HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-102-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: NEWMEA.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Tuesday, April 21, 1992 File # Res. # Date: PD-102-92 #: File#: 18T-82037 # DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - NEWCASTLE MEADOWS INC. REQUEST TO REGIONAL COUNCIL TO AMEND OR DELETE CONDITION PART LOT 11/12, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: 18T-82037 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-102-92 be received; 2. THAT the Town of Newcastle request the Council of the Region of Durham to amend Condition 16b of subdivision 18T-82037 as issued by the Commissioner of Planning dated March 18, 1992 by either deleting the entire condition 16b or deleting any reference to the Town of Newcastle in the said condition. 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department and all interested parties listed ih tfils report ahd any deIega-cionoe advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 within the Northwest Bowmanville Drainage Area, eleven (11) draft plans of subdivision have been submitted between the years 1982 and 1989, through the Region of Durham, seeking approval for various types of residential/commercial development. Of the eleven (11) plans, to date, nine (9) have received the necessary draft approvals and in five (5) instances, amendments to the initial draft approvals have been given. The following charts illustrates the various plans and their dates of approval issued by the region. n ~) ....2 RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER flEGYCLE REPORT NO. PD-102-92 PAGE 2 PLANS OF SUBDIVISION DATE OF APPROVAL 18T-88051 September 11, 1990 January 25, 1991 (Amendment) 18T-87087 July 10, 1989 February 23, 1990 (Amendment) 18T-87021 March 26, 1990 July 11, 1990 (Amendment) 18T-86069 June 21, 1990 18T-87086 October 24, 1990 November 28, 1991 (Amendment 18T-87085 NOT DRAFT APPROVED 18T-82037 March 7, 1989 July 10, 1990 (Amendment) March 18, 1992 (Amendment) 18T-84035 June 7, 1991 18T-89070 NOT DRAFT APPROVED 18T-89089 January 21, 1991 18T-89021 october 10, 1990 1.2 During the subdivision review process, Mr. Emile Solomon, a local resident, in May of 1990, requested that the Region of Durham refer Draft plans of Subdivision 18T-84035, 18T-86069, 18T-87085, 18T- 87086, 18T-87089, 18T-88051, 18T-89021 and 18T-89070 to the ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Solomon's referral request was based on his concern that the former land fill site on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek would be disturbed by any rerouting and increased velocity in the creek, if the above plans of subdivision drains into the Bowmanville Creek at the location proposed in the draft Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Plan. 1.3 Three (3) of the Plans of Subdivision which Mr. Solomon wished included in his referral request had already received draft apPLoval (1ST 87087, lOT 02037 and 18T 87021) at the time of his ....3 (' 'j l), REPORT NO. PD-102-92 PAGE 3 request. The Planning Act provides that a request for referral could only be made before draft approval and accordingly the three (3) were not included. 1.4 One of the recommendations to the ontario Municipal Board made by Regional Staff wi thin their referral report suggested that Mr. Solomon's concerns could be best addressed through the inclusion of appropriate condition(s) of approval for all the affected plans of subdivision which would address the issue of storm water and the impact on the waste disposal site located on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek. 1.5 Mr. Solomon withdrew his appeal, conditionally, upon draft conditions of approval being incorporated within the various plans of subdivision as noted by Regional Staff. 