HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-106-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: KINGSWAY.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # D \~. " \ Res. #,~.jJ/l- 3~-;;J. - 9';;2..... # Date: Monday, May 4, 1992 PD- 106-92 18T-87049 REVISED #: File#: Subject: PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION KINGSWAY MEADOWS & ESTATES LTD. PART LOTS 1 & 2, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TWP. OF EAST WHITBY, CITY OF OSHAWA FILE: 18T-87049 REVISED Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 106-92 be received; 2. THAT the city of Oshawa and Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87049 (Revised) conditional upon the applicant's preparation of a hydrogeological report assessing the proposal's impact on the adjacent area residents' wells within the Town; 3. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the city of Oshawa and Region of Durham Planning Departments; and, 4. THAT the Region advise the Town of Newcastle at such time that draft approval is granted. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Kingsway Meadows & Estates Ltd. 1.2 Agent: Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. 1.3 Plan of Subdivision: To permit development of 184 single family detached units, street townhouse and medium density blocks, separate school, church, park and open space blocks. 1. 4 site Area: 39.7 hectares (98.1 acres) ....2 RECYCLED PAPIER PAPEll RECYCLE TIHS IS PR!IHEnON RECYCLED PAPEH REPORT NO. PD-106 -92 PAGE 2 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands located within the city of Oshawa consist of 39.7 hectares (98.1 acres) on the west side of Townline Road north of Adelaide Avenue East and extending north towards the proposed Rossland Road alignment. In legal terms, the property is known as Part Lots 1 & 2, Concession 2, former Township of East Whitby. 3 . BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS 3.1 The Town of Newcastle has been requested by the Region of Durham Planning Department to provide comments on the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision (18T-87049) as submitted by Kingsway Meadows & Estates Ltd. The Town had commented on the initial plan indicating no objections conditional upon the applicant's preparation of a hydrogeological study determining the development's impact on the existing wells in the vicinity (See attached report PD-266-87). 3.2 Staff conducted a limited internal circulation of the draft plan to solicit further comments. No objections to the proposal were evident. However, the original comments prepared by the Town's Public Works Department are still applicable and state: "that this development may interfere with wells east of the site. This plan of subdivision lies between two watercourses and the limits of the lines of influence for the groundwater basins should be determined. It appears that a portion of this development could provide a recharge area for the wells east of this site and possibly also the wells on Lawson Road. We believe that the developing of these lands and the effect on the neighbouring wells should be carefully considered." 3.3 The Region of Durham currently has a well interference policy in place and would be applicable in the event the wells of Newcastle residents are affected by subdivision ....3 536 REPORT NO. PD-106-92 PAGE 3 development in Oshawa. Notwithstanding) the applicant should be required to prepare a hydrogeological report to assess any potential impact of neighbouring wells so that such base (preconstruct ion) information is available for subsequent monitoring program. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Having reviewed the proposal, Staff offer no objections to the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision (18T-87049) as proposed conditional that the applicant conduct a hydrogeological study to investigate area groundwater flows and mitigate possible impacts on existing wells within the Town's boundaries in the vicinity of the proposed development. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Director of Planning and Development ~Lawrence E. Kotseff Chief Administ,ative Officer RH*FW*cc *Attach Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: city of Oshawa Planning Department 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, ontario L1H 3Z7 Region of Durham Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, ontario L1N 6A3 r:7~/ ,J,) .,.1. ~.'" . ' 1ST - 87049 ( Revised lEE-::.. DRAFT PlAN OF SUBDIVISION PART OF UJTS I al. CONCESSIaI I. rowNSHI' OF EAST WHlTBV _ In tlIo CITY OF ~ . REdlOIiAL MUNtClIW./TY OF DlMWI , -m~,~ ll'illII_l!1Ii1IJffiID) KEY PlAN \ ~ .... I.' \"-.. ......... " ."