HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-64-93 THE THE OF DN:PARKOS.GPA Meeting: Monday, April 19, 1993 Res. # PUBLIC MEETING General purpose and Administration Committee PD-64-93 File #: OPA 92-N/005; NPA 93-01/CW; NPA ~~~~~'CS, l\ND NPl\; 93-03/CN Date: #: Recommend~~n4s respectfully recommended that the General purpose and Administration Committee recommend to council the following: DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND COURTICE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AMENDMENTS IMPLEMENTING THE RECREATION/LEISURE SERVICES MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATION #6 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SYSTEM POLICIES Subject: 1. THAT Report PD-64-93 be received; and, 2. THAT the proposed Amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, the courtice West Neighbourhood Development plan, the courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan and the courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plan as shown in Attachments #1 to #4 inclusive be referred back to staff for further review and consideration of comments recieved at the Public Meeting; and, 3. THAT any interested party or delegation be advised of Council'S decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On February 24, 1992, the Final Draft Report of the Recreation/Leisure services Master plan was referred to staff for subsequent reports on specific recommendations contained therein. This report specificallY addresses Recommendation #6 but also considers certain elements of Recommendations #2 and #5. Recommendation #6 of the report offers a revised parks and open space system and assists in developing new cultural and recreational facilities within the Town. Recommendation #2 embodies policies with respect t~ ~op-of-bank setbacks, buffer areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and , woodlot protect j on policies. Rdcommendation #5 provides principles and guidelines for the development of a Town-wide !-) HECYClED PAPIER PAPEn RECYCLE THIS IS PRIWED ON FlEcYCLED PAPER PAGE ~ REPORT NO.: PD-64-93 open space concept. This encompasses major environmental zones, north-south valley lands , recreation areas and open space linkages. natural regional While these recommendations will generallY be implemented within the context of the Official Plan Review, this Amendment provides an interim measure until a neW Official plan is adopted. on March B, 1993, council adopted recommendation #6 of the Recreation/Leisure services Master plan. council further authorized staff to proceed to a public Meeting to consider amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the three neighbourhood development plans for courtice. This Amendment will implement the revised parkS and open space System policies contained in Recommendation #6 within the Town'S Official Plan and the courtice NeighboUrhood Plans and replace the existing urban area policies. The Amendment will only implement policies dealing with top-of-bank setbackS and buffer areas as discussed within Recommendation #2 and open space linkages (ie. trail systems) as SUggested within Recommendation #5. Given that the existing Plan onlY includes urban areas and hamletS, the rural open space system and preservation policies outlined in Recommendations #2 and #5 cannot be fully addressed at this time. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT Addition to the Land use polioies seotion of the Offioial Plan The Official Plan Amendment proposes that neW policies concerned with the parkS and open space system be added to section 3 under the Land Use policies section for the entire Town. This neW seotion replaoes the ourrent pol 9 ino1Usive with 1..2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.1.1 ~} 4 PAGE 2. E$PORT NO.: PD-64-93 oomprehensive polioies applioable to all urban areas and hamlets within entire Town. The principle poliCY objectives include the following: 1) provide a range of leisure activities for existing residents; 2) preserve and conserve the natural environment; 3) provide an urban park, trail and open space system; and, 4) maintain and enhance scenic vistas. The Amendment represents relativelY minor modifications to the existing format. The following highlights the revised parkS and open space system policies contained within the Amendment: 1) QPen spaoe HierarohV~ The open space HierarchY is redefined to contain the following elements: Major open spaoe system, Minor open spaoe Areas, open spaoe Linkages, TOwn parks, community parks, NeighboUrbOod parks, parkettes and Hamlet parks. The predominant use of such lands shall be for active and passive recreational and conservation useS; 2) ~a;or Open space system.!. The Major open spaoe system comprises thoSe lands along the Harmony, Black, Farewell, soper, Bowmanville, Foster and Graham creek SystemS within urban areaS. This alSo includes certain waterfront lands in Newcastle village. council shall encourage the purchase of theSe lands for recreational purposes; 3) ~inor Open space Areas~ These areas shall protect 2.1..2 2.1..3 ~ PAGE A REPORT NO.: PD-64-93 important local natural elements including woodlots, hazard landS and smaller watercourses. stormwater management facilities should alSo be integrated into the minor open space network. passive recreation opportunities are promoted in these areas; 4) QPen spaoe Linl<aC/es.!. Emphasis will be placed on establishing a system of linkageS consisting of Regional, Town and Looal NeighboUrhOod Trails. For use by pedestrians and cyclists, the trail network will connect recreational facilities within the Town; 5) ~own parks~ Three separate park categories provide unique recreational opportunities to all residents within the Town. Reoreation parks provide specialized active recreational facilities. EoolOgioal Interest Areas preserve special environmental features to promote outdoor education and passive recreation. urban and civio open spaoe Areas provide public places within urban areas to accommodate residents, patrons and workers; 6) ~ommunitv parks~ Major community parks will provide active and unstructured recreational activities serving 20,000-25,000 persons within a 1.5-2.5 km radius. Minor community parks should provide junior recreational facilities for the same population base. These facilities shall be located along arterial or major collector roads. In certain instances, a portion of Minor community parks could serve NeighboUrhood park needs; 26 PAGE 2. REPORT NO.: PD-64-93 7) !:!eiClhbourhood parks~ NeighboUrhOod parks should provide recreational facilities to the residents within a 0.8-1.2 km radius. park development should be encouraged in conjunction with school sites where possible; 8) Rarkettes~ parkettes are provided onlY where physical barriers or proximity to facilities discourage pedestrian accesS to a NeighboUrhood or community park; and, 9) gamlet parks~ Hamlet parks are designed to provide a range of recreational opportunities for residents of hamlets and rural areas within a 3-5 km radius. The provision of parkland for Town, community and NeighboUrhood facilities within existing and future urban areas shall be based on a combined standard of 2.0 ha per 1000 persons population. within the implementation section for theSe policies, two principle additions have been made: 1) The Amendment will permit the Town to request parkland dedication at a rate up to 1.0 ha per 300 dwelling units on proposed residential development or redevelopment proposals. 