HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-125-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: PAXTON.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, September 20, 1993 PD-125-93 DEV 90-084 #: File#: File #1\ 4- ,1:J s: V.3D, Og4-- Res. # C~A-sl ~-~ Cl3. # <J3-,/~1 REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ON BEHALF OF WILLIAM PLAXTON PART LOT 9, CONCESSIONS 3 & 4, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FILE: DEV 90-084 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-125-93 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle initiated by the Municipality of Clarington on behalf of Mr. William Plaxton to expand the limits of the Cluster of Crooked Creek be APPROVED; 3 . THAT the amending by-law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; and 4. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. 1.1 1.3 APPLICATION Applicant: Rezoning: DETAILS Municipality of Clarington From: "Agricultural Exception (A-1)" to an appropriate zone category to recognize the limits of the Cluster of Crooked Creek. 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located on the west side of Regional Road 18 on the north and south sides of Clarke Concession Road 4. The lands are legally described as being located in Part Lot 9, Concessions 3 and 4 former Township of Clarke. (See Attachment No.1). ,)u9 ....2 IlECYCLED PAPIER PAPER flECYCLE Tl-HS IS PRINfED ON RCCYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. PD- 125-93 PAGE 2 3 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 Existing Uses: Single detached residential and vacant 3.2 Surrounding Uses: East- agricultural and limited rural residential West- agricultural and limited rural residential North- agricultural and limited rural residential South- agricultural and limited rural residential 4 BACKGROUND 4.1 The application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 84- 63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle was initiated on September 4, 1992 by the Municipality of Clarington on behalf of Mr. William Plaxton. This was initiated at a Special Council Meeting held on September 4, 1990 at which Council passed the following resolution: "THAT, as the result to damages caused by the tornado of August 28, 1990, the Director of Planning and Development be directed to liaise with Dr. M.R. Michael, Commissioner of Planning, Regional Municipality of Durham, to designate Part of Lot 9, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke, as a cluster or to consider alternatives to permit a land severance." 4.2 In consideration of the above, Staff Report PD-289-90 was submitted for Committee and Council's review. Council endorsed the following resolution # GPA-681-90: "THAT the Region of Durham be requested to amend section of the Durham Regional Official Plan by adding "Crooked Creek" as a known residential in the Town of Newcastle; THAT Mr. Plaxton be advised that he must make an application to the Durham Land Division Committee for severance of a one (1) acre lot north of the existing dwelling; THAT, once an application for severance is made, Staff be instructed to advise the Durham Land Division Committee that the Town supports the severance application and further, as conditions of approval, that the severed lot ....3 ~I 1 0 REPORT NO. PD- 125-93 PAGE 3 be deeded to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd George and be held in their ownership for a period of ten (10) years, and that the applicant has to meet the standard requirements of the Town for land severance; and THAT Council authorize staff to proceed to amend the Zoning By-law to accommodate the proposed severance in accordance with the requirements set out in the Planning Act." 4.3 The amendment application was initiated on behalf of Mr. W. Plaxton who made the request for his daughter and son in law who were tenants of a dwelling located on Gilmore Road that was badly damaged by a tornado on August 28, 1990. As a result, the Georges are temporarily living with the Plaxton's who own a 4.02 ha (9.95 acre) property on the west side of Regional Road No. 18 (Newtonville Road) south of Concession Road Four. The Plaxton's wish to sever off a lot from their holdings so that Mr. and Mrs. George can build a house. 4.4 On June 26, 1991, Region of Durham Council approved Amendment No. 261 to the Durham Regional Official Plan (1976) which recognized the area commonly known as Crooked Creek as a cluster so that a non-farm residential lot could be created. On October 15, 1991, the Council of the Town of Newcastle passed By-law 91-156 to amend the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, to allow a non-farm lot to be severed in keeping with Amendment No. 261 of the Durham Regional Official Plan (1976). 