1.6 In addition to incorporating the necessary clauses wi thin the relevant plans of subdivision referred to the ontario Municipal Board, Regional Staff incorporated similar conditions of approval witliin the three (3) plans of subdivision not included in the referral request. Plan of Subdivision 18T-82037 was one of the three subdivisions and the condition was amended by the Region on July 10, 1990 (Attachment #1) by adding conditions 16a and 16b as follows: 16a That a Master Drainage Plan for Northwest Bowmanville shall be submitted to the Town of Newcastle, the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority, and the Ministry of Natural Resources for review and approval. The Master Drainage Plan shall recommend Stormwater Management methods which will not impact on the waste disposal site on the west side of Bowmanville Creek in the area of Jackman Road. 16b That the Ministry of the Environment shall confirm that the Master Drainage Plan for Northwest Bowmanville as approved by the Town of Newcastle, the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources does not impact on the waste disposal site on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek in the area of Jackman Road. The purpose of the amendments was to ensure the waste disposal site P2 ,,) - ....4 REPORT NO. PD-102-92 PAGE 4 issue was properly addressed prior to final approval of the draft plan. It should be noted that Town's Staff do not have difficulties with the amended conditions. 1.7 By correspondence date March 18, 1992 (Attachment #2), Town Staff was formally notified that the conditions of draft approval issued initially on March 7, 1989 and amended on July 1,0, 1990 were amended further as follows: 1) Condition Number 16a was amended by deleting the reference to the Ministry of Natural Resources. 2) Condition Number 16b was deleted and replaced with the following: 16b That a qualified Engineer shall certify in writing to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle, that the stormwater management controls approved for implementation in northwest Bowmanville will not detrimentally impact the former waste disposal site located on the west side of Bowmanville Creek, just north of Jackman Road. 16c That, notwithstanding conditions 16a and 16b, Phase II as shown on a plan prepared by J. D. Barnes Limited, reference Number 89-25-295-10, showing 21 lots of single detached units 1-4~lots for~ 8 semi-c=detaclle~ . . h~~s ity residential development and a commercial block, may proceed on the basis of an interim stormwater drainage solution approved by the Town of Newcastle and the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority which will temporarily re-route stormwater runoff to the Soper Creek Watershed, provided that the owner agrees in the Town of Newcastle' s Subdivision Agreement, not to implement stormwater drainage scheme until the Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Plan has been approved in accordance with conditions 16a and 16b. The purpose of the Region's amendments was to expedite the clearance of Phase Two of the Newcastle Meadows Plan of Subdivision through the issuance of clearance letters by the Town of Newcastle and the Conservation Authority confirming that provisions in the Town's Subdivision Agreement will ensure that stormwater drainage for Phase Two will not be re-routed west to the Bowmanville Creek until the Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Plan is approved to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and the Conservation i- IF) "7 ) ,)J ....5 REPORT NO. PD-102-92 PAGE 5 2 . STAFF COMMENTS 2.1 Staff has no objection to the amendments to Condition Number 16a or to the inclusion of new condition 16c. Staff would confirm that the Subdivision Agreement between the Town and Newcastle Meadows Inc. presently complements the staging plan for Phase Two. Furthermore, the appropriate clearance letter to facilitate Phase Two has been forwarded to the Region. 2.2 Staff cannot however concur with the newly amended condition 16b. The earlier version of condition 16b requires the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Town as clearance agencies regarding the waste disposal site. Both the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources have now been removed from condition 16b apparently as a result of the Ministry of the Environment stating that the proposed outfall from the North Bowmanville Development would not impact the landfill site and the Ministry of Natural Resources stating that the subject matter is not within the Ministry's mandate. 