HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-23-93 I~1 COPOHA1°IOP# O ~°H °T ~J~1 OF RtCAB°fL. DN: COURTICE.GPA P U B L I C M E E T I N G ~~'~`~'~°~~CCj`~~~~ ~»7 ~~"1. ~ c~~ 1"~ Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee ~iie# ~ ~~r,~~1,~,~~(.),~`~ Date. Monday, February 1, 1993 He~• pA' PD-23-93 DEV 92-033 ~y-Levu # ~eport~~ ~Aie °---°°>h ~.E,:: 18T-92014, NPA 92-02/CN & OPA 92-N/007 Stablect~ REZONING APPLICATION AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENTS PART LOT 27, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 92-033 (X-REF: 18T-92014, NPA 92-02/CN & OPA 92-N/007) a_ _ Recorn~ati~r~~: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-23-93 be received; 2. THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-92014 be DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE AS PREMATURE; 3. THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by WDM Consultants be DENIED, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, AS PREMATURE; 4. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 5_. THAT __+-.he _.:nterested parties listed in this_ report __and _ any --- ---- delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Claret Investments Ltd. and Rexgate Holdings Ltd. (Courtice Heights Developments) 1.2 Agent: WDM Consultants 1.3 Subdivision: 95 single detached units, 28 semi-detached units and 23 townhouse units, for a total of_ 146 units, with blocks for future development. ....2 ~ ~~t,j ° ~ e T1VI5 IS VFlItRED i.,..,~GYCLED PAPCR REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 2 . 1.4 Rezoning: from "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" to an appropriate zone or zones to implement the above proposed development. 1.5 Area: 10.4175 ha (25.74 acres) 2. LOCATION 2.1 Legal Description: Part Lot 27, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington 2.2 Relative Location: The subject lands are predominantly located on the western portion of Lot 27, Concession 3, with frontage onto both Nash and Hancock Roads (see Attachment #1). 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 In June of 1992, the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department was advised by the Region of Durham of an application--for:::appr-:ova-1of a-plan of--subdivision ..submitted........ by WDM Consultants. On June 17, 1992, WDM Consultants also filed an application for rezoning with the municipality to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to implement the proposed plan of subdivision (see Attachment #2)• 3.2 The subject property falls within Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C. On April 13, 1992, the applicant filed applications with the Town of Newcastle .Planning and Development. Department for a Neighbourhood Plan Amendment and an Official Plan Amendment for Neighbourhood 3C. The applications for Neighbourhood Plan Amendment and Official Plan Amendment are being addressed separately under Planning Report number PD-22-93. ....3 REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 3 4. PUBLIC NOTICE 4.1 In accordance with the Town's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, written notice was given as follows: • the appropriate signage acknowledging all applications was installed on the subject lands; • written notice was circulated to all property owners falling within Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C and to those within a 120 metre radius surrounding the whole site; and • a Public Meeting notice was also published in the appropriate newspapers on January 6, 1993. 4.2 At the time of mailing of the Notice of Public Meeting the assessment rolls did not show property addresses for a number of newer homes in the neighbourhood. The year-end 1992 assessment information has since been received and additional property owners were notified the week of January 21, 1993. 