4.5 Following the passage of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food expressed concerns that the boundary of the proposed cluster should be defined before the Minister of Municipal Affairs gave approval to the Official Plan Amendment. As a result, the Region of Durham has identified the extent of the cluster to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. In order to allow Mr. Plaxton to proceed with the one lot ....4 J '\ 1 REPORT NO. PD-125-93 PAGE 4 severance, all of the lands within the proposed cluster must also be detailed within the former Town of Newcastle comprehensive zoning By-law. Following the Ministries direction, the Municipality is now able to delineate the extent of the cluster in the zoning by-law. 5 LANDS AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE 5.1 At present, lands within the limits of the "Crooked Creek" cluster as identified by the Region of Durham Planning Department are zoned "Rural Cluster (RC)", "Agricultural Exception (A-1) ", and "Environmental Protection (EP)". To satisfy the requirements of the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture and Food, the Zoning By-law amendment was revised to propose changing the zoning on those lands currently zoned "Agricultural (A-1)" inside the cluster limits to "Rural Cluster (RC)". The zoning of lands already zoned RC and EP would not change. The affected lands are shown in Attachments 1 and 2 of this Report. 5.2 As is evident in Attachment 1, the form of the cluster would be significantly altered. The revised rezoning application does not propose to extend the RC zoning to the north of what is currently zoned RC. There would be a minor extension to the west to include one lot on the north side of Concession Road Four. Lands on the east side of Regional Road 18 would not be affected. The RC zoning would extend south of Concession Road Four so far as to include the proposed new lot for Mr. Lloyd George at the northern portion of the Plaxton holdings. If the zoning change is approve, the development potential on the affected may also change. On lands zoned RC, a new lot may be created provided that the severed and retained portions have a frontage of 30m (98.4 ft.) and minimum area of 4000m2 (0.98 acre) as required by the Durham . . .5 ~) l 2 REPORT NO. PD-125-93 PAGE 5 Heal th unit. Property ownership and the development potential for each lot in the expanded cluster are shown on Attachment 3. Details on how each lot would be affected by the proposed changes are as follows: palmiri:. currently zoned RC . would not be affected by proposed zoning changes lot frontage and area are insufficient to permit any severance(s) Langstaff: . . Lacroix: . . Farrow: . . Englebert: . . Ogden: paeden: currently zoned RC would not be affected by proposed zoning changes as lot frontage and area are insufficient to permit any severance(s) currently zoned RC would not be affected by proposed zoning changes as lot frontage and area are insufficient to permit any severance(s) zoned RC and EP would be affected by proposed zoning changes in so far as there would be sufficient lot frontage and area to permit the creation of two (2) additional lots zoned RC would not be changes as insufficient affected by proposed zoning lot frontage and area are to permit any severance(s) . . zoned RC and EP would not be affected by proposed zoning changes as lot frontage and area are insufficient to permit any severance(s) . . zoned RC, EP and A-1 this lot is at the north west corner of Regional Road 18 and Concession Road Four and is bisected by a tributary of Crooked Creek which is zoned EP lands to the north of the creek are currently zoned RC and would have sufficient frontage to permit the creation of two (2) additional lots the lands south of the creek are zoned A-1 and would be rezoned to RC there would not be any potential for a severance even with the change in zoning of the lands south of the creek as there is insufficient area ....6 . . . ,)1 3 REPORT NO. PD-125-93 PAGE 6 Andrews: . . . Hills: . . . Gauthier: . . . stickan: . . . Plaxton: . . zoned A-1 and EP portion of the lands would be rezoned from A-1 to RC the change in zoning would not allow for sufficient area ' for any additional severance(s) zoned A-1 would be rezoned to RC the change in zoning would allow for one additional lot through severance zoned A-1 would be rezoned to RC there would not be any potential for a severance even with the change in zoning as there is insufficient area zoned A-1 a portion of the holdings, fronting on to Regional Road 18, would be rezoned to RC the change in zoning would allow for two additional lots through severance zoned A-1 a portion of the holdings would be rezoned to RC the change in zoning would allow for one additional lot through severance 5.3 Based on this analysis, there would be the potential for a total of eight (8) lots that could be created: four (4) severances would be permitted under the existing zoning and four (4) additional severances would be possible under the proposed zoning change. 