2.3 As a result, this new version of conUi~n~-b~pIaee~-h~Wfl-ac the sole agency responsible to clear this condition. This is not acceptable on the following ground: a) the new condition 16b was never requested by the Town; b) impact of proposed development on the former waste disposal site is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment. To the extent the Ministry of the Environment has indicated there is no impact, the Region should delete this condition in its entirety; d) the Town has no inhouse expertise to review any engineering report. r: Dill. J (,) "1 ....6 REPORT NO. PD-102-92 PAGE 6 3. CONCLUSION 3.1 Staff have requested Regional Staff to delete all reference to the Town of Newcastle in condition 16b but were unsuccessful. As a resul t, Staff have no al ternati ve but to recommend Council to request Regional Council to overturn the decision of the Commissioner of Planning. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee (()~~QJ... Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development r-~\A /~, ....../Jy...\~:;1L /1 \ ct.fi'~."~ ;; ) /"'1/ t/ ( .....! j;.....~ "'_~ &"'""""1(""'" \ I Lawrence E./ K0tseff Chief Admi~.'.is~~ative Off icer I. \ l . ,j AfU{fl~ Walter Evans, P. Eng., Director of Public Works LDT*FW*cc *Attach 14 April 1992 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Newcastle Meadows Inc. 4300 Steeles Avenue unit 17 WOODBRIDGE, ontario L4L 4C2 G. M. Sernas & Associated Ltd. consulting Engineers and Planners 110 scotia Court, unit 41 WHITBY, ontario L1H SY7 (' r' :', H') ,.! -',.' "-- . DURHAM The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas Street E. 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, Ontario Canada, L 1 N 6A3 (416) 728-7731 Fax (416) 436-6612 A IT ACHMENT 1 IT':'" "':"'1'-;>'1 \f'~' It '\'t '[IFA'i\ z. '': ,~. r.: I 1. !.... ~; 10..., I f I ~~l&\!'>~u tl!tlU JUL 1 S 1990 July 10, 1990 TOWN Of NEWCASTlE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Newcastle Meadows Inc. 4300 steeles Avenue West unit 17 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 4C2 Attention: Mr. Joe Nissan Dear Mr. Nissan: Amendment to Draft Approval File No: 18T-82037 Location: part Lots 11 & 12 Concession 2 Former Township: Darlington Municipality: Town of Newcastle Rpf _ t-h _ : 'l?f:'f37 DR. M.R. MICHAEL, M.C.I.P. Re I commissioner of Planning The conditions of draft approval for the referenced plan of subdivision issued on March 7, 1989 are hereby amended as follows: a) Condition lGa) is added as follows: .' "lGa) That a master drainage plan for northwest Bowmanville shall be submitted to the Town of Newcastle, the Central Lake Ontario conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources for review and approval. The master drainage plan shall recommend stormwater management -meehods-whi'chm-wi-H~-'not",impact""",-ontha,waet~ disposal site on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek in the area of Jackman Road."; b) Conditions 1Gb) is added as follows: "1Gb) That the Ministry of the Environment shall confirm that the master drainage plan for northwest Bowmanville as approved by the Town of Newcastle, the Central Lake Ontario conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, does not impact on the waste disposal site on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek in the area of Jackman Road."; c) Condition 18a) is amended by adding reference to condition lGa) ; d) Condition lab) is amended by adding reference to condition lGa) ; e) Condition lad) is added as follows: "lad) The Ministry of Natural Resources that condition lGa) has been satisfied."; This paper contain~c' rflcycled material. .JbO " ATTACHMENT 2 e) Condition 18.a) is amended by adding reference to Conditions 16.b) and 16.c)1 Condition 18.b) is amended by adding reference to Condition 16.c); Conditions 18.d) and 18.e) are deleted, andl Item #6 of the "Notes to Draft Approval" is deleted. c) d) f) .. The purpose of the above noted amendments are to expedite the clearance of Phase 2 of the Newcastle Meadows plan of subdivision through the issuance of olearance letters by the Town of Newoastle and the Central Lake Ontario conservation Authority confirming