HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-48-93 Y ~Y'"~ I~f CO~T°COF~ OF TFt T°®~f OF RiSV1lC~'L DN: MANSON.GPA ' a C'~ c;~, Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Fide ~ ~ „ C~> Monday, March 15, 1993 ~~~•~~-~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ Date: PD-48-93 DEV 91-031, 18T91005 Dy°Lat~ ~epert ~ i"ile ~ & NPA 91-003/CN Subject: SUBDIVISION, REZONING AND NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 91-031, 18T 91-005, NPA 91-003/CN a_ crr~rn~natians; It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-48-93 be received; 2. THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T 91005 revised and dated March 19, 1992, as per Attachment No. 3, be APPROVED subject to the conditions contained in this Report; 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Town of Newcastle at such time as the agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning; 4. THAT rezoning application DEV 91-031 be approved to implement the subdivision plan approval and a by-law forwarded upon satisfaction of the applicable conditions of Draft Plan Approval of the subdivision; 5. THAT the Neighbourhood Plan Amendment #9 submitted by William D. Manson on behalf of Claret Investments Ltd. and Rexgate Holdings Ltd. be APPROVED; 6. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 7. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: William D. Manson 1.2 Owner: Claret Investments Ltd. and Rexgate Holdings Ltd. 1.3 Subdivision to permit 110 street townhouse units and the crea~cinn c~ d v . 88 lea Li~~)~ ~f 1 f®~~ the realignment/channelization of the existing watercourse. ••••2 ~ THIS IS PRIN!£0 nECYCLE~PAPLH REPORT NO. PD-48-93 PAGE 2, 1.3 Rezoning: From "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "Holding - Urban Residential Type Three ((H)R3)", from "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" to "Environmental Protection (EP)", from Holding - Urban Residential Type Four ((H)R4) to "Holding - Urban Residential Type Three ((H)R3" and from "Holding Urban Residential Type Four ((H)R4) to "Environmental Protection (Ep)n~ 1.4 Neighbourhood Plan Amendment: From Minor Open Space to Medium Density Residential - Maximum Density 30 units per net ha, from Low Density Residential to Minor Open Space, from Medium Density Residential - Maximum Density 40 units per net ha to Medium Density Residential - Maximum Density 30 units per net ha, from High Density Residential - Maximum Density 80 units per net ha to Medium Density Residential - Maximum Density 30 units per net ha and from High Density Residential - Maximum Density 80 units per net ha to Minor Open Space. 1.5 Area: 4.731 hectares 2. LOCATION , 2.1 The subject lands are located in Part of Lot 30, Concession 3, in the former Township of Darlington. The site possesses frontage on the north side of Nash Road, just east of Trulls Road. 3 BACKGROUND 3.1 On May 9, 1991, Staff were notified by the Region of Durham, that an application for a plan of subdivision was made on the subject lands. Staff advised the applicant that applications for rezoning and neighbourhood plan amendment were required. On June 29, 1991, these two (2) applications were submitted to the Planning Department. ....3 G~34 PAGE 3. REPORT NO. PD-48-93 3.2 The lands were previously subject to application DEV 84-23 which 1984. This application proposed a 96 was submitted on June 15 , unit apartment building and 70 townhouses totalling 166 units. On B law 85-1 to rezone the lands to permit the January 14, 1985, y- development was approved by Town Council. Attachment No. 1 shows the current zoning on the site. these lands, extensive 3.3 In order for the applicant to develop stormwater management is necessary. This entails realignment/ Black Creek tributary, not only on channelization of the existing abutting this the applicants lands, but on those lands directly out these works has been site to the east. Authorization to c lands. The Draft Black Creek given by the owner of these adjoining has received approval by both the Conservation Drainage Study Authority and the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department. In this tributary (Attachment fact, work has begun on channelizing requires a #6~, Altering the location of the tributary Neighbourhood Plan Amendment and an amendment t a d the nopenBspace recognizing tYie new location of the tributary associated with it. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Uses: The site is presently vacant 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T 77028 sin le detached dwelling units West - Existing g units and a South - Nash Road, Existing single dwelling residential condominium development North - Existing residential development comprised of single dwelling units, semi-detached/link units anc townhouses. 5 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5. 1 '1"ne xey i~~l ~f Du~'~' a~' r a ~ confirmed that the subject lands are designated in the Regional Official Plan "Residential Area/Living JJ5 PAGE 4, REPORT NO. PD-48-93 Area" having an indication of hazard lands and environmentally sensitive areas. Lands designated "Residential Area/Living Area" shall be predominantly used for residential'pur ate that theoextent regarding "Environmentally Sensitive Areas st and exact location of such lands shall be determ that the ext t f and processing of a development application, and law. The lands Hazard Lands shall be defined through the zoning by- originally possessed a high water table and acted as a ground water recharge area. According to the Gartner Lee Associates Study completed for Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in June of 1978, these lands also abutted lands possessing a significant forest having usual attributes. However, since that study was completed, the surrounding lands have been developed and the subject. lands were cleared. This activity has altered the environmental sensitivity of the land. Further, the Region has stated that since residential development has occurred to the west, north and south of the subject site and is proposed to the east of the lands, that this is an infilling situation, hence an environmental impact study is not necessary. 5.2 According to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, the majority of the lands are designated "Residential". Lands designated residential shall be used for such purposes, however, those lands encompassing the existing tributary are designated Hazard Lands. The extent of the Hazard Lands shall be determined through the a zoning by-law amendment in consultation with the conservation authority. 5.3 The Courtice Neighbourhood 3B Plan designates the nd eHigh 40 units per hectare) "Residential - Medium Density and "Minor Open Space". The Density (80 units per hectare)", ossesses a density of 30 units per development as proposed, p hectare and hence an amendment to the neighbourhood plan i~ ~P~i anated Minor Open Space'' required. ~,~iL.iu„ally, ~_-~ - will have to be adjusted to reflect the proposed realignment of •th` tributary. ~JJ~ PAGE 5, REPORT NO. PD-48-93 6 ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS rehensive Zoning By-law, 6.1 According to the Town of Newcastle Comp ended, the subject lands are zoned "Hof dential ype 84-63, as am - Urban Resi H R3 "Holding Residential Type Three ) ] The "Holding - Four [(H)R4]" and "Environmental ProteCe ~ is apartment buildings. Urban Residential Type Four" zone only p ermitted use This application proposes townhouses which are not a p zone. Lastly, the Environmental Protest nt of th'e within the R4 one boundary has to be adjusted as a result of realign z tributary of Black Creek. has requested that 6.2 The Central Lake Ontario Conservations sedo unt 1 such time as the the zoning by-law amendment not be p feted and the roposed realignment/channelization has been comp As such, the p h sically determined. floodplain limits have been p Y 'n b -law will be forwarded to Council whthe Townoand amending zone g Y ferenced above are completed to the satisfaction of re The Conservation Central Lake Ontario Conservation on the abutting lands affected Authority -also .asked that the zoning reflect this the realignment be amended to accurately by lain limits. channelization and the new floodp PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSION 1982 and the 7 of July 26, to Council's Resolution signag~ ~,1 Pursuant Act the appropriate requirements of the Planning ect lands led ing the application was installed on ttc each landowne acknow g In addition, the appropriate notice was made within the prescribed distance. the west has advised Staff of his concern regardi~ ~,2 A neighbour to He wish e final grading of the proposed Plan of Subdivision• ro ert th rades may have on his p p to know what impact. the final g licant has spoken and the app This concern was raised recently these concerns. the residC•lt app~cr,t.