2.1..4 2.1.5 2) The Town can request that developments provide recreational facilities. medium and high density appropriate on-site 2.2 2.2.1. polio Revisions to the courtioe Nei hbourhood plans The Official plal< Amenoment alSo redefines the parkS and ')/ Ll PAGE 6 open space system within each of the three existing court ice Neighbourhood Plans to include the following: 1) Major open space system 2) Minor open space Areas 3) open space Linkages 4) Town parks 5) community parks 6) Neighbourhood parks 7) parkettes REPORT NO.: PD-64-93 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 The Official Plan policies as previouSlY described are inserted into each of the "parkland and open space" sections within these Plans. ~echnical chanqe~ A number of technical changes form part of this proposed amendment: . A designated "public Senior Elementary school" in Bowmanville'S NeighboUrhood 3B has been changed to a "separate Elementary school" to accommodate their requirements; . The "Tourist Activity Node" and "Recreational Node" located on the waterfront in Newcastle village have been combined into a "Tourist/Recreation Node". . The "Neighbourhood park" location in Haydon haS been redesignated to "community Facility" as the Town'S recreational facilities are located outside the Hamlet secondary plan boundaries; . A portion of the "Existing Residential" designation haS been changed to "community Facility" to Ina Brown parkette; J28 REPORT NO.: PD-64-93 PAGE 7 . The "Residential special policy" and "Low Density Residential" lands in the court ice North Neighbourhood 3C have been changed to "Medium Density Residential" and "Minor open space" to recognize the existing residential plan of subdivision; and, . Expand the existing parkette in courtice North Neighbourhood 3C from 0.8 hectares (2.0 ac) to 1.1 hectares (2.7 ac). 3. PUBLIC MEETING In accordance with the planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, appropriate notice of the public Meeting waS given through advertisements placed in the March 17, 1993 editions of the Town's three local newspapers; Canadian statesman, courtice NeWS and orono WeeklY Times. AS the proposed amendment is Town-wide in nature, notice waS not mailed to any individual. 4. CONCLUSIONS 4.1 The Reoreation Leisure servioes Master Plan identified a policY framework for a parkS and open space system. This revision provides a comprehensive hierarchY which can facilitate the future recreational requirements of the Town. This Amendment will incorporate these policies into the Town's Official Plan. It should be noted that to a large extent, this amendment represents the consolidation of existing policies into one new section. consequently, manY of the policies are the same as those which exist in the current Official Plan. Additional policies as recommended by the Reoreation/Leisure Master Plan will be implemented through the Official Plan Review C /) j PAGE ~ REPORT NO.: PD-64-93 4.2 The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, requires that a public Meeting be scheduled to consider an Official plan Amendment. The purpose of this report is to facilitate the public consideration of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and the proposed amendments to the Neighbourhood Development plans for courtice. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the committee c) ~~ l^-~ Franklin wu, M.c.I.P. Director of planning and Development Lawrence E. Kotseff Chief Administrati e Officer RH*DC*FW*df Attachment #1 _ proposed Amendment No. to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle Attachment #2 _ proposed Amendment No. to the courtice west NeighboUrhood plan Attachment #3 _ proposed Amendment No. to the court ice south Neighbourhood plan Attachment #4 _ proposed Amendment No. to the courtice North Neighbourhood Plan ~.7 J r\ .) V DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to consolidate existing parks and open space system policies and incorporate a revised open space HierarchY into the Town'S Official plan. The Amendment is based upon a document enti tled Reoreation Leisure servioes Master Plan prepared bY Hough stansbury Woodland Ltd. and Jack B. Ellis & ASSociates Ltd. for the Town of Newcastle in september 1991. The report haS recommended a neW open space HierarchY which would capitalize on the Town'S existing land and facility resource base to ensure a balanced provision of leisure and recreation areas. The Town of Newcastle Official Plan is herebY amended by: i) deleting sections 6.3,7.2.3,8.2.3 and 9.5 (iii) and replacing them with section 3.3 as followS: BASIS: ACTUAL AMENDMENT: "3.3 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SYSTEM 3.3.1 OBJECTIVES i) To provide for a range of leisure activities for all ages and interest groUPS; ii) To preserve, conserve and complement the natural heritage features such as valleylands. marshes, streamS, beaches, woodlots, the Lake ontario waterfront, the oak Ridges Moraine and other distinctive features within the Town of Newcastle; Hi) To provide a System of urban parks, trails systems, open space areas, recreational and cultural facilities in close association with community schools and other community facilities; and, iv) To maintain and enhance scenic vistas. , .