HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-42-93 ,r °TFt COR~ORAT'1 T'Ei 1°OVVtJ OF C~UVCS ft~ DN: INVAR.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #s\- ~~~~`~J Date: Monday, March 1, 1993 Res. ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ Dy-Lair # , 6~eport PD_-~.®o~_ Fi(e EP~i Q?-fl02/D Sub1ect: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT INVAR INDUSTRIAL LIMITED Part Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession, Town of Whitby ' FILE: OPA 92-002/D H~~rr~rt~~r~ti~rt~e It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-42-93 be received; 2. THAT the Town of Whitby and Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle does not object to the proposed Official Plan Amendment submitted by INVAR Industrial Limited subject to consideration of the concerns raised in this report; 3. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Town of Whitby and Region of Durham Planning Departments; and, 4. THAT the Region advise the Town of Newcastle at such time that the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning is approved. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: INVAR Industrial Limited 1.2 Agent: Goodman and Carr 1.3 Proposal: To develop a Price Club Warehouse retail/wholesale/warehouse outlet containing a gross floor area of 116,000 ft2 (10,776 m2) and an Aikenhead's Home Improvement Warehouse outlet containing a gross floor area of 126, 000 ft2 (11, 705 m2) with a combined parking area of 1,509 spaces ~~~E~ ~ ~~,E~r~~E THIS IS PIiiMED ~~CYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 2 1.4 Official Plan: To amend the Region of Durham and Town of Whitby Official Plans from the present "Industrial" designations to permit the proposal 1.5 Zoning By-Law: To amend the Town of Whitby Zoning By-Law from the present "Prestige Industrial (M1-A)" zone to permit the proposal 1.6 Site Area: 8.95 hectares (22.1 acres) 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands located within the Town of Whitby consist of 8.95 hectares (22.1 acres) fronting on Victoria Street East at the southeast corner of Thickson Road and Highway 401. This location provides good visibility and access. In legal terms, the property is described as Part Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession located in the Town of Whitby. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 Goodman and Carr have submitted an application on behalf of INVAR Industrial Limited to the Durham Region Planning Department on January 10, 1992 to amend the existing 1976 Durham Regional Official Plan and the new 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. The amendments would permit the development of a 116,000 ft2 (10,776 m2) Price Club Warehouse and a 126,000 ft2 (11,705 m2) Aikenhead's Home Improvement Warehouse on a 8.95 hectare (22.1 acre) site. The property is located in the southeast corner of Thickson Road and Highway 401 in the Town of Whitby. Applications to amend the Town of Whitby Official Plan and relevant Zoning By-Law have also been submitted. ~~F REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 3 Given the regional market implications of the proposal, the Durham Regional Planning Department has circulated the proposal to the Town of Newcastle for comment. Supporting documentation consists of a planning evaluation for the site prepared by KLM Planning Partners, retail market studies for both warehouses prepared jointly by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. and Thomas Consultants International and economic and fiscal impact studies for both outlets prepared by IBI Group. 4. RETAIL CONCEPT DESCRIPTION 4.1 Modelled on concepts developed in the United States, the Price Club and Aikenhead's Home Improvement warehouse combination is representative of the changing retail trends in Ontario. Often referred to as Power Centres because of their "critical mass", their markets tend to be regional in nature. These stores generally offer a limited selection of merchandise in a "no-frills" environment, thereby appealing to price- conscious consumers. This is achieved by eliminating several major cost components and emphasizing fast turn-over with low profit margins on individual. items _By keeping the _ merchandising to a minimum (warehouse style operation) and dealing only in cash or with a narrow group of credit (club membership retailing), operating costs are low while cash flow is high. By eliminating the distribution step in the retail process and functioning both as a distribution centre and retailer, savings can be passed on to the consumer. It is expected that this concept .will spread to a wider range of merchandise including clothing and electronics. As these warehouses tend to be characterized by floorplates with a minimum gross floor area of 100,000 ft2, industrial locations featuring large land parcels are preferable. Usually located along major highways, industrial areas also J~~ REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 4 offer excellent visibility and accessibility. Building and leasing costs as well as taxes are also minimized. 4.2 The Price Club concept combines retail and warehouse functions on a membership basis. Goods offered by the outlet include food, tobacco, sundries, perishables, automotive, hardware, housewares, appliances, film, jewellery and books. The merchandise sales split is approximately 56% in the food group and 44% in the non-food or DSTM group. The Price Club's clientele consists strictly of "Business" and "Privilege" customer members. Exact information regarding wholesale versus retail sales is not yet known. Existing Price Club .locations within the GTA include Mississauga and Vaughan. 