~v resolving ~J J PAGE 6. REPORT NO. PD-48-93 g AGENCY COMMENTS rocedures, the application was 8.1 In accordance with departmental p encies. artments and ag circulated to obtain comments from other dep Comments, offered a encies in providing The following departments/ g no objection to the application as filed: Town of Newcastle Fire Department Durham Region Planning Department Durham Region Works Department Ministry of the Environment Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board Ontario Hydro Services Department has no g,2 The Town of Newcastle Community arkland objections to the application and have as tklandaon tthe basis of 7 dedication be accepted as cash-in-lieu of pa 1 hectare per 300 dwelling units. artment have no objections to g,3 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Dep ..conditions are met. .That this proposal provided that the following 113, and 114 are any 0.3 metre reserves including Blocks 112, ed to the Town, that the east side of Street o 'telephone transferr storm sewer, hydr , serviced with water, sanitary sewer, front Street and cable television for any future lots which may ort providinc iA~, that a Stormwater Management Implementation Rep e uential construction of the stormwater management work: for the s q act. ar for the future watershed and which addresse Watershed b necess y of development in the absence of the b D~a C age Study be approve submitted, that the Black Creek Master for of Public Works prior to the development of thi by the Direc e lan be prepared whic and Drainag p stem ar proposal, that a Lot Grading details the configuration of the on-site stormth ~ the applica~ conveyance of the overland flow frog with sthe,Town including a enter inl-v u Sig" pion Agreemen Ord e uirements of Public Works regarding the .engineer ii?y r q j~~ PAGE 7. REPORT NO. PD-48-93 all internal and external works and services construction of reement will Additionally, the subdivision ag related to this plan. rovisions that "staging plan" or any other necessary p of include a development of this plan will control the sequential 8.048 m sight triangle be dedicated subdivision, that a 8.048 m x free and clear of any and all encumbrances °n needseof to the Town Nash Road, that the servicing side of Street A abutting nds accessed by "Street C" be addressedpublicgWorks the westerly la velo ment of this plan of subdivision and that the de p and or otherwise. Department be satisfied financially notes that the The Central Lake Ontario Conservationses a watercourse diversion 8.4 e Study propo Black Creek Master Drainag The effect of this channelization is o through the subject lands . en space block identified fully contain the f loodplain within the op the flood hazard lan of subdivision, removing as Block 111 on the p ect lands. This channelization from the eastern portion of the subj lain not the creek thus impacting the limits of the f loodp lands as well. As realigns but on adjoining only on the subject lands, nested that the Authority has req such, the Conservation Plan and Zoning By-law be amended to reflect thi~ Neighbourhood royal of the proposed plan channelization. Also, prior to final app the owner muss or commencement of site preparation, a Master Drainage Play of subdivision, a royal of: engineering an obtain Conservation Authority p watershed; for the Black Creek Tributary details of the proposed watercourse divers rvicir. construction ement/ site grading and storm water manag and indicat channelization; ns detailing 100 year overland flow routing pia 'th the recommendations of the Black ove d grfor t1 conformity wi lans pr Master Drainage Plan; and erosion control p and constructi on-site containment of sediment during grading ority has also asked that Block 111 bstormiwat phases. The Auth al maintenance of the to the Town for future municip ~j-. works . ' JJ~ PAGE 8. RFPQR`[' NO • Pp-48-93 rone