6. PUBLIC NOTICE 6.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act and Council policy, notice of the Public Meeting with respect to the subject rezoning amendment initiated by the Town of Newcastle was mailed to all property owners with 120 metres (394) of the subject lands. 6.2 As of writing this report, no written submissions have been ....7 \ /1 I' " REPORT NO. PD-125 -93 PAGE 7 recei ved. There have however, been several counter and telephone enquiries. These dealt with questions about what was proposed, the reason behind the zoning amendment and the limits of the lands to be re-zoned. Two residents expressed their opposition to proposed zoning change and one expressed a desire to have the zoning on the east side of Regional Road 18 amended as well. 7. COMMENTS FROM AGENCIES 7.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following provides a brief synopsis of the comments received from the Region of Durham and the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture and Food. 7.2 The Region of Durham Planning Department commented that the initial proposal to permit the creation of a non-farm residential lot was the subject of an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (OPA 90-088jD). This application was dealt with as part of the Region's review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. On June 26, 1991, Region of Durham Council approved Amendment No. 261 to the Durham Regional Official Plan (1976) which recognized the area commonly known as Crooked Creek as a cluster so that a non- farm residential lot could be created. Following the passage of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food expressed concerns that the extent of the proposed cluster be defined before the Minister of Municipal Affairs gave approval to the Official Plan Amendment. The Region of Durham has identified the limits of the cluster. The limits of the cluster must also be detailed within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By- law. The limits as defined by Durham Region are contained within the proposed zoning by-law amendment (attached). . . . . 8 .J 5 REPORT NO. PD-125-93 PAGE 8 7.3 The Ministry of Agriculture and Food initially commented that the application did not comply with the Food Land Guidelines as the proposal would create an incompatible use in a predominantly agricultural area and did not appear to be farm related in nature. After discussions with the Region of Durham Planning Department over the definition of the area to be included in the cluster, the Ministry withdrew its objection. The objection was withdrawn providing that the following is done: the original By-law is repealed and a new By-law is passed outlining the cluster as shown in the Region of Durham's response of December 9, 1992; and, the consent application is amended to reflect the new location of the proposed lot. 7.4 The Ministry of Municipal Affairs commented that the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture and Food have completed their review of Durham Region commissioner's Report #92-P-155 which was adopted by Durham Region Council on December 9, 1992. This report addressed concerns raised by these Ministries. The outcome of their review was that proposed Amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan (1976) will be considered for approval provided that the Town of Newcastle repeals Zoning By-law 91-156 and pass a new by-law which defines the entire extent of the cluster of Crooked Creek. 8. STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 The revised application for zoning By-law amendment is proposing to extend the limits of lands already zoned "Rural Cluster (RC) " to the south to coincide with the limits of the cluster or Crooked Creek as identified by the Region of Durham Planning Department. The proposed rezoning defining the limit of the cluster of Crooked Creek is made to satisfy the ....9 '-)\ 6 REPORT NO. PD-125-93 PAGE 9 Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The changes to the Zoning By-law schedule conform to what was approved by the Region of Durham as shown on Attachment #1. The zoning by-law amendment would come into affect upon approval of the Official Plan Amendment by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 8.2 In accordance with the direction of Council in compliance with the requirements of the Region of Durham and the Ministries of Agriculture and Food and Municipal Affairs, the proposed zoning by-law amendment attached hereto is recommended for approval. Respectfully submitted, /,',. ~10)' .' Q i : l'. ' . ,J ( . r ",.P<, .' " t t ~-'=', ,f t,," l. ". f '\"... ._..