\ )\ 3.3.2 POLICIES gpen space HierarchY al The open spaoe HierarohY is comprised of Major open space system, Minor open Space Areas, open space Linkages, Town parks , community parkS, Neighbourhood parks, parkettes and Hamlet parks. Linkages should be provided between elements of the open space HierarchY and other major land uses within the urban Areas and HamletS. The exact location of the open space HierarchY shall be detailed in the zoning By-LaW; b) The predominant use of landS within the open space HierarchY shall be for active and passive recreational and conservation useS. Buildings and structures incidental to the permitted useS shall be located within the various components of the open space Hierarchy, subject to Sections 6.4, 7.2.4 and 8.2.4 of this Official plan; ol It is the objective of this Plan to secure public ownershiP of all valleylands and major portions of waterfront associated with urban areas. Where any landS included within the open space HierarchY are under private ownershiP, it shall not be construed that these are to remain in this state indefinitely, nor that theSe sites are free and open to the public; d) Visual and physical means provided to all public within open space Areas to council; of access shall be facilities located the satisfaction of e) A hierarchY of pedestrian and bicycle trail Systems shall be developed in order to, among other things, provide a safe and convenient alternative transportation system and pleasant accesS to open space recreation areas; and, f) When planning for future Town, community and NeighboUrhood park requirements, theSe shall be provided at a combined rate of 2.0 ha per 1000 persons population. ]')2 ~a;or open space System a) The Major open spaoe system generallY comprises those landS associated with the creek valley SystemS and the waterfront within the urban Areas. The policies of this Plan shall also apply to any lands designated "Major open Space System" in the Durham Regional Official Plan adjacent to the Urban Area boundaries. The boundaries of the Major open space system as shown on schedules 6-1, 7-1 and 8-1 are not precise and shall only be used as guidelines. More precise boundaries, including buffer areas and top-of-bank setbackS, shall be delineated in the zoning By-LaW in consultation with the conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources; b) council shall encourage the public acquisition of and accesS to, for passive recreational purposes, valleylandS of the variouS creek systems; 0) Appropriate top-of-bank setbackS for valleylands having regard for slope stability, sensitivity of natural features, trail corridors and accesS and maintenance requirements shall be determined in consultation with the conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural ResOurces. As a minimum, a 3. 0 m setback of property lines from the top-of-bank shall be provided for maintenance purposes; d) UseS of lands and carrying out of activities within the Major open space system shall be in accordance with the regulations of the conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, the Durham Regional Official Plan and sections 6.4, 7.2.4 and B.2.4 of this Plan as it relates to Hazard Lands; and shall be appropriate to and compatible with the areas and the adjaCent land uses; and, e) LandS identified on schedule B-1 as being Waterfront Related Major open Space and the symbolS "M" (Marina) and "TR" (TOurist/Recreation) Node shall be subject to the relevant policies of the Durham Regional Official plan. ._.,)l !... _J J Minor open space Areas a) Minor open space Areas are intended to preserve wherever possible, unique or important elements of the natural environment having local significance; and may include woodlots, hazard lands, minor waterCourses and storm water management facilities; and, b) Some Minor open space Areas are identified on schedules 6-1, 7-1 and 8-1.. Further areas may be identified in the Neighbourhood Plans and shall provide visual diversity and opportunities for passive recreational activities compatible with and appropriate to the area. open space Linkaqes The following system of open space Linkages as shown on schedules 6-1, 7-1, 8-1, 9-7 and 9-8 provideS a continuouS open space system connecting various recreational facilities. a) Regional Trails should provide east-west linkages along the Oak Ridges Moraine, Lake Iroquois Shoreline and Lake ontario waterfront. Town Trails should provide connections within the Town between urban centres, hamlets, historic areas, parks and natural environmental features. Local NeighboUrhood Trails should provide links between parks and commercial areas within a community; and, b) The system should consist of hiking, croSS- country and cycling trails within valleylands, open space areas, parkS and roads or private property right-of-ways where necessary. The system should provide connections between environmental features, regional recreation areas, Town parks and other open space Areas. x-own parks The Town parks system shall be comprised of one or more of the park elementS. Their general locations are shown on schedules 6-1, 7-1, 8-1 and 9-8. 'J54 a1 Reoreation Areas shall provide a wide variety of indoor, outdoor and specialized facilities, unstructured acti vi ties and linkages to the regional and town trail system. Town-level recreational areas shall be provided on the basis of 0.4 ha per 1000 persons population and should be approximatelY 12 hectares or larger in size. Where possible, these parks should be located in association with cultural and primary open space areas; b1 Eoologioal Interest Areas shall preserve and protect specialized environmental features as well as promoting outdoor education and unstructured recreation. These areas shall be linked to the regional and town trail system. The provision and size of these areas shall be dependent on the nature and location of the area to be preserved. These lands do not comprise part of the parkland dedication requirement; and, c) urban and civic open spaoe Areas shall maintain existing character within urban areas by providing sitting, relaxing and public gathering spaces for people. park size and location is dependent on site availability and function. Where possible, these parks should be developed in association with cultural or heritage facilities. Qonununitv parks The community parks system shall be comprised of two component park types. The general locations are shown on schedules 6-1, 7-1, 8-1 and 9-7. a) Major community parks shall provide active and unstructured recreation facilities in association with primary open space areas. They shall serve a population of 20,000-25,000 persons within a 1. 5- 2 . 5 km radius. These parkS shall have a minimum size of 8-12 hectares and connected to the regional and town trail system; b) Minor community parks shall provide junior outdoor facilities and be accessible by bicycle connections along valleylandS and open space corridors. These facilities may be in conjunction with Major community parks shall have a minimum size of 4-8 ]35 01 Both Major and Minor community parks shall be located along arterial or major collector roads. A minimum of 25% of the park perimeter should have direct road frontage; d) These facilities shall be provided at a combined standard of 0.8 ha per 1000 persons population; and, e1 A portion of the lands incorporated in a communi ty park identif ied on the Land use schedules of this Plan, may be dedicated to serve a NeighboUrhood park function. Neiqhbourhood park~ The general locations of NeighboUrhood parks are shown on schedules 6-1, 7-1 and 8-1. a1 Neighbourhood parks shall serve the active and passive recreational needs of surrounding residentS within a 0.8-1. 