until the it is noted lots 81-96 will remain flood As such, the Lastly, has been completed. diversion of the property not watercourse uests that rezoning Conservation Authority req until such tune as the channelization and the ne come into effect h sically established. floodplain limits have been p Y royal of ections to app e Ministry of Natural Resources havef nab registration of a plan 8.5 Th prior to this this application. However, construction, on-site grading or or anY 'final implementation of subdivision and approve Ministry must have reviewed stormwater flow describing the intended means of s on and sedimentation and plans from the site, and the means whereby ero construction and effects will be minimized on the seed thatngertain conditions their a site grading plan. It is also reques laced in the stormwater management and maintenance be p regarding subdivision agreement. ewcastle Public School Board had no objections sidewalks should be g,6 The Northumberland N noted that interior to the application but uested that a walkway bE The School Boardreq the built to Nash Road. ment located north of roviding access to the develop orated a built p ite. However, this recommendation was not oval prior t subject s Council app the lands to the North had received since been built upon these comments and have receipt °f any opportunity to provide this walkway• effectively eliminating Staff noted that this applicati 9 STAFF COMMENTS ort, Rep However, t g,1 In the Public Meeting d only one (1) access point for all the units . propose ended the plan to allow for the futur~hee tappl°Cc applicant has am Road. Further, to Trulls ment of i Street "C" westerly icting future develop ro osals dep artment 1 provided a number of p p lands. Town of Newcastle Publi a d has Drequested westerly 3 Attachment # 4 s,~T,.,nr_ted Proposal # ( r of these lands through •t applicant to provide for the ~~~ci- plan of subdivision. _ J o PAGE 9 REPORT NO. PD-48-93 designation allows in part a maximum of 80 units per 9.2 The existing er hectare to be hectare, and in part a maximum of 40 unit a total of 220 units established on the lands. At this dens the applicant has reduced could be built on these lands. Howevea density of approximately 30 the unit count to 110 units achieving units per hectare. leted, Staff 9.3 Since the creek channelization works h 110 notb be app owed at this propose that lots 81 to 96, 109 and and these lots have been red-lined as blocoval or future time development and reflected in the conditions of appr osed channelization to reduce the hazards of flooding will g,4 The prop im act the location of the Hazard Lands desibut it will not only p ect site, the Environmental Protection Zone oiri h 1 nds as works are to be also have an impact on the abutt g both the carried out on the adjoining lands to the east. As such, lan should be comprehensive zoning by-law and the neighbourhood p Staff will es. In this regard, amended. to reflect these chang the necessary contact the abutting land owners to make applications. assage of the 's request for delaying p g,5 The Conservation Authority Staff are forwarding the Zoning By-law will be honoured. However, fog g Attachment No. 5) proposed. Neighbourhood Plan Amendment # ~ B law amendment wil: Council's approval at this time as the Zoning Y- ect t~ cifically define the limits of the lands subj spe Environmental Protection. 10 CONCLUSION encies ar 10. 1 The applicant has satisfied the requireemenrt po° al for gthe futu~ rovided an acceptabl p Staff, and have p lands. The proposal al; development of the westerly adjoining and number of units on the subject lands. ~:~a„rP~ both density n such, Staff have no objections to tnis aNNl~ J~) REPORT NO. PD-48-93 PAGE 10, Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~ a ~ w. ~-~- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P, Lawrence E. Kc~t eff Director of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer HB*FW*cc 8 March 1993 Attachment # 1 - Key Map Attachment # 2 - Proposed Plan of Subdivision Attachment # 3 - Red Lined Revised Plan of Subdivision Attachment # 4 - Accepted Lot Configuration of Westerly Lands Attachment # 5 - Neighbourhood Amendment #9 Attachment # 6 - Channelization Works Completed to Date Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Claret Investments Ltd., Lester Little Reigate Holdings Ltd., Group 6, Box 15 20 Clematis Road, R.R._#6 Willowdale, Ont. M2J 4X2 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K7 William D. Manson Kim Gooch 20 Clematis Road, 43 Cecil Found Willowdale, Ont. M2J 4X2 Courtice, Ontario ~ DN: MANSON.GPA REGISTRATION, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL-' PLAN PLAN IDENTIFICATION, 'es to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-91006 prepared by 7. D. Barnes. 