HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-89-93 DN: THE 89093.GPA OF THE TOWN OF PUB L I C . (jIJl.~i .09 3/P File # D \ ~ D ~v 3'1. 10 I Res. ~/J;J-3:!i2- NPA 90-01jCS & DEV 89-101 #1'.3-$3 M E E TIN G Meeting: General Purpose and Administration committee Date: Monday, June 7, 1993 PD-89-93 Report #: 89-093jN, File #: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION - 89-093jN, 90-01/CS AND DEV 89-101 PART LOT 28 CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: 89-093/N, DEV 89-101 & 90-01/CS It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-89-93 be received; 2. THAT the Official Plan amendment application submitted by Gay Property Management on behalf of R.H. Gay Holdings Ltd. to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan be Approved as per Attachment # 1 to this report; 3. THAT the necessary by-law, attached hereto, to adopt the Official Plan Amendment #53 be passed and the Amendment be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Region of Durham Planning Department; 4. THAT the Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Application NPA 90-0ijCS submitted by Gay Property Management on behalf of R.H. Gay Holdings Ltd. to amend the Neighbourhood Plan from "Special purpose Commercial" and "Residential" to "Local Central Area" be approved; 5. THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning by-law 84-63 as amended (DEV 89-101) be APPROVED and that the amending by-law with the "Holding (H)" symbol be passed at such time as the Ministry of Municipal Affairs has approved Official Plan Amendment application 89- 093jN; 6. THAT the amending by-law attached hereto be forwarded to council for Approval; 7. THAT the application for site plan approval (DEV 89-101) be closed; and 8. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. . . . . 2 ~' RECYCLED PAPIEIl PAPER RECYCLE REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 2 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Gay Property Management 1 . 2 Owner: R. H. Gay Holdings Limited 1.3 Rezoning: From "special Purpose Commercial Exception (C5-5)", "Urban Residential Type One (R1)", and "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H) R1)" zones to a zone appropriate to permit a 2,348.46 square metre retail commercial plaza with 771. 5 square metres of office space on the second floor for a total of 3120 square metres of mixed-use commercial space ((Holding) General Commercial (H)C1). 1.4 Official Plan Amendment: From "Special Purpose Commercial Node" and "Residential" within the Courtice Urban Area to "Local Central Area" having mixed office and commercialjretail space. 1.5 Neighbourhood Plan Amendment: From "special Purpose Commercial" and "Residential" to "Local Central Area" having mixed office and commercialjretail space. 1.6 Area: 1.24 hectares 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located in Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. The lands are situated at the south east corner of Courtice Road and Highway No.2. A total of 6 residential lots have been amalgamated to create this property. These lots are respectively 2703, 2715, 2721 courtice Road and 1753, 1755 and 1757 Highway No.2. ....3 ,~" /. r ). II) ,jJ~_ REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 3 3 BACKGROUND 3.1 On August 3, 1989, the Town of Newcastle Planning Department received applications to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By-law 84-63, amend the Neighbourhood Plan, and an application for site plan approval to permit a retail commercial development. 3.2 The Town of Newcastle received notification from the Region of Durham Planning Department on August 18, 1989, that an application to amend the Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan had been submitted for this same property. The Region has since advised the Town and the applicant that an amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan is not required. 3.3 This application has been revised a number of times. The original submission proposed two buildings for retailjcommercial uses having approximately 3260.8 square metres of floor space and a self serve gas bar. The plan which is before us now is for a 3120 metre square officejretail plaza. All the floor area has been contained within one building and the gas bar is no longer in the proposal. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Uses: The subject site presently has four single family dwellings located on it, 3 garages, and numerous sheds. On occasion, the existing vacant land has been used as a parking area by Roy Nichols Car dealership. A number of off-site directional signs have also been erected on the subject lands. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - Vacant lands and existing Residential West - Roy Nichols Car Dealership South - Vacant land North - Motor Vehicle Auto Body Shop ~) U J ....4 REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 4 5 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 within the 1976 Durham Region Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Residential". section 8.i.2.1 c. of this plan states that "Limited retail and personal service" uses may be permitted in Residential Areas as an exception. 