2 km radius. They shall also be located adjace~ to Major and Minor open space Areas to provide connections to regional and town trail systems; b} Where possible, Neighbourhood Parks developed in association with school provide shared recreation and education facilities; shall be sites to outdoor 0) The basis upon which Neighbourhood parks shall be provided is O.B ha per 1000 persons population. parks shall be a minimum size of 1-3 hectares depending on the potential of shared school facilities; and, d1 Neighbourhood park facilities should be provided within a 0.4 km walking distance without crossing major roads or vehicular bridges. parkettes may be provided without amendment to this Plan where physical barriers or proximity to facilities may discourage pedestrian accesS for young children to a Neighbourhood or community park. ~rkette~ J36 3.3.3 Hamlet park~ a) Hamlet parks shall provide active and passive recreational facilities for hamlets and rural areas as required. Each facility shall serve the population within a 3-5 km radius; b) Hamlet parks shall be provided in the HamletS of Burketon, Enniskillen, Hampton, Kendal, orono, Mitchell corners, Newtonville, Solina and Tyrone. Their general locations are shown on the Hamlet secondary plans; c) Wherever possible, Hamlet parkS connected to the Regional, Town Neighbourhood Trail system; and, shall be or Local d1 Hamlet parks shall have a minimum size of 4 hectares. Nevertheless, a Hamlet park with a smaller than minimum size may be permitted by council without an amendment to this Plan. IMPLEMENTATION public open space and recreational facilities may be provided by the Town through the following means: a1 The land conveyance and/or acquisition provisions of the planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 as amended from time to time. In this manner, the Town may require, as a condition of development or redevelopment, the conveyance of land for park and other recreational purposes at a rate of 5% for all residential development and 2% for commercial and industrial development. AlternativelY, the Town may require the amount of land to be conveyed at a rate of up to 1.0 ha per 300 dwelling units proposed of development or redevelopment for residential purposes; b1 purchase using monies allocated in the Municipal Budget; 01 purchase using donations, gifts, and bequests from individuals or corporations; purchase using monies allocated having jurisdiction; and, by an ~,_, I I .J J I e) purchase using monies included in the special account created by the municipality in accordance with section 51(12) of the planning Act, R.S.O., 1990. Where lands for park purposes are not required, the Town will accept cash-in-lieu of developable land. The cash-in-lieu calculation will be based on the market value of the lands the day before the day of draft approval. The market value will be determined by a qualified appraiser hired by the Town at the expense of the sUbdivider/ developer. All lands dedicated to the Town shall be conveyed in a physical condition acceptable to the Town. The Town may require that easements for accesS to and maintenance of watercourses be dedicated to the Town as a condition of subdivision approval. Where new development is proposed on a site part of which has been determined to contain Hazard Lands or Environmentally Sensitive Areas in accordance with Sections 6.4, 7.2.4 and 8.2.4 of this Official plan, such lands shall not be acceptable as part of the dedication for park purposes under section 42 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. The parks and trail networks proposed in the proximity of the Lake ontario waterfront in Urban Areas are subject to further review by the Town of Newcastle waterfront study. Future Secondary Plans for these areas may also identify need for additional park areas to be dedicated based on anticipated population growth." ii) adding section as follows: "In the processing of medium and high density residential developments, appropriate on-site indoor and outdoor recreational amenity areas shall be provided." iii) adding section as follows: "In the processing of medium and high density residential developments, appropriate on-site indoor and outdoor recreational amenity areas shall be provided." :' Ji q ,) 0 ivl amending schedule 6-1 as shown on Exhibit 'A' to this Amendment as follows: i) deleting the existing parks and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbolS; ii) adding Town and Local Neighbourhood Trail locations where appropriate; and, iii) changing the "public Senior Elementary SChool" in Neighbourhood 3B to "Separate Elementary SChool". v) amending schedule 7-1 as shown on Exhibit 'B' to this Amendment as followS: i) deleting the existing parkS and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchy symbolS; ii) adding Town and Local Neighbourhood Trail locations where appropriate. vi1 amending schedule B-1 as shown on Exhibit 'C' to this Amendment as follows: i) deleting the existing parks and open space hierarchy SymbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbolS; ii) adding Regional, Town and Local Neighbourhood Trail locations where appropriate; and, iH) combining the "Tourist Activity Node" and "Recreational Node" along the waterfront into the "Tourist/Recreation Node". vii1 amending schedule 9-1 as shown on Exhibit 'D' to this Amendment as followS: i) deleting the existing parks and open space hierarchy symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbols. amending schedule 9-2 as shown on Exhibit 'E' to this Amendment as followS: deleting the existing parkS and open space hierarchy symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchy symbols. viii) i) c ! ix) amending schedule 9-3 as shown on Exhibit 'F' to this Amendment as followS: i) deleting the existing parks and open space hierarchy symbolS and adding the revised parkS and open space hierarchY symbols. x) amending schedule 9-4 as shown on Exhibit 'G' to this Amendment as followS: i) deleting the. existing parkS and open space hierarchy symbolS and adding the revised parkS and open space hierarchY symbols. xi) amending schedule 9-5 as shown on Exhibit 'H' to this Amendment as followS: i) changing the "NeighboUrhOod park" designation to "community Facility". xii) amending schedule 9-6 as shown on Exhibit '1' to this Amendment as followS: i) deleting the existing parks and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbolS; and, il) changing the "Existing Residential" designation to "community Facility" to recognize the existing 1na Brown parkette, xii) amending schedule 9-7 as shown on Exhibit 'J' to this Amendment as followS: i) deleting the existing parks and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbolS; and, ii) adding Town Trail locations where appropriate. xiii) amending schedule 9-B as shown on Exhibit 'K' to this Amendment as follOWS: i) deleting the existing parkS and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbolS; and, ii) adding Town and Local NeighboUrhOod Trail locations where appropriate. J40 IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall applY in regard to this Amendment. INTERPR,ETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official plan of the Town of Newcastle , as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall applY in regard to this Amendment. J4' I . z [] I n I . ~ ~I 18@@@.J ~ \ -$- . 