1, That this approval apph 'sed as red-lined showing Lots 1 to 80 and 97 to 108 inclusi~~Te dated March 19, 1992, revs en S ace, and various blocks for on street townhouses, Block 111 for Op p development, reserve, road widening, site triangle etc. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS. of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and 2. That all streets within the Plan shown as such on the final plan. d to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and shown on 3, That all streets shall be name the final plan. BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT RE UIREMENTS T• • a ualified landscape architect to prepare and submit That the Owner shall retain q anc 4. the Director of Public Works and the Director of ptath maesig~ Landscaping Plan to plan shall refiec royal. The Landscaping Development for review an d d from time to time. criteria of the Town as amen rofessional engineer to prepare and submit a Mast 5, That the Owner shall retain a p din Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and Apo r to Drainage and Lot Gra g s must conform to the Town's Design Criteria as amende All plans and drawing to time. _ X45 -2- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION, E SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT -Continued RE UIREMENTS TO f Marra ement Implementation Report be submitted to the satisfactioe 6, That a Stormwater g of Public Works providing for the sequential construction of the stormwstof of the Director and which addresses nnp management works necessary for the future watershehe balance of the watershed. developing this plan of subdivision in the absence of t pUIREMENT5 TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT. RE all enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town and agree to abbut That the Owner sh and conditions of the Town's standard subdivision agreement, including, by all terms not limited to, the requirements that follow. lan" or any other necessary g, That the subdivision agreement will include a ~~st nano bis plan. provisions that will control the sequential developme road widening, and reserves as required by the Town shall be grante 3 9, That all-easements, but not lnnited to Block 112, 11 to the Town free and clear of all encumbrances including ed on the west side of Street A, and 114 and a 8.048 m by 8.048 m sight triangle locat abutting Nash Road. That Block 111 be granted to the Town free and clear of all encumbrances. 10. nds be laced in the appropriate zoning categories in a Zoning By-law 11. That the subject la p b the Town of Newcastle Council in accordance with the Planning Act. passed y to the Town at the time of execution of the subdivision 12. That the Owner shall pay ash-in-lieu of parkland dedication for residential development based upon agreement, c hectare per 300 dwelling units. ~ 4 -3- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION. REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D~a 13. That the Black Creek Master Drainage Study be approved by the Director of Public Works prior to development of this Plan of Subdivision. 14. That the storm drainage works necessary for this plan of subdivision are constructed in accordance with the "Draft" Black Creek Master Drainage Study dated May 1991 and finally approved by the Director of Public Works. 15. That Block 115 on the red-lined revised plan of subdivision be held for future development until such time as the storm water management works (realignment and channelization of the tributary) have been completed on the adjoining lands to the east, and that these lands have been placed in the appropriate zoning and neighbourhood plan designations in compliance with the Planning Act. 16. That Block 116 and 117 on the red-lined revised ..Plan _of Subdivision be held for future development until the storm water management works are completed. 