturing Resources Management in ontario "Documenting the Opportunity" Dear Members and Member 'Municipalities: The above referenced document was prepared by the Association. of Conservation Authorities of ontario's Policy Task Force. "Documenting the Opportunity". is at follow-up to the ACAO "Blueprint for Success" which was circulated to you in May. "Documenting the Opportunity" was delivered to the Ministers of Natural Resources, Environment and Energy, Agriculture and Food, and Municipal Affairs, as well as Mr. Laughren, and Premier Rae on June 15th both to their of~ice and in the House by Peter North. It was distributed to all members of the legislature on June 23rd. We would welcome any comments tbat you have on "Documenting the Opportunity". Yours very truly, Encl. D1ST~TION CLERK .L~ -----...... ACK. BY ORIGINAL TO'. fS TO: ----::.........,- t' -~ -, 549 ~-(}j)):-- 1" -. .. i / H' 24 'B' 416 885 9S 24 CO UN C I lGA:.::,::.~ : ~:. ;;; T06SofNEII'CASTLE Ii' gana1Q:ika REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 4~ ~"W'ii PO 80X328. PORTHOPE. ONTARIO L 1A31N4 . TELEPHONE (416) 885-8173. FAX (416) 885-9824 Attachment #3 141002 0-10 May 25, 1993 Mr. L. Kosteff Chief Administrative Officer Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Dear Mr. Kosteff: RE: Restructuring Resource Management in Ontario .. A Blucpr'int fOr Suc~ess As you are aware, all government organizations were requested by Premier Rae to "share" in our deficit reduction for 1993. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority believes that We must contribute fairly to the deficit reduction. However, in April ConserVation Authorities were adviSed that our "share" would represent a 22 % decrease in our budget for 1993. Given that our fiscal year begins January I, this cut has the impact of a 32 % constraint. ;; In total, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has lost $225,000 of its $1.000,000 bUdget. Of m~or concern is the loss of the Conservation Land Tax Rebate Program; a program which assists Our agency in paying its taxes on the 11 ,000 acres ofland w~ch we hold for the public. The loss of ~his rebate was done without consultation by the provincial government and' without first eliminating duplication within the government in relation to resource management and conservation delivery. ' , Despite this, our Association of Conservation Authorities of Ontario CACAO) has responded to Premier Rae's question - "How can we make the public service work more efficiently?" _ in a proactive and positive manner: We have developed a document entitled :Restructuring Resource Management in Ontario - A Blueprint tor Success. This paper was ,recently delivered to Premier Rae as well as the Ministers of Natural Resourges, Environment and Energy, Agriculture and Food, and Municipal Affairs. We are no enclosing a copy of this dOCument for your review and endorsement. ~. ~~ . tlr b?~ .../2 @ 550 - WE RECYCLE- " COUNCIL DIRECTION Attachment#'4 0-2 >- /-.. JUL 12 S 116 AH '93 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 100WHITING AVENUE, OSHAWA, ONTARIO L 1 H 3T3 TEL: (416) 579-0411 FAX: (416) 579-0994 REF NO. July 6, 1993. Mayor Hamre and Members of Council, The Corporation of The Town of Clarington, 40 Temperance street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 ~~@;~U~[@ J U L 8 1993 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MA YOR'S OFFJCE Mayor and Members of Council: The attached document entitled "Restructuring Resource Management in Ontario - A Blueprint for Success" has been endorsed by this Authority as its position on the future of Conservation Authorities in this province. This document has been prepared by the Conservation Authorities of Ontario' to address the current inefficiencies wrought by the existing institutional structures and interministerial division of responsibili ties, and to promote more effective resource management and program delivery through a stronger local focus on environmental responsibilities. This document expounds on the many strengths of Conservation Authorities: the municipal/provincial partnership; a watershed jurisdictional basis; resource planning and management on ecosystem principles; unmatched efficiency in program delivery - i.e. value for money; responsiveness to local needs; connections with environmentalists, naturalists, educational advisors, and other special interest groups; local accountability for their policies, practices, and expenditures. and concludes that these strengths are the most appropriate foundations for constructing a holistic resource management entity. cont'd.. .2 551 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Mayor and Members of Council July 6, 1993 Page 2 The 'Blueprint' is advanced as a living, evolutionary document intended to provide the best public service. The Authority solicits Council's support of this document as our local partner. encl. WMC/jmb Yours tr~ ~e~ Chief Administrative Officer_ ,- DIS.~~~IJJ~'O-N I CLERK - -- .~CX, BY _ -----..-~ ~IGJNAl 1 :J ~T 1--- "" -, , f=--=:~::=~E..=1 (--~-----.-_._-~- - -1 J t ----- -------- - l' ~- --. - -- -, ---- --I-- .,; I '-'; IFiUl)(?~ .--Co_:,,____ .1 5)52 I I I I I I I ~ Ii' " II