0:: 4: ,.. U . ..I I ~ I . O<t 0. <D z ~ . 4: W .!!! "'w ..I i3 ...J 0. ... e 1., '0 <to:: >- u: ::> 0" t' t::. ~<t a: u. 0 " =::: 0 ~ e~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l " 4: W ~ '0 'Z '0 0 III t' 114: ~ " '0 ::J: " <( 0 ., ., !~~ 8 0 Wz Z ..I 0- 0. ~ 0 0 In () '0 a." 'lii " 0>'0 0. 0'0 8._ " {; () c e E~ 0> " "C '" l:' '" h ~.t4!; ~ III ~<t 4: C/) " '" -.: 0>'0 1 < ",'" .... 0. ~~ " III () 0 " 8" ",0 0...1 c: 'c ~ '0 0 (/) III < " () oZ iii (/)'0 " " g '011) C:~d) g .I> l-CO III ~ () ~ '0 e e '011) o ~- .!!! s:. 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NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY @ LOCAL CENTRAL AREA (f) TOWN PARK @ MAJOR COMMUNITY PARK @ MINOR COMMUNITY PARK @ NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK _ _ _ TOWN TRAIL ~IOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOJ,& <el PUBLIC @ SEPARATE @ PRIVATE ~NIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOQb, @ PUBLIC BOW MANVILLE LAND USE STRUCTURE CHEDULE 7. TOWN OF N EWCAS DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVEl @ @ ~~ '" .'" PUBLIC ....... LOCAL NEIGtlBOURHOOD TRAIL ~ DWG.8'1' PRIVATE @ CD UTILITY """ JUNE 26,I9BI l..UT~IOHO"'Tl DECEMBER I, \991 P. B.I a<<G.H I-A" INSTITUTlOfolAL ~ 4- 'Z- TRANSPORTATION NETWORK J l Rood network Is oeOOloll10<1 .J see schedule74101 details) t - --------------- 11_'. URBAN AREA BOUNDARY RESIDENTIAL AREAS MAIN CENTRAL AREA INDUSTRIAL AREAS ~.,.:;i~o\\;; ,,:,~;: :,' .~J ,.;:/<i", rnmrn \I1IDilli ~ ~ MAJOR OPEN SPACE WATERFRONT RELATED MAJOR OPEN SPACE HAZARD LANDS .. NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY CD TOWN PARK @ MINOR COMMUNITY PARK @ NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK Exhibit "C": t: ., z ci 0: ,/'/ ,/' ADD "REGIONAL TRAIL", "TOWN TRAILS" AND "LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD TRAILS" AS SHOWN CHANGE FROM "RECREATIONAL NODE" AND "TOURIST ACTIVITY NODE" TO "TOURIST I RECREATION NODE" __ REGIONAL TRAIL NEWCASTLE VILLAGE _ _ _ TOWN TRAIL ...... LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD TRAIL @ ~ @ UTILITY MARINA TOURIST I RECREATION NODE JUNIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS @ ~ PUBLIC SEPARATE 200 mm 0 400 ~ ?~ TRANSPORTATION ~ (Road network is generalized ] 4 4 see schedule 2 for details.) """.EN P.B.N. OWG. Hi' 3-S-VA Exhibit "0" Z E <l 0 0 -' (\j <5 en a. 0 c en .J .t:: ,2 ..- c Z <l c c u ..- c 0 <l ,2 ,2 Cf) u '0 n: -' ~ ] 0> en en >- <5 ... a. c c ..- ;>-. ..- >- 0- U. 0 OJ ..- c 0 0 0 ... en ... - ~ C .t:: 0 0 Q) en 0 >- I U. 0. 0. '0 en en Q) u ..- ..- 0::: "0 0:: C1> 0 ..... "0 '+- >< >< 0 ~ Cf) c ..- Q) c E w w u.. Q) u <( 'Vi ... E u c u 0 W W ..... 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B II E] , 0 Z 0:: LL ~ ......... >- :l~~l~;ll~lll . 0 l~~~~~~~~~~~ , I- Z ~ I- NOISS3JNo:::l NOISS3JNOJ 6!;.~ .. ~';';"~" . ,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,,~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~\~\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,........................... ............. .............. ............. .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. t/) u.!!: O~ >-~u. 1Il1-<t ot/).J \J.I-<t ~~a. ~::Eo \J.I\J.IZ u.x:J ~I-::E co g t/) a:: u.- oit >->-u. 1Il~<t o~.J \J.I-<t ~~a. ~~- \J.I ~ u.\J.I% \J.Ix:J ol-::E -~: o::~ <(~ ~a-a- ()) 0>-1- O::I-W b LLZJ .J w::>~ (!)~<( . z ~..:x: <( - :x: 00 0:01- t/) u.!!: o<t u. >-~u. 1Il1-<t ot/).J 9 \J.I-<t ~~!: I- ~::EU 0 \J.I\J.IZ .J u.x:J ~I-::E o :;:: c: Q) "'0 .en Q) 0::: 0> c: :;:: Vl .x W 01........." ............ ............ ............ ............ .:::::::::::: ............ ............ t~~~;~~~~; <;t I- a ...I 0> c: ;;:: c: o - c: Q) "'0 .en Q) 0::: c: o .en c: o Cl. x W '0 o ..c: u (/) >. ..... o - c: Q) E ~ w o .0 ..... Q) E E o u Exhibit "H": Vl c: o :;:: u .C - Vl o Q) -0::: - ~c .~ Q) .oE :J Cl. (/)0 o Q) Q) > ..... Q) <iO Z <i ..J a. ...I ~ o LL. LL. o lJJ ..J .... (I) ~ o ~ lJJ Z La. o Z ~ ~ c: .2 Vl c: o Cl. x w E .S! ~~ 0>:2 c: Vl o Q) ...10::: >. .'!: .0 o l.1... >. - .c :J E E o u o o ..c: u (/) >. ..... o - c: Q) E Q) w .:.c: ..... o a. o - c: Q) "'0 Vl Q) 0::: - Q) E o ::I: ..... o .c Q) (/) >. - - ::> E o o (II z ~ ..J a.. )- 0::: ~ C Z o o lJJ (I) Z o C ~ ::I: Vl - c: o 0... Vl Vl Q) U u <i Q) .0 'en Vl o 0... c: o 0: >. ..... o "'0 'c: o u Q) ....(/) 0_ -~ oE E ._ 0 ...II I . I o 2 to , 0) lJJ ..J :J C lJJ ::I: o (I) (j) Ol - ~ - Itm~il o 0:: W m ::E w () w o 8 NOISS3:)NO:) E o III EJ : >- : I- ~- 0:::..J ~o cLt 0)- ""'0.... .0::::1:- Oo:::z O::::J LL.g~ WCD~ (!)::I:O z~.o <t lJJ- :r: z 01- 0: o <( o a:: ======_______~19vISlmN33M1383~N~Oll~O~O~03N3dONn==== ]49 Exhibit "I" z 4: ~ .J E a If) 0- 0 0 c: c: .J .J :1\ ..c 0 If) 0 0- c: c: u ~ C 4: 0 0 (() n... >- Q 0 'Vi "Vi 0 C 0> ~ -0 ~ .... n... ~ 9i 0 m -.;:: ~ c: c: ~ 0 .... "'in .... <D u- N c: 0 0 "0 .c 0 .8 c1l If) 0 0 I u.. Ol c1l 0. 0. U ..- 0:: If) '"0 0 .... ;;: >< >< 0 c: c1l c: z m 0 ~ '"0 E. lJJ lJJ u.. .Yo (() c1l U u 0 0 Q .... "Vi ... ~ E 0 c1l C u u ~ \1.1 W ffi Q) C E :g ~ 0 >- c1l <t c1l .J .J 0:: 0 ..- 0- c1l '0 :0 E ({) '';:: ..- >- ..- "2 0 W ::> I- m ..- .... :;J c1l ...- (f) 0> c: c: c1l c: :;J ..- c: c1l 0. 0 ..... 0 (f) 0 :e c: c1l c1l I- c1l E c1l c1l >- E ~ (() 0 .D c1l \1.1 <t: uJ -~ '"0 '"0 0>:9- E E 0 ..- Q) 'Vi :!::E \1.1 U g <..> 'Vi "Vi E '2 E 0 J :x: ';:( c: If) c1l c1l :> If) .S 0 J ~ uJ c1l c1l Oc1l 0 0 w c1l 0 S .... c1l 0 (,) 0 0 lJJ 0:: 0:: .JO:: () :::c ({) () <to 0- .JX ~ (/) W Q 0 I B aJ i I 8 \ Z I ~ u- ~ ............ . 0 it~~l\ \ ~ Z Z ~ I- ----------- :: :: >- t- .-II- 5 <t:- -.-I 1-- .J ZU w<t: Ou- (i)>- ~\1.It: oet:Z et:(!)::> \J...z~ (J w-~ 0 (!)I-O < 00 z~p ~ <t: x~ L 5 :::cwo .J <.):: l- e .. 91 'ON a'lOl! ''INOI93l! ~ ~ x III X 0) 5 .J a'lOl! 0I3l! ..2 5 .J Z 4: E .-J 0 0 -0 tJ) 0... <t 0 C Z ~ .c 0 tJ) 4: .-J 0 ... L> C .-J 4: 0 U 0 0... (f) 0... U 10 0 -0 (Jl :>-. -0 :>-. ... 0... ~ I"- 0 - :>-. U; \.L. - '.;:: C Q.) - - 0 ... :>-. 0 en c ... '2 .c 0 0 Q.) tJ) ... 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I- w .J ~ c:t X o o <i ~ 0:: f >-, !:: _ :z , - ::> ~~ <!~ ~a..o 0>-0 0::1-0:: LLZO w::>'" (!)~<! :z ~ xOo 0=01- of c c ( o lr .)5 = -D.c .0" ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z i ~ CHANGE FROM "COMMUNITY PARK" TO "TOWN PARK" SOMMEfW1LLE LOT 29 , '-,01- 28 J'J[ LOT 27 II 11 II II II II I I II I I II \-1 1"1 CI iNl ~ 131 IzI ~ ~ 1\'1 ~I ~ I~ I I F.i ~I II I I II II \ I 10 Z Q C/) C/) W l> Z o l> CJ Exisling Residential W8 Residenliallnfi\ling .. Residenlial Expansion \\\lII Community Facilily \\1mIlI1 Town Park ~ Elementary school ~ Senior Elementary Schoo' .. Commerciol .