17. That a Lot Grading and Drainage Plan detailing the configuration of the on-site storm sewer system (minor system) and the conveyance of the overland flow (major system) from this site be submitted to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 18. That the east side of "Street A" be fully serviced with water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, hydro, telephone and cable television for any future lots which may front "Street A". 19. That the servicing needs (ie: sewer, water, storm, etc) of the westerly lands accessed by "Street C" be provided through the development of this Plan of Subdivision. ...4 J~5 -4- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION. RE UIREMENT5 TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT ((;ONT'Dl all a to the Town, the development charge in accordance to the 20, That the Owner sh p y Develo ment Charge By-law as amended from time to time, as well as payment ored P portion of front end charges pursuant to the Development Charge Act if any are requ to be paid by the owner. That the Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights, temporary turning circles 21. etc. as per the Town's standards and criteria. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro, telephone, Cable TV, etc. to be 22. buried underground. That the owner assumes all costs for the provision, installation and location of Communbi~ 23. Mailboxes to service this subdivision, in a manner satisfactory to the.Director o u Works...... That the Owner shall provide the Town, at the time of execution of the subdivi~n's 24. a reement unconditional and irrevocable, Letters of Credit acceptable to Occuoanc g Maintenance Guarantee, P Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Deposit and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the Town. 25. That the Owner shall adhere to architectural control requirements of the Town. at rior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must al 26. Tli P rovided to meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and~structior P watermains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees tha edO~ a o Fire Codf fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of th and o en burning storage of combu~~~Ll~ st~~= n'-?-tamed as per Subsection 2.4.1 P per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. X46 -S- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'Dl 27. The Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of construction or the development of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, either connect the affected party to municipal water supply system or provide a new well or private water system so that water supplied to the affected party shall be of quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quantity of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the interference. 28. That the following agencies be satisfied and advise the Town of Newcastle upon completion and satisfaction of their requirements. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Hydro Northumberland Newcastle Public School Board J~% ATTACHMENT• 1 SUBJECT SITE LOT 31 LOT 30 LOT 29 A_8 i~ ~ ~ ' I; ~ --.---- I ~ --- -- - -- - ~ a ~ -~~~ ~ oI A • ~ EP ~ ~ ~ M J c ~ ~- a Z' F'~ (H)R1 F- 2 EP A?•8 A ~ / K~ ~ H R4 I ~ ~ - R2 IR~t ~ ( ) I ~ W _ A ~ I~Z cH (H~ R4 E,/ I ° Q R2-2 ~ ~~p ~ A I V ~ s,,.~,~~ Ro ~ _ 1 ~ iH~R~~ EP i EF A j (H (H)R2.3 ~ ~ ~ -~~ R2 II / ..P/, • Ep ~ R2.2 I rts~MCxtr RI •I ~ ~ ~,Hx -~ R1----- - 'I N ASH R'OA~ 0 100 200 300 m KEY MAP 50m ~- y~ 4 8 - - Dev. 9'i .91-03/CN N.P.A ATTACHMENT ~2 .- -- I I II ~I~ ~ ~ ~ I i ~ _- ~ I 11 I_ ' I _--~ ~ ~ i ~~,- KEY PWI I I I I I ' ' I PIAN 190M - 16891 I I I ~ I I I ~ I ~_---{ r------~ I I m ~ - = - J PROPOSED I j----1 ~ I I ~ I x I N DRAFT oNPLAN I I L~ -I e PART OF LOT 30, I I --- I I w I I I CONCESSION 3 I I ' ti I y I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE __1 p~_ ' I m REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM I ~ ~ --I ----~ I I SCALE I :750 - j - I i I i I ~ ~----~ _ .