that provisions in the Town's subdivision agreement will ensure that stormwater drainage for Phase 2 will not be re-routed west to the aowmanville Creek until the northwest aowmanville master drainage plan is approved to the satisfaotion of the Town and the oonservation Authority. The Ministry of the Environment confirmed by endorsing oorrespondenoe dated January 21, 1992 from Mr. R. Perry Sisson, ~. Eng. of G.M. Sernas and Assooiates, that the former Jaokman Road dump site will not be detrimentally affeoted by stormwater outfall into the Bowmanville Creek from development in northwest Bowmanville (refer to Attaohment 1). ay oorrespondence dated January 8, 1992, the Ministry of Natural Resouroes has indioated that the Ministry did not request the oondition of approval related to the disposal site issue and further that it had no interest in this file (refer to Attaohment 2). aased on the correspondenoe received from the above noted Ministries, I am satisfied that no further olearanoe by these Ministries is necessary for this plan of subdivis~on to be registered. If you have any questions regarding the above noted amendments, please do not hesitate to oontact Mr. Neil Henderson, Senior Planner, of this offioe. ~. ldb Attachments 1 1. Letter dated January 21, 1992 to Ministry of the Environment from G.M. Sernas & Assooiates. 2. Letter dated January 8, 1992 from Ministry of Natural ~esources. 001 Regional Clerk Town of Newcastle central Lake Ontario conservation Authority Ministry of Munioipal Affairs Ministry qf the Environment Ministry of Natural Resouroes G.M. Sernas & Assooiates Limited D. Hamre, Mayor, Town of Newcastle - 2 - i,- 09 'j u A IT ACHMENT 1 f) condition 18e) is added as follows: "18e) The Ministry of the Environment that condition 1Gb) has been satisfied."; g) Add Note *G as followSt "G. plans of subdivision 18T-8708S, 18T-8708G, 18T- 87089, 18T-880S1, 18T-89021 and 18T-89070 have been referred to the ontario Municipal Board on the basis that the master drainage plan referred to in conditions lGa) and 1Gb) may recommend Dnplementation of stormwater management measures that may Dnpact on a waste disposal site located on the west side of Bowmanville creek in the area of Jackman Road. The Board mayor may not require that a modified drainage plan be Dnplemented for the referred plans of subdivision." The purpose of the amendments is to ensure the waste disposal site issue is addressed prior to final approval of this plan. Yours very truly, t A,.~ Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of planning cct Town of Newcastle Ministry of Municipal Affairs Regional Clerk Central Lake ontario conservation Authority Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Natural Resources G.M. Bernas & Associates Ltd. 2 i: 0 -' ,JO I i< " I, DURHAM rhe Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas Street E. 4th Floor l.ang Tower, West Building Whitby, Ontario Canada, L 1 N 6A3 (410) 728-7731 Fax (416) 436-6612 DR. M.R. MICHAEL, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning ATTACHMENT 2 March 18" 1992 I~(h,:\',;:~',i~,'" i-':;~ rn~ r;;r~' JD), D-.....,~ '"" 'I' ,\ ';1 ~l" of', ' -:' "':':;' ,';':;"i Li ., J.!'r;ll '" I ,v.rt It"'" I " ",1,[,11 ""0 "" u\ ..;;" 1992 Mr. Joe Nissan Newcastle Meadows Inc. 4300 Steeles Avenue West Unit 17 Woodbridge, ontario L4L 4C2 r,o~~~. J;: NE'NCASne PLMhnNG DE?AUTMENT -- Dear Mr. Nissan: ReI Amendment to Draft Approval File No.: 18T-82037 Location: Part Lots 11 & 12 Concession 2 Former Township: Darlington Municipality: Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville) Also Quote Ref. No.: ?71;L:)-j..