~ Industrial ~J~jtj Utili1y '_,I~;,":!..[,~~ Area subjec110 " Development Resl(iclior CD possible Access points Limil of -. - Hamiel Secondary Plar q- z Q C/) C/) W l> Z o ___ Town Trail .. .. . Local Neighbourhood ORONO SECONDARY PLAt SCHEDULE 9-8 E OFFICIAl @ ,00 200 - """" 100m DECEMBER t. 199t DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. TO THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate revised Parks and open Space sy~tem policies within the courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Amendment is based upon a document entitled Recreation/Leisure services Master Plan prepared by Hough stansbury woodland Ltd. and Jack B. Ellis & Associates Ltd. for the Town of Newcastle in september 1991. The report has suggested an alternative park hierarchy which would capitalize on the Town's existing land and facility resource base to ensure a balanced provision of leisure and recreation areas. BASIS: ACTUAL AMENDMENT: i) The courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan is amended by replacing section 2.3 with the following text: "2.3 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SYSTEM The courtice West Neighbourhood will be served by a hierarchy of parks and open spaces interconnected by pedestrian and bicycle pathways. These areas comprise lands acquired by the municipality specifically for recreational purposes. Generally, the hierarchY of open space shall be as follows: 2.3.1 a) open space system Major open Space system Minor open Space Areas b) open Space Linkages c) Town parks d) community parks e) Neighbourhood parks f) parkettes 2.3.2 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM Major open space system The Major open space system designation relates to the Farewell and Harmony creek valleyS. These valley lands are considered environmentallY sensitive because they are prone to flooding, provide wildlife habitat and movement corridors and support rarp- or uncommon types of vegetation. In some areas, slopes are steep and prone to erosion. ]53 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 Vegetation preservation is required within these areas to stabilize stream bankS, preserve wildlife habitat and maintain loW water temperatures for the cold-water fishery. Minor open space Areas Minor open spaoe Areas are intended to preserve, wherever possible, unique or important elements of the natural environment having local significance. This may include woodlots, hazard lands and minor waterco~ses associated wi~ storm w~er management. These Areas shall provide visual diversity and opportunities for passive recreational activities. Major and Minor open space systemS and Areas within the court ice west NeighboUrhOod may be either privatelY or publiclY owned. During the review of development proposals, the Town of Newcastle may require the dedication of theSe areaS, or suitable maintenance easements, to an appropriate authority to ensure their preservation, protection and proper management. Urban development is prohibited within these areas. OPEN SPACE LINKAGES open space Linkages will be facilitated through a triple- -tiered system of trails. Regional, Town and LOoa1 NeighbourhOod Trails will link major facilities within the neighboUrhood as well as connecting courtice with other urban areas. Town parks are intended to provide various recreational opportunities of specialized character for the entire Town. An urban and civio Open spaoe Area is designated within the commercial component community central Area of the south NeighboUrhood. This area will form the civic and cultural foCUS of the courtice Urban Area. TOWN PARKS MAJOR AND MINOR CoMMUNITY PARKS Major community parks shall provide opportunities for a broader range of major active recreational facilities and unstructured recreational activities. such a facility is desig"a\;od ",tthin NeighboUrhOod 3B of this Plan to serve all courtice NeighboUrhoodC. :J~4 Minor community parks shall provide junior sportsfieldS and passive recreational areas to service the courtice Urban Area. They may alSo partially fulfil a Neighbourhood park service requirement. 2.3.6 NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS NeighboUrhoOd parks shall serve as a focUS for a neighbourhood's open space system. These facilities are intended to provide visual diversity and opportunities for a range of unstructured recreational activities. This shall include hard surface courts, play areas, passive and naturalized areas. 2.3.7 PARKETTES parkettes are intended as supplemental facilities to community and Neighbourhood parks. Activities envisioned for parkettes include tot lots, passive areas and general play areas." ii) amending schedule 1 as shown on Exhibit 'A' to this Amendment as follows: i) deleting the existing parkS and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parks and open space hierarchY symbolS; and, ii) adding Town and Local Neighbourhood Trail locations where appropriate. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. ~-, h )-1 Exhibit "A" COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN SCHEDULE 1 FEBRUARY 1982. NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY, . ' ' ' ' ' -'- RESiDENTIAL,................, ~ CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL. . . . . , ' ~ SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL. . ' - GENERAL COMMERCIAL. . . . . . . . . . - OFFICE COMMERCIAL. ' ' . . . . , , . . . ~ MIXED USE AREA, . . . . ' . . ' . . . . . . ~ GATEWAY COMMERCIAL AREA. , ' . . ----- SERVICE LANES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\1\\111\1\11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.,......,.. ~Th SPECIAL STUDY AREA. . . . . . . . . . . -' PARKETTE............... .....0C:l -~- ----- NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK. . . ' . . . . . . [If[] MINOR OPEN SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . SJ MAJOR OPEN SPACE. . ' . , . . . . , . . . ~ HAZARD LANDS. . . . . . . ' ' , . . . . ' ' ---- ARTERIAL ROAD-TYPE 'B'. . . . . . . . ~ MAJOR COLLECTOR ROAD. . . . . . . . ~ MINOR COLLECTOR ROAD. . . . . , . . . ~ LOCAL ROAD . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . ==== TOWN TRAIL . . ' . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . ___, LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD TRAIL. . . ...... WALKWAY. . . : ' . . . . .' . . ' . . . . . . .-- DENOTES DENSITY DESIGNATI~N M DENOTES MAXIMUM NUMBER 40 OF UNITS PER NET HECTARE ADD "TOWN TRAILS" AND "LOCAL NEIGIIBOURIIOOD TRAILS" AS SIIOWN ADD "NEIGIIBOURIIOOD PARK" J -0- o 100 zOO 300m I?