4.3 The Aikenhead's Home Improvement Warehouse represents a "Category Killer" by combining hardware, plumbing supplies, home improvement, building materials, lumber and garden centre merchandise at one location. This "one-stop shopping" concept will directly compete with home improvement centres, hardware outlets, ....garden centres and Canadian Tire stores throughout the Region. Aikenhead's further differentiates itself by offering a high degree of customer service and knowledgeable tradespeople in every section of the store. Given Aikenhead's size and range of merchandise large retail volume movements and lower profit margins, there exists an opportunity to pass on these savings to the consumer. Existing Aikenhead's locations include Scarborough, Mississauga and Vaughan with additional outlets at various planning stages. 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 The existing 1976 Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Industrial". Predominant uses for which _ ~~,{i REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 5 these lands are designated include manufacturing, warehousing, assembly, processing, storage, utility functions and transportation uses. In addition, certain commercial, community and recreational uses such as banks, professional offices, restaurants, fraternal organizations and athletic clubs may be permitted in Industrial areas provided that they are compatible with surrounding industrial uses and permitted by the restricted area zoning by-law. As the proposed Price Club and Aikenhead's development does not conform with these policies, an amendment to the 1976 Regional Plan is required. 5.2 The proposed Price Club and Aikenhead's development combination is similar to the ranges of commercial development intended for areas designated as "Special Purpose Commercial" under the 1976 Regional Plan. Such areas are intended to serve the specialized needs of residents on an occasional basis with services and facilities requiring large land parcels and traffic exposure such as automotive sales and services, drive-in restaurants, motels, hotels, lumber yards and furniture and major appliance stores. While the Aikenhead's Warehouse concept appears to be an acceptable use, the emphasis of the Price Club .Warehouse towards food and related products represents a retail sector which is not permitted within "Special Purpose Commercial" areas. 5.3 The 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan has designated the subject site as "Employment Area" which permits manufacturing, assembly and processing, service industries, research and development, warehousing, business parks, limited personal service uses, hotels, storage of goods and materials and transportation-related facilities. A limited amount of retail activity may be permitted within business parks provided that the combined gross floor area of such uses does not exceed 10% of each building. As the proposed Price Club and Aikenhead's ~3~~ REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 6 development does not conform with the Employment Area policies, an amendment to the 1991 Regional Plan is required. 5.4 Policies contained both within the existing 1976 Regional Plan and the new 1991 Regional Plan encourage the development of a regional commercial structure within a hierarchy of Central Areas. These are intended to serve as the focal points of cultural, commercial, employment, recreational and institutional activity. Both Regional Plans allocate commercial floor space to Central Areas based on the estimated population forecasts within each municipality. Large scale commercial development projects such as the Price Club and Aikenhead's proposal would normally be encouraged to locate within the Main Central Area serving to enhance the area as a major retail destination. However, the proposal's size would clearly consume a significant portion of allocated commercial floor space within Whitby's Main Central Area. 6. RETAIL MARRET EVALUATIONS 6.1 The retail market analysis prepared for the Price Club Warehouse estimates that the primary trade area will consist of the Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby and the City of Oshawa with the secondary trade area consisting of the Town of Pickering, Town of Newcastle and portions of the Townships of Scugog and Uxbridge. This combined trade area will generate approximately 80% of Price Club's forecasts sales. The report estimates that the Price Club will gain a market share level of 7-9% of expenditures on food and D5TM merchandise within the primary trade area (exclusive of Whitby) and 4-6% within the secondary trade area between 1994 and 2001. As the Price Club is a relatively unique concept, the consultants believe that the Price Club will not adversely _a ~ REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 7 impact the existing retail structure but will instead co-exist with and/or supplement existing retailers. 