HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-86-93 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: COUR-UPD.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # # D~e: Monday, May 17, 1993 Report #: ----PD 86 93 File #: PLN 32.4.8 Subject: SOUTH COURTICE EMPLOYMENT AREA SECONDARY PLAN - UPDATE REPORT FILE: PLN 32.4.8 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-86 -93 be received for information; and 2. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide a progress report with respect to the South Court ice Employment Area Secondary Plan Study. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 In January of 1992 Council authorized the undertaking of an Economic Development strategy for the Town of Newcastle and a Secondary Plan for the Employment Area lands in south Courtice. At the end of February 1992, Council authorized retaining the services of Stephen Chai t Consultants Ltd. and Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. to undertake the two studies respectively. 2.2 Through the terms of reference and the development of the work program schedule, the two studies have run relatively parallel. The Public Meeting/Open House for the studies was held jointly on June 25, 1992. RECYCLED PAPIER PAPEIl RECYCLE nK; IS PRIIHEO ON f1ECYClED PAPEH REPORT NO.: PD- 86 -93 PAGE 2 2.3 The completion of the South Court ice Employment Area Secondary Plan is dependent on the development of planning framework for all employment areas in the Town (see Attachment #1). This is the subject of the Stage 3 Report of the Economic Development strategy. 2.4 The Stage 3 report, being finalized, contains considerable information with regards to future employment demands, industrial land requirements, the changing role of industrial areas and strategic objectives for the Town to enhance and revitalize the industrial lands. This information is critical in determining a preferred development option for the secondary plan area. 3.1 Major Issues to be Resolved In July 1992 the finalized Background and options reports for the South Court ice Employment Area were circulated to commenting agencies. Members of council were also provided with a copy of each document. As of the writing of this report staff is awaiting comments from the Ministry of Transportation and the Canadian Pacific Railway. 3. , 3.2 Townline Road/Prestonvale Interchange The Town and the Region have commenced discussion with the Ministry of Transportation with regards to acknowledging the need for a future Highway 401 interchange in the vicinity of Prestonvale Road. R. V. Anderson Associates Limited, who reviewed the servicing and transportation component of the Background Report, identified the need for a new freeway interchange at Prestonvale Road based on the employment density targets and existing arterial road network in the study area. 599 6 REPORT NO.: PD- 86 -93 PAGE 3 3.3 3.4 Ministry of Transportation officials have completed an Environmental Assessment of the proposed Highway 401 widening to Courtice Road. Incorporation of a proposed interchange at Prestonvale Road was not included in this assessment. Protection of lands for an interchange would be planned for in advance, should the Ministry agree that an interchange in the vicinity of Prestonvale Road and Highway 401 is warranted in the future. Further, the connecting road would be designed to swing west to align with Townline Road, thereby limiting impacts on residents of Prestonvale Road north of Bloor street (see Attachment #2). The Town incorporated this issue in PD-77-93 with respect to Ministerial modifications to the Durham Region Official Plan. Interim Servicinq To encourage development of the South Court ice employment area to take place in an urban form municipal water and sanitary sewer services must be extended to the area. However, provision of full municipal services to the area requires construction of new water supply and treatment facilities immediately south of the study area on the Lake, or the expansion of existing facilities in Whitby and Oshawa. There are various interim servicing scenarios to be considered which allow for the development of different quadrants of the study area at varying costs. Final recommendation will be made at a later date after review and discussion with the Region Works Department. Issues raised bv Commentinq Aqencies Issues that have arisen as a result of the circulation process include: t.9Q J / REPORT NO.: PD- 86 -93 PAGE 4 . completion and compliance with the Robinson Creek Master Drainage Plan dealing with stormwater management facilities. . recognition of the environmentally significant and sensitive areas associated with the creek valleys and the sugar maple woodlot. . location of an east west arterial road and impacts of a Robinson Creek crossing. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 Staff have recently met with Macaulay Shiomi Howson to review comments and provide direction for finalizing the preferred land use and transportation options at this time. In order to expedite the process, Staff have advised the consultant to proceed on the assumption that the Ministry of Transportation will provide a favourable response to the question of the interchange and that the outstanding agencies will provide no serious objections to the preferred land use option. We do not have a definite time table for the completion of the Secondary Plan. However, staff will endeavour to work closely with the Consultant to expedite the study. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee d t, ~t.-~U~".) ~jjN Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development J Lawrence E. Ko Chief Adminis Officer CP*FW*df *Attach 5 May 1993 599 (Ig REPORT NO.: PD- 86 -93 PAGE 5 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. 586 Eglinton Ave. E. suite 604 TORONTO, ontario M4P 1P2 The South Court ice Landowners Group C/O H. Halminen Halminen Homes Ltd. 1748 Baseline Road West COURTICE, ontario L1E 2T1 599 ,.rj (j '.. / ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY STUDY SOUTH COURTICE EMPLOYMENT AREA STUDY BACKGROUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY LAND USE OPTIONS PLANN ING FRAMEWORK FOR ALL EMPLOYMENT AREAS DRAFT SECONDARY PLAN 59910 D R. A.',..~. !.' . ....\ . " :. '. F= ~' ~:t I i .c::J . , COlMTICI IMPLOYMINT ARIA Secondary rlan Road System Option B .......P'ftOfI'O..o TlIAl. '''"" _....01'0..0 tolllefOll _01 !'IO\ll tL"!l\AJlQ!tJ . II I" ttI I t'ftOP'OtlD lIIII"ft()'w'UlfHT'1 -'-I1VOYO"'O _.un f 1- . - ... -- -_.~-, 599