4.3 As of the writing of this report the following public enq-u--res havA haen -received~~~ Gtaff i) three residents have made enquiries questioning the proposed changes to the Hazard Lands area, with mention being made of how the potential alteration to the natural ecosystem may affect the existing subdivision development south of Nash Road, concern also being expressed about the clearing of woodlots, as well as the proposed increase in population density ii) a petition was submitted to the Clerk's department signed by 34 area residents, which specifically identified environmental issues such as water retention, soil erosion and oxygen production, as well as expressing concerns with increasing density and the removal of tree cover from the applicant's lands ....4 r') REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 4 5 LAND USES 5.1 Existing Uses: fallow farm land 5.2 Surrounding Uses: North - Woodlot South - Residential East - strip residential development and Hancock Rd. West - woodlots and strip residential development 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Within the current 1976 Durham Region Official Plan the subject neighbourhood is designated "Residential" with indications of "Environmentally Sensitive Areas". Lands designated "Residential" shall be primarily for housing purposes. The "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" are so designated for their environmental and biological sensitivity. Section 1.2.1 b) of the Durham Region Official Plan states that: "environmentally sensitive areas refer to those natural landscapes including those lands and/or watercourses of inherent biological sensitivity, such"as those areas containing aquifer recharges, ..vital ecological functions, ..or other combinations of habitat and landform which could be essential for scientific research or conservation education" 6.2 Within the 1991 Council adopted Durham Region Official Plan the subject property is designated "Living Area" with indications of "Environmentally Sensitive Areas". Lands designated "Living Area" shall be primarily for housing purposes. The "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" have been identified to ensure the preservation, conservation or enhancement of its deemed valuable ecological functions. ....5 REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE S 6.3 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property falls within the Courtice Major Urban Area and is designated "Residential" with indications of Hazard Lands". Schedule 6-2 of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan identifies environmentally sensitive areas. Section 6.4.2 (i) of the Official Plan states that lands so identified "shall be examined through the preparation of an Environmental Impact Analysis to be conducted by the Town of Newcastle...to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle, the Region of Durham, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources." 6.4 Section 6.1.2 iii (a) of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan states that Neighbourhood Plans shall be prepared for the Courtice Urban Area's residential neighbourhood. Such plans have been prepared for all of Courtice's neighbourhoods with the exception of the northerly portion of Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C, the location of this application under _ _c_onsideration , (see Attachment-.. #3.)_.. -Section 6. 1. 2 iii (b)__ stipulates that Neighbourhood Development Plans shall be prepared and approved by Town Council "prior to approval of plans of subdivision". 7 AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 In accordance with departmental procedures the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following departments/agencies, in providing comments, .offered no objection to the application as filed: Regional Health Department Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Culture and Communications Ministry of Transportation ....6 r~~ REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 6 7.2 The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department notes this application is within a neighbourhood which has not been identified in the Development Charges Study and, therefore, is considered by the Department to be "premature". 7.3 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department states that the area can be served by the existing fire-fighting facilities and recommends that "roads and adequate water for fire fighting purposes be in conformity with the Ontario Building Code prior to any permits being issued". 