--' Please be advised that the conditions of draft approval for the subject plan, as issued on March 7, 1989, as amended on July 10, 1990 are hereby further amended as follows: a) Condition 16.a) is deleted and replaced with the following I "16. a) That a master drainage plan for northwest Bowmanville shall be submitted to the Town of Newcastle and the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority for review and approval. The master drainage plan shall demonstrate that the recommended stormwater management controls to be implemented in northwest Bowmanville will not detrimentally impact the former waste disposal site situated on the west side of Bowmanville creek, just north of Jackman Road". ~ b) Condition 16.b) is deleted and replaced with the followingl "16. b) That ""a qualified engineer "shall,certifyin writing to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle, that the stormwater management controls approved for implementation in northwest Bowmanville will not detrimentally impact the former waste disposal site located on the west side of Bowmanville Creek, just north of Jackman Road. 16. c) That, notwithstanding conditions l6.a) and l6.b), Phase II as shown on a plan prepared by J.D. Barnes Limited, reference number 89-25-295- 10, showing 21 lots for single detached units, 14 lota for 28 semi-detached units, 2 blocks for high density residential development and a commercial block, may proceed on the basis of an interim stormwater drainage solution, approved by the Town of Newcastle and the Central Lake ontario Conservation Authority, which will temporarily re-route stormwater runoff to the Soper Creek watershed, provided that the Owner agrees in the Town of Newcastle's subdivision agreement, not to implement the ultimate stormwater drainage scheme until the northwest Bowmanville master drainage plan has been approved in accordance with conditions 16.a) and 16.b " This paper contains recycled material. ,;~ Q Q A TT ACHMENT 2 ,r-:,~ ." , I' '.:....... Page 2 January 8, 1992 Mr. Neil Henderson If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Rick Calhoun (Ext 2127) at this office. Yours truly, ,/J Il /' :!l?J / '1wt~ ~~' ~aul Strassburger District Manager, Lindsay Dist~ict ',Ministry of Natural Resources 322 Kent Street West Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4T7 1-705-324-6121 ~ Calhoun/kt {IIP~. -G.M. Sern~s and Associates C.c. - Town of Newcastle <:~.> \ "'Tfj;1:~ru)tI-'I"-fjUf7i'[:1 ~0'--r:~;j!~,;~1 r~~~==.i -- ^ {tI-~-' . . nEGfCAi r:,:..::;.:;:..:.~!:~~.,..__~' .~ .ry,. ,.,.~. ~_.__. ....,.'......'.. ,.......L I '" 'l'. ":.1 (i',' r t I!'" :- '\n.~"".'" I 1 .'.A.I,...!.... I._._...,-~_.._._._-. .\'~'" ..-'.' . ......... . '..,' 1i:",III, i.,: 1 "-r.I:;,7t:~:~"i';:;-' : iH \.1 I 1) 'i\i}2':..:...(.~::;"';.-2,:;; .-.., ---......-..'......1' "//0 IrA I.;.:;I;;:..:~:-....~;.:;-:;~..,.:'.,..: , - to 0 Lt~ ,....._,...:.. ,.,--- ,., .- , -...-....--.,..., -"I"';-';"'~'-'-".;"0":'" .-:::-/ ~_._---_.--~.-l t:(}i:;lf~II:)..}jl i,',~!' H I~""-, ---,,--"7"'--'- -l ------ . OF I (~.~;~)..!.~...;!;i.~:~2.:~;........ 'ILANf Ilr'Jl'" J :::::!:~::::._- ---.--- '...\1 \ '\ !'lIe .. \__-----:_ _-..-...~"__-......._ _"'___..__~...~...L-_ " :\ ;- (, 7 '"., ,J) I " .' .. ~~ '1 I I , Il II Approximate location of waste disposal site I I I I 'I . o a:: . C) w a:: I I I I I I I I I ..... I ~, ... , c.~ I I I ( . , i; q Ll 1 / r \ .' ~ ~~(c~ll\YlJE~ January 21, 1992 JAN 291992 G.M. Sernas & Assoc. Ltd. Ministry of the Environment ~ 7 Over lea Boulevard, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H lA8 , ,', ',,~;..) ~ttention: Mr. Rodney M. Adams sr. Environmental Officer Dear sir: ATTACHMENT 2 . Semas 'sociates Ltd. C\I1l. ~ n. 1 ~i\DW - -- . tlJM ~_. 01< '_ .... Consulting Engineers t; Planners .....--' \ UJ "--' - ~n - --' __. - 110 Scotia Court. Unit 41 1C ....... _~-....-; Whitby, Ontario II N BY7 "'PY:: -= ~. ,e1<<:phone: (416) 432-7878 Dlt _ __ _- ,.;r., nlo Llr\e: (416) 428-9049 "'1iT _. .,_ .-,~ FlIx: (416) 432-7877 ..-- RE: 1-1. BOWMANvILLE DRAINAGE AREA STORMWATER OUTFALL TO BOWMANVILLE CREEK OUR PROJECT NO. 870l As per the ~orth Bowmanville' stormwater M.anageme.nt compensation study (G.M. Sernas, May, 199~) and the Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainqqe studY (G.M. Se~nas, october, 1989), the North Bowmanville development area is proposed to drain into the Bowmanville Creek approximately 280 metres upstream of the Jackman Road Bailey Bridge (Refer to Drawing 8701 No~ 1 enclOsed). \::;, j'; During the master drainage study, it was learned that a dump site exists near the Bowmanville creek approximately 150 metres upstream of the proposed outfall location west of the creek. This site was investigated and it has been determined that the dump site is