-~ ~ ~ ~ ~S- 4~ ]56 DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. TO THE COURTICE SOUTH. NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate revised parks and open space system policies within the courtice south NeighboUrhood Development Plan. The Amendment is based upon a document entitled Recreation Leisure servioes Master plan prepared bY Hough stansbury Woodland Ltd. and Jack B. Ellis & Associates Ltd. for the Town of Newcastle in september 1991. The report haS Suggested an alternative park hierarchY which would capitalize on the Town'S existing land and facility resource base to ensure a balanced provision of leisure and recreation areas. BASIS: ACTUAL AMENDMENT: i) The court ice south NeighboUrhood Development Plan is amended by replacing section 2.3 with the following text: "2.3 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SYSTEM The courtice south NeighboUrhood will be served by a hierarchY of parkS and open spaces interConnected bY pedestrian and bicycle pathways. These areas comprise landS acquired bY the municipality specifically for recreational purposes. Generally, the hierarchY of open space shall be as followS: 2.3.1 a) open space system Major open space system Minor open space Areas b) open space Linkages c) Town parks d) community parks e) NeighboUrhood parks f) parkettes 2.3.2 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM Major open space system The Major open spaoe system designation relates to the Farewell and Black creek valleyS. These valley lands are considered environmentallY sensitive because they are prone to_flooding, provide wildlife habitat and movement corridors and support <are or uncommon types of 57 2.3.3 2.3.4 vegetation. In some areas, slopes are steep and prone to erosion. Vegetation preservation is required within theSe areas to stabilize stream banks, preserve wildlife habitat and maintain loW water temperatures for the cold- water fishery. Minor open space Areas Minor Open spaoe Areas are intended to preserve, wherever possible, unique or important elements of the natural environment having local significance. This may include woodlots, hazard lands and minor watercourses associated with storm water management. These Areas shall provide visual diversity and opportunities for passive recreational activities. Major and Minor open space systemS and Areas within the courtice south NeighboUrhood may be either privately or publiClY owned. During the review of development proposals, the Town of Newcastle may require the dedication of these areas, or suitable maintenance easements, to an appropriate authority to ensure their preservation, protection and proper management. Urban development is prohibited within theSe areas. OPEN SPACE LINKAGES open space Linkages will be facilitated through a triple- tiered system of trails. Regional, Town and Looal NeighboUrhood Trails will link major facilities within the neighboUrhood as well as connecting court ice with other urban areas. Town parks are intended to provide various recreational opportunitieS of specialized character for the entire Town. An urban and Civio open spaoe Area is designated within the commercial component community central Area of the south NeighboUrhood. This area will form the civic and cultural fOCUS of the courtice Urban Area. TOWN PARKS 2.3.5 MAJOR AND MINOR COMMUNITY PARKS Major community parks shall provide opportunities for a broader range of major active recreational facilities and unstructured recreational activities. such a facility is designated within NeighboUrhood 3B of this Plan to serve all courtice NeighboUrhoodS. :...h.Ct )..)0 Minor community Parks shall provide junior sports fields and passive recreational areas to service the courtice Urban Area. They may also partially fulfil a NeighboUrhood park service requirement. 2.3.6 NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS NeighboUrhood parks shall serve as a focuS for a neighbourhood's open space system. These facilities are intended to provide visual diversity and opportunities for a range of unstructured recreational activities. This shall include hard surface courts, play areas, passive and naturalized areas. 2.3.7 PARKETTES parkettes al'e intended as supplemental facilities to community and Neighbourhood ParkS. Activities envisioned for parkettes include tot lots, passive areas and general play areas." ii1 amending schedule 1 as shown on Exhibit 'A' to this Amendment as folloWS: i) adding Town and Local Neighbourhood Trail locations where appropriate; and, IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall applY in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the plan shall applY in regard to this Amendment. 59 Exhibit "A" ~ ~m \ III \\I 1\\ III 1\ \.0 .'. ,0. . E a ~ ~ ~ :E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r: ~ <i z '2 ci c::i 0: W ~ ~ :<( jri <( <( f- ::E 0 0 Cl W i W W 0: 0: 0 ~ W 0- 0- 0 0:: a tl u )- ~ 0: 0: :c 0- \;' 0 0:: i ~ ~ vi \:) ~ :0 ~ CIl ~ ~ 0 a CIl Cl W 'j en z ~ z z z 0 g :l Cl :c 0 W W <( 0:: .-I <( <!> ~ 0- 0- .-I .-I 0 0 0 w ?:i 0 <t u 0:: --=4> 0 <( u z Cl ii: ffi 0:: ~ CIl 0:: 0:: ei 0:: a a 0:: 0 0 W 0 0 .-I W Z .., N Ii: ~ .., z u u f- <( <( <( g g <( i ::E :c <( ::E :E ;; ~ 0 illllll~~~ 0 I 11: 1\" :~" '.: 0 :I: Ct:z :::><1: 0-, ~a. 0 j C>W en <( wCt: ~ l3 <( ~ <t 0:: f-W z:::> t--" W ~g ~ <( ~ ::E zei Cl ::E W '" :0 Z W 0 Z.-l .-I .-I .., :0 U 0<( 0 0:: :::>Ct: 0 ::E 0-0:: 0 0 ~ g~~ en ::E W ::Ef- :c 0 0 Cf) Oz u :c Cl Cl U 0 Uw CIl U CIl 0 WWW 0 j 0- U ~ 0 tl 0:: <t ~ u (f) -' ~ <( i'5 i[ l3~ i'! ~ W 0:: '" j:::::> 5 i= :0 0:: :0 E 0: 0 z z <t 155 i'5 Cl 0 Ct:OW en W W z en :::>Z:I: 8 Cl ~ B ::E::E ::E 0 '" :c z f2 ::E::E w hl 0:: <!> ~ o<l:U iil 8 0- 00 iil ~ Gi U-,(f) z 0:: CIl UU (/) Z f- ]60 DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. TO THE COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate revised parks and open space system policies within the courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plan. BASIS: The Amendment is based upon a document entitled Recreation/Leisure services Master Plan prepared by Hough stansbury woodland Ltd. and Jack B. Ellis & Associates Ltd. for the Town of Newcastle in september 1991. The report has suggested an alternative park hierarchy which would capitalize on the Town'S existing land and facility resource base to ensure a balanced provision of leisure and recreation areas. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: i) The court ice North Neighbourhood Development Plan is amended by replacing section 2.3 with the following text: "2.3 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SYSTEM The court ice North Neighbourhood will be served by a hierarchY of parks and open spaces interconnected by pedestrian and bicycle pathways. These areas comprise lands acquired by the municipality specificallY for recreational purposes. Generally, the hierarchY of open space shall be as follows: 2.3.1 a) open space system Major open space system Minor open Space Areas b) Open Space Linkages c) Town parks d) community parks e) Neighbourhood parks f) parkettes 2.3.2 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM Major open space system The Major open Space system designation relates to the Farewell and Black Creek valleys. These valley ]Rnds are considered environmentallY sensitive because they are prone to flooding, provide wildlife habitat and movement corridors and support 6 'I 2.3.3 2.3.4 rare or uncommon types of vegetation. In some areas, slopes are steep and prone to erosion. Vegetation preservation is required wi thin these areas to stabilize stream banks, preserve wildlife habitat and maintain low water temperatures for the cold-water fishery. Minor open Space Areas Minor open Space Areas are intended to preserve, wherever possible, unique or important elements of the n~tural environment having local significance. This may include woodlots, hazard lands and minor watercourses associated with storm water management. These Areas shall provide visual diversity and opportunities for passive recreational activities. Major and Minor Open Space Systems and Areas within the Courtice North Neighbourhood may be either privately or publicly owned. During the review of development proposals, the Town of Newcastle may require the dedication of these areas, or suitable maintenance easements, to an appropriate authority to ensure their preservation, protection and proper management. Urban development is prohibited within these areas. OPEN SPACE LINKAGES Open Space .Linkages will be facilitated through a triple- tiered system of trails. Regional, Town and Local Neighbourhood Trails will link major facilities within the neighbourhood as well as connecting Courtice with other urban areas. TOWN PARKS Town Parks are intended to provide various recreational opportunities of specialized character for the entire Town. An Urban and civic Open Space Area is designated within the Commercial component community Central Area of the South Neighbourhood. This area will form the civic and cultural focus of the Court ice Urban Area. 67 J ~_ 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 MAJOR AND MINOR COMMUNITY PARKS Major community parks shall provide opportunities for a broader range of major active recreational facilities and unstructured recreational activities. such a facility is 4esignated within NeighboUrhOod 3B of this Plan to serve all courtice NeighboUrhoodS. Minor community parks shall provide junior sportsfieldS ~nd passive recreational areas to service the courtiCe Urban Area. They may alSo partiallY fulfil a NeighboUrhood park service requirement. NeighboUrhoOd parks shall serve as a fOCUS for a neighboUrhood'S open space system. These facilities are intended to provide visual diversity and opportunitieS for a range of unstructured recreational activities. This shall include hard surface courts, play areas, passive and naturalized areas. NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS parkettes are intended as supplemental facilities to community and NeighboUrhood parkS. Activities envisioned for parkettes include tot lots, passive areaS and general play areas." PARKETTES Hl amending schedule 3A as shown on Exhibit 'A' to this Amendment as follOWS: i) adding Town and Local NeighboUrhood Trail locations where appropriate. Hi) amending schedule 3B as shown on Exhibit 'B' to this Amendment as folloWS: i) deleting the existing parkS and open space hierarchY symbolS and adding the revised parkS and open space hierarchY symbolS; ii) adding Town and Local NeighboUrhood Trail locations where appropriate; and, Hi) changing a portion of the "LoW Density Residential" designation to "Minor open space" reflecling en alteration of an existing watercourse. 6'S iv) amending schedule 3C as shown on Exhibit 'C' to this Amendment as folloWS: i) adding Town and Local NeighboUrhood Trail locations where appropriate; H) changing the "Residential special policy" and "LoW Density Residential" to "Residential Medium Density" and "Minor open space" to reflect the approved residential plan of subdivision; and, iii) expanding the existing parkette from O.B hectares (2.0 ac) to 1.1 hectares (2.7 ac). IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the official plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall applY in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the plan shall applY in regard to this Amendment. 64 ~.~ (\..."y . c::::"',~ 17 \...-. ~; (, 1 ';.); .I I' '. , ._,_,-'-'-'-'~'-'-'-iEXhiblt "A" . 'LAN'DS SUBJECT TO AN' \ OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APP\..\CATION' \ ADO "TOWN TRAILS" AND "LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD TRAILS" AS SHOWN COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3A LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN SCL1EDULE 1 APPROVED BY COUNCIL n MAY 25.1982 : \00 60 o 100 200 ~om 1 -e- o ~~- 400 \00 200 400 800 = NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARy.,., ".."-.-. RESIDENTIAL Iti~:::::~m ..' . .' . . .., ............. .' RESIDENilAL SPECIAL ,:,;/(;~1, POLICY AREA .. ' ' ' ' . .. ..' ELEMENiARY SCHOOL.. ...... .....~ 00 PARK,.., ' ' ' .' .. ,- HAZARD LANDS.......,......,......,-'- ARTERIAL ROAD - TYPE IB'.."",.., ~ MAJOR COLLECTOR ROAD.,.., ' ' , ' , ~ MINOR COLLECTOR ROAD""",."..~ LOCAL ROAD,.........,......,......, ..... ."..,.,"""'~ MINOR OPEN MAJOR OPEN SPACE.. . . . . .. .... . . . . . ,?ik.,,,f 'J TOWN TRAIL.... . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--- CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL".,.",,:1 LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD TRAIL. .... .' I\~I\~\\\\ .'.."t1S."" r:~"'" ~i' p..'~,-, ;;mi~~~~l{~ ~l'l\ -," ,I \1 J llil;,~:~~);~~{~:I/..., ,;,'...,....,-1/,.. ",~....\ CHANGE FROM "LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" TO "MINOR OPEN SPACE" o 100 200 400 2~ 00 PARKETTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. \ TOWN TRAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. --- . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhibit "C" -------------------------------------------------- lANDS SUBJECT TO FURTHER AMENDMENT TO 'tHE NEIG14BOUR1400D DEVELOPMENT p\..AN ~ ~ Cl:: l.lJ <...) h. gs 8, ~ ~ Cl:: t5 8 ~ ~ CHANGE FROM "RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL POLICY" TO "MINOR OPEN SPACE" CHANGE FROM "LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" TO "MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" NASH ROAD COURllCE NORTH NE\GH80URHOOD 3C LAND USE smuC1\JRE PLAN SCHEDULE 1C J o 100 ,~ 200 ~ TOWN TRAIL ---- MAJOR OPEN SPACE P ARKEm: LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD TRAIL ........ WALKWAY ........ LOW DENSITY RESIDENllAL MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MINOR OP AR1ERIAL ROAD TYPE 'a' ;;;- jii MAJOR COLLEC 00 LOCAL ROAD ~" 6' 7,' ,_J