--.J C.~ ......,Aj.. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P~ Director of Planning and Development DM*FW*cc 7 September 1993 Attachment # 1 - Location Map Attachment # 2 - Existing Zoning Attachment # 3 - Ownership Map Interested parties to be notified of Council's and Committee's decision: william Plaxton R.R. # 1 Newtonville, Onto LOA 1JO Regional Municipality Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas Lang Tower, Whitby, Ont Ministry of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ont M5G 2E5 Att: Mr. victor Doyle of Durham Street E. West Building L1N 6A3 Ministry of Agr icul ture and Food Land Use Planning Branch 322 Kent Street West Lindsay, Onto K9V 2Z9 Att: Dale Toombs John Ogden R. R. # 1 Newtonville, Onto LOA 1JO David & Gillian Hills P. O. Box 425 Orono, Onto LOB 1MO "c"'? I - -<:: .J,,_, Legend ~(((;} Potenlial Cluster Expansion ~Area Presently Zoned RC - Rural Cluster ~O< /'. .\., ~ . . -( I:' !!!!:~! " . :::::::;::.:;::::;:;:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ jj j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ / ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . FORMER SCHOOL HOUSE ~/ / . PARCELED RETAINED , BY MR.& MRS. PLAXTON . .......... .......... .......... .:.:-:.j.:-:-:-:-: .................. ))){} I / / / ~' / G(e~ ~~y 0\~' ~( 'bO\3r'V If' ~ CONCESSION RD 4 . . /' / II co ,.- o 0: .....I ~ Z o (!) UJ 0: . PROPOSED LOT FOR MR. GEORGE Q a: ......................... ~ Schedule 'A' - Location Sketch J ~ .' MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ....0 " ... Fi 1 e No.: OPA 90-088 KEY MAP ATTACHMENT =#=1 ~ ~)I 8 ~ SUBJECT SITE LOT 14 13 8 7 6 5 I I II I CONCESSION RD. 5 . I i I I V I I I I Z I I 0 - (f) en w u Z o u A ~ I I o I ~ A-l: ...J I a.. I ~ I (J) I - - -r - I I I i I I KEY MAP o 1"""'--- 500m 500 1000 m I Dev.90-084 ATTACHMENT #2 ~II 9 rr> Z o - en en w u z o u ~ <: () - ~ llJ (..) <: 8 ~ I \------- , I I , 1 I I , , I I I I I I I I , I 1 , I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I <: () - V) f2 (..) ~ (..) IV) L___ __ I I I I I LOT 9 (X) o <I: o 0:: ...J <I: Z o t9 W 0:: CONCESSION ROAD 4 'Y. y '\. LOT 8 PALM I R I (NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) LANGSTAFF (NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) LACROIX (NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) FARROW ( POTENTIAL FOR TWO SEVERANCES) ENGLEBERT (NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) OGDEN (NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) PAEDEN (POTENTIAL FOR TWO SEVERANCES NORTH OF THE CREEK, NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE SOUTH OF THE CREEK) ANDREWS ( NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) HILLS ( POTENTIAL FOR ONE SEVERANCE) , GAUTHIER ( NO POTENTIAL FOR SEVERANCE) STICKAN (POTENTIAL FOR TWO SEVERANCES) PLAXTON (POTENTIAL FOR ONE SEVERANCE) Dev.90-084 Attachment' # 3 ~) ~~ 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 93- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 91-156. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Former Town of Newcastle in accordance with the application DEV 90-084; AND WHEREAS said By-law shall be passed pursuant to Section 24(1) of the Planning Act, whereby it would not come into effect until such time the related Official Plan Amendment has received approval from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs; NOW THEREFORE BE IS RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. By-law 91-156 be and is hereby repealed; 2. Schedule "2" to By-law 84-63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Agricultural Exception (A-i)" to "Rural Cluster (RC)" 3. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first time this day of 1993. By-law read a second time this day of 1993. By-law read a third and finally passed this 1993. day of MAYOR CLERK This is Schedule "A" passed this~day to of By-law 93"'_, , 1993 A.D. LOT 9 CONCESSION LOT 8 4 ,::::::::::::::::::::::::::lzONIN' G TO RE' MAIN "RC" .:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ~ZONING TOREMAIN"EP" I2Z2J ZONING CHANGE FROM "A' I " TO II RC II 4 o 25 50 100 150 ... - lJ!-. 250m I 3 Mayor tf) Z o (i) en w U Z o U ,12 II 8 7 P ,5 CONCESSION RO, 5 i i I v I I I I I Z , ~p (I 'Z 10 'u Clerk o ~oo 1000 m ~ ~ l)OOm ~ ~) 22