7.4 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department "cannot support the approval" of this applications based on the following comments: i) the neighbourhood plan should address the sequential development of the neighbourhood (entire watershed) and the impacts of developing this plan of subdivision in the absence of the balance of the neighbourhood ii) -°servcng-of this-proposedrequ-ices-the -reconstruction of - Nash and Hancock roads, including the installation of storm sewers, sidewalks and street lighting iii) the development should only proceed at such a time as expenditures to provide these services are approved by the Town iv) the reconstruction of Hancock Road has not been included in the Town's Development Charges Study v) all proposed works are to be designed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, with the following items being taken into consideration: y . REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 7, a) minimum road radii b) minimum separation between intersections c) all collector roads should run continuously In summary, the Department states that the applications for rezoning and subdivision approval should not proceed until a "neighbourhood plan has been approved: 7.5 Ontario Hydro had no objection to the proposal subject to the fulfilment of standard requirements for subdivision approval. 7.6 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education have determined that 47 students would be generated as a result of this proposal. They have requested that sidewalks on interior roads and Nash Roads be provided, and that the development not proceed "prior to approval for the subdivision to the north, which contains a school site". It is noted that the school board comments on the neighbourhood plan requested a more central site. 7.7 Comments from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) specifically reference the policies of the Town of Newcastle and Durham Region, which require the submission of a suitable Environmental Impact Analysis before development can proceed. Until the study is finalized, and a Neighbourhood Development Plan is in place, CLOCA considers the proposal to be "premature". 7.8 In reviewing the applications, the Ministry of Natural Resources has deemed the project to be "premature" based on the lack of a suitable environmental impact assessment. The Ministry has noted that the proposal falls within the boundary ....8 `~36 REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 8 of the Courtice North Environmental Impact Study Area and as such an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) is required by Durham Region. Although the applicant has submitted a Preliminary Environmental Overview Assessment, "it will not substitute for the EIS required by the Region". Until such a study is completed the Ministry is not able to complete a comprehensive review and provide the appropriate comments. 7.9 As of the writing of this report comments remain outstanding from the following departments and agencies: Region Of Durham Planning Department Region of Durham Public Works Department Ministry of the Environment Separate School Board, and Bell Canada 8. STAFF COMMENTS: 8.1 Section 9.2 of Planning Report PD-22-93 addresses the findings of an Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) prepared in 1981 for the Court-ice--North-Urban Area Tha-t study dent-f ies-most of the applicant's lands as a Special Policy Area, with some lands shown as an Environmental/Hazard Area (see Attachment #4). The Special Policy Areas were so identified because the impact of the development on the shallow water table was unknown. The applicant's hydrogeological and environment consultants addressed this matter but the Ministry of Natural Resources, CLOCA and the Region consider the work insufficient to constitute an environmental impact analysis as required under the 1991 Durham Region Official Plan. The applicant is contributing to the funding of a more comprehensive study for the entire Courtice North