a sufficient distance away from the proposed work associated with the outfall, and will not be affected by the drainage proposal. Furthermore, the master drainage study . states that the North Bowmanville development will not cause an increase in peak flows in the' Bowmanville Creek and therefore increased flooding (that . potentially could impact the dump site) will not occur. The study states.. . IITbts can be attributed to the fact that the watershed bas a very low developtnent ratio and most of thB developnwnts m-e located at tbe lowet. rea.ebes of tbe watershed. The timing of peak flows from these doWttstl'Bm1l areas is sueb that tbey will fat' precede those that emanate from the large upstream reacbes of the Bowmanville Creek." pAB For these reasons, .the dump site will not be affected by the drainage proposal for tn~o~ wm' opments. I ~ ~ T;ENTlOtl lJ IJ flI-lA M NO'"," FII, -/1::1 REnldN l);S(JIISS With -. -. "'; _.....1.'t:.:.t...::::...;.;J..__~ ....---- , , ::... _. ': 'l r.:t ~: ;ltj \n :.... 1'lt1(\,':C: 411:111'," -.-....---- . ...------...------- _..__..-.___~ (..JO't) ..It. tlnt:,'!;, to J A N 3 0 1992 r::i,~;2:~~;0:=i:~~.:_.. -__ . . . 2/ __.b;2.~~ ~__~l~~,.::~'.:'::!:~~~~:flil!l' ~::~l~:!, ---~'~~:~~=_ .. I'" ."c,~:>; .:, L;;:::~X~;;/:('~;.~:Y:~~'~~'~~ .__~====:-'."~.._~.~~.:l~!j t J,! I~ G_J!?~==:=~_:~=~{ onAWA '.~,' ,"",\ fl.:' C(HJjES TO MISSISSAUGA WHITBY i: 0 (1 I J \ J " , '~ ,., i'~. i'l ~ : . ,1;'/ h:;,: I,;~ r ., 't~ " , ,1 I -t. :" :.;/~ -' Ministry of the Environment Mr. Rodney M. Adams Jahuary 21, 1~92 Page 2 A T'T ACHMENT 2 G.M. Bernas OA~sociatcs Ltd. . cr C.II"i111nu r."9inWll M.lOOffl In order to satisfy the Region of Durham and Town of Newcastle and expedite development approvals, we require your ~ignature. to indicate your concurrence with th~ contents of this letter. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours very truly, G.M. SERNAS & ASSOCIATES LTD. ~gr. ~ isson, J?Eng. ources Engineer '.~ PS/br L" . '..' ~, Encl." . Sj,qn Back I agree with contained in of July 4, North Bowro the contents of this letter and based on information the Ministry of the Environment letter to G.M. Sernas I have conoluded that the proposed outfall for the vi le Developments will not impact the noted dump site. of the Environment Rodney M. Adams Sr. Environmental Officer Date ~ 1591 ~ Ontario ~ Ministry of Natural Resources Ministere des Richesses naturelles A TT ACHMENT 2 '1, ~ .J I:' .,joi January 8, 1992 Our File: 8553.4(New.4) The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Box 623 Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Attention: Neil Henderson Dear Neil: Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision 18-T-82037 Town of Newcastle Further to our recent telephone conversations, we confirm that the Ministry of Natural Resources reviewed the above noted , ~ ~draft plan of subdivision when it was first circulated in December, 1982. At that time we advised the Region that we had no objection to the approval of the plan. We did not request the imp~sition of any approval conditions. Recently we were requested by the both G.M.Sernas and Associates, and the Region, to clear approval condition 16 (a) which states the following: "That a master drainage plan for Northwest Bowmanville shall be submitted to "",the "'I'own of Newcastle, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources for review and approval. The master drainage plan shall recommend stormwater management methods which will not impact on the waste disposal site on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek in the area of. .Jackman Road." The Ministry of Natural Resources is not prepared to provide any clearance of the above noted condition for the following reasons. 1. This approval condition was never requested by MNR. 2. The wording of the approval condition suggests concern about the possible effects of stormwater flow on an existing or former waste disposal site. The mandate of MNR.does not extend to this type of concern. As a result, we respectfully request that the Region amend the conditions of draft approval to delete reference to MNR since we have no interest in this file. . . /2 (over) .- () 2 ') '"