6.2 There are a number of concerns with the report as presented: • Although the primary trade area contains Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa, the consultants have chosen not to include Courtice or Bowmanville within this area. Work prepared by Arthur Andersen as part of the Town's Commercial Hierarchy Study indicates that the retail orientation of Courtice residents is towards Oshawa. It would appear that Courtice, as an adjacent residential area to Oshawa, should naturally form part of the primary trade area. In our opinion, this raises questions relating to additional retail impact within the Town of Newcastle. • Although the report claims that the Price Club is a unique concept supplementing existing retailers, no empirical evidence is presented to reinforce this point. • The membership criteria appear to encompass a large portion of the public as well as businesses. Once a sufficient membership base is developed, the Price Club will essentially function like any other retail outlet. • The amount of inflow to the trade area assumed at 20% also appears relatively high for an outlet which apparently "restricts" its clientele to members. It is questionable whether members from other areas would frequent the location at this assumed rate of inflow. 6.2 The retail market analysis prepared for the Aikenhead's Home Improvement Warehouse assumes that the Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby and the City of Oshawa will serve as the primary trade ~5G REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 8 area. The secondary trade area is comprised of the Town of Newcastle, the Town of Pickering and the rural portions of the Town of Whitby and the City of Oshawa. Approximately 85% of the forecast sales are expected to be derived from the combined trade areas. The report estimates that the Aikenhead's outlet will achieve a market share level of 12-13% in the primary trade area (exclusive of Whitby) and 8-10% throughout the secondary trade area between 1994 and 2001. Because of anticipated strong population growth rates forecasted in the secondary trade area combined with lower market share levels, the consultants do not expect that sales will be reduced below current levels for competitive retailers. The primary concern with this market study also focuses on the point that Courtice has been excluded from the primary trade area. This raises questions as to ,additional retail impact within the Town of Newcastle. 7. COMMENTS 7.1 The Price Club and Aikenhead's warehouse combination represents a new form of retailing in Canada. These warehouses rely on regional markets to generate large sales volumes. Savings attributable to bulk purchasing can be passed on to consumers. The subject site within the Town of Whitby appears suitable .for the proposed use by offering good visibility and accessibility. Development of this proposal may help to stem the outflow of expenditures which might otherwise be captured by similar locations outside of Durham Region. tJ ,r` REPORT NO.: PD-42-93 PAGE 9 7.2 Additional information is required regarding the impact of the facility on the Town of Newcastle. The Department does not concur with the primary trade area delineation as it potentially underestimates the retail impact in Courtice. The Town through the Commercial Hierarchy Study is currently examining methods of reducing the amount of retail expenditure outflow from Courtice in order that a local retail base can develop. Suitable policies and land use designations for these types of Power Centre/Warehouse facilities should be incorporated into the new 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. However, this review should also assess the impact of this retail concept on Central Areas. Undoubtedly, a reallocation of retail floorspace from the existing Regional-scale centres and the Main Central Areas of Whitby is required to accommodate this proposal. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee '1 _ _ _ E Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawrence E. Kot ff Director of Planning Chief Administ~#ive and Development Officer 1 RH*DC*FW*df Attachments: Schedule #1 - Price Club/Aikenhead's Site Location Schedule #2 - Site Concept Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Town of Whitby Durham Region Planning Dept. Planning Department 1615 Dundas Street East 575 Rossland Road East 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Bldg. Whitby, Ontario P.O. Box 623 L1N 2MB Whitby, Ontario. Att: Mr. R. Short L1N 6A3 Att: Dr. M. Michael ~ ~ ~j. Schedule 1 L~ I r~~~ DUNDAS STREET EAST ~ ~ ' IJ._~(1 I I ~ ~~l~l -I I ~ t-1r ~ _ r _ - 1111 -h - ~ _u . _ _ Ilc ~ a _ ri I I ~il -~~ - - - L~id)_1L.. ~ 1-- » ` . , r - / . - _ _ -~\ - - ; i ~-,~\ - _ = ~Ql~ ~?uJ.tr' __L lit ; _-~. , ~t ~ ~ -~ _ _ '~T ' :•9i91! ~ ~IlIIIII i.. -. ~ ~ 'st°~i~f.; ~ _ - ~ = = I = tll~J • ~ 1~ _ . ; --_ 'a ~ 1 • )1 , Il~ -~:ltl 1r - ~ = ~ %r I(`(Ilil~itl ° I : `-~-~ I~ i._fJ. ~,uiiilliR~(111fI'~C~ r~`~ ~ ` - 4.. _ - - t -r'~ I Imo' •- ~-~- I( ~ ,.i ~- _ ~ S/ TE _-_ - I.T" L~~ i~~----.., -1 -HWY 401 ----~ r- -~ _ M. - -- o - -I z 0 - - --- Y i ~ -. II _ -, I II ~ II I_ . I I , I I ~ -.. ~ II ~- ~ _- LAK£ II ~'.~1L-II-2_~. TOWN OF WHITBY ~ I I ~ - PRICE CLUB/AIKENHEADS SITE LOCATION O.P.A. 92-002/D _ Schedule 2 ~ --j-V a HIGNWAY401 ::Yi~ ;ii. •;12:•;~;•'.:.~":; .sA: g:~ ,ny7 • _ _ •-•'---- - -.y. r~., r 4 \ +'~~?:~f ::f?~::;;::i':'')µ:~t::: ---•?-- r "7 ~ • ~ y i3;;~!;~:~:4.;~; i ~(i~~.{ii(:;ii:Y:i~ai; ::>:...s:.~::'s' ,if~• ------. _.- - --• ~ait'i~i~{i'•. i:if~i~i' i~i3i:.ii?,#,:i;: . ~ I ;?ii:;ti lii I 0 0~_ '~#~~:>~~a't:<::~:~; ~- --~$- AIKENNEADS:;:: ,Q ' :;;:>.<::r.<z~>'~•;is~w„%s~::~i ~ ~l` -•--~-•- ---=~ ~ --- . ~ i3) '~;:3;~;~3~Ec:~:';::;:~::`s"w: Clf"7~ ~~%-:f f:`•i....... ;?:f?•`• r r' q . ~3it ~?~~~i~iYi~i>if:~ O ~:t:Y~;>.•1 ~ r. I 7~ C w.' Sa•+ri~ •+7•+•{:iE;'i'~'Ei:~i~i~ifi n ':T. f . ' . T f . •I ~f L F~~ a=' ~ --..-~~ ~ - ~ ~- ~ l . , l ~ ~21-_.--~ _ t'r} .e~-i -- ~k~"t~`^7-r ~ -7cy' 'l'x•.f.Y _ _ _ _ CY-U _ - `- {T~`'~ ~~b"~'~~ t~ 3 ~ / VICTORIA STREET SITE CONCEPT PLAN O.P.A. 92-002/D `:7~~U