....-...................... --- 7' .....- \. '.. . .' .. - - ---'1 "IYM'. JMMrr .... 0.....,..... .. -..., UAC'tl.Ay ~ H:M'5I:H do. , ... \ I .IL" '\ t I' I " .. ., I I . I. ~--..--::-:-1 .".,- ~ \'" .. .... ... .,....... ........ --,.... OWNER'S CER1U'lCATE ~........ "_ ~~-::-=:-;:::::=:::: ......... J.,..,.,~~ ........~...~ ~................mATDLMml -r-J:J:.. u;"~~~5r~"" "\ ' ......--e.... '","~'lJ -~ ..:....+ ____~~............. .....) .'. .........~ .........,,' , ~'.r~ ......"f ,,'. .J.....\ " ~:.:..~~~-=~ ....~....~.....~~ r~..:...:.....~:...~..,._"..,...:.I..:.:::<:::..~/~' .f). .==::=:=:,~co:,::..c:;.,n:~":' ,..."","- 1 ...::rr -~~ .... t' i .', '_~_.~~~ _Jl'.""'1'/.~'/ I', ", .r....... '\, --- ~~ - .- ,/,";--/ {"./'\.., . ~~;;sm~:~; .\~ '" ;:::::" , - (, \\ C,:.:.". 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(IOQ.... ~... .... .... ...... t-..... m.. : ~ . ...,...~.~No' . to.... NNW rrrr Wlf1t"/IO.JIIQNTUIllD......... ..06... ~1LOCa''' oos_ lOo/I.II'=ir'" .10.... 1IUlCI(.... ClUlC>t <>1I0Io& " " ,. :.~ ..:'..' " ~ ~. ~, .~I .~, '. .~' ~; I I .l '1. .;' <"'.., ..,"r~. . ,. .~. :~ .: " ., "!. ('c'.,' TOWN O'F'N {W'C'A STCE DN: . 266-87.'..: '. . .....:..4.(r:.)... . J/... ..REPORT File # Res. #. By-Law It. ME" I t-IJ : DAlE: .... : '. REPan #: '. ~ ." '". .. . . SUB.Ecr: . . General Purpose and Administration Committee .Mopoay, 9ctob.~r 19,:,-19?7. '" ... . . .' ~.D-266-81 . ~...~I~: #~ 18T~~!~4~ . . ...... ': PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - FILE: 18T-87049 KINGSWAY MEADOWS AND ESTATES LIMITED PART LOTS 1/2, CONCESSION 2, TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH, CITY OF OSHAWA RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-266-87 be received; and 2. THAT the City of Oshawa and Region of Durham be advised that. the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the proposed draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87049 conditional upon the applicant carrying out a Hydrogeolbgical investigation of groundwater in the area of the subdivision to determine possible effects on domestic and agricultural wells in the vicinity of the plan; and 3. THAT a copy of said report be forwarded to the City of Oshawa and Regional Municipality of Du~ham Planning Depar~ments; and . 4. THAT the Region advise the Town of Newcastle at such time the approval is granted. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: Town of Newcastle Planning Department received a copy of the draft plan of subdivision submitted by Kingsway Meadows and Estates Limited. The subject lands are within Part Lots 1 and 2, COncession 2, adjacent to the westerly limits of the Town of Newcastle between Taunton Road and Highway No.2. . . .2 '-79 )J (~...." ('" t(~) REPORT NO.: PD-266-87 PAGE 2 The proposal would permit the development of 323 single family dwellings of varying size; 20 ,Blocks or 10.5,hectares (26.0 acres) of,~ownhouses, and one , 'Block ,to, b~ developed, in.' corijuricti0n with: adjac:ent, lands, f~r ~edium "dEm,s~ty", " resid~nti~l. Stafr'cond~ct~d a limited in't.~r~~l circulatio~ of'the draft pian for further comments. The Newcastle Public Works Department, in their review, commented: "that this development may interfere with wells east of the site. This plan of subdivision lies between two watercourses and the limits of the lines of influence for the groundwater basins should be determined. It appears that a portion of this development coulQ provide a recharge area for the wells east of this site and possibly also the wells on Lawson Road. We believe that the developing of these lands and the effect on neighbouring wells should be carefully considered." In reviewing the draft plan, Staff would offer no objections to the proposed draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87049 conditional upon the applicants being required to undertake an extensive Hydrogeological investigation to determine subsurface groundwater limits and methods of mitigating any possible impacts on existing wells in the vicinity of the proposed development. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation llUIl.Ll-l-ee T. . Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning Lawrence E. Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer CP*TTE*jip *Attach. October 7, 1987 CC: City of Oshawa Planning Department 50 Centre Street South OSHAWA, Ontario L 1H 3Z7 :) LI 0 .~._-~., ~..............- ...----:: ' ~'" ~'77.: /~ ~t:. f ..'..\ I })<'/' " ~2-1-'- 0~'/' ~~ \~~. ( ~ ,../,....~::". , :, ~ /~ . \ t ',"_. .~...~...: ....: ~ ~. ~~~~. l r~..... eIAocMT :..\ ~:'~~"" .. . I\.;< ..~~ ! 0~.-t-. ..._..... / >\ ...tNd: :'" ~~ t:f..... r--.;;:..... . 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