5.2 Schedule A5 of the 1991 Durham Region Official Plan shows that the lands are designated "Living Area". Residential is the predominant use of lands having this designation. However, section 10.3.1 of this plan allows limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services as components of mixed use developments provided that the local municipal plan possesses the appropriate provisions and designations. Another prerequisite for establishment of a "Local Central Area"is that the functions and characteristics of Central Areas are not adversely affected. The Regional Plan also requires those commercial developments exceeding 2500 square metres of floor area to provide justification through the submission of a retail impact study. This requirement has been met as a "Market Analysis and Impact Study" was prepared for this application by Emrik H. suichies and Associates in November 1989. 5.3 within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, the lands are designated "special Purpose Commercial" and "Residential". Lands designated "special Purpose Commercial" shall serve the needs of residents on an occasional basis. Lands so designated shall be for uses requiring a large parcel of land and excellent exposure to high volume traffic routes. As the applicant proposes a mixed office - commercial use, he has made application to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan to designate the lands "Local Central Area" . This Plan states that "Local Central Areas" shall serve the day - to - day needs of nearby residents. 5.4 According to the court:ice--south Ne.ighbourhood Plan, the subject ....5 5U4 PAGE 5 REPORT NO. PD-89-93 lands are designated "special purpose Commercial" and "Residential". In order for the subject site to develop as a "Local Central Area" amendment to this secondary plan is also required. 6 ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS 6 . 1 The property in question is presently zoned "special Purpose Commercial Exception (C5-5)", "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" and "Holding _ Urban Residential Type One ((H) R1) . In areas zoned residential, commercialjretail uses are not permitted. within the "Special purpose commercial Exception (C5-5) zone, retail sales and or service establishment for furniture, major appliances, recreational vehicles and motor vehicles are permitted uses. 6.2 Staff suggest zoning the subject lands "Holding General Commercial [(H) Cl]" as this zone allows uses which would be desirable in a Local Central Area. The existing uses may continue until such time as a site plan agreement is registered, the "Holding" symbol lifted, and construction proceeds. 7 PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSION 7.1 pursuant to council's Resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 7.2 A Public Meeting was held on January 8, 1990 discussing this application. No one spoke in objection to this application, and there has been no other forms of concerns or objections received from any residents. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following departmentsjagencies III providing comments, offered no objection to the application as filed: ....6 i)" (I r:, '" J J REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 6 Town of Newcastle Fire Department Durham Region Planning Department Ministry of Natural Resources ontario Hydro 8.2 The Town of Newcastle community Services Department noted that this location has prominence within the Town and should receive tasteful treatment through both architectural style and landscape design. It was recommended that the structure be oriented to the street, with parking in the rear. Several attempts were made requesting the reorientation of the proposed structure however the applicant has insisted that future tenants would not be agreeable to a street front orientation. Staff were also informed as to the increased cost of constructing a building possessing two store fronts opposed to a building having only one store front. As a result, the orientation of the structure has not changed and the parking area still has prominence. Architectural style, landscaping and siting of the structure are elements which are dealt with through site plan. Staff suggest that when a new site plan application is submitted these issues be re-addressed. Lastly, the applicantjowner must provide a 2% cash-in-lieu parkland dedication to be contributed to the parks reserve account to be collected upon entering of the site plan agreement. 8.3 Town of Newcastle Public Works noted that the expenditure of funds for the provlslon of a sidewalk and illumination along Highway No. 2 must be approved as these works have not been included within the Town Development Charges By-law and Development Charges Policy Report. Therefore, the applicant must bear the cost of construction of this 90 m sidewalk and illumination. The applicant must provide information with respect to grading, drainage and a Stormwater Management Report. These requirements may be finalized prior to site plan approval. 8.5 Durham Region worR:s Department notes that wdtel:: allcr-san-:i:-'ea-ry sewer ....7 :) U 6 REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 7 services will be available to service the lands shortly. A servicing agreement will have to be entered into with the Region for extension of municipal services. This agreement must be entered into prior to final site plan approval. The Region also requires a road widening along courtice Road in addition to a 0.3 metre reserve. The widening is shown on the site plan and the 0.3 metre reserve can be described and transferred prior to site plan approval. 