area. 8.2 The 1991 Council-approved Town of Newcastle Development ....9 J REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 9_ Charges Policy Report incorporated a 10 year capital works forecast for the municipality's growth. As noted by both the Community Services Department and the Public Works Department, funds have not been allotted for the development of external services and parks required for Neighbourhood 3C north of Nash Road. 8.3 At the present time, there are a large number of lots or projects within the Town ready or approved for residential development. As of January 1, 1993, the status of lots was as follows: Courtice Total Newcastle Lots fully serviced ready for building permit 507 1148 Draft Approved lots with approved engineering 0 231 Draft Approved Lots 505 5089 Sub Total Approved 1012 6468 Lots seeking Draft Approval which conform to the Official Plan 1894 2907 Lots seeking Draft Approval which do not conform to the Official Plan 1509 7913 Total 4415 17228 The applicant's proposal falls into the last category. 8.4 The Provincial Policy Statement on Land Use Planning for Housing requires that a three (3) year supply of draft approved residential lots be maintained by the municipality. Over the last three years, an average of 675 new homes have been started annually whereas a more "optimistic" 1990 ....10 .J J REPORT NO. PD-23-93 PAGE 10, Regional population forecast projected an average of 1075 new households per annum between 1991 and 1996. Utilizing the above, it would appear that the Town has a 6 to 9 year supply of draft approved lots. 8.5 Consideration of a plan of subdivision substantially prior to the time one can expect actual construction, commits the municipality into a very specific land use, road pattern and site servicing schemes which cannot be subsequently adapted to changing circumstances and policies. For example, updated environmental regulations, changes to the Planning Act, or a subsequent update of the Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan (probably 1996 or shortly thereafter) would be prejudiced by a decision on the plan of subdivision made substantively prior to expectation of actual development. 8.6 The Provincial Policy Statement on Land Use Planning for Housing also requires municipalities to reduce the time to process applications. Given that the necessary public works - --for Court°ce Northne-ghbourhood 3G- (nor-th -of Nash ..Road) - are___ -__- not included in the 10 year capital works forecast contained in the Town Lot Development Charge Policy Report, and that this area is subject to environmental and planning studies, it is Staff's opinion that the Town will not be in a position to consider this application until the above noted items have been resolved. A streamlined planning approval system needs to deal with applications which are .clearly premature to enable staff to process the other applications more efficiently. As a result, it is recommended that the application for plan of subdivision and rezoning be DENIED without prejudice as being premature. This action does not preclude the submission of a new application in the future. ....11 _ Air, REPORT N0. PD-23-93 PAGE 11, 9 CONCLUSION 9.1 The applicant's proposal is: • not considered within the Town's Development Charge Policy Report. • subject to an environmental impact analysis and planning studies for the northerly portion of Courtice • not required to meet the provincial requirements for a three year supply of draft approved lots • would commit the Town to a very specific land use, road and site servicing, and prejudice the implementation of future policies and regulations In the view of providing a timely decision, it is recommended that the applications be DENIED without prejudice on the basis of prematurity. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~ o ~ --- - 3 _ - -~ ~r~ankl'4V~~, M.C. ~`awrence E. Kot e~~f Director of Planning Chief Administr t~ve and Development Officer IW*DC*FW*cc *Attach 26 January 1993 Ron Sheradon Lesley Roger 3700 Hancock Road, John Bousfield Assoc. Courtice, Ont. L1E 2M1 219 Front Street E., Toronto, Ont. M5A 1E8 Christina Rose 3212 Hancock Road North, WDM Consultants Courtice, Ont. LlE 2M1 20 Clematis Road Willowdale, Ont. M2J 4X2 Pam Callus .3452 Hancock Road, Libby Racansky Courtice, Ont. LlE 216 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, Ont. LlE 2M1 Attachment # 1 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 aA A A 3 ~ o a A a ~ 4H)R 4 M R4 . EP ~ ~ ~ O FP 1 A ~Wj U - Z ..