-+----- J. D. BARNES LIMITED 1992 .,~.o ,eo„ -T-gin , I ~--~----J ------- ~ I r,\ I I I ~ I I T ` CECIL FOUND CRESCENT ~ ~ ~ J f I I~ I I I)I I T-~---r-~-T--I--T-- ---~ I ME~RI~m,>.a...,w.rt..<~9,. ' I I I I I PI ~4 M- II ~I I ~ I - wr 1 I I I I I Y~ ~ I I I I I\ ' ~-) - ~ -I- ~ -~ 1 ~ ~ 1 T IX/ n _ ~ _ RELEVANT INFORMATION I I 22 2} 24 ~ 26 2] 2B 29~ 31 32 3J ]9 as S6 ~ SB }9 q0 <I 42 1} ~ ~ STREET TOWNHOUSES ' .X J k of _y/ `-_ ~ o.~e 11 S LOTS 1 TO 110 = 2.412 ha 8Y • •~I /dlr. ~ e•.e e',e ,o$ / ROADS - 1.340 na I I ~ 19 \ j < A' STREET\ B 30 BLOCK 111 = o.ee] n9 I ~ J 111. rn~; 5- CONCESSION 3 DPEN SPADE I LOT 3O ? ~ ~ ,•,L'.`.\. ~ e..~e .A' j/ r.~e r,e'~ ._,o ^ ~ o.s m RESERVES I6„.o„ ~ \ Jp \ \- yS BLOCKS 112 113 & 114 = O.OOSha - - - \fy 62 61 60 y9 56 a7 I e y5 ~4 5} y2 'fl yp q9 98 4] 46 q5 Y 70TAL AREA OF SUBMISSION = 4.644 ho D - - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I _ 11^~ ~ 5~ 3 G~ S7 ~ i4 70 71 72 ]3 ]9 ja 76 77 TO 79 00 ~ _ - THE PLANNING ACT, 1983, 5017) OF -- D I` I (-pROpOSECI SI ~ ~0 s/ i \ s„ M~1 ~ ~ e •~o • . o e~' _ ASREOUIRED-UNDERSECTION- IK/ FAMILY OWE ,1w aj9 //,4(~JI'/ yy 22SS~~ 11 N ~ r / • ~ (d SEE PIGN ~ i I a(0/!m'MFSeI d • eX /---/ E !D1 SEE PLAN AND KEY PLAN PROPDSFD STREET C~~i~CCTTaR STREET B " fJ SEE PLAN AND KEY PL4N g I_ ---¢ EET / 4 f*1 - - - - ~ „ ~ 1a1 SEE LAND USE SCHEDULE ((m ' C (e)BEE PWN j ~~- I / furl ~ r e . e f / \ - -. ~o . ~ / / • ..e ~ / 111 SEE PLAN \„'-9/ Emrb ~o a "e " 'S' ~ y / (ql SEE PLAN Ig J . ~y ..~e . ,o fn - - y i / / / j ; ~ / W PIPED Y/ATER TO DE INSTALLED Z I? ~ ~ 6 ] y % I n• `OD 99 % 9 % -9'f 94 9} 92 91 89 BB' B] OB 15 89 8 B2 Ef / t! 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BARNES Y°a ~'ruy~,.r +r 1-71 ~~~~,9 ATTAC~[kiENT ,#3 w. M. I I I I I 11 ~ I I -- . ' = I 1 =_I,,I~ I I I -~ I ~C--- I i ' ( NFY, RArI P1AN 140M - 6841 ' I I I I I I I I I I I r_--_I r--_-~ I 1 _----I mo I _ . _ o 1 PROPOSED I I = ~ I x l N DRAFI oNPLAN - - - I I - ~ K 1 ~ PART OF LOT 30, I _- I A 1 m 1 CONCESSION 3 I ~ - - I ~ - 1 I TowN of NEwcnsTLE I I ~ , I 1 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF OURHAM I - - - -~i SCALE 1750 ~ ~ ""°'1° ~II -- - ~ `0v ° I I ~ © J. D. BARNES LIMITED 1992 I I ~ -- r~~ I I I/ I I ~ ~ T ` CECIL FOUND CRESCENT / ~ I I I I I I I 1'T-T-~ _T-_I_-~- - I ~,~RP~r.o.o~rR...>>o., I I I I I Y" ~ I ~ I I i ° , P .4 M , 11 I I I ° I z.m,, m,. 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S.I \ zzo~ e o e ~o . o e o e.~../ E q THE PLANNING ACT. 1983. o- k / ~ w IBmMll4~ ~ / ~ ~ Ia15EE PIpN !7 PROPoSEO STREET _GI a EET ~ STREE' / x/ / " 8 ' / f (c) SEE PLpN AND KET PLdN - - - ~ 1d ~ r Ic) SEE PL4N AND NEV PL4N rn I - / m I _ - _ r 1e7 sEE wNO usE scHEOULE - ~ ~ . e . }..,I ~IJ. / \ y l? 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BARNES K,[,e> rr o ATTACHMENT ~4 a L.OT 30 G • New f' ~3 I I ~ 1 ~------ - ~zFRTv Q I I ~ S 7 ~ -1= 5~ s~ s~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ O ~ 2 -~- l2.0 + 4 12.0-.~ 12.0 _ ~ ~ -~_ - 3 Q~oPOs~b ~p~p• ~ x)(15 j t i.I G t_oT' U N E .-1 I tU _ ~ ! a U~ I Y N r-- ~ 5~ ® SF ~ ° ~ ~ 4 a I 1 ! C ~ ,~K I- UIIl >t I I ca~~~~.~~i opt ~ S~KETC, I-1 5~1aW-~ t.1. G L_O T 111J C PRD1~0S,gL. I~(° G. S,~'_ I~.n ~ UNITS -- ~--.. SURVEYING MAPPING LAND INFORMATION SERVICES r ~ OfFICE OF ORIGIN ' iloscoT-Iq <.ouRr, uulr•'~24 J D BARNES 1NHI'T~You'r 1-IU 8Yy (QICo~723-1212 • DRAWN OYi CHECKED OYi REFERENCE NO.i _-.,,, LIMITED ~ (y.,:.~1, I ~.x I Sd.~2rj-931-l0 AT~ACxNtE~tT #4 O `T' 3 c~ a 0 N ~ w F ~ ~3 I ~ j ~- ------ ,I FRTY I3J°O31o>, ~ ~_-_- ~ g ~ ~ ~:I' 0 ~ _ ~ SF SF 5~ I ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~- l2.0 ~ 12.a..~ t2.o _ ~ ~ _ ~ -~_ ~ . ~ I~ L \ ~ I - ~ ( u49a7.~ ~ t26 > • 12ro-,. ~ ~2.p ~ w U' I >rRY A N I ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ , ~ I ~ 4 ~ I ~ ~K Ui ~ t- --- I I CC~~1~~ s~ I O 1~ 3 i L'OT i ! rv G PRD~bSAL. ~ ° ~ ~ s,~, @ 12.0 ~ u NITS -- ---.. . :::,4:~:i~ic, rv.nP1'~f•}G' ~..w.. nvrvmm~~~Vn au<V K.eS , OFFICE OF ORIGIN ilo Scar-tq coL1R7 ~ uUtT•'# 2Q [~Q WHI'TBYou7:t!L~g~7 (bi~~723-12!2 ti D, LJ~ ~l~i ~ L~~ I DRS WN OY: CHECKED UY; REFERENCE NO.: LIMITED . I tj,E..l-1, _ I ~Z I B1y.-~.LJ- 31'0 - 9 _ ATTAC~ENT # `I % L « I8 .1~ ~'1 I ~ ~ ll ~ •ty~ 1 { a,> i I +i. 1: 'I z M 35 ~-.. '~L '•~,a~ _ M " _ y 38 , .•t . 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