8.6 The Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority is presently satisfied that the site is not prone to flooding. However, they note that the site grading may require minor revisions, ensuring that overland flows are conveyed from the site in an acceptable fashion. This requirement can be dealt with prior to site plan approval. Lastly, the applicant must be granted written permission from the Authority prior to any filling or grading taking place on the lot. 8.7 The Ministry of Transportation finds the application acceptable. However, they do require the "right-out throat width" to be 4.75 metres. Detailed drawings have yet to be submitted for their review, and they advise that more specific comments with respect to the entrance may be made upon the submission of these drawings. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 A Commercial Hierarchy study is being undertaken by Arthur Anderson and Company as part of the Official Plan Review. The background data and some of the preliminary findings are complete and relevant to this development proposal. i) Many of the uses currently permitted within the special purpose commercial zone can be accommodated within other commercial zones. However, some uses such as building supply outlets, motor vehicle sales establishments and retail superstores are mul::e 5uit~cial ....8 ~) u 7 REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 8 Purpose Commercial Zone, as these uses prefer large sites with ample parking, high visibility, easy accessibility to high traffic routes and limited competing uses nearby. These siting requirements make location of these uses along the urban areas of Highway #2 and within built up areas inappropriate. The subject lands, which are located in the Courtice Urban Area, are designated and zoned Special Purpose Commercial. Amending the designation and zoning .of the lands would be in keeping with the above concepts. ii) By the year 2011, it is expected that the population of the Courtice Urban Area will be 28,000 people. It is anticipated that this population base will be able to support between 42,000 and 55,000 square metres (450,000 and 590,000 square feet) of gross leasable retail floorspace. However, this is premised on the creation of one or more "destination centres". A destination centre provides a focus point or node where a wide array of retail and personal service floorspace is available. The Town should concentrate on developing a destination centre at the Sub-Central Area located at Townline Road and Highway #2. After which, focus should be directed to the Courtice Main Central Area. iii) In Courtice, approximately 19,509 square metres (210,000 square feet) of commercial floor space have received planning approval. If all this floor space develops by 1996, the consultant estimates that the amount of retail space in Court ice would slightly exceed that which is supportable by the expected 1996 population. In light of this, it is appropriate to offset development of these lands until the population base of Courtice grows to a level which could support this development. . . . .9 ( ," ~J U b REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 9 iv) since courtice possesses an abundance of approved but unbuilt commercial floor space, development of any additional commercial lands shall be delayed until such time as the Sub-Central Area and the Main Central Area (in part) are built. Further approval of additional commercial floor space will only reduce the available market needed to support these commercial nodes and therefore should be phased. (v) It is expected by the year 2001 that the courtice population will be 20,000. By this time it is anticipated that the majority of the Sub Central Area will be built and the Main Central Area will be able to support almost 30% of its allocated floor space. The consultants expect that a population base of 20,000 will be enough to support these commercial developments in addition to the 50% of the floor area proposed for the subject lands without compromising growth of the Main Central Area. By the time the courtice population reaches 28,000, approximately by the year 2011, enough consumer spending will be generated to support the remaining retail office floorspace of this development and that of the Main Central Area. Therefore, Staff recommend that additional commercial development such as this proposal for a Local Central Area be phased with population growth. This will help to prevent dilution of retail potential ensuring that the commercial focal points will develop and become established. 9.2 Amendment No. 53 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Attachment #1) proposes to create a Local Central Area having a maximum floor area of 3120 square metres (33,584.5 square feet) at the corner of Highway No. 2 and Regional Road 34 (courtice Road). 