~env~tN ~ RO ~ Q • . A w Q R~ ~ / - V 1/ Z )R2-3 ~ O -~ \ ~f V J ' NtSTMUuF ~~G'. _ r l ~ ~H~ - NASH ROAD - N EP R3 ' ` I '- (H)RI Z N~~' r- O . R1 R1 ~_i EP R4 ~ _ _ W V (H)R4-ii ~ Rt Z _ EP _ ~ ~ O A ~ , ~ 1c~-5 ~ I , KEY MAP ~ 100 200 3OOm 50 m o~~d Application N~=OPA 92-N/007, NPA 92-02/CN (Courtice Heights Dev ) Application N°- =NPA 91-01 / CN (874279 Ontario Inc. ) Application N°-= DEV. 92-033,18T-9204 (Courtice Heights Dev. ) - X41 Attachment ~ 2' I 1 - I (~\-. ~l 1 it I ' ~ { . ..- I I ~ ~1 ' i i\ 1~ I -~, 11 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~ v i cauwnce ~\1 L-___ ~ , ~ ~-~ v ~ I ,F~ ,~,..o. .,:e b ' ` j ~ «er eIAM ~ t,IH<1lwlMt A1111I,,,l U,l le„1 ` ~ ~ii ` 1 e ` \ afnccl a \_>ee. }e..` AREA TABLE l/ ','S ~ 'i~~_: -- ~ - ) ~ ' ~I Resident(al SMgles ._-........o. 4.H85 k Tr-w w a~ w a«w-~" }L~J~ Resldentlal Seml-detached 0.962 ~~- ~ ~ ef+ s_~''/I I Residenllol Slreef Townhouses.- 0.592. / T 5 ; F ~ s? P. _ ~ r+- ~1' _ ~ Residenllol Reserves.-_---,••, ~--- _ _ 16D9 ~ v ' Pork Reserve _ _ _ l 'y° • ~ L w w .'tea , ' , s. . \ ~ l Ivn d ~ Road Wldenings .--- - 00.445 _ _y n\•' ~ \y'~ ( 0.3m Reserves _ --- -`'~\y .Y~51riEEr 6`• ~ es'- I`I ~r- /I f~r~ m, \ ~ ~1-'•~ r ~ 20m Roads- .-- ...-oo«_~------_AE34 ~ -` j \ ~ b I i TOTAL -_ -- 104f751q ---- ~ a~\J X17 a~ -emu ~ ~..i _- i oa o~ d? UNIT COUNT ------'~~~* \ , ^I' 't J] , s 'oas. w>a"F- I - j I G f Q 1 11 15m 1492'1 Single -A'_._ 1 .,r • • --} ~ s I I`` I ~ I 12m (39.4'1 Single '9' -~-- --~-~- ~ Ib > > y r ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ t - f I I 9m 129.5') Semt-detached 'S' _ ~ ~ 'a; , 1 •'/1 ~ ~ y ~ ~ :ad` N0 ~ -' -~ I _ _''~(~l~{y,{X1• i 6.kn (207 Street Townhouse 'T• -- - 23 --- _-~ I 1 ~ ~~i~~Il'~i .~ell~~~, I ~ I w>~3 "- j TOTAL• 146urih ---'^- _ 11 -- ~ 3 I¢ r. 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' ' • ~ ~~,~11 1 ~ ~ ' , \ 11 O , 4 u.rrt fw.-i, s u.m I ~j ~ • ~ ~i~ / -~ -- J.aeb. , L - - ~ ~-, c-- - ~=ti - , - - raoroseo weavlsaH ' I ` IYJtT OF LOT tT, .•.,.,.,,,,AON 3 --T--- I v_.:'. -~~;,._ -'~ ; , - ewrza.nEeb n:W MOIa+ 1 1 1eO'" ~ Oo ~ ~ rowrl aF rEwcASnE Nwn«M D+MY M j t7N,i~i."' j ~ ~ REgI« L MlI1MC~TY ~r- o .~..r..~. r 1 ~-r-a ~ n 1 a 6~~2 EXISTING NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Attachment ~ 3 LANDS SUBJECT TO FURTHER AMENDMENT TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN j ~ S SB~J,EECT i o a o o ~ v - j ~ VO I NASH 0A ` ~L~~ i.~ ~.i ~ ~ i i M 4 ~~0~,~~;~~~~;,~r - • . ? ~ ~ ~ , COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C ~ • LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN ,a~-~"'" SCHEDULE 1 C / MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ~ PEDESTRIAN /BICYCLE MAX. UNITS PER NET HECTARE 4 PATHWAY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RESIDEN1IAL ff - I~•~•~ ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE 'B' RESIpENT1AL ; ' SPECIAL POLICY ~~'-~ MAJOR .COLLECTOR ROAD MAJUK UNtIV JNAC~t ~ : • : • : • : I • LOCAL ROAD PARKETTE . - 4 5 1981 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Attachment ~4 PLANNING CONCEPT 1.,: tlf"*~~'f•r?: £s~;.~f, ~Jl.:,: C~~~ {'.-:n`+'j; `-.i .fir:: . .L p... p, L L~' f; 'r'i,: G`~t'r,~ U< C p(;'L: C:r f: ~r rC~~. t;i.:`.: fir-;%ni~ ~~~r~ :Y w ~ C~;;~~•JGn sr: "c:L:n^r'[~.L:'..r °w'r:.r3~t),'w~, :'Ce '~'~~I [G f:.y `y ryr{ x i ~C~ l,,[ ~ r) i l`, w r,I,:'..~~f j' ~ T T• ~,-L<~(~ l r ? 1 n_~ P 'ntl ~ =`~<'7•'w `cam. "ror~'S .G 4'o t' C C~^.~s0 ~t,, aL:'C':: ~:O i:r ~ ~o.U-.~~[i~.fT rr; rte. ;(;:r, ^.~4~; p•p _ , `.~a!irlr:~s `~~f:.yy.: TU CU.U+~St 1a' L fir. `L: sj%1r `''rro,~?.;)L:.Lr_ /s;i t'~'.4K~y~?~r•,~ r •'~fr, ~ e'~L' D _ , T~ 1 r A,,f SCI L~,r:i ~•'i ~ F+~r`M1 •?`°'F" .tr r Liu{ 1: C~ .C tj 71 - - , dA^ r• n:f ~r%..r rr'f~ri r~: . 'y°µr rT-F ~fl. 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