771.5 square metres of this flouL area shull be for officp. use. The remaining . . . .10 :)09 PAGE 10 REPORT NO. PD-89-93 9.3 9.4 10 10.1 2385 square metres may be used for retail and personal service commercial uses. Development of this site shall be phased with a maximum of 1580 square metres proceeding at such time as the population of courtice exceeds 20,000. The second phase may go forward when the Court ice population exceeds 28,000. staff also recommend that the Court ice South Neighbourhood Plan (Attachment # 2) be amended to "Local Central Area" permitting commercial development. staff suggest that the application for site plan approval be closed as development of these lands will not occur until such time as the Court ice population reaches 20,000. As it is difficult to predict the timing of population growth and the trends in commercial retailing, the site plan application as proposed may be inappropriate. Therefore, staff suggest that when the Court ice population approaches 20,000, an application for a site plan agreement be made at that time and the existing site plan application be closed. CONCLUSION staff are satisfied that the attached Official Plan Amendment and Neighbourhood Plan Amendment can be approved. The Zoning By-law Amendment will not be forwarded for council's approval until such time as the Minister of Municipal Affairs has adopted this Official Plan Amendment. Further, the "Holding" symbol shall not be removed until such time as the applicant has entered into a site plan agreement with the Town of Newcastle. The existing site Plan Application should be closed and a new application applied for when the Court ice urban population approaches 20,000 people. 510 REPORT NO. PD-89-93 PAGE 11 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee /'\ '. . (J (J ra~, y iV~~ ~V,.~_. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development '/l.(i( awrence E. Kot Chief Administr Officer HB*FW*cc *Attach 31 May 1993 Interested parties to be notified of council and Committee's decision: R.H. Gay Holdings Limited P.O. Box 2065 Oshawa, ontario L1H 7V4 Gay Property management P.O. Box 2065 Oshawa, ontario L1H 7V4 ) 1 1 PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: ACTUAL AMENDMENT: ATTACHMENT #1 AMENDMENT NO. 53 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE The purpose of this Amendment is to designate the subject lands as a "Local Central Area". The lands subject to this Amendment are located in Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, and more specifically described as a 1.24 hectare site on the south east corner of Regional Road 34 (courtice Road) and Highway #2 intersection. This Amendment is based on Application 89-093jN which seeks to designate the subject lands for mixed-use compromising office, retail and personal service uses. The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1. By adding to section 6.5.2. (ii) (b) the following: b) south-east corner of Regional Road 34 (courtice Road) and Highway #2 shall have a maximum of 3120 square metres (33,584.5 square feet) retail and personal service commercial of which a minimum of 771.5 square metres shall be for office use. Development shall be phased based upon the population growth of the ,courtice Urban Area. One half of the designated floorspace may be constructed when the Court ice population exceeds 20,000 persons. The total designated floorspace may be constructed when the courtice population exceeds 28,000 persons. The zoning of the lands shall include a "Holding (H)" symbol. The" (H)" symbol may only be removed in accordance with the population thresholds noted above. 2. By amending Schedule 6-1 (Land Use Structure Plan - courtice) as indicated in Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall form Part of this Amendment. 1)12 EXHIBIT "A" TO AMENDMENT No. 53 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 CHANGE DESIGNATION FROM " SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL" TO" LOCAL CENTRAL AREA" :) '13 C\I Z o (f) (f) w u z o u LOT 27 to Z o (f) (f) w u z o u ~ KEY Urban Area Boundary Residential Area Community Central Area Commercial Component Of Community Central Area Special Purpose Commercial Node Office Commercial Local Central Area Major Open Space System With Hazard land Hazard Land --- -Community''Park--- Neighbourhood Park .--, 1_-1 ;l\Wi ,. ..., L..J . .. //// ~f// @ . :,t"'..iD'C"': ~"'~.t.'f) --c----- N LOT 29 ATTACHMENT #2 LOT 28 C\I Z o (f) (f) l1J U z 8 CHANGE DESIGNATION FROM "SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL" AND" RESIDENTIAL II TO II LOCAL CENTRAL AREA" ..----SeheEkt.e-~A~ta_AmeRament--#=_4_to-the COUR'fffiEsetf'ft+----- NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN J THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 93- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 53 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plan Amendments thereto. WHEREAS the Council of the corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to permit the lands on the southeast side of the intersection of Regional Road 34 (Courtice Road) and Highway #2, be designated as a "Local Central Area" having a maximum of 3120 square metres of office, retail and personal service floor area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 53 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment Number 53 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this 1993. day of BY-LAW read a second time this 1993. day of BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 1993. day of MAYOR - 1 C, J I .J CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Memorandum To: Patti Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk From: Heather Brooks, Planner, Development Review Branch Date: 31 May 1993 Subject: PURPOSE AND EFFECT: BY-LAW 93- f3 FILE: 89-093jN The purpose and effect of By-law 93- t3 is to adopt amendment # 53 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. This amendment designates the subject lands "Local Central Area". This designation would allow for mixed office commercial development (maximum floor space 3120 m2. Development of this site will be phased according to population growth within the Courtice Urban Area. Heather